View Full Version : The Garden of Light and Dark
Nichos Marr
Oct 2nd, 2001, 07:36:16 PM
(Continued from <a href=>Orders</a>.)
It had taken Nichos Marr quite a while to remember where exactly he was, and where he was being taken. Just a few hours earlier, according to his chronograph, Nichos had been hit in the head by a Dark Jedi. This particular Dark Jedi was sent by Jeseth to fetch Nichos Marr and bring him to the Dark Jedi baseworld of Vjun. Nichos had never been to Vjun, but he expected this trip to be as fun as a barrel of Rancors.
The Jedi noticed that he was bounded together by something metal. A little twitch in the Force would free both his hands and his his ankles. Nichos raised his head off the ground a few times, blinking the exhaustion out of them. Immediately, he knew he was being watched by Zasz only a few feet away. The Dark Jedi would probably strike again if Nichos dared to free himself, or roll, or move slightly for that matter.
"I still don't know your name." Nichos commented, quietly and calmly.
The Dark Jedi was put on alert, finally realizing Nichos was truly awake. The Jedi craned his neck up even more so to get a good look at Zasz. He hadn't really seen the man in the midst of the battle. Nichos had purposefully given up to be taken to Vjun. He was planning on going there anyway, soon enough. That did not exclude the fact that the Dark Jedi was good.
Marr could have simply used the Force to throw something at Zasz and use that momentum to free himself, yet he didn't move. The Jedi figured he would rest and preserve his energy for Vjun. Jeseth wasn't exactly the most pleasant of hosts, especially if he got to see Nichos again.
For a moment, the Jedi remembered his previous encounter with Jeseth Cloak on the icy battleground known as Hoth. Nichos scarred the Dark Jedi, probably for life. Jeseth had succeeded in almost ending Nichos' life, had it not been for the bravery of Anakis Moreven. The fellow Jedi Knight helped free Nichos from the clutches of a pack of Wampas and bring him back to the Jedi's homeworld. There Nichos had recovered and experienced many more adventures.
I am stronger now, and I suppose he is too. Nichos thought, restraining the urge to peer into the future. His darkness will be washed away by the light, and the Jedi will prevail.
Nichos Marr had managed to grow up and mature in his past year with the Jedi Knights. He was no longer the bumbling arrogant boy that he once was. Now he was a skilled arrogant Jedi, and a critical thinker. Most would be panicing in his position, but Nichos saw no reason to exert such energy. He would need all the energy he could reserve to defeat and possibly kill Jeseth. He knew that the winged Dark Jedi was well beyond converting to the Light Side of the Force. Nichos wasn't a real good negotiater either.
I wonder what else this Apprentice knows about me, and how he found me... Nichos was quite interested in learning more about Zasz. The Dark Jedi seemed shrouded in mystery, and mystery interested and intrigued Nichos Marr. He noticed his lightsaber had been confiscated by Zasz. With a sigh, Nichos made a mental note to retrieve it, if it was possible to. That lightsaber was the finest one he had ever constructed, and very eloquent looking. The green blade was bright and full of fresh life. Zasz's own crimson blade wasn't that bad looking either. Nichos had built his lightsaber on Tatooine when he was confronted with nothing better to do. He was most pleased with the outcome, and valued the lightsaber. Especially the gem that had been put inside.
"...When do we get to Vjun? This position you shackled me in, isn't really comfortable." Nichos commented, adding a note of attitude to his voice.
Oct 15th, 2001, 06:55:02 PM
Zasz had been looking at the monitor, viewing the space before him as he journeyed to Vjun with the Jedi Knight his Master had told to bring to him. His hands moved across the smooth surface of the control pannel as he heard the voice of his prisoner.
Turning he looked down to the Jedi, who had asked his name. Zasz thought about near the end of the battle, how the Jedi had spared his life. He shook his head and looked into this Jedi's eyes. How calm he was, even though he knew he would meet extreme pain ahead.
"Zasz Grimm"
Said he, to finally answer the Jedi's question. It had been asked before, during the battle. Zasz had paid no mind to answer any question really at that time, but here he thought he would give this guardian of peace, somewhat of an idea of his foe.
He grinned sinisterly...."So, he doesnt like the position he is in, too bad."...Zasz was thinking to himself right now as his red hair managed to move around his forehead, and near his eyes.
"Soon, Nichos"
He watched as the jedi move around where he was, his shackles tinkling to each movement. No doubt he could free himself, but why waste it? He would just be put back down by Zasz. Hopeful thinking....
Zasz looked downward to the hole in the Jedi's left shoulder and raised an eyebrow.
" The pain must still be great, but subsiding no doubt. This wound will last him awhile, at least until he met up with a bacta tank....if he ever gets that far." Zasz thought to himself....
Zasz turned back around, but kept an eye on Nichos, just to make sure that he wouldnt try anything. He looked at the panel and could see that they were nearing the Vjun, and Jeseth.
Nichos Marr
Oct 16th, 2001, 11:05:07 AM
Zasz Grimm, Nichos thought to himself quietly. He hadn't heard the name before, but that fact didn't come surprising. The Galaxy had trillions of intelligent sentients, Nichos only knew and had heard of a handful of those sentients. Thoughts like this used to make him feel insignificant, like an insect among a mountain. After he became a Jedi, Nichos didn't feel that way anymore. He couldn't really explain the change in his attitude. Some sentients called it "growing up". If he were a Padawan in this position, no doubt he'd be tempted by the Dark Side of the Force, and experiencing fear.
He tried to squirm again, hoping to at least find a comfortable position to wait in. No such luck. Nichos grimaced at the fact that this would do murder to his joints when he was let free of the shackles. Jeseth would probably allow him his weapon as well, so they could duel again. Nichos Marr knew that Cloak had more honor then just killing him while Nichos was defenseless.
One problem Nichos... The Jedi's expressionless face drooped into a frown. There isn't any life on Vjun, save the Dark Side. This is not good, one bit...
Still, the Jedi had plans of defeating Jeseth, and going after every single Dark Jedi present. He was not scared of the fact that the Dark Jedi, their apprentices, and their pets outnumbered him greatly. All he felt was the Light Side of the Force, and the sense of determination that usually drove him to do impossible things, and put his life on the line for others. He wished he had his lightsaber back. That lightsaber had been recently built, and he had formed a close bond with it. The bond was stronger then he possessed with almost any of his other lightsabers.
"Zasz, where are you from?" Nichos asked the Dark Jedi. For a few moments, he was met with silence. The Jedi tried to make conversation by speaking again, "I'm from Rodia. I was raised there, until about two years ago." The Jedi was currently nineteen years old. He'd been with GJO for a little over a year, and had learned more there, then he'd ever learned on Rodia.
The Dark Jedi didn't seem to want to talk, but Nichos would not give up. Having a conversation with someone, even with an enemy would pass the time. He would wait for Zasz to respond with either an answer, or a punch in the face. Nichos hoped the Dark Jedi picked the first option. Nevertheless he clenched his teeth together, just incase.
Zasz Grimm
Jan 1st, 2002, 09:53:35 PM
Zasz's face twitched to where all the bugs had covered his face, and all over his body itched as he listen to the ramblings of someone, that would no doubt soon be put into the ground, or into the magma that lies on Vjun's surface...
He tilted his head to the side to look at the read outs that lie on the controls before him....Not that long now...He thought to himself, he grasped the man's saber in his right hand and ignites the blade, pointing it towards his shoulder, where the massive cauterized hole is...
"My name is enough..."
He looks at the blade's color and he de-ignites it quickly, clipping it back to his belt with his own cylinder. His hand strokes the metal that holds such a weapon. He looks back to the screen and he sees his Destination.
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 2nd, 2002, 03:51:16 AM
Jeseth gazed down at the holocron sitting atop the large round table in his study, deep within the recesses of Bast Castle, upon the surface of the planet Vjun. He touched it, and it did nothing. He touched it again, and this time there was a spark of light that shimmered along one of its sides, and then nothing more. Worthless, he thought to himself, picking it up off the table and tossing it across the room into a dimly lit corner alongside several other small trinkets. Not all holocrons retained their functionality as the years wore on.
Jeseth stood upright, looking across the room and to his large couch, which otherwise served for him as a bed when he slept - though sleeping was something he rarely did these days. He walked over to it and laid back, thinking. His hands came up to his temples, and for the longest time it seemed as if the Dark Jedi had all but fallen asleep. Then his black, marble-like eyes slid open slowly, and a grin began to curl up onto his lips.
The name echoed inside of the Jedi's head, trailing away into silence. Perhaps Nichos could no longer tell if it had only been one of his own passing thoughts or those of another...
Nichos Marr
Jan 6th, 2002, 01:11:24 PM
Nichos was tempted to laugh at Zasz when he first saw the irritation from the insect rashes. He held back his urge barely, knowing that if he were to laugh he wouldn't live to see Vjun. He certainly didn't want to die up here in space. Nichos was slightly eager to confront Jeseth, but first he would have to take his lightsaber back. That was even more suicidal then laughing in the face of an armed Dark Jedi. Apprentice or not, Zasz was a skilled warrior of darkness. Jeseth had taught him well, a notion that made Nichos shiver. He wondered how many else had been poisoned by Jeseth's mind of darkness.
He tipped his head upward, trying to look out the forward viewports of the ship. Unfortunately, his neck could not reach high enough to see anything. He was slightly rocked backward by the new descent of the ship. It seemed to force itself on a downward angle. Not that there was such a thing as up and down in the middle of open space. Nichos stretched out with the Force, and pushed his thoughts outward, past the walls of the ship. He felt something, something strong emanating from their destination.
We're here... Nichos sighed, allowing some air to escape his mouth, Vjun. He frowned slightly, but quickly hid it over a mask of calmness. It was true that most of his smaller injuries had healed quite nicely. He craned his head to the side and stared at the bruise on his shoulder. That bruise that Zasz had so skillfully carved would cost him a lot of trouble once he reached the planetside. He didn't expect Jeseth to just quickly drop him in a pool of hot magma and be done with him. Cloak was different then the other bloodthirsty dark siders. He liked to see his enemies and his prey squirm before he crushed them.
~ Nichos ~
The Jedi's eyes opened wide for a split second. The word had surprised him like a predator jumping out of nowhere. He recognized that voice from his past venture to the ice planet of Hoth. He was sent by the Jedi Council to track down Fire Hazzard, but his efforts had been crushed by Jeseth Cloak. The dark Jedi brought Hazzard to her death and then almost succeeded in killing Nichos. A fellow Jedi Knight was closeby, and it was he who came to the aid of Nichos Marr.
Jeseth Cloak. Nichos thought the words in the confines of his own mind. He did not send them through the Force back to Jeseth. Instead the Jedi just closed his eyes and began to meditate as he waited for Zasz to land the ship. Jeseth would be pleased that his apprentice managed to complete his mission. The Jedi felt like wiping that imaginative smug grin off of Jeseth's face. He would get to that, when they arrived on the barren planet of Vjun. From what Nichos had heard, which was painfully small, Vjun was a hell-hole in its own respect. He began to ease the tension in his shoulder with a calming technique. There was no use getting worked up right now. He would have to conserve his energy.
Soon Jeseth. Soon I'll spare the galaxy of your evil.
Zasz Grimm
Jan 6th, 2002, 05:25:24 PM
Zasz's hands moved over the control panel calmly as he directs the ship downwards into Vjun's Atmosphere. Immediately the bright red and orange flames hit the shuttles nose. It became rather bumpy but he could handle it, he looked momentarily at Nichos to make sure he hadn't moved, hopefully that nice hole in his shoulder was making the landing more...comfortable ...
The ship broke free of its hold up in the atmosphere. He moved the controls slowly and he made a decent downwards so that they are not that far over the land and he moved the control pad back and forth. There it was, Bast Castle. His master, no doubt was waiting inside for the cargo that he held with him in his shuttle. He pressed the landing controls and he felt the bump as they pressed onto the ground. He touched a few more controls and the walkway's hydraulics turned on and it started to move toward the ground as he stood up from his chair and grabbed some restraints for his hands.
The bumps on his face and body itched badly and he moved his arm against the side of his stomache to relieve it before looking to his prisoner. His hands went to the silver cylinder on his belt, he grasped his lightsaber hilt and ignited the blade as he pointed it to Nichos, he moved it towards his chains and cut them, setting him free of his position. He held his blade offensively as he let Nichos rise up, he threw the restraints towards him and ordered him to put them on. Zasz watched as the man did so and he pointed the Lightsaber blade again at him, making him walk downwards the walkway. Zasz followed closely behind the Jedi Knight, his grip on the hilt of the Saber blade firm.
His blade hummed as they walked over the steaming ground. The air was thick, it was hard to breathe. He looked to Marr, holding his lightsaber blade tightly, keeping his eye close on him so he doesn't try anything. He looked towards the keep and he called a message deep into it as he stood outside of it. His words pierced the thick walls and entered the mind of Jeseth Cloak...
Master, I am here...
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 8th, 2002, 10:12:27 PM
The winged Dark Jedi had waited close to the landing pad, stepping out into the shadows that Bast was casting across the landscape. The ruined castle towered over the three men, eclipsing what little bit of light made it through the heavy clouds. “You’ve done well, my apprentice,” Jeseth said to Zasz, looking the young human over. He had welts over his face and injuries of all sorts scattered about his body. It was still surprising to see him in as good condition as he was, considering who he had been sent to apprehend. “This bodes well for you... very well.” He looked down at the Jedi, attempting to pierce through him with a gaze.
“And now, to tend to my guest.” Jeseth paced around the Jedi, coming to a halt behind him. With a rush of presence he planted his foot upon Nichos shoulder, ramming his heel against the wound with devastating results. He leaned forward on his knee and came to Nichos’ ear, then whispered to him. “You’ve only just begun to experience pain, Jedi. You feel the full retribution of my people for what you’ve done to us, and before this day is through, you will call me…the group and an nine and one and one one and master.”
Jeseth kicked forward and pushed Nichos to the ground, reaching for the cuffs that bound him and wrapping his fingers around them. A Surge of energy flowed through them, burning the Jedi’s wrists, and in effect severing the links that kept him captive. He felt his body completely released of its restraints. “You have so little power here… I will not bother to worry about your for now. The time for fighting will be later.” He walked away from Nichos and stopped, his cloak flowing behind him as life-like as living shadows. “Follow me… if you cannot walk, Zasz will help you.”
Jeseth continued to move forward, his hand hovering always near his saber. He was leading the two men closer to Bast, through the gates and around it, to the courtyard which he usually used for training.
Nichos Marr
Jan 9th, 2002, 08:40:21 PM
Nichos had felt the odd feeling in his stomach, the moment he stepped foot on Vjun. The tormented souls of Bast stretched across the Force and called out to him. Some had been Jedi and Sith, while others had been thieves. Now they lived in forever torment of the chaos that was known as the Dark Side of the Force. The emotions that he was experiencing were not his own, but the thousands of emotions emitted from this place. What he could feel through the Force was darkness, despair, utter hopelessness and most importantly evil.
Unwisely, the Jedi shut himself off to the Force, if only for a few minutes to recollect his distorted thoughts. Jeseth's attacks on his weak spots had been twice as painful without his connection to the Force present. Nichos took the pain and tried to shrug it off by biting his lower lip. The process seemed to work well, until Jeseth used some sort of blue energy to unbind him of his shackles. Nichos sighed in pain, trying hard to push the anger away with no Force.
"Jeseth...I can't say it's nice to see you again." Nichos' voice was totally serious for once. It did not possess the mocking tone he usually dealt to his enemies. Jeseth seemed to be a different case then the others he'd dueled with. Jeseth Cloak made him watch as he mercilessly slaughtered Fire Hazzard. Nichos was unable to save her, and was forced with a burden of a thousand worlds. Nichos had been the one to tell Sage about his sister's departure. It wasn't exactly a pleasant experience, but most of life was full of unpleasantness. Nichos' job was to keep that unpleasantness in check.
He trotted alongside the two Dark warriors, barely keeping his balance. The Force healing during their trip here had done wonders, but his slight headache remained from what he had felt. They were heading toward the castle, a dark tower of evil. It housed at least more then ten fully trained Dark Jedi. From what he had detected earlier, it probably was home to damned spirits that hadn't become one with the Force and refused to leave the coporeal world.
"You keep your hand so near to your lightsaber. Afraid the Jedi might bite?" Nichos put a bit of mock arrogance into his tone this time around.
Wonder how I can level that tower. No doubt it will rid the galaxy of a few dark Jedi. A few less agents to aid evil and greed in this Galaxy. He thought to himself, gazing up at the impressive monument. Nichos had heard somewhere that this had been Darth Vader's private castle at a time. A place where he could meditate undisturbed and unhindered. It was more then Nichos expected, a lot more. Vjun was a living hell-hole in its own respect. It was a barren wasteland stained with the evil of the Dark Jedi. He could tell that the Dark Side had grown in this place like crops in a field, and he didn't need the Force to do it either.
"I suspect you haven't invited me for tea." Nichos strained his voice, as if he was struggling to talk. "To what do I owe this formal invitation to your residence? Why, you even got your apprentice," he stared over at Zasz, "to chauffeur me here." Nichos chuckled a bit. "Why, if you were any nicer I'd nominate you for the "Best Jedi of the Year" award."
Zasz Grimm
Jan 9th, 2002, 09:13:50 PM
It was as if a line was developing starting with Jeseth. Nichos was not far behind him, and Zasz not far behind the Jedi. He was keeping an ever watching vigil over him. This man and Jeseth had history, what he didn't know, but he would find out, eventually. He was listening to Nichos' comments and he sneered lightly to what he had said about Jeseth being the Jedi of the ear and he put a hand on top of his cloak, where Nichos' saber was, and where his own is.
This Jedi no doubt was worried about where he was. After all, the Dark Side had been on this planet very long. He had heard that his was the planet that Darth Vader had once meditated and been alone. Something like that must get to this...Guardian of the peace.
Zasz looked upwards up to Nichos and his eyes looked at the back of his head. He moved his neck to get a better look at his master as he moved quickly, his feet seemed to barely touch the ground as he walked.
Bast Castle was massive as they approached it, he admired it momentarily, and what it meant. He moved his head to the side, slightly annoyed to the bumps on his face and on his body. He eyed the Jedi with hate and tried to gaze through him...
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 17th, 2002, 09:33:26 PM
Jeseth continued to walk, not saying anything in response to Nichos’ provocation. They arrived at the courtyard, and Jeseth requested for Zasz to hand Nichos’ saber over. The winged Dark Jedi gripped the golden weapon in his hand and smirked. Gold was a very soft ore, easily broken… even a strong grip could shatter the hilt like it was made out of soft glass.
“Tell me Jedi, how does it feel to know you can’t protect the ones you love?” Jeseth placed the golden saber in his inner coat pocket and stepped towards Nichos, standing less than five feet from him. “You believe me to be nothing more than a murderer. I was a Jedi once myself… but things just didn’t work out. The fools who sat on the council did not believe that the Dark Side could be used for the greater good. Always fixated with peace and pacifism – what’s left of the Greater Jedi Order now? You hide away, stalling the inevitable. All the while myself and others like me fight to preserve true balance and order.”
“The future can be seen, and changed.” Nichos felt a flash of presence enter his mind. Jeseth was projecting images there… images of the past, and the future. Nichos saw a lush rain forest planet, ripe with life and vegetation. Animals of all sorts roamed across it… and where there was light, there was also darkness. There, deep within the forest, there was a single village of inhabitants. The last of a dieing race of aliens, likely the most intelligent on the planet – and then Nichos felt the scene change.
No longer was it a rain forest world – it was now a city world, more polluted than Coruscant, on the brink of environmental collapse as the last of the world’s resources dwindled into nothingness. The feeling of destruction, of loss, of turmoil, was enough to send any Jedi into a perturbed state.
The next flash of memory showed that same village desolated; children, men, and women were all scattered across the ground with fatal wounds inflicted upon their bodies. “I just wanted you to know that before I killed you.”
Nichos Marr
Jan 19th, 2002, 12:15:38 PM
OOC: Just a note, the lightsaber has a gold coating. It isn't all made of gold/IC
Nichos' face was full of distress from having to view these awful things in his mind. It was his job to protect these kind of things from happening, and supposedly this was a future...He wondered if that future was pertaining to Yavin IV, or an overshadow of the populated Galaxy. His hands were clenched into fists, and slowly his nails dug into his palms. This was a technique that would remind him where he was, before he plunged into utter insanity. The images faded and Jeseth spoke once more. The words echoed through Nichos' head for a moment, before they subsided into nothingness.
"The future is always in motion Jeseth. Every little thing affects it. What you've shown me right now, can be changed. It will be changed." He was panting hard, looking like someone who had awoken from a bad nightmare. Perspiration could faintly be seen on his forehead. The Jedi brought his head down to his shoulder and tried to wipe some of it off of his cheek. Both Jeseth Cloak and Zasz Grimm were watching him like hawk bats. Every little move he made, they noted and recorded in the depths of their minds. Nichos felt like a scientific experiment up for display at the expense of others.
He thought back to his childhood on Rodia. Things were much simpler then, but not by much. He was a human among a majority of Rodians. He grew up with Rodians, learning how to speak their language. He learned how to come close to their dialect, which came useful in some plays he partook in. Nichos did not have a clue what the future had in store for him. He remembered dreaming about becoming a Jedi Knight, but that was everyone's dream at some point or the other. Nichos' father knew quite a lot about the Jedi. It was a fact that Nichos never payed much attention to. Perhaps his father had befriended a Jedi long ago...
For a moment he almost wished he were back on Rodia, among the warm climate and the familiar sounds. Nichos quickly dismissed the thought by shaking his head. He was a Jedi now and he felt content with helping others. No one, not even Jeseth Cloak and his group of Dark Jedi would take that away from him. Without saying a word, Nichos made eye contact with the demon that stood in front of him. Cloak would not be taking another life today or any other day. The Jedi Knight would rid the Galaxy of one evil.
He tried to peer into Jeseth's mind but was blocked by the Dark Side, whom he'd rejected long ago. His mind hit an invisible wall that pained him every time he tried to surpass it. He knew for a fact that Cloak did not lie on occasion. Jeseth did become a Jedi long ago and left the academy, allied with the Dark Side of the Force. Jeseth would have never made it as a Jedi anyway, his will was too weak to resist the temptation of the Dark Side. His want for knowledge was too strong to resist the thirst of evil.
"Fna ho koru gep." He spoke in a sharp Rodian dialect to Jeseth. "Cheskopokuta klees ka tlanko ya oska."
The speech translated into: Don't be funny. I've been looking forward to this for a long time.
Nichos' eyelids drooped slightly. He called on the Force to prepare him for an inevitable battle. Jeseth would not destroy him so easily. He would defend himself and counter the dark moves. The Jedi wondered if Jeseth would allow him to use his own lightsaber. Some Dark Jedi and Sith had some honor in them. His fight with Miryan no Trunks had costed Nichos. But at least the Sith had a tremendous amount of honor.
"I am ready." He said.
Jeseth Cloak
Mar 16th, 2002, 12:43:33 PM
The Dark Jedi felt the pull of the Force around them. It was being tamed slightly, webbed into something precise. It was not like the destructive and chaotic feelings that the Dark Side produced. "Very well. It's a shame that you could not see my side of it, for I take no pleasure in destroying one of such great potential." The Dark Jedi's saber was now glowing a shade of red so bright that it nearly blinded Nichos upon activation.
"Watch my apprentice. Jedi do not die easily." Jeseth was speaking to Zasz, and it was the last thing Nichos heard before having his golden saber hit the ground before him.
"Pick it up. I want you to see the futility of your ways... unless you wish to forgoe the use of weapons?" Jeseth smiled at Nichos, a dark and deceptive smile.
Nichos Marr
Mar 24th, 2002, 02:00:18 PM
"No, I'd rather much prefer to burn your heart with my lightsaber, rather than extract it with my hands." Nichos smiled himself, well aware that his statement was a glib more than anything else. He bent down slowly and cupped his weapon in his left hand. The soft coating felt smooth on his skin, and once again he felt safe with the lightsaber in his hand. His thumb hovered over the activation button, but he did not press it down. He would wait until he felt ready or until Jeseth struck at him with his own crimson weapon. The Jedi Knight knew that a Jedi was never supposed to use the Force for attack, only defense and knowledge. He didn't see the logic in it, but he had followed it for quite a while.
This whole world seemed to impose a darkness on Nichos' mind that he was so bent on ignoring. After a while, the darkness seeped past the ignoring barrier that Nichos had set up for himself. Yet he still felt his mind clinging strongly to the Light Side of the Force, and it was with this knowledge that he pushed the darkness away and out of his mind. The pit feeling in his stomach immediately disappeared, leaving him with a result that made him feel better. He wouldn't let this dark and desolate place get to him, no matter what the odds of survival were like. He would just have to keep his ground and defeat Jeseth. After that goal was accomplished he would formulate a new plan.
Opening himself to the Force, Nichos felt an onrush of emotions and feelings. It was almost as if he were opening a door to a noisy party with a very loud band. He kept himself open to the Force, calling upon it to blind out the feelings and keep his mind focused on what had to be done. Inevitably he knew that it would come down to this, a one on one fight with Jeseth. What bothered him was that on both accounts he'd met with Jeseth, they were on his terms. Nichos Marr just hoped that there was such a thing as good luck, and that it was on his side.
"Jeseth, has anyone ever told you that you're like a bad reputation?" The Jedi thumbed down the ignition on his lightsaber. He felt a minor thrill when the green blade rose from its hilt, glowing furiously in the dark background. "You're hard to get rid of."
Nichos swung the blade down and plunged the tip into the ground. He swept it across the terrain, charring a line between him and Jeseth. Slowly, the Jedi took a few steps back, cautious of what he and his enemy were doing. This battle would no doubt affect him in a very serious way. He didn't plan on losing, but if he did lose there would be little chance of escaping alive.
"Make the first move." Nichos smiled, showing the Dark Jedi he had a bunch of confidence. He assumed a defensive position and waited. This time, Nichos Marr was ready for anything Jeseth had to offer.
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