View Full Version : The Fallen

Oosa Feddra
Oct 4th, 2001, 03:56:46 PM
(Muunilinst was once the financial heart of the Empire in the years following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. It had been dubbed "Moneyland" by various Imperial officers. The planet was well known back in the days of the Old Republic, despite its distance from the core worlds. In its glory day, Muunilinst had been protected by a pair of Golan III defense platforms that floated in orbit above the planet.

As history progressed, Muunlinst found its way into the hands of the New Republic. Although it was in "Imperial Remnant" space as most considered, the planet continued to be governed by the New Republic. Finally the citizens of Moneyland had a chance to live peaceful and respectful lives. Slaughters and Imperial demonstrations did not occur, and the economy was thriving.

That was until, they came. The Yuuzhan Vong, a race of extragalactic beings, were not well known throughout the Galaxy. Those who did know them, and what they stood for feared them. A barbaric race of scarred aliens with warped morals and a serious honor system, they were indeed formidable foes. Their ships were capable of hyperspace travel, and they hated machines.

The Galactic Empire declared war on the Yuuzhan Vong. Mysteriously after a month or so into the war, the extragalactic creatures disappeared. One had to wonder if they would come back, stronger then ever. Since then, the Empire had not claimed the planet of Muunilinst. The New Republic, after receiving assurances that the Yuuzhan Vong had deserted the place sent Special Forces Agent Oosa Feddra and three Cargo Ferries, a squadron of X-wings and a Bulk Transport to carry supplies, and medical support to those who needed it. If there was anyone left...)

"Agent Feddra, we will be arriving at Muunilinst in fifty minutes."

(A short but stocky officer replied to the Agent who was peacefully residing in one of the Cargo Ferry's lounge area. Oosa Feddra himself was a Gungan warrior, recruited into the New Republic long ago. He viewed the Empire as an unjust race of beings with evil intentions. But compared to the Yuuzhan Vong, the Empire were as friendly as Ewoks.

Oosa just simply nodded to the Officer and kept silent. He went over the mission outline which he was forced to memorize twenty hours ago. If there was still extragalactic presence on the planet, Oosa would have to deploy the troops on the Bulk Transport. Oosa shivered at the thought of fighting a muscled being like the Yuuzhan Vong. He'd seen the reports filed by various officers on them. They were ugly beings, tattooed and scarred all over their body.

The Gungan's thoughts wandered back to his home on Naboo. Feelings of nostalgia and childhood memories filled his head. The Empire had declared Naboo as belonging to them, after stationing troops on the planet. The Gungans had put up a fight, but the Imperials overpowered them, a thousand fold. Oosa's brother had died in a resistance effort, but the rest of his family survived. The Gungan escaped aboard an Imperial supply freighter, but his family was still left behind, stranded...He wondered how they were doing.)

"One daysa, Oooosa will return to de Gungan."

(He allowed himself a smile, and decided to catch up on some sleep for the next half hour. He would need all the energy he could muster to help bring peace and prosperity back to Muunilinst.)

Oosa Feddra
Oct 4th, 2001, 08:56:20 PM
(Oosa was strapped securely in his seat when the Cargo Ferry exited hyperspace. Although there were no windows in the lounge, he could imagine the starlines shorten back into the little bright specks, as they were before the journey into hyperspace. Immediately, the Gungan braced himself and waited in silence. He was worried that a Yuuzhan Vong flotilla would be waiting in orbit of Muunilinst to engage and battle them.

The commlink buzzed to life and the Captain's voice filled the whole ship. He assured the passengers and crew aboard that they were detecting no Yuuzhan Vong ships, or any ships in the area on their scanners. Oosa gave out a relieved sigh. The fact was that these ships were not equipped with heavy weapons and would be ripped apart by plasma projectiles in seconds. Even the X-wing squadron that was escorting them was not enough to deal with a fleet.

Oosa unbuckled his seatbelt and strided toward the bridge of the ship. He wanted to see Muunilinst from space before they entered the atmosphere. As he stepped into the six meter wide room, he immediately caught sight of the enormous planet that slowly filled the viewscreen. Oosa noted that two other Cargo Ferries were in front of their own. As he stepped further toward the viewport, he caught glimpse of a few X-wing fighters on either side of the convoy.)


(Oosa turned around clumsily and faced a rather tall man before him. Almost as tall as Oosa, the man was about 6'5". Oosa identified him as Captain Valos. Recently demoted for a laundry list of reasons, the Captain was sent on this mission as a "punishment". Instead of fighting some Galaxy-wide attack, or sending a fleet to settle a dispute or quench an uprising, Valos had been sent with a clumsy Gungan to help a dying world. At least that was the way Valos viewed it.)


(Oosa asked the Captain. The Gungan viewed this mission as an oppurtunity to help those in need. He wondered if there were any Gungan slaves on Muunilinst. Oosa doubted it very much so. Gungans rarely left Naboo to travel the Galaxy. Oosa figured he would have never left the peaceful planet, had he not been forced out.)

"Agent Feddro."


"Ahh yes, Feddra. I advise you take a seat while we enter the atmosphere. The impact would send you into the wall, and that would not be good for either of us."

(The Gungan nodded solemnly and walked over to the nearest empty seat. He strapped himself in and watched as the ship changed its approach vector. Oosa felt the slight impact of the atmosphere, and was pushed back in his chair from its force. Almost theresa... The Gungan thought to himself.)


"Disa place don't look so goodsa."

(Oosa exlaimed as he surveyed the area. Before he had exited the Cargo Ferry, the scientists aboard the Bulk Transport had conducted various tests on the air and soil quality. It seemed the Yuuzhan Vong had not released any infectious or toxic particles into the air. Soon after, most began to de-board their ships.

Oosa would be orchestrating a search party in the perimeter of the nearby city...or what was left of it. The Yuuzhan Vong had been thorough in devastating the city. Oosa only hoped they could find survivors and treat them immediately. Several bacta tanks and medics had been brought along for the sake of the survivors in need of quick and serious healing. Bacta, the miracle drug would most likely produce a few miracles on Muunilinst, Oosa hoped.)

"Agreed. What do you suggest we do, Oosa?"

(The deep voice emerged from a man standing next to Oosa. The Gungan had worked with Lieutenant Tharen before. The man was Corellian, and one of the very few that actually treated Oosa with dignity and respect. Most others laughed at the way he speaked, or his humongous ears. Oosa didn't let the taunts get to him though. He was only interested in furthering the cause of a just Government that cared for its people and their well being.

Muunilinst on the other hand did not look so good. The air was filled with a hazy fog, and farming fields not far from the city were desolate and dead. Oosa figured nothing would grow there for a very long time. This picture saddened him. How could beings do such a thing? What drove the malevolence in others to commit this acts of hate?

Oosa bowed his head in thought for a moment. With a quick sweep, he unsheathed his battle spear and held it with one hand. Oosa was poised in a marching position.)

"Wesa gunna head to de towno."

(He pointed to the desolate ruins of the city. The Lieutenant agreed with a smile and commanded his men onward. Oosa followed with a small sense of hope building within.)

Oosa Feddra
Oct 6th, 2001, 08:51:14 PM
(The citadel that once thrived was even worse then scorched plains. Oosa cringed at all the dead bodies, now reduced to skeletons, amidst the rubble of buildings that once stood tall. Vermin scurried out of their respective hiding places, while Oosa's men began to move the rubble out of the way, providing the soldiers a clear path throughout the city. The Gungan held his vibro-spear closely, expecting an enemy to jump out and attack him, at any time.

Oosa took a step forward, but just as soon he stepped on something hard. It jabbed into the Gungan's webbed foot, causing him to cry out in pain. Immediately, he dropped his spear and grabbed his foot hopping up and down, shouting profanities in Gungan. Oosa slipped from hopping on only one foot and fell backward, knocking a soldier to the floor as well. His ears flopped over his eyes, blinding him.

The Gungan brushed one of his ears away to see what had stabbed him in the foot. It looked to be...a broken credit. Oosa pulled it out of his foot with a slight yelp and surveyed it closely. It was a credit all right, but what had broken it in half? Credits were made of durable metals, and could not be broken so easily.)


(Oosa turned his head and realized he had been sitting on the soldier's leg all this time. The Gungan quickly stood up and helped the soldier up. He gave him a slight, nervous smile, apologizing for his clumsiness. The soldier looked a little disgruntled, probably wondering why this Gungan was ever let near the New Republic Special Forces. Oosa called a few soldiers over and began to pick up rocks where he had first stepped on the credit. His long lanky hands dug into a black hole and retrieved more credits. He showed the rest of the soldiers, and they began to help him dig up the enclave.)

"Deesa musta been a banko."

(The soldiers were doing a good job of moving the wreckage out of the way. They had discovered a deep enclave that led underground. Oosa estimated it was at least 15 meters deep, but he was never too good at estimating numbers. He dedicated at least twelve of his soldiers to uncovering more of these credits and bringing them back to the Bulk Cruiser.

The Gungan moved onward, followed closely behind by a couple of soldiers. He wished they had some kind of map of the city, but he couldn't access one.)


(Oosa turned his head around and stared into a dark alleyway between two buildings that were still standing. He'd heard a sound, but couldn't see anything. The Gungan walked down a hill of rubble, only a few meters away from the entrance, which looked like a maw, wanting to swallow Oosa up. The Gungan brandished his vibro-spear.)


(He asked innocently. No response came, no sounds either. The Gungan turned his back and began to walk back up the hill of rubble. He wondered to himself if he was hearing things, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread. Something or someone had been watching him, and probably still was. Oosa couldn't be too sure...)

"Yousa guys watch out for predators."

(He told the 3 soldiers waiting for him atop the hill of rubble. They all nodded in agreement.)

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 6th, 2001, 10:07:00 PM
*Mhalbrecht then stepped from the shadows where he had hid.*
"Ah, yes, a Gungan.
You are just as Vader described. He knew General Binks. A great man. A little clumsy, but a great man. Alow me to introduce myself. I am Mhalbrecht Dalarsco."