View Full Version : Walk a Crooked Mile

Sep 30th, 2001, 10:45:02 AM

Everyone lifted out of their seats, arms thrown in the
air cheering. The fight was a good one. Well, atleast for the
victor it was. The Dug tagged in red jumped wildly about -
the adrenelin of another victory under his belt pumping
through his wirey body. He played to the crowd surrounding
the pit enclosure - he was the favorite and had been for a while
now. He danced on the brutalized body of the Dug who was
tagged in Gold, which brought more bloodthirsty cheers from
the patrons.

Chits of paper flew in air and the hard liquor flowed freely.
The joint was packed and a thick smokey haze smothered
everything. Hera moved out from her place in
the mob and made her way
to the pokey little window guarded by two of
the ugliest looking Trandoshians she'd ever seen, to get her winnings.

The Crooked Mile was a stretch of sleazy gaming houses along
the Trulian Swamps on Nar Shaddaa - well known and frequented
by every variety of scum the universe could offer. It was also
known as the best stretch of Gambling and Chance tables
around. And this place, "Choons" was one that
Hera had particularly taken a liking to. In the back room at
the rear of the establishment was a Sabaac Game, that only
the best...or luckiest...could get a seat in.

Hera found the lure of it irresistable.

She had a long way to go before she would attempt
Sabaac. She was only now learning the ropes from
Lady DeVille over at the Mynocks Nest. But learn she
would. She was getting an appetite for such vices.

Taking a seat at the bar, the jazz band cacawing
out some horrid cacaphony of noise across from her,
Hera ordered a rum and thought about
joining one of the various card games in the quieter
section of the bar.

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 30th, 2001, 10:28:01 PM
"Oho, me boyo," a cackling accented voice laughed. "It do seem as if yer luck has run out. Perhaps next time ye'll think twice about wagerin' so brashly."

"You cheated," the Trandoshian replied in the typical growling rumble of his species. "No one is that lucky."

"O' course I cheated," Hob sneered as he plucked his winnings from the table. "T'was all too easy to work the table my way, especially with those extra skifters ye threw into the deck."

The Trandoshian adopted a look of protest, which fell away as Hob's deft fingers pulled the marked cards from the dealer's stack and tossed them in front of his place at the table. "Dinnae try t' con a con, lad."

The alien abruptly shoved back his chair and stood up, turning from the table and leaving in confused disgrace. How he had been found out he would never know, but as his hand surreptitiously snatched up the skifters, the Trandoshian knew he could not remain here.

Hob watched the cheat cards leave, then turned to the dealer. "Well, lad," he smirked. "I'll be takin' me leave of ye now- I require a wee bit more risk an' reward t' the stakes, don't y'know?"

The sour-faced dealer nodded. Hob's senses said that his former player was happy the dwarf had left so he could now concentrate on winning money for the house instead of just controlling how much the house lost.

Hob used his ambling waddle to wander to the tables in the quieter area of the bar. Typically, the more serious players were back here. Moderate risk and payoff were status quo, but increased concentration was necessary. Of course, Hob had no problems with using the Force to cheat- in Sabacc, one made use of as many skills as they had to win.

On the other hand, Hob had lived for over two-hundred years and had no small amount of natural skill in the game of Sabacc.

He clambered up to an empty seat at a table and settled his sack in next to his place. The other players at the table gazed at him silently. "You want in?" the dealer asked. "You'll have to wait a round."

Hob waved a hand magnanimously, pulling a thick cigarra from inside his sack and getting it lit by the fellow next to him. Waiting a few extra minutes was nothing to a creature Hob's age.

Oct 1st, 2001, 04:39:24 AM
{OOC:This is open, right? IF not, ignore this post.}

Alpha walks through the crowded sections of the estabishment. Of course he wasn't looking as he normally did. Using the Force gave him quite a few interesting abilities, and changing his appearance was such a minor thing. All he had to do was keep a little concentration on keeping his appearance that of a 30 year old, and he was safe, as Alpha didn't think a 13 year old would be allowed inside this place.

The Young One looks around the place, seeing Sabbac games in effect everywhere, along with bets on sporting events being broadcasted from across the galaxy. Alpha sees a Trandoshian grumbling about some stupid short dwarf apparently cheating him. The Jedi Knight sees a Sabaac game starting and quickly goes over to it, asking if he can still jump in. As the man nods, Alpha pulls a small amopunt of large credit pieces out of a pocket, and sits down, freezing as he sees Hob across the table from him. He forces a smile and quickly brings down his presence in the Force, keeping it just enough to maintain his illusion.

Oct 2nd, 2001, 11:43:06 PM
ooc: yah, its open Alpha.

The Gamorrean bartender placed the shot of rum in front of Hera and went back to wiping the counter top with a grubby cloth.
Sampling the drink, she put it back down in irritable and slid it roughly over to the bartender, crashing it into his meaty fist and spilling the contents over the polished wood.

"You gotta be kidding me? I want RUM, not some rose scented candywater. Give me a decent drink or Ill remove your ugly head from your stubby shoulders and use it as a cocktail onion in my selfmade martini."

The barkeeper snorted and snotted indignantly, his beady eyes darting from side to side in his tusked head growling something unitelligible under his breath. He reached under the counter, not for more liquor but for his small blaster kept there for just such ungrateful patrons as the one before him.

Hera all but rolled her eyes at him..he was so obvious. What a piteous little fool. She stretched forward bodily across the bar, and shoved the rotund barkeep aside. Grabbing a bottle of decent grade rum from the shelf below with one hand and tossing a small bag full of credits at him with the other, well more than the rum was worth, she returned to her stool. Turning to scan the murky room, she popped the corkstopper with a small dagger, and drank deep from the bottle. She smucked her lips and thought sourly well, a slight improvement I guess.

The Gamorrean, is injured pride forgotten in direct relation to his unexpected personal gain, returned to polishing the same counter spot with the same grubby cheap-rum-soaked cloth.

<font color=brown>"Two pints of black ale! One for me, and one for the little fellow who made just my night!." </font>The tall alien shuffled beside Hera and bumped her unknowingly, causing the bottle of rum to clunk noisily against her front teeth, making her jump slightly. He certainly was in a good mood. His two "snail-like" eyes roamed in two different directions. One stretching out to look at the Bartender who was pouring the ale, the other stretching around the other direction to look at her. It made Hera a little dizzy to look at him.<font color=brown> "Thats right, Barkeep! Nice big head on those beers. Never seen that Trandoshian taken in his own game like I did tonite by that hobbly little dwarf."</font>Hera thought the aliens laugh sounded like a man drowning.

She followed the relentlessly moving eye tentacle of the alien as it glanced to a table to the right of them. A young man had just joined in the game and there, sitting like king of the hill smoking a cigarra she recognised as none other than her fellow darksider - Hob Goblin. <font color=brown>"Yes, nice, nice. Just send that over to the crooked little man, compliment of Slicer."</font>

The barmaid put the frothing ale on a tray that still had remnents of a previous slopped drink laping at its rim and made her way to the Sabaac game.

Hera drank again from her rum, mindful of the tall aliens elbows, she continued to watch as the drink was delivered, .... Well........whaddya know...

Oct 12th, 2001, 11:35:06 PM
A sudden rise in volume at the Fight Pen signalled the beginning
of the 2nd round of challenge against the current Dug champion.
This time it was Ferrrodon and he was leaping around
as a madman, eager to rip his red-tagged opponent to shreds and claim his place as Champion.

Hera pushed herself away from leaning against the bar and crossed to the bookie window.
"One hundred and Fifty credits on blue-tag."

One of the Trandoshians leered up at her through the grate
"But he's not the favorite..and I hate to take such easy money."

Hera growled "just enter it" and her bet was grudgingly placed.
The chit pushed under the grate, which she snatched up and turned away.

She had watched the whole while as the beer was delivered to the dwarf and grinned as the diminutive trickster cackled delightedly on his stool.

Crossing over to the table as two players got up unhappily from their places - their wallets considerably lighter in direct correspondence to their time spent at the sabaac table.

She approached the table and stood off to the side so she could look on the game.

Across at the bar, she could still see the cheerful alien chuckling amusedly and looking their way, his extended eyes waving in the air like two loose strands of rubber flapping around in a breeze.

A huge cheer went up and then a constant barrage of yelling and jeering and it was obvious the second Dug fight had begun.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 13th, 2001, 08:31:01 PM
Hob greedily drank down some of the free beer and licked his lips. His eyes went back and forth in a carefully measured move, taking in all he could and catching the stunningly attractive blonde watching the table. Raising his mug in a semi-salute to his brethren in the Force, Hob drank the rest of the beer. The dark, foamy liquid was one thing Vjun lacked that Hob had a deep appreciation for.

As the smooth beer made its' way down his gullet, Hob waved his cards. "Come, lads an' lasses," he chuckled. "All you young folk must get yerselves in shape. Hob will win this hand- he knows, he knows."

And indeed, it was highly likely. Hob had an eight between four cards, but Hob's senses were telling him that the sabacc table would randomize to his favor.

Hob slid a three of staves into the holding field and added a chip worth two hundred credits to the hand pot. "Come on then," Hob said. "Is everyone ready?"

"I am," a Gran said haltingly, slapping two more chips to the table's surface. Each was worth a hundred more credits. "I call the hand."

The people around the table slid their cards into the force field in the middle of the table, except for Hob who took a longing look at his cards. A noise suddenly sounded and the cards Hob was looking at changed. Instead of a deuce and a single, Hob now had a six and a ten. His remaining deuce was unchanged.

"Well, who is Hob to question the caller of the hand?" he grinned, sliding all his cards into the force field. "That is all, is it not? Can someone top Hob's hand?"

No one could, including the Gran who had called the hand. Hob pulled the chips over to his side of the table and stacked them neatly. He waved at the young, nondescript man who had folded before at the beginning of the last hand. There was something odd about him- something that seemed to provide a balance of some kind to the table.

The reticience made him an even more tempting target.

"You got off light, young fellow," he chuckled. "Care to play old Hob alone? I think these others would like to see the two of us go at it?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Oct 16th, 2001, 02:20:52 PM
Is this the place? Must be...

*Snack took out a crumpled up piece of paper from his left chest pocket within his black jacket. Unfolding the small note, he scanned it with his eyes. Yup, it had to be the place. Choons'! Located on the Crooked Mile on Nar Shaddaa. Home of most of the Galaxies best in Sabacc, and home of the best Dug Fights!

Lifting up his head from the note, he read the script sign right above the entrance. Yup, this was the place alright. Crumpling up the piece of paper in his fist, he headed towards the door. He flung the crumpled advertisement behind his shoulder on the ground, where someone else would pick it up and read it, or just kick it to the side.

Upon entering, a gush of smoke and booze hit his sense of smell, replacing the odor of the stank atmosphere. Snack was not sure whether this newfound smell was worth the change or not. Coughing up a storm, the Sith Knight peered around the establishment trying to determine where the fights were held. The dim lights plus the sea of humanoids and aliens made it difficult for Snack to really see anything.

A loud ding and a roar of cheers from the back caught his attention. Weaving his way through and around the crowds, he made his way to the back area where a pit type structure stood, en caged and surrounded by small bleacher seats and a mob. Taking a stand towards the back yet still able to see the beginnings of this fight, Snack watched on in silence.*

Oct 16th, 2001, 11:45:56 PM
He had recognised her, and in a sublte gesture acknowledged her without advertising the fact that they were acquainted to the rest of the company about them.

Last she had seen the HobGoblin was when she had deposited him on that god-forsaken planet called Vjun, an inhospitable and wretched place to call home. They had returned from a "training exercise" along with some other of Ogre's apprentices. One that had met with much success. She had often considered going back to Vjun out of natural curiosity, but had always put it off.

The dwarf seemed to be in his element, and was having a very good run of luck tonight. Hera watched the young man seated across from him as he was deciding wether or not to take up on Hob's offer.

Another cheer and then a resounding "booooo" came from the fight pit and so far, Heras bet still had a chance of payoff.

Seeing the table was down to 2, she decided perhaps she should just dive in and try her hand at sabaac afterall. She kicked out a chair for herself and sat, offering to share her rum with a disarming smile.

She noted something very odd about the quiet man but there were so many varied force signatures packed into that smokey dank gaming house. She had already picked up faintly on a slightly familiar force-sense newly arrived to Choons. Other than that, Hera didnt really bother to probe further than what she saw.

Addressing Hob she poured both the seated players a drink,
"you are having a good run, I see. You are in the Lady Luck's good grace tonight perhaps? Would you mind suffering through a player quite new to the game?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 20th, 2001, 02:13:36 PM
Hob grinned widely- it could have been the imagination of those watching, but his teeth seemed perfect and sharp for the briefest of moments. "If ye don't mind losin' the sabacc pot t' old Hob, he doesn't mind havin' ye here."

Although the words carried a challenge with them, they also had a double meaning.

The dwarf gazed for a moment at the sabacc pot, which had grown to over fifty thousand credits during the course of the previous hands. Hob knew that every 50 hands, the house took whatever was in the sabacc pot for itself, and given that the current hand was the 45th, it seemed that Hob had precious little time left to snatch up the winnings and retreat to the sabacc hands in the back room- the high stakes tables where Hob knew a certain special item had been brought tonight. He wanted that item, and wanted it bad.

And all that stood in his way was a fellow Dark Sider, and a nondescript little boy, barely out of his teens.

Oct 21st, 2001, 04:00:00 PM
She figured that now was as good a time as any. If she were to learn, and no doubt loose a fair amount of credits in the process, she could do it in worse company.

"Well, Im more interested in learning than trying to take that pot from you. For now that is." She grinned at the dwarf, her eyes unreadable, her intentions hard to discern. Hera already had the "sabaac face" mastered, now it was just technique.

The young man at the table had said nothing so far. Hera kicked the leg of his chair, making him jump and look up at her, arresting his attention. She nodded to the glass that had remained untouched in front of him. "You planning on drinking that?"

Oct 28th, 2001, 04:41:31 PM
Ilyarna grinned and grabbed her martini glass. Such a delicate glass in such an undelicate hand. She skulled the purple Kamikaze martini in one swallow and wiped her moist lips with the back of her hand.

Taking the darts from the Gamorrean's sweaty hand as it was her turn again, she stood to the line marked in yellow dust on the dirt floor of the bar.

The wheel began to spin mesmerizingly and Ilyarna took her shots.


The wheel stopped as the last dart reached its mark. Ilyarna jumped heavily on her feet, every bulge correspondingly shaking in the gravitational pull of her movement, and danced a little jig.

Again she had pulled into the leading score and more money exchanged hands as spectators changed their minds again on who to back as winner.

The Gamorrean grunted, swilled some dark beer, and snatched the darts back for another round.

Nov 24th, 2001, 06:47:51 PM
As the sabaac cards were dealt from the automated dealer, the young looking man had remained quiet and had not yet moved toward his drink. Hera's supsicions were immediately aroused - she never trusted a man who didnt drink.

She was distracted, though, as the cards tumbled toward her, and she was forced to focus on other things.

Despite watching those immediately at table with her, the Sith Lord's eyes moved restlessly around the gaming house. Her contact was here somewhere. No doubt watching her and waiting the right time to approach.

Hera knew little of him, but that he was known as "the Seer" and that he had important information for her. Information she had been waiting on a long while, and she was anxious to get her hands on.

Nov 29th, 2001, 09:08:26 PM
The Noghri entered unobtrusively into the smoke-laden room. A variety of
odors and sounds assulted him as he made his way deliberately forward. Cheering and jeering from the Dug fight; obscenities and curses as brawling broke out among a group of space pirates who had ingested way too many Correlian Ales; calls of dealers at the gaming tables and protests of house-cheating by the losers; sultry invitations of the many flesh-trade workers with promises of a little bit of heaven for a little bit of mammon - a veritable smorgasboard of scum and viliany.

He was much shorter than the majority of individuals crowding into
"Choons" and observed them with a distant interest. So many scum striving to satisfy all manner of lusts available to them in this establishment. Spice, gambling, sex, all were readily available to those who had credits to buy them. But the Noghri had no such appetites tonight.

He breathed in deeply, the sense of smell in this species was amazingly heightened, it was even said they could smell bloodlines - this dating back to the time when members of the Noghri race hunted the Skywalkers.
With a jerk of his head, the "Seer" turned in the direction of the 3 individuals sitting at a quieter table playing sabaac. Without waiting invitation, he sat and took the cards as they were dealt him.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 1st, 2001, 09:58:38 PM
Hob watched the cards being dealt to him. He lifted them up and gazed at them carefully.

At first, the hand seemed a very poor one. Hob had the two of Flasks, the Mistress of Staves, and the five of Cups. A nothing hand that had no chance of winning without changing any cards.

So, he would just have to see what he could do about that.

Beneath the table, one of Hob's hands touched the metallic casing that surrounded the droid brain which kept track of where each card was and which rules were in effect. He pushed Trickster's mental presence through his hand towards the casing- Trickster was adept at taking control of computer-based technology.

Take command of it, Trickster.

Oh, fun for Trickster, eh? Hm? Gooood.

Hob could feel Trickster sliding away from his body and into the table. There was a whirring noise, and then the computer spoke.

"This will be a game of Random Trade Sabacc. Cards may be placed in the Vault to hold their value. Each round, a player may trade cards with the player to their left, recieve a card from the dealer, store a card in the Vault, or call the hand. Play must proceed through three rounds before the hand can be called. The opening round begins with the person to the left of the dealer, and on the first round each player must pass one of their cards to the player on their left. The value of the cards may change at random."

Hob listened carefully to the rules. Although it didn't seem as though they benefitted him, Hob knew that Trickster had a far better idea of where the cards were than he did, and knew that Trickster would work in his favor.

Hob gazed at his cards, pulled the five of Cups from it and slid it facedown to Hera. It was of no use to him, perhaps she could do better.

Meanwhile, Hob was recieving a card from the Noghri on his right. He picked it up and gazed at it.

It was the one of Swords.

Before him was an excellent chance for him to manage what he had been attempting to do all night.

The Noghri next to him slid a seven of Staves into the Vault and set five chips worth one hundred credits each into the hand pot and the sabacc pot.

Hob slid his two of Flasks into the Vault and set an equal value of coins into both pots. He then glanced sideways at Hera. "Your turn, lass."

Jedah Lynch
Dec 1st, 2001, 10:04:00 PM
Far as bars went, the place was a dump.

Its air reeked of smoke, vomit, urine, blood and various inhaling fumes that the locals often partaked in to forget their daily lives or the troubles that plagued them. Located near a swamp he expected no less. Sounds of fighting mixed with the roars of the crowds echoed above even the most noisy of patrons.

Walking into the bar he sensed there was something here. Someone. A force user. And then another. The information he had come into contact with began to prove accurate if it was not a set up. Word had gotten to him of an servant that had worked in his Dark Lords service, that of Darth Vader holding important information that had been lost or hidden after the Emperors defeat and death of Vader himself.

The findings of a search indicated whatever this "seer" as he was referred to had known could lead to a major discovery. Speculation among the Authority was that there yet existed another Death Star untouched since completion and hidden due to the enormous financial cost and manpower requirements to operate such a deadly vessel.

The whole thing stank.

But if true then the Death Star had to be taken. In the wrong hands it was capable of being misused. Few who had commanded such deadly devices properly managed to make full use of its capabilities, worse was how many were easily blown up by the most insignificant opposition.

Moving to one side he leaned gently against the wall, his arms folded. The Sith wore a light brown robe concealing the light battle armor underneath and the weapons he wore. Wearing a helmet hiding his face so few could recognize who he was data flashed on the inside of his visor. Readings of the interior bar room filtered across his view.

A woman walked up to him attempting to place her arm around his. A maid of the establishment, if nothing more than a slave. Few wore less than a Hutt slave yet this establishments owners managed to outdo even those fattest of slugs if judging this womans attire.

"What be your pleasure? The Host offer whatever needs you may have. Drink, food, inhale or rooms for the most lonely of travelers." Tossing a wink at him he only stared at her through the visor once before telling her to leave him or lose her hand that moved to his side in search of cash.

There was no time to waste if this "seer" had already arrived, brushing past drunks and those talking to their companions he slowly began the search. Something about this mission bugged him despite having back up hidden outside the bar to net the Seer and his contacts if they fled, a feeling of trouble to come.

Dec 1st, 2001, 11:09:59 PM
The game progressed and the cards flicked out to each player in an orderly fashion.

As close as Hera watched the dwarf beside her, she could see nothing to give her cause to distrust him. But distrust him she did. Something was not quite right. He grinned at her mischeiviously and even though his good humor was infectious she tried not to miss a trick he did.

On the other side of her, the Noghri had not uttered a word. The only movement he made was to give and take his cards, and to place more credits into the pot as he layed his bets. He glanced sideways at her from time to time but Hera hardly noticed. Still she glanced around the crowd - now and then looking to Ilyarna who was also extra eyes and ears for her. With a shake of her head, the flamboyant dancer indicated no one unusual was seeming to seek Hera out.

Tossing in a handful of credits she took her turn, she reveiwed her cards ...her total only 19..and declined to call the hand and allow the dealer to increase the ante.

A disturbance in the force caused the Sith Lord to look up suddenly. Someone new had entered into the bar. A presence she hadnt felt in a good long while. The crowd obscured her line of sight, but she was certain of the other's arrival.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 2nd, 2001, 08:39:32 PM
*The red tagged Dug was one not to take lightly. He started the fight viciously, having his powerful legs connect hard into the chest of the other, green tagged Dug. The creature flew back, hitting the cage back first and bouncing off like a laser shot being fired in a magnetically sealed room. The green Dug, however, was not one to give up. It immediately sprung to its hands, and ran and jumped the early celebrating dug. This caught the one in red by surprise. The two stumbled as cheap shots were given by both. A variety of cheers and boos were shouted by the drunk crowd. So easily amused by a fight. How pathetic. Although, it was fun to watch bloodshed when it was not him in the middle of the fight.

Snack smiled and looked to the person to his left. He held a data card in his right hand, shaking it vigorously as he jumped up and down. Trying to catch a glimpse of the information it had, the Knight saw, but had to get a better look. With his left hand, he reached out and quickly snatched it away from the man. Apparently drunk and now angered, he pushed Snack and tried to punch him in attempts to regain his stolen item. Smirking as he stumbled into the next person to the other side, Snack caught the man's fist with his right arm, pushed it away and up, and threw out a right hook of his own, connecting with the man's jaw. The punch, aided by the Force, cracked the man's jaw bone, dislocating it from the head. One more punch right between the eyes and the man was out cold. Snack turned around to the guy who he had ben pushed into and noticed that he was ready to punch, but after seeing what had happened to the other, decided not to.

With a shake of his fist, Snack looked at this data card, noting that this red tagged Dug would be the favorite to win it all tonight. Heh, how many people would go home poor if something were to happen...

Red too control of the fight, controlling the pace and everything. Green was resilient though, still giving everything it had, yet coming up short. After a punch which sent the dug flopping on the floor, it seemed all but over. Green struggled to get up, slowly doing so but moving towards his corner.

Not today. Snack tapped into the Force, calling out to it and summoning it. He began to tap into the dug's mind, to control his moves. It took a little bit of poking and prodding, but with success, Snack gained control of green. The Dug stopped in his tracks, turned around, and immediately ran at the red dug, bitting, swinging and kicking with no sign of stopping. Snack summoned the Force to aid the Dug, to make his attacks stronger and hits harder.

And after a few minutes and two hard punches to the temple of the head, the Dug tagged in red was out cold. Relinquishing his hold over the victorious green flagged Dug, the Knight smiled. Boo's filled the rowdy crowd. Poor saps. Breathing heavily after the exhaustion of Force usage, Snack looked around waiting for the next fight to start. A figure caught his eyes, in a brown robe and mask. It had just entered the establishment, and gave off the coldest feeling one could ever feel. Yet it seemed familiar to the Knight. He kinked his head to the side, trying to acsertain who it was, but not wanting to prod the person's mind through the Force. Something told Snack that if he did, that person would more than likely rip his liver out. A strong and cold Force signature came from him.

Shrugging, Snack turned back to the caged area, where the red tagged dug was being dragged out.*

Jedah Lynch
Dec 3rd, 2001, 03:13:15 PM
They had sensed him, blast it all. When he had first detected their presence he was not able to firmly ID who they were, worse yet to make a successful scan of the bar using his force attributes if needed would have handicapped his ability to fully shield himself. He was sure they had not got a direct lock onto his own force signature, still if one had focused hard enough they might have recognized him. The scan was not completed but these force users if foes were not to be underestimated. Linking with the force he altered his force signature to hide his true ID. The disguise he wore was insufficient otherwise.

Removing himself from the crowd he placed himself in an isolated area free from the roaming vagabonds that staggered about. Tapping into his communications the image of a man in a white coat appeared. "We have a potential problem, there are force users here. Make sure the troopers are outfitted with gear to take down force hostiles, make sure the men picked are vets, we dont need anyone green to screw up the mission."

The image on the visor blinked in and out for a moment. "They are on their way, we have several Invid squads waiting if necessary, they will be deployed at the first hint of trouble. Have you made an ID lock on the force users?"

Looking out across the bar at the shuffling bar goers as they downed their drinks the Sith saw two slobbering drunks get into an argument about the slave who was sitting on ones lap, those two were soon to fight he knew. "No, not yet, there is more then one. If they are not working together then its hardly a coincidence, it is either the will of the force or something else has come into play."

Thes man face on the visor shifted uncomfortable for a moment. "Is it the Authority?"

Pondering for a second but no more the Sith shook his head. "No, they are not ready yet. The force is most likely in all this. Lock onto the kitchen of the bar, we may need to blow this place to get rid of them, the explosion may look like an accident long enough for us to make our get away."

"Can you see the Seer? Do you know how you'll get the info out of him on the DS location?"

The Sith moved out from his spot into the crowd once more, his words not escaping the mask he wore. "No confirmation of the Seer yet, it shouldn't be hard. Few are as ugly as his race to miss. I'll deal with him once he is found, finding out if there is an operational DS out there before anyone else is a top priority."

Closing off communications the noise of the bar came back to him, it was a small handicap not having the force to aide him so he could mask himself instead. But it was hardly a problem, he had spent years as a wolf among the sheep. Weeding out those who were to be dispatched quietly and quickly. Where the force was no help his eyes and ears would work.

Through the bodies of humanity he thought he spotted something. Silently and with deadly intent if necessary, he made his approach, a hand near a blade hidden underneath his disguise ready to cut into flesh if needed once removed from its scabbard.

Dec 3rd, 2001, 11:58:31 PM
Slapping the Gamorrean's hand coyly from off her ample rump, Ilyarna revelled in the fact that finally she was getting some of the attention she deserved. She missed her homeworld so much. There, she was one of the most desirable females of her clan.
Out here in this uncouth galaxy she was scorned constantly.

With a flick of her grimey hair she winked and tossed some more darts...all finding a winning mark as the Gamorrean snorted his pleasure at her.

Catching a questioning glance from her employer sitting at the sabaac table, Ilyarna motioned in the negative. Although she was enjoying her own little party over here, she was still keeping an eagle eye on any "interesting" individuals. Hera didnt know who or what this "Seer" was, only that he would meet her at this low-life bar and information of a sensitive, and according to the Sith, highly profitable nature would be exchanged.

The dancer turned to grasp her mug of beer when in walked a darkly robed man who she felt worth taking careful note of. As her new gamorrean friend took her hand and slavered over it, Ilyarna hardly noticed, her eyes on the masked individual. "Hmm...who is this tall, cool drink of water. "

Dec 4th, 2001, 12:37:36 AM
Although she was feeling distracted - the Seer sure was taking his sweet time in getting here - she tried to focus on the hands being delt. The trick to any game of chance was to watch the players as much, if not more, than the game itself.

The quiet one opposite them and not so much as raised his eyes to anyone. He bet, collected the cards and the turns moved on. The Noghri beside her seemed to know his way about the sabaac table. He was very attentive and though he hid it well, he watched Hera and the Dwarf intently, constantly upping his bets into the pot, which seemed to make Hob cackle lowly in delight.

Finally, a good hand. Or so Hera hoped. She had a Queen of Light and Darkness and a ten of Cups. She doubled her bet and tossed one hundred credits into the pot. Looking from one to the other, quite pleased with herself.

No sooner had the coin clattered into the "pot" vestible than the values changed and Hera was now holding a Ten of staves and the Idiot. The laughter from the trickster beside triggered a snarl of anger at her bad luck. Or was it only luck? She eyed him closely, and was about to say something when the Noghri leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"It isnt fun to lose what one feels their right to have.. Im sure Yurik would feel the same at the loss of the information that unfortunate Harbani Raider (http://pub8.ezboard.com/ftheacropolisfrm16.showMessage?topicID=10.topic)in considerately failed to bring him.."

Hera froze and Hob Goblin tilted his head slightly in question at the dramatic change in her demeanor. She was shocked at how subly the Seer had sought her out, and in fact, had been watching her so closely.

Turning slowly to face him, the Noghri pulled is leathery mouth back in a sly grin, making him look more fierce than friendly. "Nice to make your acquaintance Ms DrenKast"

Dec 5th, 2001, 07:06:18 AM
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Dec 6th, 2001, 10:03:27 PM
She shifted in her seat to look the at the Noghri directly.

"You had no trouble finding me I see"

"Despite the fact Ms DrenKast, that your picture is on one or two specialised data-bases available to me, it is not what led me to you."
He leaned forward, dropping the level of his voice, his beady brown eyes glinting, as he explained. "I could smell you - your bloodline, I know. I have smelt it before." He sat back and winked.

Hera scowled at him. What was that supposed to mean?
She had never met him, or any other noghri for that matter, before.
Well, that would be for another time, another conversation. For now she had more pressing matters than to be bothered with vague innuendo.

Instead, she closed the cards together in her hand and tossed them face down into the middle of the table. Nudging her chair closer to the noghri, she spoke almost in a whisper, glancing once at Hob Goblin to keep tabs on him.

"You have the information I asked for?"

"For the price I ask for, yes."

"Which is?"

Without pause, he stated his fee.

"One half-million credits."

Hera laughed derisively at the seer, and shifted again in her chair, this time away from him. Her body language declaring that they were close to ending this contact in a unsatisfied manner for both of them. "Dont waste my time, Seer."

The noghri tugged a small data compact out of his sleeve, just far enough for Hera to catch a glimpse. His eyes were glinting again.
"When you see what it is you have discovered by intercepting my communique, you wont be wasting any time on retrieving it."

The amount asked was high simply for information, but would it not be a problem. Only six months ago she had sold 3 crates of Lidonian Ore to the then General Scorpion for 9 million credits. And business had constantly been good. No, money was not a problem.

Something about the noghri made her instinctively know what he said would be true. This was big. Very big. And she was gonna get it.

She glanced around the room again. The dug fight had ended (abscently she wondered if her bet had won) and it seemed to her that their whispering was drawing a little attention from those around them. It was time to move to a more private area.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 7th, 2001, 12:01:07 AM
Hob glanced at his hand, his ubiquitous grin even wider. His hand now consisted of the King of Swords and the three of Coins. Smiling, Hob slid the three into the Vault and added a few 500-credit chips to both the hand pot and the sabacc pot.

All he required was the Idiot card. It was up to Trickster to provide.

Meanwhile, Hob had a King of Swords he didn't want. He passed it left to the quiet fellow, emptying his hand.

Hob rapped on the table and held out his hand. The dealer handed him a new card.

It was an eight of Coins.

Hob blinked and frowned. This was absolutely useless. His plan to score the night's sabacc pot was suddenly in jeopardy.

Annoyingly enough, with the one worry came others. What were Hera and the Noghri discussing, and if it was about him how could he stop it? And what was this looming sense of chaos that had suddenly approached his position?

Muttering to himself, Hob began glaring at the two and the three in the Vault, then spread his gaze to the rest of the bar in general.

Dec 7th, 2001, 02:21:11 AM
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Dec 8th, 2001, 12:31:20 AM
He had progressed from slobbering over her hand to up somehwere near the top of her shoulder. Though, Ilyarna had hardly noticed. She was straining to keep her eye on the dark-robed man.

He turned once, glancing in her direction, and she could now see he was masked. The incessent snorting of the gamorreans ardor finally brought her attention back and with a disarming smile, the dancer gave the gamorrean a hard shove with her free hand, sending him colliding backwards into another bar patron. This, of course, started more shoving and eventually an all out brawl between 3 or four of those close by.

Taking the opportunity to escape her admirer completely, Ilyarna moved off into the cigarra smoke and jostling crowd of Choons' increasingly drunken clientel.

She bumped into one, then another, and yet again another - this one a troghul - on her way to get a closer look at the dark stranger and see what he was up to.

"Oh, pardon me" she murmered as she squeezed past.

Approaching the bar, Ilyarna opened her hand and looked at the three small leather wallets she had just lifted from those she had just expertly pick-pocketed.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 8th, 2001, 11:06:56 PM
*The resulting mass confusion and surge of heated emotions from the loss of a great deal of money by the patrons filled the Knight with much needed dark energy, giving him some of his strength and stamina back from his extensive Force Mind Control. Dropping the data card onto the body that he had previously knocked down, Snack turned and weaved his way through the crowd towards the main bar counter.

He kept his presence open as he walked and pushed his way through the sea of drunks. A clearing opened up as he got closer to the sabacc tables. His head automatically turned to his left to take a look at those playing the esteemed gambling game. sitting at one of the tables, a Norghi was talking to a female that looked all too familiar...Hera? Could be. Snack had only meet her once. The other was a short troll type creature that the Knight definitely knew. One could not mistake the form of the great Hobgoblin. But why were they here?

Before he could answer his own question, a rotund female bumped into the Sith. Without saying a word she just walked on by. Snack shot a glare at her and was about to rip her a new one, but the sight of her back disgusted Snack more than anything he could think of. He watched her, though, walking into another drunk, this time muttering the words, "Oh, pardon me."

It was not worth the effort. As he turned his head back in the direction of the bar, he noticed that man once more, just beyond the inconsiderate woman, moving towards something. Snack kept his cold eyes on the person, noting the mask and the way he walked. Gah!

Once the bar was reached, Snack placed his elbows on the countertop and leaned his upper body on his arms. This place was definitely a mysterious place, full of irking events and strange people. No wonder why it was a popular hot spot.*

Dec 9th, 2001, 04:36:26 AM
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Dec 10th, 2001, 11:36:45 PM
"Wouldnt like to run in to that guy in a dark alley" Ilyarna thought as she moved quickly away from her third and final target.
She gave a slight shudder, something about him made her very nervous. Still, looking down at the 3 items in her chubby hand, her mood flitted from apprehension to joy with the simplicity of a child.

"Like taking candy from a baby"

Ilyarna practically skipped to the bar, so pleased at her easy pickings.

People in this galaxy tended to judge people by the way they looked. And most times they were mistaken, but usually in Ilyarna's case they were right. She was a 'what you see is what you get' kinda gal. She loved to dance. She loved to play. And she would occassionally work. She just had a short memory when it came to what she was supposed to be doing when. Hera had brought her along to be an extra set of eyes and ears, but Ilyarna had seen it as an opportunity to finally get out and let loose, with a little work tacked on as pricetag.

She plonked herself on a barstool and went through her bounty. One wallet was empty except for some lint-balls, another had a handy fistfull of credits and some other ID-type items. Ilyarna tucked this one deep into her top cleavage. The third one had only a few credits and then the dancer's eyes lit up like two hallogen bulbs.
From a slot in the wallet, she took out a hard plastic gold TSE-Express Card with the name Darth Snack emblazened on it and the TSE insignia.
She laughed excitedly and, just when her luck seemed at its peak, up walked the Masked stranger.

Grinning at the dark-robed figure and waving the gold card about invitingly she smiled her best smile, "Can I buy you a drink, dark Master?"

Dec 12th, 2001, 11:49:43 PM
Funny how fortunes are won and lost in the most
unlikely places. "Choons" one of the most reknowned lowclass
joints on the crooked mile and yet, here, fortunes were settled on the flip of a card or the roll of a dice. The right wink here, the timely nod there, and a winner or a loser was made.

Hera knew tonight was the night the fates were smiling on her. Though she believed one made their own luck...or killed those who screwed with it....Her coming into possession of the communique from the Seer was nothing more than dumb luck -being in the right place, at the right time. The Harbani Raider hadnt stood a chance against a force-weilder and Hera had taken the orb with the data chip from him as if it was her right.

And now months, and many discreet inquiries, later - she was sitting at a sabaac table with the source of the information she needed to gain what promised to be a substantial aquisition. A weapon, it was obvious, and one built by the late Admiral Tarkin, if her information was to be relied on.

The cards flicked out again and for some reason the Dwarf cackled out uproariously and stood up on his chair. Hera looked at his crooked legs and wondered not for the first time, at this feisty fellow darksider. As she tossed down her cards without even glancing at them, she knew instinctively this was not the last of dealings she would have with this wiley character. "Im out" and got up from the table. The Noghri followed suit and the two stood up and began to move from the table toward a darkened corner booth. The Seer snarled, baring his jagged teeth,
"We need this booth"
The noghri had a reputation as fierce and unrelentless fighters and the two aliens, who were here only to drown their sorrows, saw no reason to die over a peice of cheap vinyl. And so sliding out, leaving their drinks behind them, and slipped off into the ambiguity of the crowd.

With the crook of his arm, the Seer moved the half-filled glasses to the other end of the table and then her took a small device -shaped int the size of a little glass vial - and clicked it on. A red light came on the top end of the gadget.
"Frequency jammer. Never know who's listening in this joints"

Hera nodded and stared at him expectantly with her ice-blue eyes.

"And so, we have a deal with the price?"

"Give me something to go on. Vague promises arent worth the breath they are uttered with, Noghri."

"Call me Seer, please."

With a smile, again which looked more like a snarl, the Seer slipped again the small data-disc from his sleeve. This time he opened it and held it guardedly in the palm of his hand so that Hera alone could see it.

Glancing into the dark leathery palm of the Noghri - a sharp intake of breath was the only discernable response from her.
Meeting his gaze again, Hera said simply, obviously agreeing to his price, "Go on."

Jedah Lynch
Dec 13th, 2001, 11:35:16 PM
That little freak was there.

He was sure of it he had heard it speak, an un mistakable voice if he ever heard one with how it spoke.

An ugly little critter who's habits and mannerism were as foolish as those he served with. Hobgoblin he was called. Not much of a name for a creature who's species could be just that judging from the things appearance. The Sith knew this one from the planet on Vjun, the rotten little dump that housed some Dark Jedi whom he had battled with his fellow Sith brethren some time ago now. If opportunity presented itself a blade plunged between the beast shoulders might provide some extra worth to this mission.

He had made his way towards the creatures position seeking visual confirmation until someone spoke to him.

"Can I buy you a drink, dark Master?"

Stopping dead in his tracks he turned around before he could see the blonde hair female or the creature whom she had been gambling with to see an creature whom he had never saw before. One if he had he was certain he hoped he would see very little of any more of.

"I don't need any..."

Ceasing the rough voice that came out from the mask he stared at the golden card she waved around in an almost glee like fashion. Spotting the letters T S with the third letter blocked by one of her pudgy fingers he quickly swiped it from her grasp to take a better look at the card.

Darth Snack?

Was this....woman the property of Snacks? If so why would he own such an creature when far better breeds especially in appearance were available. It didn't seem likely she was his. So where did she get the card.

"Where did you get this?"

Dec 16th, 2001, 04:28:38 AM
The Noghri's datadisc had shown her in a few breif seconds a weapon marvellous in its evil capability. There was a breif printout of its created purpose and technical aspects - the impact of which, had not been seen on such a scale for a long, long time.

Hera thought it was beautiful. "Go on"

That was the green light the Seer was waiting for.

He leaned further forward and lowered his voice further.

"What you seek is not an easy thing. I can give you the location.."

Hera interjected, "and the approach passwords and security access codes"

The Noghri chuckled at the Siths paranoia that he would try to somehow rip her off. Nodding in the affirmative he continued.

"And all access and approach codes. The layout of the Installation itself, and the manpower there. It actually is staffed mainly with droid workers - the majority of engineering staff Tarkin had siphoned from the Deathstar Project and they had been recalled to duty there when the whole thing went "boom"

The Seer made a little "poofing" motion with his hand to emphasize his comment. He was enjoying himself, Hera realised dully.

"You will need to be able to penetrate the defence systems and take the....."target"......Do you have the manpower to do this?"

Hera snarled in irritation. That thought had already entered her head - second only to her intense desire to seize for herself that which she had seen in living color on the datadisc within the Noghris leathered palm.

Yes, this was ambitious. And she was not going to be able to do it alone. Yet her self-serving nature hated to share this prize with anyone. It had the potential to further her wealth and her influence as a "player" in the underworld enormously. Yet her greed had to be tempered by necessity. This did not sit well with her and her mood soured considerably. Who? Several potentials crossed her mind as the Noghri's dark eyes watched her closely.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 16th, 2001, 11:31:47 PM
(ooc) Posted this under the wrong name. Oops. :-p

(ic)"Manpower- hah!" Hob gripped the table and pulled himself into the booth beside Hera. "What need is manpower when one is a master of the Force? Hm? Old Hob has wrecked buildings from the inside with only himself, don't ye know?"

Both Hera and the Noghri stared at him. Hob stared back wiggling a credstick between his fingers, then gave them both a cheeky wink and grin. "Ye act as though we had never met before. An' how might you be, dearie? Give ol' Hob a kiss!"

Hob clapped both of his hairy, oversized hands around Hera's head and pulled her face close to his. The credstick had abruptly disappeared. "Jedah Lynch be here," he whispered in her ear. "An' Hob shall hide 'till he leaves. Jus' go on with yer conversation, an' everything will be fine."

And then Hob released Hera's head. With a swift motion he reached up into the roof of the booth and pulled himself into the shadow of the overhang, out of sight.

Dec 18th, 2001, 01:32:45 AM
The crooked little dwarf seemed to vapourise from thin air.

In an wink Hob had clambered up beside Hera and had her head held tightly in with his knotted fingers. Her eyes widened, oh gawds, he's gonna kiss me!

Instead she felt his hot breath on her cheek as he whispered up to her ear. "Jedah Lynch be here..."

She vaguely heard the rest and then lhe was gone as quickly as he appeared.

The Noghri watched on as the dwarf climbed up into obscurity.

Two things struck her at the same instant.

The HobGoblin was aware something was going on tonight between her and the Seer, and he one way or another, was getting in on it.

The other was that her dilema over manpower may just have been presented with a possible answer.

Discreetly, Hera turned her head in scanned the crowded bar.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 21st, 2001, 11:44:43 PM
"What will it be?"

*The harsh voice of the drink server awoke Snack from his sober thoughts.*

What? Oh... Alderaan Ale will do fine..

*The server nodded its head and walked off to grab the necessary items to create the drink which the Knight asked for. It took only a short minute to make the drink and pass it on down to the customer.*

"That'll be 200 creds."

*Two-hundred?! Good Lord that's a lotta money, especially for this drink. Normally it ran him a good eighty-five percent less. Shaking his head, Snack fluttered his arm and hand, calling upon the 'Old Jedi Mind trick' skill.*

You don't want my money, this drink is on the house.


"Yeah, right kid. But hey, if you're offerin' to pay for drinks to everyone in here..."

*What they hell? The Mind Trick failed? How? Anger and confusion ran throughout Snack's mind and body, his blood boiling at his own failure to preform a simple task. He quickly shot up, grabbing the server by the throat and pulling him half way over to his side of the bar. Before Snack could utter out a threat, the whril and high whine of a blaster shot in his ear, followed by the cold feeling of metal pressing against his skull.

Snack sent a glance to his left, knowing full well he would not be able to see the blaster, but curiosity got the best of him. Giving a wry smirk, Snack let go of his hold and returned to his normal position seated upon a bar stool. The server pulled back the gun and re holstered it underneath the bar counter.*

Yeah.. sure.. I'll pay.

*Hiding his anger, he stood up and began searching for any loose money in his cloak and pants pockets. Nothing. He then went to search for his wallet in his back pants pocket....

And nothing.*

Bloody frell!

*The Dark Knight shouted out as his anger erupted throughout the establishment. Where did my wallet go!? Dammit, I just had it... He thought back to his daily business, retracing his steps within his mind. One event stood out: That fat thing that ran into him. He saw it pickpocket the next person she ran into.. could she have... Yes.*


*Knocking over his glass of Ale in one swift swipe of his arm, the Knight stood up and began looking along the bar strip to see if he could find that ... thing. His anger doubled over in rage just as he spotted her talking to that masked figure. That very figure that Snack thought seemed oddly familiar, yet told himself to stay away from. But it did not matter now. His rage blinded him as he began walking towards the two, pushing and throwing patrons out of the way to clear him a path.*

Dec 22nd, 2001, 01:06:23 AM
Ilyarna immediately heard the alarm bells going off in
her head. What rotten luck this masked stranger would know
the individual she had lifted the card from.

Trying to peer over the tall mans shoulder to see how far away-
and how blocked the route to- the bar exit was, she did her best to cast a carefree smile.

"Why, he gave it to me, of course. Asked me to get him a few
rounds set up and so save time on the, well, you know." She gave him a lewd wink.

Turning back around to face the bar, her mind raced as to what her best chances of escape would be. Forcing her voice nonchalant in the hopes to continue the charade of unconcern and buy herself some time. "So, you want a drink with me or not?"

As the tall stranger made to reply, Ilyarna glanced behind her and saw an angry looking man making his way towards her - his intent unmistakeable.

"So? No drink? Too bad. Gotta run."

Moving as fast as a person of her generous proportions in a crowded room could, the flamboyant dancer tried to make a hastey exit.

Dec 23rd, 2001, 04:35:47 AM
Hera had sensed Jedah when he had first arrived, but being consumed by the Sabaac game and then in turn the revelation that the Noghri was the Seer who's arrival she had been waiting for, she had been distracted enough to not give it more attention than that.

And now, she could not locate him at all. Her first thought was that he had left the bar. Her second and correct guess was that he was inhibiting his force presence.

She continued to scan the crowd, but could not pinpoint him - the place was a zoo. The smoke haze seemed thicker, the patrons more boisterous and unruly than before. Both of which were true given the abundance of cheap ale and stim around.

She was about to turn back to the Seer, when Ilyarna, all bug-eyed and excited was heading her way. A pained look crossed Hera's face, and she tried to wave her away, signalling that now was not the time for her hysterics. Hera was beginning to regret bringing her along.

Jedah Lynch
Dec 30th, 2001, 09:48:18 AM
The woman if she could have been called that in any meaning of the word, somehow the simple term of female worked best to describe her better had fled quickly leaving the Sith holding the card in hand, there would be no way anyone in the bar would let such a thing get out of their hands so easily unless forced or cornered, he scanned about the room to see what had caused her to take flight so abruptly. Following the path she had peaked over her shoulder before she had taken her leave he saw the angry figure shifting about through the crowds.

Beneath the mask the Sith grinned in irony, flipping the card between fingers he wondered how she had managed to sneak the card from Snack. Not an easy task unless one was skilled, force users were taught to be alert and cautious of their surroundings least they find death laying its cold grip upon them.

First the Goblin, than Snack and himself of course being here at the same time a coincidence? Odds seldom permitted such a thing. Who was next? Discarding the thought the masked Sith glanced back towards the route the female had taken, she had not gotten so far away yet. Even if her form was better suited for speed to get past the patrons without having to fight past many would prove another challenge completely.

Spinning the gold card in his fingers he held up the small item enough for the approaching Sith to catch a glimpse. Confident that Snack had managed to view it the chaotic Sith slipped it beneath his glove and began to follow the female.

Brushing past person after person the Sith brought up an elbow smashing one in the jaw when the man refused to move and started to scream an obscenity towards the masked Sith. Knocking person side to side if necessary he began to hurry towards the female with speed knowing Snack would not be so far behind. The mission had called for total secrecy and stealth, yet he knew this was the path to take, trust his instincts and the dark side would guide him to the weapon of destruction.

With a force push to two men who were in his path that been celebrating a toast over the nights gambling winnings each went sailing in opposite directions over the heads of drinkers and slack jawed locals alike dropping much of their hard earned loot on the floor below them until one crashed into the bars other random inhabitants and the other landing hard on the solid floor upon the back of his skull. Some of the greedier bar goers quickly dropped to their knees to gather up the cash that had fallen as others jumped on them in an attempt to wrestle away the credits.

The distraction had given the Sith the room to quickly hurry towards his prey, bending down upon his knees he leapt into the air as his brown robe flapped against the body armor he wore underneath. Arms stretched outwards he moved them in front of his chest as he brought up his knees.

The Siths knees rammed down hard into the running females back shoulder blades causing her to fall sprawling forward against the dirty floor. Tumbling himself the Sith rolled against the floor and came up standing in the blink of an eye, a black unregistered blaster in hand. Ilyarna looked straight up the barrel that lay eye level to her at the same time she heard a click that signaled the blaster was ready to fire. Shadows danced about on the front of the Siths mask as she saw her own reflection on its surface in a darken tone that gave the impression of a mock gesture promising her death was now, the dark reaper had arrived to end her life in an heartbeat.

Dec 31st, 2001, 06:00:46 PM
Her body began to shake uncontrollably. She'd been in tight spots before, but not like this. This was different.

She raised her eyes and saw only her own relection in the cold dark surface of the masked man. That and the blaster levelled at her head.

Her knees were bleeding, but she was barely aware of it.

Squeezing her eyes shut tight so as not to witness her own imminent demise, Ilyarna braced herself and swore her whole life began flashing before her.

All she could think of was, "and I still havent seen the forrests of Endor..."

Jan 1st, 2002, 04:15:40 PM
Jedah felt the muzzle of the blaster push roughly against the nape of his neck.

Slipping from her table, Hera had come up behind the dark robed man. Ilyarna was her property and if anyone was going to mistreate her, it would be herself. Still unaware of his identity due to his cloaking of it, she snarled loud enough for him to hear.

"So much as twitch, stranger, and there wont be any need whatever for that mask you're wearing."

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 1st, 2002, 05:45:57 PM
*The thing, upon seeing the angered Snack, jumped and took off. Surprisingly, it was able to move pretty fast considering its... hindrances. Letting out a small growl, he saw his gold TSE card in the hands of the masked man and pocket it. Then he was off as well, but was he running from Snack? No, something about the masked man... He knew who Snack was.

Snack watched as he began to plow his way through the drunk crowd. Then, in an instant, it jumped like no man should ever jump, knocking the mass of skin down. The man held her at gun point, giving a cold stare of death that Snack could sense through the Force. Smirking, the Knight made his own path through the masses reaching for one of his lightsabers. As he neared, the sound of another blaster charging up alerted Snack of another presence. He cleared his focus and saw that Hera had the man at her own blaster-point.

Hera!? What the hell is she doing? That thing better not be hers! He thought to himself as he quickened his pace, knocking over more people who refused to get out of his way.

Taking hold of his dual blade, both orange plasma beams shot out. With a jerk, the middle of the handle separated. He spun the two in his hands, catching them so they would be comfortable where he would be holding them. In a flash, Snack had joined in on the fun, one orange saber tip inches from the fat girl's neck, the other inches away from Hera's. Fire in his eyes, the enraged Knight glanced first at the rug mat, then kept it on his fellow apprentice of Ogre.*

I do believe you should put that thing away, and I do hope this ... thing down here isn't yours.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jan 1st, 2002, 07:48:34 PM
Hob was concentrating on keeping himself hidden from Lynch. He was by no means going to allow that walking corpse to ruin his plans for the night.

But then the situation with the dancer came to a head and there was opportunity for mischief.

For a moment, Hob debated the wisdom of interfering, but it was simply overridden by his urge to play tricks on those two foolish Sith.

Concentrating on maintaining his cloak of invisibility, Hob cautiously stretched for his senses to the point where he could take action.

Abruptly, Snack received a hard blow to the shoulder that sent him toppling sideways.

Jan 1st, 2002, 11:24:15 PM
Darth Snack? What is he doing?? Who was the dark stranger to him, that a fellow apprentice of Ogre - one she had worked beside to devestate the island of Talasea - had drawn his lightsaber against her?

She was about to tell him to point that thing some place else when inexplicably he was knocked off balance by some hidden hand.

Trying not to be distracted by the events, Hera realised, belatedly, the crowding patrons of the bar had scurried back when blasters and sabers had been drawn and they had now become their own small arena of attention. The majority held their breath as they scampered to what they hoped was a safe enough distance, while still remaining close enough to see some bloodshed should things escalate.
She cursed the foolish dancer for whatever she had done to bring such scruitiny. The "negotiations" she was trying to conduct with discretion were being severly jeapardised by this development.

Addressing Ilyarna, the Sith commanded her to get to her feet - slowly - and advised the masked man to lower his weapon.

Meanwhile, the Noghri had remained seated, calmly watching to see where the chips would fall. He had a half million credits to loose in the balance, but he would not show his hand unless forced to.

Jan 6th, 2002, 03:00:45 AM
Ilyarna felt damned if she did, and damned if she didnt.

Hera had told her to get up, yet the dangerous masked man had not moved the blaster an inch.

Pulling her head back to avoid the end of the gun, the large dancer got, with much effort, to her feet.

She was surrounded by these monsters, guns and sabers waving about the place like it was the most natural thing in the world. They were all like wolves with bared teeth, Hera included, and Ilyarna the snared rabbit.

Ilyarna twittered on her tiny feet, desperately wanting to bolt and leave these horrors behind her. She wrung her hands and her eyes darted everywhere at once, but there was no where to run.

She stood there in total trepidation of what would happen to her, afraid to speak or move. She thought she would start to cry.

Darth Lynch
Jan 16th, 2002, 09:18:16 PM
The situation had changed greatly within a span of a minute. The players in the game appeared out of no where left and right to show their faces. One of whom he had not seen in a very long time. What was she doing there. The reports on her status had revealed she had taken up an smuggling business instead of working upon spreading the Sith ways.

Her blaster pointed to the Siths neck he could barely stifle a smile. They had some unfinished business from long ago and if she had fallen from her true path then she was to be taught the error of her ways. Keeping his blaster low he let go of the handle letting the weapon be held only by his finger, gravity took hold as the butt of the blaster lowered causing the gun to point upward at a different angle than it had been previously pointed at Ilyarna. Using only a small ounce of the force he commanded for the trigger to move.

A discharge of the blaster shot off narrowly missing Heras servant. The crowd of patrons further back ducked or scrambled to move out of the way, a dark brown tanned man was not quick enough. The blasters fire caught him right between the eyes sending him into a flip in the air and crash upon his stomach quite dead with the back of his skull oozing both blood and pieces of brain.

Thinking themselves under assault several men and women yanked out weapons of their own to defend themselves from and decisively pointed right at the troupe of sith. Fingers clutched triggers as eyes narrowed to lock onto targets to kill. To further catch Hera off guard the Sith in the fake rough voice let three words escape his throat. "Royale Order of Sith"

Dropping his own blaster to the ground he placed both hands to the grimy floor as he let the force flow throughout his body increasing his speed, pushing himself with both arms and legs he moved his body left in one blur leaving her weapon pointing to the ground. Extending his leg upward during his dash he kicked the blaster right out of her hands into the air. Grabbing a knife out of his boot he spun around bringing the small metallic blade to her throat as he held out the other hand pointed towards Ilyarna in a gun like gesture. "Bam"

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 18th, 2002, 04:45:45 PM
*The Force Push on his shoulder caught the man with his pants down. It was so sudden and so unexpected that he stumbled off to his side, his two orange lightsaber blades almost catching some of the nearby patrons. Snack quickly caught himself and scanned the bar for anyone who looked at him in a funny way, giving themselves off as the culprit. Both blades still humming with life, Snack found no one. In fact, those that did look at him quickly glanced away as fear radiated off their forms.

Not being able to find the hidden Force user, Snack thought that maybe Hera did it. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her but nothing more happened. His own mind had been too far busy with anger that the going ons of those around him passed him without a single thought. The blaster the masked man had shot off, awakening Snack from his enraged stupor. He watched as the laser bolt dashed around the room, finally hitting a man square between the eyes. He fell dead as many of the other patrons pulled out their blasters, aiming for anything that aimed for them.

Snack's eyes watched the masked man with interest. He jumped, knocking the gun out of the hands of Hera, and took out a knife, landed and had the dancer by the neck with it. Impressive. The man had uttered something while in action, his dark voice blood chilling. "Royal Order of Sith." Snack lowered his weapons, looking at the man, then the dancer. In a subdued, yet harsh voice, the Dark Knight spoke.*

I want my card back.

Jan 19th, 2002, 12:07:06 AM
"Royale Order of Sith"

Now there was a blast from the past..

The weapon was booted from Hera's hand violently, as the man moved with speed aided by force ability. Hera had tried at that time to breech the mind of this masked stranger and was vetoed completely. Which only confirmed to her that he was one experienced in the Force, because she was good...but he was better, and kept his thoughts from her.

Within a blink, he had his knife blade pressed against her throat. Hera snarled, her lightsaber taken into hand the instant the man had made his move and had it held down low, but angled upward to his body, pressing faintly against his armor beneath his robes. He mocked Ilyarna with his shooting gesture and the dancer continued to quake and tremble, (a visual Hera could have done without) but made no other move than to stand and shake.

Hera had been seeking out Jedah Lynch earlier, and could not find a trace of him. He was not to be "sensed" - just like the person who stood emanating menace before her.

She was aware of Snacks movements around them. The effect on the crowd as they scattered amongst themselves. Aware of Choons official thug squad over on either side of the group, two small troupes of Trandoshians - armed to the teeth, watching but unwilling to even attempt any confrontation with the small band of Sith, who at any moment might explode into unbridled fury tearing the whole place to peices.

Her eyes looked directly into the helmet visor. She was all but certain of the man behind it - but far from certain of what his manner toward her would be. It had been a very long time and he had chosen not to reveal himself, for reasons she could only guess at. Fine then. She could play his game.

"You know of the ROS..." It was not a question.

"It seems also you know me. But do I know you? You speak with a disguised voice and hidden face. So, my question is this - do you want to tell me who it is Im about to run through when I activate my lightsaber...or would you rather die like an anonymous Rogue?"

Darth Snack stepped up to them as the two faced-off, having recovered quickly from his fall at the tricksters hand. "I want my card back." The words hung in the air. The whole place felt like a powder-keg and the other patrons pocketed their winnings in expectancy of making a very hasty departure.

Darth Lynch
Feb 8th, 2002, 02:57:17 PM
Behind the visor the Sith stared at Hera before shifting back his weapon from her throat, easing back gently he stepped backwards with both arms pointed up in a gesture of non hostility so the woman would not strike out needlessly with her lightsaber and gut him like some second class Gungan. Removing the card from within his glove he flicked small golden object to Snack with a flicker of his wrist.

"Rogues we both were once, yet one of us still is." The time for secrecy had come to an end and could only hamper his mission if his identity was no disclosed to the two sith before him. The rest were of no serious consequence unless that damnable troll was still lurking about. If he was the Sith was sure he would make his presence known as well before time had passed.

Removing his helmet the Sith stared at both Hera and Snack. Of the two only Snack had seen him in his current appearance. It had been ages now since Lynch and Hera had fought side by side and since then the Sith Master had been through many changes. No longer just a Sith but a vampyre as well.

Sounding more like a growl with a low hiss added he looked to both of them and asked bluntly. "Why are you here?" There was no way each of them had arrived at the same place at the same time, there was a reason behind it all and he suspected it may have to do with his mission. Still aware of those watching, the Sith Master kept an alert for anyone that tried a foolish move. The bar itself was no more then a den of thieves and scum that would slit their mommas throat for a credit.

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 10th, 2002, 03:42:17 PM
*His twin orange lightsabers powered down, shrinking back into the mechanical handles. Clipping them both on his belt under his cloak, the Dark Knight watched with interest. Tensions were running high between the Hera and the masked figure more so than between Snack and the other two. He just wanted his ID back. Nothing more, nothing less. Once he would get it back, he'd leave the two to their own misgivings. Until then, however, Snack would be there prying himself into the middle of the two's business.

Firgetting momentarily about the thing which initially took his card, Snack took a step back as the masked figure did as well. With a flick of the wrist, the golden item was flung through the air. Quickly reach out and up, Snack grabbed it and tore it from the the smoke filled atmosphere. He brought it down to eye level, looking at it while flipping it from side to side in his hands. It was his card alright.

Smiling, the Dark Knight proceeded to pocket the card. Lifting his head up as he did that, he looked to the masked man and was about to utter the words, "Thank you," but suddenly stopped his voice when he saw that he had unmasked himself. With jaw slightly gaping open with no words escaping, Snack froze. That's why he took the card. And that was also why the figure felt familiar. Sith Master Jedah Lynch, also from the Sith Empire stood there. It really was not that big of a deal to the Knight in that he has seen and has spoken to the man times before. But what would this mean? It showed a lack of skill and awareness to have one's pocket picked, esspecially from something that waddles around and dances.He lowered his gaze, not sure whether or not Jedah would say anything about this now, or later, and worried about any consequences that would come.

He took another step back, head still lowered. Then Lynch spoke to the two. It was a short question, but one that would get a lot of information. Snack looked to the Sith Master, then to Hera. He waited what seemed like a minute before answering first.*

I'm here because of the Dug Fights. Heard they were the best around.

Feb 11th, 2002, 12:07:18 AM
Seizing the chance to slink away as the Dark man seemed to know her mistress, Ilyarna began her slow almost imperceptible move backwards, intending to slip into the crowd and make good her escape to the "Wolfsschanze" Hera's ship.

Feb 11th, 2002, 12:46:45 AM
As Lynch flicked the Gold Credit card to Snack, Hera saw in an instant the whole predicament of Ilyarna. It was one all to familiar to her. The dancer was inching away but with a edge to her voice that froze the amply endowed performer in place, Hera snarled, "Remain!!"

Hera turned to Darth Snack, her eyes dropping deliberately to where he clipped his saber to advise him his moves against her were not forgotten. However, her employee had wronged him, and she needed to set things right.

"Darth Snack, I apologise for my servant's behaviour. I, myself, have been victim to her nimble fingers - it is infact how I aquired her in the first place. Instead of killing her, I made her my slave."

At the snap of Hera's fingers, the Dancer fearfully, but obediently, moved to the front of the group.

"She is yours, Darth Snack - to do as you see fit. Make her your servant, your slave, kill her - I care not." Ilyarna started to wring her hands and snivel, but was silenced by a glare. "She must learn such actions against a Sith hold severe consequences."

Jedah removed his helmet and Hera was stunned.

She had realised the man before her was Darth Lynch - his statement regarding the ROS obviously intended for her recognition. But, he was definitely not the man she remembered. Not to look at atleast.
The face the mask revealed was the same bone structure, but it now had a paleness that was almost translucent. His eyes were still green, but there was an agelessness in them Hera had not noted before. Not that she had spent alot of time gazing into them, if she remembered correctly. The man barely stood still long enough for her to poke a saber at, his duties keeping he occupied endlessly with the Rogue Sith Order, The Sith Empire, and the training of DarkLord Havok. It was a nostalgia flash that took her by surprise and she smiled despite the fact Jedah had seconds before had a dagger to her throat.

"Its been a long time, Jedah." She smiled genuinely. "It is good to see you....Fangs and all. What am I doing here? Why else would I be here......Im after something. Isnt everyone?" Her question was a loaded one. She wanted to know "what and who" he was here for. Gambling was not something she felt Lynch would be interested in...not the monetary kind anyway. He had masked his identity and Hera got the sinking feeling it had to do with the Seer. She glanced at the Noghri who had been silent this whole while and Jedah followed her gaze. The Noghri shifted slightly in his seat - a telltale sign that more was going on than Hera realised..

Darth Lynch
Feb 13th, 2002, 01:07:39 PM
Heras gaze brought him to follow her line of sight to his prey, there at a table shifting most uncomfortable was the Seer he had sought. The Siths lips curled in in a snarl as his fangs were shown threatening to the Noghri, the look in the Siths eyes burning with a fury. Steadying himself the Sith let loose the rage that boiled within him like a raging fire that burned those around him in its flame, now was not a time to let into his basic Sith and vampyre instincts take a hold of him as each side fought for dominance within him, a private little war fought in his soul by two dark side forces each seeking absolute authority, it was not something he had not known before.

All his life he had be use to the raging battle within his soul as the dark halves fought for control and whisper the voices to him telling him what to do.

Sending out a mind prove to the Noghri he made sure it was the one he sought and not a duplicate to hide the true Seer. There was no need to ransack the creatures mind and burn its nerve system before the Sith could have its conversation with the nervous creature. If it was not nervous before with the presence of three Sith skilled in the dark arts than the communication the Sith Master sent the Seer was enough to cause the thing to jump out of its skin.

Stay where you are....there is no escape....no hope....we have found you.....the Rogues have you now...."

Keeping his view on the Noghri Lynch spoke to Hera as much as Snack "We are all after something, that is the way the world works." Noting that Heras servant....now Snack apparent slave for its pickpocket endeavor he gave the female Sith a stare most cold. "Why do you associate with such lonesome creature as that?" A quick look to Snack the Sith narrowed his eyes. "And you let yourself be robbed by that?" Almost rolling his eyes the Sith stepped to look back at the Seer as he let out a low sigh and mumbled several words beneath his breath.

Feb 14th, 2002, 12:16:54 AM
The smile vanished from Hera's face.

"Who I associate with - and why - is no concern of yours, Jedah."

She did not like his questions, and definitely did not like the exchange that took place between Lynch and the Noghri. She didnt know what the Sith Master spoke to the Seer...but speak he did through his mind, she was certain. He knew! He must know! Perhaps all about the weapon...or something close to it.. She couldnt let this happen. She needed the Noghri alive...or at the least, mostly alive.... to give her the access codes and exact location of the installation. She would not let Lynch swoop in like a giant bat and take away from her what she had worked months to get. She would not allow it!

Her body language changed again and there was no mistaking her meaning as she moved protectively between Jedah and the Seer, still seated at the table.

"The Noghri is MINE" she hissed lowly, her eyes hard. "I have business to conduct, so I suggest you go back to your masquerades and dont make MY affairs YOUR problem."

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 22nd, 2002, 02:01:22 PM
*Great. Grand. Wonderful! A new ... thing... to lug around. He looked at Hera, then in disgusted glanced over at Ilyarna. Mocking a smile and fake laugh, Snack returned his attention to Hera.*

Just what I've always wanted...

*A roll of his eyes told otherwise. Letting out a sigh of air, the Knight listened on, hanging his head in grief at this new luggage he had. What was he to do with an over... no.. a dancing challenged dancer? And one who steals to boot! Many headaches and therapy sessions could be foreseen.

A knock on the back of the head from the Force caused him to put that matter aside and look up. Just in time too, for Jedah spoke to him in a disciplinary manner. "And you let yourself be robbed by that?" Oh to jump at his throat or sting back with his own retort. But the Knight valued his life. He just locked eyes with the Sith Master, not fidgeting nor showing any fear. The lock was held for only a few seconds, as Snack's better sense told him to look away. His eyes broke away from Jedah's and went down to the floor, before raising them up to where his new slave stood. He pointed at her.*

You. Go make use of your skills and bring me back the rewards. I'll be at the bar.

*He turned from the other two Sith and took one step before halting. Turning his head to look over his shoulder, he continued.*

And don't think about leaving. I own you now.

*Meaning, basically, that he had her body signature implanted in his mind. If she did try anything, Snack would know through the Force. Without a single bow or acknowledgment to the Jedah or Hera, for they seemed too caught up in their own affairs, the Knight began his walk through the splitting crowd towards the bar. He had his card and now would put it to good use.*

Feb 23rd, 2002, 01:26:55 AM
The gods do favor me!

Ilyarna could not believe that she was still safe inside her own skin and that her limbs were all still attached!

She had been sure her life - as uniquely glamorously destined as it was - was over and in a staggeringly violent way at that.

But no. She had a new master now. And he was GORGEOUS!!
Surely she was blessed.

After stepping ever so carefully away from the broiling viperous collection of Sith, Ilyarna slinked off into the crowd to very carefully lift some profits for Darth Snack as he had commanded her.

She would do everything to please him. He would see in time he had made the right move to not kill her outright. She would see to it. He had no idea how useful she could be, and well, dancing wasnt all she was reknowned for..

Feb 23rd, 2002, 02:39:25 AM
Sith Master Lynch

The Noghri mused to himself...now that WAS interesting.

He had heard through his many sources that there was an interest in his recent movements, but he had not known who it was. Until now.

So, Jedah was an interested party hm? Wonder what he might pay for my information?

The thought had barely reached conception when Hera's hand snatched around the Noghri's throat and yanked him from his seat. She had heard his thought and lunged across the booth and seized him. The shock and the speed of her action rendered the Seer immobile as she hissed at him.

"You little fool! You double-cross me and I will peel your leathered hide from your bones with my blade layer by layer until you beg me to kill you! You have made a bargain with me and I will see you keep it Noghri!"

Behind her Jedah chuckled lowly. He was enjoying himself it seemed and Hera snarled in retaliation.

The crowd of Choons had now bored of the not seeing any bloodshed and returned to their vices. Darth Snack had accepted her slave and, for now, had allowed the dancer to live. Her fellow apprentice had taken himself over to the bar, but Hera remained attuned to where he was. Ilyarna, she did not think of again. She was another's property and she washed her hands of her. As for the Imp, he remained hidden from view, listening, watching...and most certainly, plotting.

Lynch took the opportunity to slide into the booth, hemming the Noghri in as Hera tossed the Seer back roughly against the chair.
There was nothing for it. Jedah had zeroed in. He was here about the weapon also, and now they would just have to have a little "chat" to see who gets what and how.

Darth Lynch
Feb 24th, 2002, 12:03:01 AM
If this whole affair got more amusing he would need to practice the art of laughing, such a skill was helpful during the more political discussions where the art of keeping up a friendly facade was of the utmost importance. Taking a seat in the booth he turned his face to study the Noghri for any foresight to how the being might handle the swift changes of events in the last few minutes. If the Seer had no problem dealing with a smuggler who happened to be a Sith than why would he not deal with the Sith Master, not like there was any matters of reputation, morals or ethics to worry about.

What an ugly foul thing this Seer was. The thought of doing business with such a lonesome flat scan as this Noghri made him want to vomit. Still he had an mission to attend with and he was determined to see it through to the bitter end, not that there was much to fear from it besides some sort of trickery. Trickery like that miserable little hairy runt that was somewhere about this place. The Siths urge to vomit at the thought only worsened.

Realizing the Seer had turned to regard him the Siths face instantly changed into a more friendly demeanor. Where there was anger and rage in his eyes now shined an almost pleasant glow, the Siths lips turned into a warming smile and he spoke with a friendly tone. "Nice bar. I remember when I and some of my associates once visited such a place some years ago right before three Gobbler Worms attacked the town, luckily we had four hundred soldiers in the area to distract them while we got the seller out of there safe and sound, he became a rich man."

Smiling at Hera he slapped her ass and smirked. "Why don't you go buy us some drinks sugah so me and my friend here can have a nice drink together. He and I have some business to attend too and it would be horribly rude to take you from this....ah lovely establishments atmosphere...." A man burped to their left. ".....and grace."

Feb 24th, 2002, 07:27:55 PM
Both her heels lifted off the floor at the force of the "thwap" and Hera had to reach a hand to the top of the booth table to stop herself from falling forward. For a moment she was stunned, and then, enraged as Jedah spoke to her like a common bar-wench.

Had it been just about anyone else other than Jedah, the fool would have lost his hand at the shoulder to her lightsaber blade. And then his head right after. As it was, she barely held her fury in check, knowing the SithMaster was trying to get a rise out of her and seize in on her transaction with the Noghri. Damned if she'd let that happen.

She glowered at Lynch and pulled her dagger from its sheath, stabbing it violently into the wood of the booth in front of him
"Dont push me, Jedah..." (she ignored his smirk) ....."I will tolerate your nonsense for just so long before I make use of my knife and slice off wings - among other things." She pointedly dropped her eyes to Jedah's lap and the Noghri squirmed epathetically in his seat.

Taking her seat she expelled an irritated and frustrated sigh. This was not going well. Dang Jedah and his spies..or however he knows about all this. She would just have to work it to her advantage. After seeing the weapon on the display the Seer showed her earlier, she realised she did need someone with a large craft. And she had to admit, when she first thought Lynch had arrived earlier, he did come to mind as a possible resource. But she had not planned on telling him the whole thing. She wanted to work it all on her terms. Now that would not be possible.

Or would it?

"Now that we are all here, why dont we just get our cards on the table and dispense of the games...?" (She glared hard at Jedah) "I have an arrangement with the Seer already - Jedah, you are too late and too slow..why dont you tell me what its gonna take to get your co-operation and assistance in my enterprise here with the Noghri."

She pre-empted the mocking laugh that she could see was coming from Lynch. He was enjoying this too much. He would know Hera was in no real position to make demands or dictate to him. But that's because he was forgetting...It was time to jolt her old comrades memory...

"Im sure I can count on you to afford me a favor, my fellow Rogue. Certain events of long ago are done, but not forgotten, yes?..... She let her words hang for emphasis and smiled as her meaning began to dawn in Jedah's mind. Seems his memory was not quite so short as Hera had thought......and she smiled as she saw his good humor fade. A very sensitive situation had developed during their term in the RSO and while Lynch and Hera were the only ones privy to it, they both knew the release of such vital information could wreak catastrophic consequences.

"So, what do you say, Lynch? We can be partners?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 26th, 2002, 09:17:47 AM
*Snack sat himself on a bar stool, leaning forward to rest his arms on the table. The barkeep at the time, who had witnessed what had just transpired, tentatively made his way to the Dark Knight, asking for his order. Taking an Alderaan Ale, the barkeep nodded and quickly prepared the drink. He slid it to Snack and wove his had as the Knight showed his TSE Gold Card.*

"Pay before you leave."

*Shrugging, Snack sipped at his ale. The drink was by far his favorite. So sweet, and so refreshing. It seemed to calm him down and set him at ease when things were rough. But he didn't need this drink to set himself at ease all the time. He knew ways through the Force which allowed him to calm his soul and calm his anger and rage. A nifty trait, it was, that he learned during his days as a Jedi.

He took another sip of ale, this time placing the glass down on the counter top before him. Glancing over his shoulder, he searched the area where he once stood with Lynch and Hera, and that one thing which was now his. No one was there. His eyes scanned the area quickly, searching for the other two but came up short. There were so many humans and aliens in this establishment that it made finding someone utterly difficult, if not impossible. Of course, the three of them did happen to run into each other, by chance or by will of the Force. There was no coincidence in that.

Returning to face forward, he took yet another sip of his half empty glass of ale and learned that his stool swiveled in place. The simple pleasure caused him to half smile. To be a kid again; the fun that he would have. He shook his head clearing the silk cobwebs forming in his mind caused by his drink. Looking over his shoulder for another quick glance around the room, Snack wondered why Lynch and Hera were here, and what exactly they were talking about.*

Darth Lynch
Feb 26th, 2002, 01:33:04 PM
So the tables of fortune had turned on him. Confound the woman and her knowledge. Gripping his hand in a fist his anger showed for a moment seeking to be unleashed in a unyielding fury. Teeth grinded against each other although he dared not show it. This was problematic he realized and had changed his ability to easily pluck the Seer from her grip.

Partners. The word hung in his mind, she wished for them to team up? To work together for each others mutual interest? Surely if she dared to pull this on him now than she would dare to do so again once more when the moment arose. Hera may have feared the struggle if it came to that, each were determined to finish out their own agenda and neither would be cowardly enough to step back from the task in front of them. Little doubt plagued his mind she had alternative reasons for offering suddenly a partnership. She needed something......

How arrogant of her. To try and blackmail him of all people into such a thing. It fueled his mind with anger and destructive thoughts. Partner. He cared not at all for partners, during his life he had many. So many of these "partners" were fools and tools of their own "respected" governments or agencies, all of whom had purposes hidden and filled with convenient half truths to achieve whatever they needed or suited their interest. One of the few enjoyable aspects of such partnerships was how often those he had been teamed with did perish and die, sometimes in most gruesome and hideous deaths.


Rising from his seat he gave the Seer a look that dared the Noghri to cross him and pay for such insolence. Giving Hera the same look he glared at her harder. "Tread carefully for knowledge is a double sided blade and can be struck both ways." Moving past her he stared slightly agitated into the crowd of patrons. "Time moves forward, I suggest we do the same. Have you everything you need for what lays ahead." When away from here he would get the information he wanted, time was all it took like so many other things in life be it undead or otherwise.

Feb 28th, 2002, 11:00:12 PM
Darth Snack swivelled around on his stool and came face to face with his new property.

Grinning broadly, Ilyarna who had watched him as she approached gave him a sly wink.

"I know what they're up to."

And then she ducked slightly to hide as Jedah strode past them and exited the bar.

Mar 1st, 2002, 11:48:35 PM
Hera nodded to Lynch and chose not to comment on his threat. "We are ready. Lead on, partner. We may not be the only ones looking for this and as you say, time is moving forward."

The Noghri's eyes followed Jedah's retreating back as the Vampyre strode through the crowd. Then turned to stare back at Hera. He shook his head in a dismall warning,

"Dealing with the devil is a dangerous thing."

Hera smiled vaguely at the comment. "Yes, and how was Jedah to know the devil is a woman."

"Now move it - he'll be gone if we dont catch up."

The Seer didnt share Hera's calm with partnering up to the Sith Vampyre and felt he was tangled up in a nasty mess that would only go worse on him.

Hera herself didnt feel calm either. She had played a dangerous hand with Lynch and for the time being, she was up. Admittedly, it was sweet to see Jedah force himself to remain passive when she could sense every inch of him wanted to fly into a rage as she had mentioned the past. Up til that point, she was certain he'd intended to take from her the prize that awaited out there...in the Maw.

There was no reason both her and Lynch could not work together. Well, except for the fact they both wanted the same thing. That could get messy. She would deal with that when the time came. For now - he was willing to co-operate and Hera would take advantage of such accommodation.

Making their way through the drunken throng Hera glanced back to look for the Imp, but she could not see him. She saw DarthSnack and Ilyarna at the bar and vaguely wondered how long the dancer would manage not to get herself killed.

The 3 made their exit - a strange combination as ever there was one to be seen - but then again...this was a strange galaxy and such dangerous bedfellows were sometimes unavoidable.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 2nd, 2002, 03:27:30 PM
*He jerked back when he saw the ugly face smiling in front of his own. Swiveling his chair back to face bar counter, he looked down at his half empty glass.*

I thought I told you to go do your thing.

"I know what they're up to," the dancer spoke out.

*Snack turned on his stool to look at Ilyarna. His eyes widened, the look on his face change from disgust to that of curiosity. Snack prepped himself to ask, but kept quiet as he caught glimpse of Jedah leaving the establishment. Snack followed with his eyes and when the Sith Master was out of sight, he returned his gaze, regrettably to his slave.*

Uh, Geez.

*He accidently let the sigh of misfortune escape his mouth as his eyes set upon her once more.

You could possibly try not to be so close, couldn't you?

*Reaching behind him, he grabbed his glass of ale, and downed it in one swift gulp. He set the glass back down on the counter top hard, and spoke his order to the barkeep, "Gin." His eyes caught the figure of Hera moving now, also towards the exit. A Noghri followed behind, and as the two left Choons, Snack spoke.*

What are they up to, then?

Mar 4th, 2002, 01:51:18 AM
In response to Snack's comment on her being too close, Ilyarna took a step back, but bent to lean further forward, thus defeating entirely her effort, and putting her face even more near his own.

Her breath was uncomfortably warm as she said in a conspiratorial whisper...

"Well, sometimes I see things, Master Snack..and hear things. I dont mean to really, I just happen to be around at the right time, you understand."

Snack moved his face away, but listened nevertheless.

"They are going after some weapon - a creation of Admiral Tarkin's or something - its all hush hush, you see. "

Snack scoffed..."Another DeathStar...? Dont waste my time with your prattle."

Ilyarna shook her head...which in turn shook her volumous frame.

"Not a DeathStar. Something else. To do with weather..." She lifted her heavy eyebrows and a wide grin spread across her face as she saw Snack's interest spark.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 10th, 2002, 02:55:50 PM
Weather, huh?

*He closed his eyes, not wanting to lose his lunch at the jiggling of a platter full of jelly in front of him. Something that could control the weather would be a nice little tool to have, for himself and the Empire. But realisticly, he did not believe such a weapon could exsist. Besides...

His perky interest soon subsided.*

What good would a weather controling device be for me? I already an one of the best Elementalist in the Galaxy. I have yet to meet anyone with the skills I have at controlling the atmosphere.

*Snack smirked. Maybe it was a lie, maybe he was telling truth. He had no clue whether or not there were any others that could control the weather. If there were, they would probably be his own Master, and other Force sensative beings with a lot of hard and rigerous training in their past.

Turning on his stool seat, he looked back at the bar keep. He shook his head, woundering why he would be talking this lowlife he now had as a slave.

But maybe...

He swivelled back to face her and jumped back when he saw that she had not taken any steps back.*

You're going to kill me with a heartattack before I get the chance to kill you, ya know.

*Snack paused.*

A part of me doesn't believe you. You are ar stealer and a criminal. Though, you know that if you lie to me, you'd be dead here and now. And I think you value your life.

*Another pause.*

Where is this weapon?

Mar 12th, 2002, 11:56:06 PM
Ilyarna waved her hands dramatically.

"Oh no, no, no, Master Snack - I would NEVER lie to you!"

She vainly tried to make more room between them as her proximity seemed to annoy him, but the bar was crowded and it was difficult to talk loud enough for only Snack to hear, and not be close to him.

(Besides, it was nice to be so close. She could see his skin nice and smooth, and he smelled good.)

"Im sure you are the best there is, with that weather control thing, Master Snack. But this weapon is on a huge scale from what I can gather. Hera kept talking ransom/hold hostage etc. You know even for a sith, she is quite greedy."

Snack just looked at her and waited for her to answer his question.

"Oh, right. Where's the weapon. It is out in the Maw somewhere I think. Some secret installation. You know, we should hitch a ride with that horrible winged guy.."

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 15th, 2002, 10:38:23 PM
Horrible? Naw, he's just misunderstood.

*Standing up, Snack began to move through the crowd, pushing drunk crowd hastily. He glanced behind him to make sure his added luggage was following behind and once confimred, kept pressing forward until he exited Choons. He waited for Ilyarna to step up beside him. Looking to both his left and right searching out for where Jedah had his ship parked, Snack reached out through the Force and sent a message.

Master Lynch. Please wait for me and my information bringer to board your ship. We're tagging along for the ride...

Smiling to himself, he nodded his head in the direction which he felt Jedah to be, and began to jog off. Hopefully, at least for now, Ilyarna would be able to keep up. Maybe she could loose a few extra pounds through this tough run as well.*

Mar 16th, 2002, 12:18:27 AM
Hera walked beside Jedah, glancing every once in a while at his back, curious to see the wings beneath the robes. She also snuck peeks at his teeth...looking for the typical 'fang' of the Vampyre.

Yes, he had changed a great deal since she had seen him.

Physcially anyway. The real question was how much "he" had changed and how much could she trust him. Not that Sith were the most trusting types in the first place...But they had known each other a very long time.

She guessed only time would tell.

They ascended the loading ramp from the docking platform, when Jedah stopped and turned as if he had heard something.

Hera waited, and glanced at the Noghri who had travelled along behind them in the solitude of his own thoughts.

Darth Lynch
Mar 21st, 2002, 09:47:33 PM
Snorting as he stopped to wait for his fellow Sith to join himself and Hera, he imagined that shifting pile of shivering and quivering lard that made up Heras former "little" helper would be tagging along with Snack. While the Sith Master did not mind the fellow TSEer tagging along the thought of that gelatinous gob of goo coming along for the ride did not fully set well with him.

That ill fated mass of skin flopping pile of fresh had better stay out of trouble, if nothing else he would ensure that thing was placed somewhere far away in the craft. Deep within it. Isolated. Where there was nothing of worth to steal, destroy or trip over.

Tapping his fingers on his arm as he folded them across his chest he gave the Noghri an scowling look while he moved one hand down to his lightsaber that clung to his belt and tapped it twice. A simple but efficient message to the Seer not to do anything foolish on this voyage or it could be his last. If that filthy sweety and overall disgusting walking piece of ham got in his way Ilyarna would find herself skinned two thirds of her overall body mass in the span of thirty seconds.

How Hera would behave was an interesting question. They had known each other this was true, it did not matter in some cases. Time from people changed many things and the overall behavior and attitudes of some reflected that. The stunt with she roping him into helping her did not sit will with his pride. Very little did someone ever get any form of an upper hand on him.

Snorting at the thought he continued to wait for those that would join on this expedition.

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 22nd, 2002, 07:35:10 PM
He's gonna want to kill you, ya know?

*He shot at Ilyarna who surprisingly kept up with the in shape man. Of course, Snack would not allow Jedah to kill her, but they would be on his ship. His rules.

Finally arriving to where the ship lay, Snack saw Lynch standing along side Hera and the Seer. Stepping up to the three, Snack nodded first to Hera, then Lynch, totally disreguarding the Seerer. His eyes returned that to the Sith Master's, a cool and evil tone radiating from both.*

Don't kill her.

Mar 29th, 2002, 12:47:24 AM
The pain from exertion gripped in her chest like a huge fist and squeeeeeeeeezed, causing large beads of perspiration to coat her ample form.

She made to speak, but all she could manage was a throaty wheeze as she staggered up behind Snack.

Resting her hands on her knees, she bent over inhaling deeply trying to calm her racing pulse.

After some time, she regained her composure, only to be greeted by the cold hard stare of the scary one. Ilyarna again, shrank back behind her new master and wished she had kept her mouth shut about the weapon. She would probably be home with Master Snack now, dotting on his evey whim...maybe doing a dance or two for him - Oh, that would be lovely! she thought to herself.

As the small group moved up the ramp to board Jedah's ship, Ilyarna gave a little wave to her former mistress and the Noghri. She was nervous to be in such company, but like a child, didnt really think much further than the moment, and at the moment she was going on a great adventure with the handsome Snack..maybe they would share a room!

The dancer almost skipped the last few steps up the ramp into the ship.

Mar 29th, 2002, 02:08:40 AM
Hera was escorted to the quarters where she would be spending the majority of the trip, which if she had anything to do with it, would be short and sweet. She intended a classic "smash and grab" operation, but that too would determine on what defences the Instillation had in place.

The Noghri would room with her also. She had insisted. Jedah was being surprisingly complient....and she wasnt sure how to take that. Not that it really mattered where the Noghri was. His information was for both herself and Jedah now - what she knew, Jedah needed to know for this operation to be successful. The critical time for her would be when the weapon was in their hands..

Later that night as the massive ship moved like a silent beast through the stars as it charted on its course to the Maw, Hera met with Jedah, Snack and the Seer in a large conference room. After a general run down on how she came about the information from the orb she obtained from a Harbani Raider, they reveiwed the data disk the Seer had brought.

Hunched over the little screen, the Sith men on either side of her, Hera greedily devoured the stats and design of the magnificent weapon of destruction and licked her lips unconsciously...


History of the Ionic Ring:

this unique starship was created by Professor Renn Volz. It used a specially modulated ionic beam to manipulate a planet's weather patterns. Volz envisioned the ship as a climatizer, capable of altering the destructive forces of nature to make a world livable. He tested the ship on Zerm, and it was a success. However, he came under Imperial scrutiny, and Captain Bzorn took control of the ship. Bzorn used the ionic ring to destroy planets, turning their weather into stormy, devastating forces. The ring was recaptured by Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca at Kessel, but Volz decided that the ship was too dangerous. He destroyed it himself. (CSWEA)

(Additional information to explain where this weapon was created:

The Maw Installation:
an Imperial base on the inside of The Maw, created by Grand Moff Tarkin and dedicated to the creation of new, powerful weapons. Tarkin intercepted the memos detailing the discovery of the Maw, quietly removing the exploration team and hiding all records from their travels. He then began working on blueprints and staffing assignment,s choosing scientists and engineers with no family ties to work in solitude. It was constructed without the Emperor's knowledge, and was operated by 180,000 engineers, scientists, and support staff. It is a conglomerate of asteroids and Imperial construction that houses laboratories, factories, and meeting halls. It was guarded by 4 Star Destroyers under the command of Tarkin's lover, Admiral Daala. The scientists at The Maw created the initial plans for the Death Star and the World Devastator. They were also responsible for the development of the Sun Crusher. However, when Han Solo and Chewbacca accidentally discovered the existence of the Maw some ten years after the death of Tarkin and the fall of the Empire, Daala was completely unprepared for the news. She took her fleet out of the Maw in an attempt to attack the New Republic, but was left undefended by Daala. Han and Kyp Durron managed to escape in the Sun Crusher, with the help of Qwi Xux, and warn the Republic of its existence. The New Republic tried to overtake the base, but Daala returned and destroyed it, rather than let it fall into Rebel hands.


The Instillation that the Noghri has knowledge of for Hera, Lynch and Snack is another, secondary and much smaller instillation and totally fabricated by this writer)

Edit: TTT

Darth Lynch
Apr 14th, 2002, 06:44:44 AM
Reading the details he merely took it all in. So this Death Star rumor was just that. Instead the weapon in question turned out to be another interesting device capable of altering a worlds natural behavior patterns. Such a tool was useful in the right hands, deadly in another. During sieges it could be used to help originate tsunamis or winds capable of hurricane like strength to cripple convoys and wreck havoc on vital cities. Just one little use for such a device that could wreck total devastation if the information provided was accurate.

There was nothing like causing global destruction on a massive scale to make one walk up first thing in the morning.

The information of the Authority had proven to be inaccurate still, that would displease them. It annoyed him. Still the benefits of taking this new prize was obvious enough to any. The way Hera read the information it looked as if she had found a buried treasure worth billions of credits. Snack himself appeared to be delighted by this little revelation himself.

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 15th, 2002, 10:55:41 AM
*So, a device of sorts that can control the weather? Ingenious. Absolutely ingenious. At first, though, Snack had his doubts. Why use a device to control the weather when one had the Force and a mastery of the elements at their disposal? The Dark Knight was an accomplished Elementalist as it was, having a distictive and quite possibly an unmatched skill at controlling the winds. Tornadoes, quick cloud cover... and from there, rain and other such atmospheric conditions could branch out, if taken the time to study how.

Glancing over the data again, Snack's eyes jumped from Jedash to Hera, then finally the Seer creature. Each one of them probably had a use for this object already. Hera for personal gain and destruction, Jedah for personal gain and for the Empire. Then why was Snack here with them? He really had no use for such an object. He glanced over those gathered once more, thinking to himself that he should at least act like he had some use.

So he smirked, looking over the data yet again. But what if... Blinking a few times, a realization came to him. The Knight still did have a lot to learn in the ways of Elementalism, and maybe this "ring" could help aid him in his learning and further advancement in his skills. With wide eyes, he smiled evily.*

Apr 15th, 2002, 10:16:24 PM
Doing a side-ways glance at first Jedah, and then Snack, Hera thought both men too quiet. She couldnt tell what they were thinking - and an outright waltz through their thoughts was not only a bad idea but could provoke a lightsaber through her chest for her trouble.

Snapping closed the holovid and leaning back on her chair, she said to no one in particular.

"Obviously, I want that ship."

The Noghri shifted in his chair, not completely at ease in the present company, but not one easily intimidated either.

With a gravelly voice, he first cleared his throat and began to outline the lay of the Installation.

He gave a basic overview and outlined the security preimeters they would encounter, leaving the detail for specific questions the Sith might ask.

Finishing, he assured them,

"I have all entry and approach codes in here" (he tapped his head with a leathery hand) "The information was as current as the last leaving transport from there, we should have no problem,"

Looking each Sith in turn.


Darth Lynch
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:17:45 PM
"Only a statement. You pull anything and I'll rip your vocal cords from your throat and shove them straight up your ass."

Eyeing the Noghri with a deadly look he wanted little doubt to be left in the Seers mind that he would keep his word on the threat if he or anyone pulled some stunt for their own benefit. Far worse punishment would be extracted if the slightest bit of treachery was done by his "partners".

Allies past or present you never expected any less or any more than they gave. And if they gave chances were they wanted something all the more in return. In his life time he had met many, served with many and trained some. At various points he came to disagreements with some and in due time there could be more far more than exchanged words.

It had been time since he worked with Hera, how she may have changed in that time was still a question. Her words saying she wanted the ship was enough to know she meant business, a venture that still could come to the equivalent of a hostile takeover.

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:13:21 PM
What's in it for us?

*Snack's eyes turned hard on Hera, his face emotionless. The question itself was straight forward, but Snack truly did want to know. If he got a hold of it first, then he'd use it for himself and the Empire. He had no idea what the other two would use it for.

But Snack held honor and loyalty high. This would be a show of loyalty to his Master, in helping a fellow Apprentice. Of course, it would cost Hera..*

Apr 29th, 2002, 09:59:29 PM
Hera smiled dryly. How she loved the Sith. They were a hostile and distrusting lot. All selfish, ambitious, greedy to some degree or another. Hera herself was completely self-serving. She knew these traits, saw them in herself as well as in others and understood them.

Snack was demanding answers - as if she cared what was in it for him. They served the same Master, they had fought side by side - as too had she and Lynch. She was loyal to them, as she was to the darkside. But, and they all knew this - or if they didnt they were fools - she would turn on them with a vengence should they cross her designs and no connection - past or present - will change that.

"You will have your share in the profits if you wish it, DarthSnack. If you wish something more, then state so. If it can be accommodated, then I will be happy to do so. If not, then I expect you've wasted your time coming with us.

She turned her eyes to Jedah.

"Dont concern yourself with the Noghri. He knows what the Sith are capable of to those who double-cross them."

The Seer sat, not speaking, but watching and taking measure of those in the room.

ttt - dang gotta finish this one! 2 more months and its a year old.o_O

Jul 11th, 2002, 11:01:38 PM
Well this was a bust.

Ilyarna sat dejectedly on the small (way too small in fact) single bed of her quarters and crossed her beefy legs back and forth in boredom.

Her Master had been gone for hours now and her great hopes of
snagging him all to herself were waning for the time being.

Lifting her ample frame from off the soft mattress, the dancer made a bee-line for the door, stopping only to glance in the mirror and flash herself a winning smile. fabulous!

Time to explore.

She poked her head out the doorway, looking first left (clear) then right (clear) and stepped dandily off down the corridor.

Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 12th, 2002, 07:56:06 PM
ooc: I was waiting for Lynch to post, I swear!:uhoh


A fair share is all I ask for in this.

*Snack said, looking at Hera. A slight concerned look started to show itself, not because of who was in the room, but who outside the room (somewhere in the interior of the ship) was beginning to stir. *


Jul 15th, 2002, 07:47:24 PM
A fair share? That was reasonable.

All they had to do now, was get the weapon so there was something to share in the first place. That was gonna be the hard part.

Hera moved toward the exit, the Noghri with her. The meeting was coming to an end and now they had to wait their arrival at the Secret Installation before more could be done. Hera would have to curb her impatience until that time. Still, it didnt hurt to ask..

"Jedah, how long until we reach the Maw?"

Jul 30th, 2002, 06:18:57 PM
OOC: I was waiting for a sign of God, but all I got was this lousy shirt that says I’m with stupid. Now to the post. *clicks fingers* IC:

A grin came to his face, his voice had changed from the heated and ill tempered sounding to a more soothing and lighter tone.

“We shall arrive soon enough, the good captain is an experienced fleets man and shall get us all there soon enough, a few hours and nothing more and we’ll be there”

Not much longer yes and they would be there, the Maw..it was a place he had heard rumors about, whispered tales and rumors spread by the paranoid and those with information to sell. If any such tales held true this would be a most eventful voyage.

He was not worried, while he did not trust them he knew them to have some honor in them. And if they did try something...his fingers gripped the lightsaber by his side. Such matters were easily dealt with.

“I recommend you take a look around, stay out of trouble and...watch that...thing that you gave to Snack as a....”

The Siths face contorted slightly and merely shook his head and with a subtle gesture waved her away.

Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 31st, 2002, 06:12:09 PM

*He had caught Jedah's last statement just as the doors behind him closed. If they were still open, the Sith Master would have had a nice glare to look at.

He shook his head as well.*

Now for more important maters... avoiding this ...heavy baggage I seemed to have claimed...

*Propping his senses on full alert and with a hand near his single bladed lightsaber cliped to his belt, the Dark Knight began to walk cautiously to where his room was aboard this ship.*