View Full Version : The Fate of the Galaxy: Carshoulis Prime

Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:22:01 AM
Out of the abyss of hyperspace, an enormous structure emerges, setting upon an inexorable course to the strongest planet in the Cizerack Pride: Carshoulis Prime. The ship, if it could be so called, was a jumble of various objects that seemed to have been assembled onto themselves in a manner that suggested the design was foolish. Hulls of derelict craft and other bits of space wreckage could be seen, forming a jumbled and shapeless weapon.

This assumption was unwise. The AI goddess IMPLEMENT had forseen the creation of this 12.8 kilometer long fortress. It was known simply as a Reaver...an automated instrument of death that had no other intrinsic capacity. Since her banishment from Coruscant a year ago, she had longed for revenge, plotting to tear all foolish carbon-based life forms from their pitiful control of that which belonged to her. Their feeble powers were wasted warring against each other. Such inefficient creatures...they would even be inadequate for servants. Annihilation was the only due course. While looking haphazard and quite unpleasing to the eye, the ship was tailored with perfection to complete its tasks.

The enormous warship slowed to a crawl upon the periphery of the Carshoulis cluster. The Cizerack were a concentrated race of carbons, and their extermination would be eased by this fact. The Reaver began to gather all combat data of the ships in the area, ready to attack the homeworld.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Oct 4th, 2001, 12:58:31 AM
The Huntress Admiral spun in her chair aboard the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre', as the tactical officer called for her attention.

Tactical Officer: Admjirrral! jIncommjing vessssssel, headjing forrr ourrr posssjitjion. jIt jisss heavjiljy arrrmorrred.

The Admiral spun, gesturing to the screen before her.

On ssscrrreen.

The site that greeted her was not a welcome one. The ship was a mangle of wires and tubing. It resembles a cobling of parts that a child would have constructed. She looked at the paneling beside her, reading over the information the sensor sweep had gievn them. Though the ship look flimsy, it did indeed hold heavy armorment and firepower.

This was no doubt the threat they had received in the form of a message a week ago. She snarled, showing her sharp canines.

She turned to look at her comm officer.

Deplojy all rrremajinjing Cjizerrrack battle ssshjipsss to prrrotect the planet. jI don't want anjythjing gettjing thrrrough. Launch half ourrr fjighterrrsss. Keep the otherrr half arrround thejirrr motherrr shjipsss.

And open a channel, wjide djisssperrrsssal.

The comm officer did as she was told. Once the channel was open she nodded her head to the Admiral. The Admiral cleared her throat, though it sounded more like a growl.

Unjidentjifjied vessssssel. jYou have trrressspassssssed jinto Cjizerrrack terrrrrrjitorrrjy. Ceassse jyourrr advancment and ssstate jyourrr busssjinesss, orrr be fjirrred upon.

jYou wjill have no furrrtherrr warrrnjingsss.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Oct 4th, 2001, 01:57:15 AM
The Cizerack ships of the line formed up, preparing for imminent confrontation. In all, there were twenty-six Korri-class battlegalleons...two having only recently been constructed. These ships were left unpainted, and with most crew amenities left out, and sent straight to the front lines...with crews that were hastily promoted and reassigned. The battlegalleons formed into three consecutive lines, spreading wide. The first line of eight ships aligned themselves parallel with Admiral Arreearruu's flagship. The second line of nine ships formed approximately 20,000 kilometers aft, as did the third line, also of nine warships. All larger warships began to arm their main weaponry, especially the powerful Cizerack Gorroka particle cannons. A volley of four was sufficient to depolarize an imperial star destoyer's shielding...but their enemy possessed shielding far greater. Even with 58 shots possible within the span of a single volley...the recharge time of five minutes was a dangerous span to deal with...even with support from the 48 Seeva gunships in the Hunter Fleet. These smaller vessels scrambled to the front lines, as did swarms of Keerta class fightergrapplers, accompanied by a motley assortment of X-wings, TIE fighters, TIE interceptors, and TIE bombers, all providing a cushion for the larger ships to charge their guns. Further back, towards the homeworld, several other ships could be seen, although their design were clearly not Cizerack, and they appeared to not be moving. Nearby, the massive structure of a subspace emitter dish could be seen, the device having been built to test theoretical faster-than-light propulsion measures.

The Cizerack call to arms was fierce, but desperate. Their small royal state was ill-suited for such a monstrous enemy...however, the felinoids were determined todrive the evil invaders from their homeland.

Assaurreei Cassarreessa
Oct 4th, 2001, 01:02:00 PM
::Assaurreei's claws left deep grooves in the wood of her desk as reports came across her computer terminal. She had heared reports of such a creature but had never been faced with one. She growled as she got reports on the invading ship. These creatures would find that the Cizerack were not easy targets and wouldn't go down without a fight. As she was finishing reading the status reports the hunter forces were mobilizing. She wouldn't have admitted it to anyone but she was worried. The Cizerack were businesspeople not warriors, though their physical prowess suggested otherwise.

While her function was to primarilly serve as a trade viceroy and diplomat Assaurreei did not shirk from physical combat when it was necessary. In fact there were days she would have prefered ripping someone to shreds instead of sitting peacefully at the barganing table.

She heared Admiral Arreearruu's declaration to the approaching warship and her fur rippled. The Cizerack had lived in relative seclusion with no one threatening their world. This was a rude awakening to the fact that not all in the galaxy were content to let them trade in peace.

Assaurreei headed down to the discussion room which was normally used for negotiations but had been transformed into a makeshift war room in light of the circumstances. She could feel the sense of chaos that lay right below the surface. This was going to be a long day.::

DESIGNATE Kavaal 792
Oct 4th, 2001, 01:08:31 PM
A broad-band transmission was sent from the Reaver, overriding all comm frequencies and temporarily interrupting all forms of communication around the entire Carshoulis Cluster.

<font color=0099CC>IMPLEMENT.command.directive.

You.will.lower.your.shields.and.prepare.to.be.purg ed.



The enormous Reaver closed in on the Cizerack Homeworld of Carshoulis Prime, drawing closer to the amassed Hunter Fleet that lay in between it and utter conquest.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 5th, 2001, 11:05:30 PM
Kajeela stood off to the side of the main bridge, watching Admiral Arreearruu direct the massive Battle ship Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' with confidence. The Director of the Kei'Ai Reei was well pleased to witness it. The threat from the invaders was very real and probably the worst they had encountered that Tarruurri could remember...and her memory was long. Watching the Admiral, she could see that Arreearruu was in her element and rising to the challenge in true Cizerack style. This is the glory of the Pride. This is the heights we must aspire to.

The Director was a military officer, but her war was waged in a far different arena. Not full-front confrontation as in battle - though she was more than capable in this area - but more subtle, and every bit as deadly.

Be that as it may, she was here to serve the Pride and fight this threat to their home world in every way possible.

The ulitmatum from the Reaver was broadcast on wide frequency and all waited in disciplined silence for the Admirals next directive.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Oct 13th, 2001, 11:39:26 PM
The Admiral smirked slightly, baring her teeth and ordered the deployment of three squadrons of TIE Interceptors and ten Squadrons of TIE Fighters, along with two of their heavily armed cruisers to the front of the line.

She answered the transmission with a curt reply.

We wjill NOT compljy to jyourrr demandsss. Thjisss jisss Cjizerrrack held ssspace, and jYOU arrre the jintrrruderrrr.

With that she turned to the comm officer.

Ssshut powerrr down to all jincomjing, unauthorrrjized trrransssmjissssssjionsss. jI don't want to hearrr that vojice desssicrrrate thjisss ssshjipsss hallsss agajin.

Advjize the fleet we wjill be usssjing tjight band communjicatjionsss, jin the Cjizerrrack code.

Her ears had laid back against her head, the only sign that she was angery and displeased with having her home system invaded by this alien. But her mind was clear and sound for the battle ahead.

She watched the ships she had designated to the front, zoom past her ship. For a commander, it was always hard to send comrades into battle where she knew she would not see some of them again in this life. They would fight to the death to save their homeworld and safeguard the Pride Mother's honor. As would she. It was their duty. It was the warriors way. It was the Cizerack's way.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Oct 14th, 2001, 10:03:15 AM
The vastly-maneuverable TIEs screamed forward to the vanguard of the defensive formations, and began to spray laser fire across the Reaver's hull, while the Seela'Iro'Iro' and Nandi'Iro'Iro' came to an all-stop, just shy of four kilometers from the massive vessel.

On board the Seela'Iro'Iro' the bridge was deathly quiet, and all eyes fixed on the forward viewscreen. They had to get close...so close for their weapons to work. Huntress Captain Hessarreei clasped her hands together, and waited with held breath.

"Sssteadjy...." she warned the helmsman.

"Hold courrrssse.....prrreparrre forrr bombarrrdment. Ssstand bjy to ssswjitch deflectorrrsss to full frrront."

The two battlegalleons launched their complement of keerta fightergrapplers, which joined the TIE assault. The combined four Gorroka cannons and turbolasers of the capital ships stood ominously silent.

"Fjirrre!" Hessarreei snarled. At unison, both ships lurched backwards as their Gorroka weapons activated, pummeling the Reaver's forward shielding with massive waves of particle energy. Immediately after firing...the battlegalleons opened up with their turbolasers and warheads, switching their deflectors to full-front, and their engines to full-reverse....moving their slow warships out of the Reaver's destructive path.