View Full Version : Can we prevent a group having a fleet?
Force Master Hunter
Oct 2nd, 2001, 08:46:39 PM
Gah. Can we just prevent TGVE or whatever they are called from fleeting, due to the fact I dont see how the hell they are going to abide by rules????
Hopefully they will surprise me and do it right, but I doubt it
Oct 2nd, 2001, 08:48:23 PM
First he has to drum up five unique individuals as members. And knowing who is behind the group (Ron Thrawn) I doubt that will happen.
Force Master Hunter
Oct 2nd, 2001, 10:57:34 PM
Yog is suggesting some good stuff
Master Yoghurt: Damned, that fleet he is planning is even bigger than TSE fleet.
Auto response from ForceMastrHunter: I am away from my computer right now.
ForceMastrHunter: Yes, that's why he wont get it
Master Yoghurt: All those SSD's, lol.
Master Yoghurt: Care to see something else surreal? Take a look. Some of these reminds me of Star Trek.
ForceMastrHunter: Christ, we have some morons with fleets
Master Yoghurt: Indeed. Not just the fact that every Joe claims to have a fleet, but there is a severe lack of interest of making it realistic, or even within the parameters of the SW universe. It is now popular to build phantom ships with all kinds of fancy technology which is supposed to make them allmost invulnerable. And I mean every ship.
ForceMastrHunter: How true
Master Yoghurt: Another thing that bothered ne the other day, there seems to be no rules or guidelines for how fast you can build in construction yards. For example, how many droids, mines, planetary cannons, gun emplacments etc can you build in one day. So, what we have are a some that builds as fast they think they can without being protested upon. It is very confusing. I have seen figures from 1000 mines to 100,000 mines per day. Here is an example of one side of the spectrum. The troubling thing is, I would like to build some defenses myself, but the varying procedures confuses me.
ForceMastrHunter: Interesting point. I dont have an answer.
Master Yoghurt: I like to think your production capacity should be parallel to the number of planets you own. The reason is, if a group with only one planet has the same production capacity of a major goverment like the NR, then they can build, say 10,000 mines per day and put it around their planet, but the NR would have to spread all those out over 34 planets. Probably, a set number of what you can produce of defenses for each planet would work better. For example, every planet could produce 10,000 mines, 100 droids, 60 tanks etc per day for that planets defense. Just tossing some numbers into the air for example.
Master Yoghurt: Or perhaps you could split into one tenth if it is too fast. It is difficult to see what would be a realistic building speed.
ForceMastrHunter: I'll be pushing this to the admins
Force Master Hunter
Oct 2nd, 2001, 11:09:57 PM
Master Yoghurt: Here is an example of a construction thread I was just about to post, but I did not because some people might ask where I get the rules for that, and I dont think just building to my imagination is a very good example. Anyway, here was what I was going to post:
Master Yoghurt: Each planet under NR protection (34 counting the moons of Yavin nr IV, VIII and XIII), will be upgraded with the following mine and gun emplacements grids (in addition to mine layers allready present).
5,000 Aida Sensors System Type B Homing Mines - HM/2
5,000 Arakyd Industries Mines Type C (Mn/T3)
30,000 Arakyd Industries Type B Proximity Mines - PM/2
Defensive upgrade for the planets of Kuat, Mon Calamari and the Yavin system; each of the 3 will have the following in addition:
10,000 Merr-Sonn Defender Ion Mines
Note: Mines are built in grids by 250 square meter (250 x 250) per day in a construction yard (1 yard per planet), counting an average diameter footprint of 1 meter each, standing in upright position.
Our construction yard engineers on all planets will be occupied for this purpose in 10 days.
Construction starts: 30 of september
Construction ends: 9th of october
Construction takes place in 2 stages of 5 days.
ForceMastrHunter: Well actually, it looks fine to me
Master Yoghurt: I figured it is better some sort of standard is set first. :-)
ForceMastrHunter: How about oy set the standard?
Oct 2nd, 2001, 11:54:02 PM
Set limitations for construction yards are a good idea. I believe it was brought up once before but nothing ever really decided. I think that it should be discussed among all the roleplayers, before a decision is made.
Force Master Hunter
Oct 3rd, 2001, 11:28:38 PM
Do ye mind if I begin a discussion based on this?
Oct 3rd, 2001, 11:30:46 PM
Sounds good to me.
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