View Full Version : To anyone I'm currently in an RP with...

Oct 9th, 2001, 04:23:31 PM
... or anyone I've been planning an RP with:

For personal reasons, I won't be able to RP or be around in general for a while. I'm sorry if this disturbs any other plans, but I really can't do anything right now.

If there is anything non-RP-related anyone needs to tell me, send me an email.

Gav Mortis
Oct 9th, 2001, 04:45:22 PM
Although we haven't currently any roleplays together, I would just like to say take it easy with whatever it is you have going on in your personal life. I know how difficult it can be to commit yourself to roleplaying when so much is going on in real life - so don't worry about this place until your happy with what's truely important.

Hope to see you again in the future - whenever that will be - until then, peace. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 9th, 2001, 11:59:44 PM
Ditto to Gav's statement. Oh, and before I break tradition:


DON'T GO! STAY! *cries* I miss you!

;) seriously, get things back in order, and take your time. We'll always be here when/if you get back.

Jedah Lynch
Oct 10th, 2001, 12:55:28 AM
Come back and RP when you can, we'll all still be here role playing and bickering behind the scenes. But promise you no one will get the other with rusty hooks yet until you do get back....well perhaps promise is too strong a word;) *hides rusty hook*

So.....when you do get back we'll even paint this place up all green(Ogres green and an admin he'll agree to that and we can club the knee caps of anyone who argues otherwise ;) ) and do some Irish jigs! aka dances for those of you who have no idea:)

A couple pints to wash down, it'll be a blast!<img src=http://shadowfacility.clanpages.com/smilies/Mara.gif>

You take care now:)

Taylor Millard
Oct 10th, 2001, 01:08:51 AM
Echos everyone else's comment. Best of luck Delirion. We'll keep the light on for you, you know that.

See ya in a while! Get life sorted out too. And I do hope you come back.

Oct 10th, 2001, 02:23:45 AM
OOC- You're writing and sig making talent will be missed but we all understand how RL can be demanding of our time. I hope you can join us again soon. I may need your sig making skills for another project in the works. How may I contact you? At your board?

Best wishes!

Ogre Mal Pannis
Oct 10th, 2001, 08:49:24 AM
Good luck with everything Del. You'll be missed and thought of during your absence.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 10th, 2001, 08:53:46 AM
I wish you the best in dealing with life, Del. God knows we all need people on our side sometimes.

Oct 10th, 2001, 09:08:07 PM
Didnt get to RP with you at all Del, but maybe when you get back. Take it easy.

Nichos Marr
Oct 10th, 2001, 09:35:00 PM
Reading your RPs and participating in them once in a while was quite an exhilirating experience :) Best of luck to you, and I hope to see you on AIM when things are good for you again. :)

Oct 15th, 2001, 01:31:56 PM
Ah damn - next time I should remember to specify what "a while" means in my case...

Just wanted to say that I'm around - if anyone needs anything - but won't be posting regularly. I'll try to get some things done that I started recently, but I'll have to ask everyone else involved in those RPs for a huge lot more patience than usually.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 16th, 2001, 09:45:06 AM
Clarification is always a good thing :)

Nice to have you back around Del-Chan