View Full Version : Dreams undreamt (Open)

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 30th, 2001, 04:34:06 AM
The cries of creatures being destroyed, maimed or hurt in anyway always caught Vegas attention, and it seemed today someone was out to really alert him to their presence.

It was a shame he couldn't say anything or think straight...

A speeder! Go get the speeder!! ... no, no. No chasing things. He had to try and focus and concentrate. Follow the smell of blood.

Pawing slowly across the concrete, tail swaying slowly behind him, lupine Vega sniffed eagerly at the air, wondering exactly why he was attracted to a poodle like dog that passed by on the end of a leash held by a respectable looking woman.

Through his beady, dark eyes and a curtain of shaggy fur he could see a body. There must have been other things, but he couldn't concentrate on them. The blood was too interesting.

Giving a bark-come-growl, he paced forward slowly, his shoulders slipping back, ears pressing down against his skull.

Melusine Galelei
Sep 30th, 2001, 06:04:02 AM
(ooc) Okay, I have no clue what this character's purpose will be... So.. Someone just work with me here? I'm not sure what's gonna happen, but I wanna use this char. ^__^;; (Gitane here, BTW)

Crouching near a small stream, the inhuman girl dipped her fingers into the water and lifted her hand to touch against a thin gash of her arm. Her orange/yellow eyes dropped behind her for a moment, staring at the thin, claw-like strands of smoke that reached through the air. A cold shudder ran down her spine, causing her to stand, her small hooves clicking against the stone ground. Her wings flapped for a moment and she leapt across the creek, making her way from the clearing, into a thicket of trees and bushes.

The sight of buildings caught her eye near the edge of the forest. Pausing only for a moment, she darted across from the trees to what seemed to be a run-down tavern, looking more animal in her movements than human; using all four limbs to run. Once inside, her eyes seemed near glowing, gazing at the people in the tavern, most half drunk. She leapt onto a table with several gawking men around it and lunged upon the nearest one. Small, razor teeth gleamed in the dim light as she grinned wildly at him, small claws ripping over his neck.

Several patrons cried out and fled into the street as Melusine sat herself upon the man's stomach, licking streaks of blood from her fingers absently.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Sep 30th, 2001, 06:46:51 AM
*One man didn't run. A robed figure stood up, and his robe parted, and huge, glowing white wings emerged.*
"You, I can sense your past.
I know you have been shunned by all who see you, as I have.
Come with me, and I shall make you an Emperess, and a hero."

Melusine Galelei
Sep 30th, 2001, 07:59:28 AM
An untrusting frown creased her lips as Melusine picked at the form, sticking bits of flesh into her mouth. She slowly crawled off the half-torn corpse and circled the man, remaining on all fours. She sniffed at him slightly and growled, leaping onto another table. Finally, a human look returned to her face, her wings folding against her arms. She rasped out, lowly, with a barely used voice, keeping her eyes cold on the man.

"Why should I trust you..?"

Sep 30th, 2001, 10:21:08 PM
"Indeed, why should you trust anyone?" A voice cut in. It was perfectly calm and silky smooth yet, at the same time, coldly sardonic.

"After all - You can only be betrayed by those you trust. Is it not true?"

Melusine cocked her head around, not entirely taking her eyes off of the robed man who had previously addressed her. A quick glance revealed a man, both tall and muscular and as pale as Hoth snow. His long hair, the color of sun bleached bones, reached almost to his waist, tied in the middle by a ribbon the same shade of crimson as his eyes. Bloodless lips parted into a cruel smile, revealing immaculately white teeth. Words seemed to flow out of those lips as fluidly as blood from a wound.

"Ah, but I'm being rude: I haven't even introduced myself yet. My name, for the time being, is Mortaniuss. It isn't the name I was born with, but it is as good as any, wouldn't you say?"

Melusine Galelei
Oct 1st, 2001, 01:07:10 PM
The girled horned head tilted to the side as she crawled over to Mortaniuss, sniffing at him slightly. There was an odd sense to him... Cold, even dead. Yet he spoke and moved perfectly. Melusine stared up at him for a moment, her tail twisting a bit in curiousity. Another sense caught her attention and she spun around, making her way to the door, only to find herself staring face to face with a wolf. She moved back a bit, growling softly.

"What are you..?"

Oct 1st, 2001, 01:44:48 PM
The albino crossed his arms over his chest, uttering a short laugh that somehow managed to sound condenscending.

"I assume yoour inquiry was directed at our newest guest and not myself, yes?"

With a confident stride, he made his way across the room to stand by the girl's side. One slender hand fell casually to his side, coming to rest on the pommel of his sword.

The sword, Melusine noted, she hadn't noticed until just now. How utterly strange, to miss a weapon of such stark contrast to its wielder. The blade was painted the darkest ebony, from hilt to point, with unfamiliar and archaic runes etched in its side. At the touch of its Master, the Black Sword seemed to utter a strange murmuring.

"Like all beautiful women before you, you seemed to have attracted quite a bit of attention m'lady."

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 2nd, 2001, 06:02:31 AM
"Why should you trust me? A good question."
I was hated for my wings.
When I was born, it was found that my parents were Draconians.
The small village was fearfull of all non-humans, and we were chased, and my parents killed.
The instant they fell, so did the villagers.
Darth Vaders Nhogri came, and brought me to Vader, where I was raised as a prince."
"And you, Mortaniuss, are Albino.
Another who was shunned, yes?
We can all band together, and someday bring a reign of acceptance, where even those who may be somewhat frightning are Embraced."

Oct 2nd, 2001, 04:00:29 PM
"Even those who may be frightening are Embraced", Mortaniuss repeated what the other man had said, musing over it with a cold smile.

"An interesting choice of words there, I must say. But I'm afraid that I have already been Embraced by those far closer to Kindred than yourself, good sir. Your offer, however, is duly noted."

His boney fingers now wrapped around the sword's hilt, his attention returning to the wolf-like creature in their midst.

"However," he spoke with his back to Mhalbrecht. "I think we may have other, more pressing matters to attend to first."

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 2nd, 2001, 05:16:04 PM
"Your choice to join me or not, but allow the girl to decide for herself."
*Mhalbrecht also faces the wolf-like creature.*
"All those misunterstood or feared may join me, you included."
*He then faces Mortaniuss again.*
"Yes, I did make a poor choice in words.
What I meant is that beings that are misunderstood, hated, and feared are welcome with me."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 3rd, 2001, 04:48:31 AM
"What for?"

A growl left her throat as she crawled to Mhalbrecht, her eyes glowing slightly as she looked up to him. Her small wings gave a slight flap as she leapt onto a table to become near eye-level with the man. She leaned close, her blood-tinted lips turned to a dismal frown. She tilted her head slightly before again speaking.

"Why only have those who are mistook? To have the largest pity party in the galaxy?"

She leapt from the table, slowly pushing herself to stand on her two slender hooves. Her eyes shifted to Mortaniuss as she let her wings fold against her arms, speaking with a more calmed voice.

"I've forgotten to introduce myself... I'm known as Melusine"

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 3rd, 2001, 05:07:26 PM
"No, all are welcome in TGVC, including those who are misunderstood.
And, I knew your name.
You were the reason I came here."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 4th, 2001, 02:25:29 PM
Melusine growled, spinning on her hoof and crouching down again, crawling to Mhalbrecht to stare up at him. Her voice rasped quietly as she reached up and grabbed against his cloak, yanking him sharply to eye-level with her.

"No one knows of me...So how could you?"

OOC - Mhal, please, your sig doesn't work... Either stop posting it, or upload the pic to a place that doesn't have a firewall. It's extremely annoying.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 4th, 2001, 03:27:32 PM
OOC: After this post.
IC:"I had heard legend spoke of a creature like you on this planet.
I had also heard it called the Melusine."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 4th, 2001, 04:38:24 PM
OOC - -_-;; Mhal.... Two things.. One; Don't do that. Please. Don't create a name for a species that you know nothing about... Let alone for a character that is not your own. Two; Melusine is an artifically created being. She has no species. I know that's never mentioned, but that's going to play a key in the character later on. I don't mean to chew you out or anything, but it's something you need to know. :\

Oct 4th, 2001, 05:19:31 PM
OOC ~ When you assume, you just make an ass out of "U" and mption. :p

IC ~

Centuries of life (or, as the case may be, unlife) had taught Mortaniuss a great deal of patience. It was a true rarity indeed when he lost his temper, and few who bore witness to it lived long enough to relate the tale. But even he could not suffer a fool for very long, and Malbrecht would soon be able to count the minutes he had left alive on one hand. Still, Mortaniuss spoke with a perfectly calm and civil tone, betraying none of the underlying aggrivation he felt.

"M'lday... if I may interject for a moment? I don't mean to be impolite to our guest here, but... he's been lying from the moment you met him. I can often discern such deception in a person's voice, and I get the impression that you know what I say is true."

The albino's crimson eyes bore into those of the other man, just waiting for him to try and counter the accusation. And when he did, he would almost certainly prove himself the liar he was.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 5th, 2001, 04:41:41 PM
OOC: Ignore my last post.
IC: "I have not been lieing.
You both can have a place in TGVC.
You see, Melusine, I was involved in the project that created you.
When you escaped, because of the cruel project leaders, I could see that you needed a place, and that those eho controled the experiment were horible, and you should have been cared for, instead of locked away.
I have felt guilty for not making them see that, and want to set it right."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 6th, 2001, 05:01:07 AM
OOC - -_-;; Ron.... Shush. Okie doke?

IC - A rumbling growl left her throat as Melusine leapt ontop of the nearest table, knocking a chair over in the process. She spun around and glared up at Mhalbrecht with utter disgust.

"You know nothing of me! I was a science project, but I was not encaged. Nor was I mistreated."

A grin formed on her face after she spat the words at him, her claws scratching deep into the wood before she casually leapt to another table, looking over her shoulder before wiping a streak of blood from her cheek, left from her earlier meal.

"That was their mistake."

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 6th, 2001, 01:08:35 PM
"Yes, I was was lying, and you ssaw through me, Mortaniuss."
"I had guessed that you were not a natural being, and that you had been mistreated, so I lied to get you to Trust me."
I had heard of the project that created you, and had always wanted to meet the fruits of the project."
"I had tracked you down, and finaly caught up with you today."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 7th, 2001, 06:57:13 PM
A hand shot out as Mhalbrecht found himself being wrenched eye-level to Melusine. She growled deeply, before shoving him backwards and leaping from the table, landing in a low crouch on the bar counter. Her eyes moved to Mortaniuss, her head tilting to the side.

"And do you have a suggestion of where I should go?"

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 7th, 2001, 08:57:37 PM
*Mhalbrecht rises to a sitting position, woozy.*
"Yes, you seem to have been telling her I am not who she should come with, but you have no suggetions yourself."

Oct 8th, 2001, 12:27:31 AM
The sides of the albino's mouth curled into a cruel mask which could only be his way of smiling. He uttered a sort of chortle (http://learndifferent.clanpages.com/n/kainlaugh.wav), as cold and sardonic as the rest of him.

"Well," he started, tapping his index finger against his chin in mock-thought. "I'm afraid that I'm not overly familiar with the Galactic 'hot spots' in this sector. However..." He chuckled again. "I just happen to have a small place on Nar Shaddaa. It's not much - certainly not fitting for a remarkable woman such as yourself - but I thought it might offer the both of us not only a temporary respite, but a chance to talk. I would like to learn more about you, if you'd have it."

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 8th, 2001, 09:16:04 AM
"I would like to learn more about the both of you. I would like to come aswell. If any of you chose to come with me after, I will take you to Shakuras, If not, I will leave."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 11th, 2001, 02:31:25 PM
She frowned to Mhalbrecht, her back arching almost cat-like as she glared up at him, her voice low in tone.

"You think I'd trust you?"

She turned and carefully walked to Mortaniuss, stretching onto her hind legs, looking over her shoulder rather arrogantly.

"You seem creative... Make your own stories for us."

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 11th, 2001, 03:27:48 PM
"To answer why you should trust me, why should I trust you.? You have killed many men, and could do the same to me. Yet I am here. The least you could do is here what I have to say."

Oct 14th, 2001, 08:14:49 AM
His patience had already begun to wane and, as the other man spoke, Mortaniuss opted to politely ignore him, instead devoting his attention to Melusine.

"Shall I take that as a sign of your approval, then?"

His bloodless lips creased into the same cold smile which was quickly becoming his trademark.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 14th, 2001, 08:12:52 PM
"You will regret continueing to ignore my, Mortanius. I have said why she should listen to me, though you seemed to have left out that detail."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 17th, 2001, 05:09:26 AM
"And if I do not want to listen to you? You've lied twice to me, and I've since lost intrest. Try getting that through your thick head."

She growled lowly and leapt onto the bar counter, leaning over it to rumage through bottles unfruitfully.

Oct 17th, 2001, 07:55:50 AM
As silent and graceful as Vornskr on the prowl, the crimson-eyed albino flanked Melusine. His grip wrapped tightly around the hilt of his sword and, as it did, a strange sort of mummering - almost like a malevolent whispering - filled the air.

"Perhaps the time has come for you to politely make your departure from us, good sir. I would hate for this as-so-far friendly meeting to become distinctly.... unfriendly."

The Black Sword murmured something again just then... perhaps it was a disagreement to its master's words.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
Oct 19th, 2001, 07:44:31 PM
"You shall regret your secisions."
*With that, Mhalbrecht spread his wings and fly off toward the horizon.*

Melusine Galelei
Oct 22nd, 2001, 01:02:22 PM
OOC - >_< Sorry for not replying; I've been out of town for the past few days.

IC - Melusine spat at the descending figure, growling softly before she turned to face Mortaniuss. Her head tilt curiously to the side before she crouched to her usual position, pacing around and silently eyeing him. There was an uncommon trust in her eyes when she leapt to the bar counter to gaze upon him at eye-level. Her voice was calm, as well as low; A smirk creased her lips.

"Lead the way, O' gallant, mysterious one."

Oct 28th, 2001, 11:36:54 PM
With a somewhat ironic grace, the vampyre crossed one arm over his chest and took a bow. His hair drooped and almost touched the floor, stopping just an inch above it. He straightened himself and smiled once more.

"As you wish, my silver tongued vixen. My ship is but a short walk away. But I thought we could... take the scenic route? That is, unless you were in any particular rush..."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:23:43 AM
"No..No hurry..."

Shaking her head a bit, Melusine smiled; something she'd rarely done before. Her tail flicked back and forth absently as she watched him, silently awaiting his lead.

Oct 29th, 2001, 05:47:37 AM
With a slight nod of his head, Mortaniuss made his way for the door of the establishment. Near the door, he came across the body of the man Melusine had attacked, sprawled out across a table. He stopped, dipping his index finger in an open wound. When he removed it, it was covered up to the knuckle in blood. He stuck the finger in his mouth and sucked on it thoughtfully.

"Delicious, no?"

Standing outside with the unusual woman at his side, the vampyre surveryed the horizon thoughtfully. An orange aurora still hung in the air, remenant from the sun's recent setting. His skin felt warm at it's touch.

To the north was a small-ish forest - Unbenknownst to Mortaniuss, the very one Melusine had emerged from. And, if memory served him correctly, a stream ran through the forest at one point. After the bloody affair in the bar (oh, how he wished he could have made it even more bloody - such a shame that the liar had finally taken his hints and left), Melusine would surely appreciate the opportunity to cleanse herself.

As they walked, making their way back to the forest, Mortaniuss broke the silence with an attempt at idle conversation.

"I find the scent of the night air... exhiliratiing. It's the best time to hunt, after all. But then, it's not like I have much choice in the matter..."

He trailed off for a moment.

"Tell me... do you enjoy your time in the daylight?"

Melusine Galelei
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:57:38 AM
Melusine blinked as she stared at the ground, as if for an answer. She scratched at the dirt absently, gnawing at her lip in silence. After a moment, she realised she'd fallen behind and scittered forward to return to the man's side. After a quiet sigh, she finally began to speak, her eyes lifting to the horizon.

"I've never thought about it, honestly.. I haven't been outside much in my life.."

She bowed her head again, moving along beside Mortaniuss steadily. Her arm ached slightly from her previous ventures, but she took no heed; The bleeding had long-since stopped, so why bother? Her eyes squint slightly as a glimpse of the setting sun blared through trees.

"I must say, though... I don't much enjoy the brightness of it.."

Oct 31st, 2001, 05:51:42 AM
He chuckled, crossing both of his arms behind his back as he walked.

"Indeed. I can whole-heartedly agree with you on that much. I tan very poorly." he said, with just a hint of ironic sarcasm in his voice.

As they talked, the stream came into sight. Mortaniuss pushed aside a low-hanging branch, giving a better of it for the both of them.

"I thought m'lady would like the opportunity to cleanse herself. Blood is such a nuisance when it dries."

His eyes shifted to the bandaged wound on her arm. He frowned.

"And perhaps something can be done about your injuries, as well. I have an effective, if somewhat... unorthodox, means of dealing with minor injuries."

Melusine Galelei
Oct 31st, 2001, 06:22:44 AM
Lifting her head to look at him, Melusine nodded a bit. Shhe moved forward and crouched low at the side of the stream, dipping her hands into the water. She scrubbed absently at the blood before lifting a wet hand to run over her face and neck. Finally satisfied, she stepped slightly from the water, tilting her head a bit.

"So..what is this 'unorthodox method of yours?"

Nov 4th, 2001, 06:56:26 AM
(A blood-red tongue parted his thin lips, wetting them before returning to his mouth.)

"The saliva of my kind has a mild, restorative effect on injures; Flesh knits in but moments, leaving naught a trace of a scar."

(The vampyre made a mild, embarassed bow.)

"However, I fully understand how uncomfortable such contact can be. Forgive me for even presenting the notion."

(He brought one hand up, tapping his chin in thought)

"In fact, I think I may even have some medicinal supplies on my ship. It's hardly a stone's throw away from here"

Melusine Galelei
Dec 3rd, 2001, 05:46:18 AM
A small laugh left her mouth as Melusine looked up at her escort. He was proving to be a very intresting man.

"That will do quite fine. Thank you."

She pushed her feet slightly from the ground to leap over the small creek absently before turning to look at Mortaniuss, keeping her crouching stance.

"To satisfy my curiousity, tell me.. What intrest do you have in me?"

Her fingertips lifted from the ground slightly as she stood clumsily on her legs. From this position, she looked terribly uncomfortable, as well as unbalanced. Small teeth grazed her lip as her hooves moved a bit over the ground until she seemed content with how she stood.

Dec 8th, 2001, 10:15:47 AM
(A wolfish grin quickly plastered itself on the albino's face, a true sense of humor pervading the expression)

"You need ask what interest a gentleman has in a beautiful lady?"

(He laughed)

"Truth be told, I simply felt bound to dispose of that scum that approached you in the bar. While I'm certain m'lady could have handled it herself, I saw no need for her to dirty her hands with the likes of him."

(Slowly, Mortaniuss had positioned himself next to her as he spoke. Raising both hands behind his head, the vampyre untied the crimson cloth which bound his hair into a ponytail. He offered it to Melusine.)

"That wound should have constant pressure applied. Tie this around your arm."

Melusine Galelei
Dec 22nd, 2001, 01:34:01 PM
A thinly shaped brow arched as she eyed the cloth before slowly taking it. Her fingers rubbed it slightly as she sniffed the fabric. She'd rarely been offered much help of anything before, and often anything that had to do with wounds or direct touch with blood had nasty effects latched into it.

Her hair tossled over small horns as she shook thoughts from her mind, finally seeming satisfied with the cloth. She placed it on the thin wound and clumsily tied it on. A quiet sigh left her mouth while she looked up to Mortaniuss with a teasing curve of her lips.

"The wound is nothing to worry about... I've had far worse."

Jan 7th, 2002, 03:29:51 AM
For the first time, the vampyre offered a smile that was both genuinely warm and soft, voicing his concern with a starking sincerity.

"I am sure you have, my dear. But there is no need for you to suffer without cause. Besides... it would be a shame for your beautiful form to be marred by the likes of a scar."

Melusine Galelei
Feb 16th, 2002, 01:00:42 PM
Her cheeks blushed rather brightly as the delicate skin of her wings flapped slightly. She touched the ground for a moment before stepping forward a few feet and turning around, her eyes locked up at the man. She tilt her head curiously before glancing behind her.

"So...Where might this ship of yours be?"

Feb 16th, 2002, 01:12:17 PM
He gave a soft and brief chuckle before tilting his head to the North.

"I thought you'd never ask. Just over yonder grove, m'lady."

And, true to his word, the massive ebony form of Mortaniuss' vessel came into sight with just a scant few minutes of walking. It was comparitively large, for a personal craft, and was shaped like a medieval battle axe: Sharp wings jutted from either side of it, flanking the narrow shaft of the body. Silently, apparently triggered by some unseen signal, a door slid open from its side, and a set of stairs descended until they touched the ground.

Mortaniuss stopped.

"I just realized how improper it may be to simply take you back to my temporary place of residence. With your permission, I thought I'd show you to somewhere a little more... grand. In specific, I mean the Coven Citadel, home to my kind."