View Full Version : The Fate of the Galaxy: Ord Mantell

Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:29:18 AM
Out of the abyss of hyperspace, an enormous structure emerges, setting upon an inexorable course to the strongest planet in the Sith Empire, Ord Mantell. The ship, if it could be so called, was a jumble of various objects that seemed to have been assembled onto themselves in a manner that suggested the design was foolish. Hulls of derelict craft and other bits of space wreckage could be seen, forming a jumbled and shapeless weapon.

This assumption was unwise. The AI goddess IMPLEMENT had forseen the creation of this 12.8 kilometer long fortress. It was known simply as a Reaver...an automated instrument of death that had no other intrinsic capacity. Since her banishment from Coruscant a year ago, she had longed for revenge, plotting to tear all foolish carbon-based life forms from their pitiful control of that which belonged to her. Their feeble powers were wasted warring against each other. Such inefficient creatures...they would even be inadequate for servants. Annihilation was the only due course. While looking haphazard and quite unpleasing to the eye, the ship was tailored with perfection to complete its tasks.

On the periphery of the Ord Mantell system, the Reaver slowed its speed, and prepared to enter the system to deliver its lethal rain of firepower upon the Sith homeworld, breaking their will and ability to fight back against inevitability.

Oct 3rd, 2001, 09:26:51 PM
The heart of the Bright Jewel.

That was what the bustling world of Ord Mantell was known as before it plummeted into decadence. Once one of the pinnacle of galaxy trade worlds before new hyperspace routes brought more valuable worlds into the fold during the Old Republic rendering Ord Mantell too insignificant to be a part of the galaxy commerce. It became a caterer for rogues, outlaws, and of course hunters. A stop-over to re-supply their crafts, "promulgate" their shadowy dealings, and hear the latest gossip. Not to mention Ord Mantell was a great host to all forms of gambling... some of which is too irreprehensible to mention.

Today Ord Mantell is occupied by The Sith Empire, the largest order of darksiders ever formed in history. The Empire's influence spans far beyond their home worlds. Tassk departs his craft, Hound's Tooth II, entering one Ord's spaceports. The presence of smugglers, slicers, and even hunters has dropped drastically. Now the spaceports are bustling with civilians, legitimate business persons, and military personal. Even a Sith or two.

The overhead speakers announces dryly that the outer areas of TSE space have been aggressively invaded by a unidentified naval armada. The coordinates to this conflict are announced over the speakers and that all civilian and business craft will be re-routed or cancelled.

The trandoshan hunter grunts at the news as he is not planning on leaving Ord Mantell any time soon as he has just arrived. He is here to meet with one Baras Kryler...

DESIGNATE Kavaal 792
Oct 4th, 2001, 01:01:55 PM
A broad-band transmission was sent from the Reaver, overriding all comm frequencies and temporarily interrupting all forms of communication around the planet.

<font color=0099CC>IMPLEMENT.command.directive.

You.will.lower.your.shields.and.prepare.to.be.purg ed.



The enormous Reaver closed in on the Sith Empire planet, preparing to move into standard orbit.

Varlon Konrad
Oct 14th, 2001, 01:23:55 PM
"This is the Ord Mantell home defense corps headquarters speaking. You have thirty seconds to begin withdrawal or we will open fire upon your vessel. This is not an idle threat."

Down on the planet, the quartet of planetary shield generators hummed to life, encasing the planet in a powerful shield while the orbiting defense platforms began tracking the massive Reaver, awaiting the command to open fire.