View Full Version : Primary Assets. (TSO)

Oct 9th, 2001, 01:54:05 AM
To be filled in once everything is settled and updated.

Gav Mortis
Nov 7th, 2001, 02:36:53 PM
I know these issues have been dealt with prior to this however my time has been strictly limited in the past, eg. I've only just now read the "fleet guidelines draft" thread.

So now I've compiled a list of TSO Fleet and general planetary assets which will no doubt have to be updated, especially regarding planetary assets and ground forces assets. I'll have to account for ground forces at a later date as it involves a great deal of number crunching.

So here's the list and could an admin please paste this information into the Shipyards thread in TSO's forum, which has to be updated. Thanks. :)


<FONT SIZE="3"><U>Naval Assets</U>

<LI>4 Fleets: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Katana.
<LI>481 Capital Ships in total each fitted with the appropriate no. of starfighters.</FONT>

<U>Alpha Fleet: Admiral Roebuck</U>

Flagship: Titan Star Desroyer, Zeus
3 Super Star Destroyers
2 Imperial II Star Destroyers
16 Imperial Star Destroyers
36 Victory Star Destroyers
18 Interdictor Cruisers
48 Imperial Dreadnaughts

<U>Beta Fleet: Premier Romanov</U>
Flagship: Super Star Destroyer, The Kremlin
30 Imperial Star Destroyers
30 Victory Star Destroyers
12 Interdictor Cruisers
48 Imperial Dreadnaughts
30 Marauder Corvettes
30 Carrack Cruisers

<U>Gamma Fleet: Admiral Dyzm</U>
Flagship: Super Star Destroyer, Stormcloud
2 Imperial II Star destroyers
12 Imperial Star Destroyers
18 Victory Star Destroyers
8 Interdictor Cruisers
24 Imperial Dreadnaughts

<U>Katana Fleet: Unnassigned</U>
<LI>200 Imperial Dreadnaughts

<FONT SIZE="3"><U>Planetary Assets</U></FONT>

<U>Planet List:</U>
<LI>New Cov*
<LI>Chad III*
<LI>Nar Shaddaa*
<LI>Nal Hutta*

* indicates that this planet is protected by the TSO standard security measures and facilities.

<U>Standard Security Measures:</U>

<LI>3 GenCore Level III shiled generators.
<LI>3 WAD Regiments and 2 Trooper Regiments
<LI>2 TIE Interceptor Wings
<LI>1 TIE Advanced Wings
<LI>100-300 Planetary Turbolasers
<LI>50-150 Planetary Ion Cannons

<U>Standard Planetary Facilities:</U>

<LI>3 Construction Yards
<LI>3 Droidwork Factories
<LI>3 Trooper Training/Vehicle Assembly Facilities

Note: From what I have read recently, facilities such as droidworks and construction yards have been questioned and opposed. I am open for discussion, but bear in mind these facilities were long completed before these guidelines had been established. I don't particularly wish to abandon these facilities completely but am ready to negotiate on them. Thanks.