View Full Version : The Fate of the Galaxy: Corellia

Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:19:09 AM
Out of the abyss of hyperspace, an enormous structure emerges, setting upon an inexorable course to the strongest planet in the Sith Order, Corellia. The ship, if it could be so called, was a jumble of various objects that seemed to have been assembled onto themselves in a manner that suggested the design was foolish. Hulls of derelict craft and other bits of space wreckage could be seen, forming a jumbled and shapeless weapon.

This assumption was unwise. The AI goddess IMPLEMENT had forseen the creation of this 12.8 kilometer long fortress. It was known simply as a Reaver...an automated instrument of death that had no other intrinsic capacity. Since her banishment from Coruscant a year ago, she had longed for revenge, plotting to tear all foolish carbon-based life forms from their pitiful control of that which belonged to her. Their feeble powers were wasted warring against each other. Such inefficient creatures...they would even be inadequate for servants. Annihilation was the only due course. While looking haphazard and quite unpleasing to the eye, the ship was tailored with perfection to complete its tasks.

The monstrous vessel trundled forward in sublight speed, preparing to extinguish all life, Sith or not, from the planet Corellia, throwing the Sith Order into a panic they would never recover from.

Lady Vader
Oct 4th, 2001, 01:20:20 AM
*The claxons assailed her as she ran down the hallway towards the coom station within the Palace. Just only a few days ago, she and Anbiraa had dispatched, and rather messily, a cyborg that had crashed landed on Corellia. No doubt a prelude to what was to come. And it appeared what was to come, was here.*

*She reached the comm and inquired as to what was going on. The comm officer, though a bit shaken by what he had seen, kept his voice calm.*

Ensign: Mistress, a large vessel has just dropped from hyperspace and is headed for the planet. Estimated time of arrival: 20 minutes. It appears to be an assortment of technology making up the vessel. We can't pin it's exact make.

*She pushed the Ensign asside impatiently and looked at the readings herself. What she saw made her blood run cold.*

*Instantly, she grabbed for the comm and began barking orders into it. All ships were to be deployed. She declared the status RED. All capitol ships in orbit were to intercept said approaching vessel and engage it if it became hostile.*

*On a seperate comm channel, she ordered all fghter groups to be deployed, fanning them out to make a sort of protection grid between the approaching vessel and the planet. The planet's shields were up and running at full power, while the orbital gun turrets and land lazer and ion cannons were fired up and ready.*

*She took a breath momentarily before continuing. She told the captain of her flag ship, the cloaking ISD, Shadow Hunter, to take the cloaking fleet and position them in a triangle that would surround the alien vessel if it got past the other capitol ships. They were to go in cloaked and attack if the vessel showed no slowing on it's course. She informed the captain that she would not be able to join him due to the fact the planetary shields were up.*

*When she had finished relaying all the orders she could think of, she handed the controls back to the Ensign.*

Keep me appraised, Ensign. I'll have my comm on.

*When she turned around to leave and head out of the Palace, she nearly colided with Anbiraa, who had been silently standing at the door.*

*She looked at him.*

I suppose you saw and heard everything?

*She didn't wait for him to answer.*

We should be outside. If those things get past our defense grid, we're gonna need to be in a place where we can take care of them... in our own style.

Live Wire
Oct 4th, 2001, 11:46:34 AM
Live Wire was walking out of the training room as the alarms went off in the Palace. Status red, time to get worried. She stopped at a computer terminal in the hallway and entered her security codes. What she saw made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. There were very few things the sith mistress was afraid of and this was one of them.

After a quick check on the status of the planetary defenses she broke into a run heading back to her quarters. Swearing to herself she opened the secret wall behind her closet revealing her weapons stash. Lightsabers, blasters, and several interesting looking knives she'd taken from victims across the galaxy.

She changed quickly and walked out of the closet a blaster attactched to each thigh and knives stuck down inside her boots where she could easilly reach them. Two lightsabers were attached to her belt and she took comfort in their wieght slapping against her leg as she walked.

Entering Ariel's room she picked up the little girl and took her to her handmaiden's room. Ariel could sense her mothers worry and stayed quiet as they rushed down the hallways. Catherine left her daughter with a kiss on the forehead and strict instructions for her handmaid to take her down into the deeply secured sublevels of the palace and stay there. They couldn't help with the fighting should the situation escalate to that point and she would worry less if she knew they were out of the way.

As she continued down toward the command center she happened to glance out the window and see Lady Vader and Anbirraa heading out of the main palace entrance. It wasnt surprising LV was more of a hand to hand combat person and thats what they would need right now. LW personally felt more in control in the war room and should the need arise she would join LV later. She just hoped it wouldnt get that far.

Taylor Millard
Oct 4th, 2001, 07:55:16 PM
"Captain," The Bridge Officer said, "We're getting some funny readings here."

Captain Tomar narrowed his eyes, "Care to explain your 'funny readings', Leftenant?"

The Lieutenant nervously looked towards the older captain, "Well..."

"What is it?" Tomar's anger flared, then quieted, "Just tell me what your readings say, Lieutenant. No one will shoot you."

Inwardly, Tomar was still angry. The Sith Order has given us a few cadets for us to train while they build more ships. These fools know nothing. If I didn't think we'd be able to help them...

"We have a-a massive ship coming out of hyperspace, sir. Nothing I've even s-s-seen be-before," The man stammered, "I-it matches nothing in o-our com-computers sir. W-we've never seen it before."

Tomar walked the ailse to the Lieutenant, staring down at his readings. The ship was massive indeed. 90 kilometers long and who knows how wide. The Imperial Captain crossed his arms and scowled.

"Transfer this information to a data pad. I will take it to the Admiral, myself. I'm certain he'll want to see this."

Tomar strode down the ramp to the door to Millard's study, knocking on the door. He waited patiently a few minutes, before hearing Millard acknowledge Tomar, and entering.

Millard stood behind his desk, his back to Tomar staring at the stars. For once, art did not circle the room. Instead, various different sculptures stood stationary. The Captain eyes one sculpture of a woman with wings, leaning back while running.

"I take it you have the information regarding the ship entering this sector," Millard kept his back turned to his second in command.

"Yes sir," Tomar set the data pad down on the mahogony desk, "The ship is 90 kilometers long but it is uknown how wide. Shall I order an attack, sir?"

Millard slowly turned around. Tomar noticed the black eye on the face of the Sith Knight.

"Admiral, you eye?" Tomar started.

Taylor waved the captain off, "Training. I was caught off guard. I try not to use the Force when sparring with non-Force users."

Tomar did not press any further. Non-Force users? Hmm...

"Analysis of the ship-the very brief one we have- matches the one you encountered on Corellia earlier. Shall I have all pilots to their fighters?"

Millard shook his head, "No...no. Call Jaranda and Thomas in here. And inform Captain Laran she is to come in as well. Get Flight Commanders Stark and Jyyt up here too. We will need their experience in the cockpit as well.

"Contact the other ships in the area too. See if we can get any information on this ship. If The Sith Order has encountered this ship before, let us hope, they have defeated it beore.

"We will meet at 1300 hours. Dismissed, Captain."

Tomar turned and exitted the study. Taylor took a deep breath, then stared back out towards space again.

Taylor Millard
Oct 6th, 2001, 02:05:25 AM
"All right everyone," Millard spoke to the crowd in his study, "What do we know about this IMPLEMENT?"

His eyes roamed the six standing before him. All of them, save for the Captain Serena Laran, he'd served with for a long time. All good men (and women), all people he trusted (in one way or another).

Ed Stark, the flight commander spoke up, "All TIE Fighters are standing by sir. We have 4 wings of TIE Advanced and 5 wings of TIE Bombers standing by."
"The outer hull," Tomar reported, "Is made of various different ships. Star Destroyers, Freighters, Mon Calamari Cruisers, and other assorted craft. We're unsure if there are any shuttle bays or fighter launch bays, but we're proceeding with caution."

"Be sure," Millard said, his gloved hands pressing together in a thoughtful gesture.

"If I may," a female voice spoke. It was Captain Laran.

"Yes Captain, go ahead," Millard spoke semi-pleasently.

Laran spoke, "It might be good, to get a team of commandos on the IMPLEMENT ship. Find a power source and destroy it from within."

Jaranda spoke out quickly, "We haven't gotten the information from TSO yet. We don't know what to expect. My sources tell me this 'IMPLEMENT' came was last year. They haven't told me how it was defeated, though.

"It's a two person group, IMPLEMENT and SHODAN. SHODAN we haven't heard reports of. Intelligence assumes it's been destroyed. As we've seen before, they can launch probes of robotic creatures, cyborgs pretty much. They cannot take a lightsaber strike, and can survive only a few blasts of a blaster or a repeater rifle. So..."

"What you're saying," Thomas stated, "We may have to send the Admiral in on the group."

"Or a few Jedi," Laran spoke again, "If they were to die, casualties of war. Any strengths?"

"Some appear to have Force abilities as well," Millard put in. In meetings such as this, Taylor rarely put in an opinion. He preferred to see if his crew could come to the same conclusion he did. And so far, they had.

"Outside of that," Jaranda said, placing a data pad on Taylor's desk. It contained specs of the Designate, "They have enhance strength, vision, and hearing. Limited agility, but look at their benefits."

Tomar nodded his head, looking at his fiance. Indeed they did have enhanced strength. I'm not sure I like idea of Millard going to destroy this computer program from the inside. But he's the boss. I wonder if this is an isolated event or is IMPLEMENT attacking everyone?

His brown eyes moved towards the GMA Liason. Tomar noticed Captain Laran had several bruises on her face. Was she sparring with Taylor? He did say, 'Non Force users'. Interesting...

He turned his attention back to the Dark Jedi, "We'll reconveen at 1700 hours," Taylor stated, his blue eyes flashing, "I shall contact the other Sith Order ships and find out what I can about them. If possible, I'll see if they will meet here. Stark, Jyyt- keep your squadrons ready. If the Sith Order decides not to mee here...we'll proceed with our plan. Dismissed."

As the Officers left,the Admiral said, "Captain Laran, stay here for a minute."

Thirty Minutes later, Millard hailed Lady Vader and Mistress Live Wire.

"Do we have a plan on confronting this menace yet? If not...I do." He waited their replies or from anyone else associated with the Sith Order.

Premier Romanov
Oct 7th, 2001, 03:18:02 PM
Suddenly, several ships emerged from hyperspace. 23 Imperial Star Destroyers, 48 Victory Star Destroyers, 60 Dreadnaught's and two Interdictor Cruisers. It was beta Fleet. A transmission came through to Millard's vessel. It was the Admiral onboard TSO-B-ISD-002...

"Admiral Millard, This is Admiral Thaves. Has Premier Romanov returned yet? I repeat. Has Premier Romanov returned yet? Over?"

Taylor Millard
Oct 7th, 2001, 07:42:14 PM
"Admiral Thaves," Taylor spoke, taking a seat in his command chair, "I have not heard from Premier Romanov. I haven't heard from the surface of Corellia either.

"Deploy your ships in a defensive position against this IMPLEMENT ship. Also meet me on this ship, the Superior, at 1000 hours. If this enemy is mechanically inclined, I suggest a meeting face-to-face. Prepare TIE Fighters for patrols, in case there are enemy fighters. Preferably shielded ships.

"Bring one of your best explosives men as well. See if you can get ahold of the surface too. Millard out."

Captain Tomar approached Millard's chair, "The ship appears to have stopped for now. Shall I inform the pilots to launch?"

"Yes, Captain. Begin patrols around the area. Tell them to not stray too close to the enemy ship. We should have some guests coming here as well."

"Very well," Tomar turned back to the conn, ordering Stark to launch the fighters.

Live Wire
Oct 10th, 2001, 10:01:37 PM
Live Wire had just finished being briefed when Beta Fleet came out of hyperspace and Admiral Millard's transmission was recieved. She felt slightly better knowing the ships had arrived but it was a small comfort with Implement breathing down their necks.

See saw the patrol fighters launch and frowned. This was the first time they were dealing with a ship sent by this creature and their defensive capabilities at this point were still unknown.

She hailed their ships. "TSO warships this is Mistress Live Wire at HQ. Continue fighter patrols and if the alien ship proves to be hostile engage with all available forces. Planetary defensives are up and running as our second line of defense and we've mobilized ground troops. Additional fighters are also standing by. Keep us apprised of the situation up there."

Oct 14th, 2001, 10:59:50 AM
Cloak was meditating when the alarms went off and he didn't break his meditaded state till about 15 seconds later. The military personnel was scurrying all about and hurrying for briefing. Cloak still hasn't re-gained trust from TSO, but it didn't bother him. He threw his battle armor on and grabbed his saber and was quick to exit his chambers headed for the hanger. He wouldn't sit around and die for people that didn't trust him, but he would fight for people who didn't trust him. His War-Clipper DarkSlash was preped and waiting for him. He knew this was a hostile gesture and he was ready for battle.</p>