View Full Version : Tpm Dvd

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 5th, 2001, 01:12:23 PM
How many here are going to buy the TPM DVD when it comes out it about 10 days? I already have my copy reserved and can't wait to get it:crack . Also did anybody see the new SW insider that shows the deleted scenes? I can't wait to see the one involving the waterfall that scene looks great actually they all look great :)

Oct 5th, 2001, 01:28:24 PM
Yes I have mine pre-ordered and I cannot wait.

I'm going to be in debt pretty soon (hopefully), so good thing I ordered that TPM DVD when I did! :)

Oct 5th, 2001, 01:28:25 PM
we get it a day before you :mneh

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 5th, 2001, 01:47:14 PM
No Fair how do you guys get it first:\

Oct 5th, 2001, 02:07:10 PM
maybe its an apology for having to wait behind practically every other country for the cinema release. The excuse for no one world- one release for EP2 is subtitling. Bet theyll still shaft us though (Italy got it before us, and a lot of the rest of Europe)

Lord Exar Kun
Oct 5th, 2001, 02:10:31 PM
Just a thought:
I realize that the DVD release is going to be a "Special Edition" and is going to contain two discs of fun and excitement, but isn't it feasible that when the Holy Trilogy is finally released in DVD format, that Lucas will either re-release TPM with more goodies and even possibly a third disc?

I even remember all the rumors of NO Star Wars DVD's being released until the pre-quel trilogy was done and then Lucas was going to release a twelve disc, all-inclusive, comprehensive DVD collection of all episodes I-VI.

I am not going to buy it.
I will rent it, but I am going to wait it out.

I, personally, am getting really tired of buying a DVD when it comes out, and six moths later a new version comes out making my copy obsolete.
The Mummy....six months later: The Mummy Ultimate Edition
The Klumps.....three months later: The Klumps Ultimate Uncensored Edition
American Pie......a year later: American Pie Ultimate Uncensored Version.
This is getting down-right assinine.

Just my opinion.

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 5th, 2001, 02:19:24 PM
I personally doubt he will add much more to it, if get released again there aren't that many scenes left except for those that are under a minute length but who knows what Lucas will do. Still this will not happen for at least 3-4 years so I am not waiting that long to get the DVD.

Mu Satach
Oct 5th, 2001, 04:54:46 PM
As I don't have a DVD player yet I won't be getting it. Most likely I'll be waiting until that "ULTIMATE FINAL EDITION SET!" thing... unless of course God is gracious and I find a way to strike it rich and pay off my debts and the rest of my schooling pronto. :\

Oct 5th, 2001, 05:51:06 PM
Ok. Lucas originally didn't plan to release anf DVDs until Ep 3 was done. It's not there there was an Official Announcement stating that the dvds would be released in 2005 or 2006, what happened was in response to repeated questions, Lucas always responded that he didn't have any plans to think about doing any DVD stuff until Ep 3 was in the can (on the Hard Drive?).

Anyway because of the "I want my DVD NOW!" campaingns, Lucas announced in APRIL 2000, over a year ago, that "the dvds are coming. I can't give a specific date, but we're working on it."

Another reason Lucas decided to release it now was that most of the people who worked on TPM were still around, and it was still fairly fresh in their minds, so now seemed like a better time to do comentaries and finish scenes.

In June of this year the release date for TPM was announced.

Lucasfilm never announced that there woudl be a super duper boxed set with every bell and whistle under the sun, but everyone is assuming that that's what will happen.

They HAVE announced that the DVDs for Ep 2 and 3 will be released in the normal cycle, along with the VHS tapes.

Considerign all the stuff they did for this dvd, they'll probably be workign for a while on the OT DVDs, when they finally do start working on them.

Oct 5th, 2001, 08:19:06 PM
Some smaller retail chains in the U.S. have started to sell the DVD early. This always happens, small stores or chains begin selling items before their official release dates. They either don't care, or something as innocent as an inexperienced sales clerk sells something they shouldn't because they don't know what they're doing. I'll have to wait for mine to arrive in the mail. It'll probably be a few days after the street date, but the price was right so I could care less.

Oct 5th, 2001, 09:49:34 PM
Mine will probably get there Wednesday, not Tuesday, but I'm super busy Tuesday's and it wouldn't much matter if it was there or not anyway. I have a lot to do that week and basically I'm thinking I'll wait until I get home Friday, like home home, to watch the movie in my theater.

"This is getting down-right assinine."

I agree with that. Ugg, this has happened to me many times now and it's not too fun. Terminator 2, now Terminator also, then Total Recall (there is a new kind of tin case with a special edition DVD thingie), and there are other movies where this has happened too I just don't remember them all. It's frustrating every time...

With TPM though, come on, it's worth it! Even if a much better DVD comes out later, that is going to be about five to six years later, definitely six or more I'd say actually. Plus, the TPM DVD is the best ever -- that is the obvious consensus. I have read the reviews and even people who thought the movie was only mediocre call the DVD the best ever made. It's also the most expensively produced too. It'll rock.