View Full Version : Roleplaying staff

Sep 30th, 2001, 08:27:35 PM
Ogre Mal Pannis

SWFans.Net Administrator

Registered: Sep 2001
TSE HQ or Meras
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Roleplay staff
I have become aware of an issue that I am not very fond of right now and it is not something I consider fitting with the idea of fairplay. Its similar to someone using the Ogre name and acting as if they are Sith Masters without having actually accomplished things themselves.

The situation is this:

Jeseth has registered and posted with the Darth Viscera name. I emailed him about it yesterday asking what was up with it and received no response. Now I am hearing rumblings that this merger with the Guild is an attempt to bend and manipulate the shipyard limitation rules.

At this point I am half inclined to ban the Darth Viscera name until I get a full explanation of what is going on. What are the thoughts of the rest of the RolePlaying staff? Questions, answers, ideas?

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09-30-01 01:19:49 PM

SWFans.Net Moderator

Registered: Sep 2001
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Well, it's possible to simply edit the account name to something else (say, "Jeseth Cloak 2" for the sake of argument) and then e-mail him, notifying him that it is unacceptable to use someone else's name without their expressed permission.

As for the merger: I haven't the slightest clue as to the details about it, what can be done, what it entails, etc. Maybe you could elaborate on just how it would be getting around the rules.

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09-30-01 01:48:47 PM

SWFans.Net Administrator

Registered: Sep 2001
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Posts: 169

As I said, “I am hearing rumblings”, which means that others are telling me that TGE is attempting to use this merger to facilitate more shipyards than they were originally allowed within the established rules. I haven’t done enough investigation to find out if that is a fact or not. Nor am I basing my being concerned on the fact that I am hearing rumors. I am basing my concern on the fact that he has assumed someone else’s identity and has not explained why.

Perhaps my email didn’t get to him, or perhaps he hasn’t read it yet, I am not sure. But the fact is, he has posted a major TGE event in OOC as this assumed identity, confirmed by both email of registration and IP of post.

Changing that assumed identity’s name is probably a good course of action, if he doesn’t come clean with an explanation, soon. I emailed him yesterday afternoon.

A part of me is semi inclined to believe in the possibility of the rumblings about twisting the rules as well, because I have read posts from Jeseth in the past where he flat out said, not necessarily concerning the RP, that he likes to use and abuse set rules to his own advantage. (see the CSC Discussion thread)

We all know how explosive fleet discussions can be and fleet actions that pertain to the rules. As it was TSE did not get the 4 shipyards that were owned by the RSO when those groups merged, they were forced to write those off, to continue to play in the spirit of commonsense and fairplay, not trying to bend the rules. But this is all just assumption at this time, until evidence is presented. Lynch asked in the DV thread about that and I anxiously await seeing the response he is given, if any.

Sep 30th, 2001, 08:45:19 PM
Ok, I think I get you.

To be frank: I know Jeseth IRL, and I know that it would fit his style to try and do something like that. He fancies himself as something of a conniver and a sneak. His lack of response to your e-mail, however, may not necessarily be intentional: He tends to neglect such things all too often. If I see him on AIM any time soon, I'll be sure to say something to him.

Oct 1st, 2001, 12:11:44 AM
Jeseth has been contacted and explained satisfactorily. Issue resolved.