View Full Version : Broken Pieces(simi-open)

Kat Kariena
Oct 7th, 2001, 04:50:59 PM
Kat stood on the edge a plataeu looking out over the fields and forests of the planet. Nothing had been right lately. Nightmares had plagued her sleep and bad feelings had plagued the day. She haddn't gotten a restfull nights sleep in months. Nights and days merged almost to the point where she couldn't tell what day it was.

What is going on with me? she thought. She wasn't sure.

You know what is going on, Jedi, a voice in her head hissed in reply.

Who are you? Kat throught back.

You know who I am, Katarina Kariena, the voice answered. I am your worst nightmare, I am the one thing you most fear.

As you said yourself, I am a Jedi. Fear has no hold on me.

Then what are those chains in your nightmares? The ones that hold you to the ground and force you to watch the people die?

I... I can't answer that, Kat answered, still unsure of her own feelings... and that was a feeling she disliked the most.

That's what I thought.

You still havn't told me who you are...

That is for you to discover, for now... lets just say I am your alternate self, the voice in her head hissed as it faded away leaving Kat there to think about what just happened and what was going to happen in the days to come.

OOC: This is semi-open, if anyone wants to join in, Jedi or Sith contact me on AIM or e-mail.

EDIT: *can't spell*

Kat Kariena
Oct 8th, 2001, 12:43:40 AM
This time the chains didn't bind her after she heard the screaming, but the cought her first thing. All she could do was stay there, chained to a wall and watch the people die. It hurt her inside to see all this pain and suffering.

How can I help these people? she thought. They don't deserve this.

You know where to find the answers for that, Jedi, a voice replied.

You again... who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Kat snapped.

Temper temper... You're a Jedi, aren't you suposed to have no feelings?

Jedi have feelings!! And some run deeper than you think! Kat replied sharply. Why are you doing this to all of these people? Why?

Only you know the answer to that, Jedi. Only you.

"NO!" Kat cried out as she sat up on the bunk in her ship she was sleeping in. "Why is this happening?" she muttered as she sat there and cried. "What is comming? What is going on?"

Xanatos Etanial
Oct 13th, 2001, 03:38:05 PM
A short distance away carefully concealed from site a figure sat, his eyes closed down to the ground, every ounce of him focused on his hold into the mind of this poor sad Jedi, she was so lost, so confused. He must show her, the way. Etanial had recently had a dream, a dream in which a dark figure appeared to him and made clear to him for the first time in his life what his purpose was. Yes he had long served the darkside, but now he knew why he had been drawn into it.

He was here to show lost souls the way, the way to the truth that the darkside possessed. He had not chosen Kariena, no, she had been chosen by a greater power. A power beyond even Xanatos's imagination, the dream had pointed him in several directions to several individuals, Kariena being only one of those.

Now she would be shown the path to her own salvation, and X would have the satisfaction to bring this to her.

"Now little Jedi, what is it you feel? I'm closer to you than you even know, I am everything that you are, everything that you hide from the outside world. Let the sceams continue, let the pain flow...

Leave all else behind and find me...

Then you shall have your answers..."

The voice inside of Kariena's head slowly vanished, and Etanial watched her every move through the Force. Was she truly ready to embrace The Way?

Kat Kariena
Oct 13th, 2001, 03:52:07 PM
Kat shook her head, she wanted to prevent what she saw, but the chains kept getting tighter and tighter the more she struggled.

What do you want with me? Why do you keep haunting me like this? Kat thought. She wished the voice in her head and the nightmares would leave her alone, but she knew they wouldn't.

All those years of pain that she thought she had let go of kept comming back to haunt her. At times she just wanted to give in, since the nightmares had started her defences had weakened. Each day that passed it became harder and harder to resist.

Xanatos Etanial
Dec 3rd, 2001, 04:54:43 PM
::He smiled and waited, Kariena would come to him. And then she would find her way::

Kat Kariena
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:31:49 PM
Kat snaped awake and took a deep breath. "I'm going to make it through this," she assured herself as she sat up, even though she wasn't so sure.

Quickly getting ready, she walked out of her ship. I must be going insane... she thought.

"Where are you?" she wispered the voice in her head. "Why won't you let me see you?"