View Full Version : The quarrel of life or death (starter rp)

Tec Fireheart
Oct 9th, 2001, 06:39:02 PM
Ok, the rules for this rp are, no cussing, no being hard on the new kid, and let all of the other posters of this rp post before posting again and, I think thats all.

Tec was not one to be taken lightly, though he usually was. His lfe was lonely and his parents gone. His heart in peices and his mind in torment. Late one night, in the middle of a dream, he was visited by an avatar (spirit). His thoughts went away and the avatar started talking.
"Young Tec. You have been Chosen to carry out a task fit for you and a few others. This task will take you through the galaxy and to a fate unknown. You will only live through good cooperation and friendship. Tomorrow, when you wake up, go and tell others of this trip and gather up a few people. You must bring a pilot, a Jedi Knight, and a bounty hunter, though the ladder is not nessecary. You will take off at somewhere around dinner time two nights from now, prepared for a long trip. You will set the ship coordinates for Corellia, and there you will find another clue. And work together."
The next day, as soon as Tec woke up, he put up a few posters about the trip and went to pack his stuff.

Oct 12th, 2001, 08:53:57 PM
OOC: ok.. i'm sorta new at this too... so take it easy on me too

IC: :: Jaina walked the halls of the dorms at the university (u didn't give me much of a setting, so bear with me) she tapped on the ajar door of the new guy. :: "hi! can i come in?" :: she said, standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe :::)

Tec Fireheart
Oct 14th, 2001, 07:20:22 PM
"Sure, come on in. Are you here for the trip or a talk with the new guy?"

Oct 16th, 2001, 08:09:10 PM
:: Jaina raised a questioning eyebrow. :: "trip? what trip?"

Tec Fireheart
Oct 16th, 2001, 08:29:34 PM
Tec looked up at the girl. "What's your name, first of all?"
"My name is Jaina Solo. Your name must be, Tec?"
"Yes. Thank you. Now, this trip that I talk of is to Corellia. Now all's we need is well, I actually think we can do just as we are. Just go pack some clothes and meet me in the hangar when you get done, at the ship called Heart of Fire. Well, I guess I'll see you there. And bring your weapons!"

Oct 19th, 2001, 04:44:09 PM
::Jaina looked at Fireheart questioningly. :: "waitaminute buddy, i never said i was gonna go. what's in it for me?"

Tec Fireheart
Oct 19th, 2001, 06:03:21 PM
"Well, let's see here. What's in it for you, eh? Well, ummm. As far as I can see, not too much. Just trust me, it will be a great experience, both ways, and you will learn a lot about yourself. As for money and stuff like that, I'll have to get back to you on it. Answer your question?"

Oct 23rd, 2001, 06:22:04 PM
:: Jai stood up and walked out of the room, saying. :: "sorry, not this time. maybe next time. c'ya around Tec"