View Full Version : Hearts of Stone (Closed RP)

Xanatos Etanial
Sep 28th, 2001, 04:37:35 PM
<center>Closed RP, if you want involved please email me at mphage@hotmail.com, with the name of the thread in the subject line
<font size=7 color=red><marquee direction=up><center>Hearts of Stone</center></font></marquee></font></center>

It was a dusty day on Tattoine, though all the days on the planet were dusty to be honest, the streets were closed as a Sand Storm raged through the barren land. Only the stupid or insane would dare venture out into this death trap. And there amongst the blowing winds a figure appeared, barely visable through the turbulent winds and debris. He seemed unmoved by the blowing sands, or the howling wind, he continued as if it wasn't there.

The door to the bar swung open with a loud creek, as dozens of patrons glared up at the person who had exposed them, even if it be ever so momentarily, to the elements outside. The traveller said not a word, but stood there, as if waiting for one of them to attack. Moments seemed endless as the bar kept silent, and suddenly... nothing. The patrons turned away and went back to their business. The man turned slowly and shut the door behind him before making his way to a seat across from the barkeeper, where he finally showed a sign of communication.

"Barkeep. A glass of Chardonnay."

The bartender, a large ugly human turned and raised his single long eyebrow at the man.

"Rather fancy drink for up in these parts, not sure I got any."

The man looked down for a moment and remained silent.
The barkeep chuckled and grinned.

"Maybe ya oughta make some other seelection, so... what can I do ya for?"

The man raised his face again and scowled.

"I told you, a Chardonnay."

The barkeeps grin faded away.

"Listen pal I told you, we ain't got none of that fancy smancy..."

He didn't get anymore out, the stranger reached behind to his jacket and in a flash drew a sword from its sheath and brought it to rest under the fat of the bartenders many chins.

"Find some."

The barkeep looked at the weapon nervously and gulped, but not to hard so his throat didn't expand into the razor sharp edge of the blade.

"Of course sir, the customer is always right."

Turning his head the barkeep let out a scream towards the back of the bar.

"GIRL! Git your no good blue slave ass up here! we got ourselves a customer with a special need!"

The man grinned for just a moment before the slave girl came into sight.

Xanatos's eyes widen in both shock and disbelief


Ryla Relvinian
Sep 28th, 2001, 04:53:45 PM
I heard the barkeep call me from down below, and hesitated only a moment before replacing the bandage on my arm. The branding scar was starting to heal already, even if it had been only two days ago that they had officially marked me as one of the barkeep's slaves. Silently hurying down the stairs, I grabbed an apron and tied it around my waist.

As I walked into the main room of the bar, the bartender motioned to the man who, apparently, was to be my "special customer." a sound of disbelief escaped his lips.

"Ryla... ?"

He was... familiar looking. I couldn't place my finger on it... Wait!

"Xanatos?" I replied smugly. Slavery had not yet driven all nuances of sarcasm from my weary voice."What's a lousy sith like you doing in a place like this?"

Xanatos Etanial
Oct 3rd, 2001, 09:17:42 PM
::Xanatos chuckled to himself and grinned, of all the Jedi he had ever thought of ending up as a....

No, wait, scratch that, she WAS the one he had expected. Heh.::

"Actually Barkeep, I think I'll take your advice, and I will order something you have available."

::The fat bartender raised his single bushy eyebrow and dropped his jaw, the fat jiggling as he did::

"Oh? Ya' wi.. will?"

::Xanatos nodded and smiled giving Ryla a twisted smile::


::The barkeep smiled happily and shrugged his shoulders::

"So... what's your new order then?"

::X turned his head toward the hideously fat creature and raised his hand pointing to Ryla::


::The barkeep fell silent as the smile quickly vanished from his face::

"Not for sale. She's a pretty good helper, and besides, I haven't enjoyed her... "company" yet."

::The barkeep chuckled, the sexual overtones flowing like a stream from his fat face. X noticed Ryla's shudder and upturn of her face in disgust at the very mention of this::

"But, if ya' interested, come back in a couple of days after I've had my fun wit' her, and if she ain't a good lay you can buy her then. But from the look of her, I'd say your chance is slim to none."

::X shook his head and grinned, his chance was 100%... He raised a hand in front of him and made a sweeping motion in front of the barkeeps face::

"No, you will sell her to me now. The price will be 2000 Republic Credits, and credits will be fine."

::The barkeeps face hazed over with a blank look and nodded::

"Credits... will be fine..."

::X reached under his jacket and pulled out a small canvas bag, he tossed it onto the table, the sound of credit chips slinking echoed as it hit. The barkeep hazily reached into his pocket and revealed a small device, the control device for Ryla. X reached out and took hold of it.::

"Interesting technology..."

::X thought to himself as he traced it with his finger::

"It appears to allow the bearer to limit the distance from the owner a slave can travel, much cleaner than simply having their head explode if they try to leave the planet."

::X chuckled under his breath and placed the device in his pocket looking at Ryla::

"Come along, we have much to attain to."

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 10th, 2001, 04:27:28 PM
"We?" I replied incredulously. "'Sir,' there is no 'we' about this. I'm catching the first transport out of here, and it's not going to be with you."

Xanatos Etanial
Oct 10th, 2001, 04:32:20 PM
Wrong Miss Relvinian.

::Xanatos reaches into his pocket holding the device the bartender had given him in his hand, adjusting the setting on it slightly Ryla was suddenly filled with intense pain as X moved the distance Ryla could stay from the device closer to him, he adjusted it again, moving it back away so the pain would pass::

You'll go whereever I tell you to.

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 10th, 2001, 04:37:02 PM
I rubbed the back of my head as the pain subsided. "Point taken. Where are 'we' going then?"

Xanatos Etanial
Oct 10th, 2001, 04:39:49 PM
::X chuckled and motioned to the door::

Just follow me, and don't lag, or else the pain well come back.

::X walked towards the door::

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 10th, 2001, 05:01:04 PM
I followed behind him, out the door and into the glaring sunlight of mid-day Tattoine. It felt good to be outdoors, after almost a week of imprisonment in an upstairs room. It was the barkeep's room, and there was a reason he hadn't been able to enjoy my company yet, as he so bluntly put it. The slave chip may have been a crude force-inhibitor, but it couldn't stop me from simply fighting back.

Fighting back, that is, until they flipped the small trigger on the palm-sized black box, sending shooting pains through my head and body. Simple, yet totally effective. Which brought me back to now. Where was this Sith taking me, and why?

Xanatos Etanial
Oct 10th, 2001, 05:26:29 PM
::Xanatos came to a dead stop in the street and held the device in the palm of his hand again, he raised that hand to where Ryla could see him holding the device and he grinned. He could see the beads of sweat on her forehead as he grinned, a sense of forebading filled her. He clenched his hand tightly around the little box and then...


As X exerted pressure on the box it shattered making the control chip harmless::

"You're free Jedi. Go your way and I'll go mine."

::X turned from Ryla and began to walk away slowly, a sly grinning crossing his face as he did::

Xanatos Etanial
Nov 12th, 2001, 03:52:37 PM
OOC: BUMP, this will be continued in a few days.

Ryla Relvinian
Nov 15th, 2001, 01:37:39 AM
"What?!" I replied, incredulously. "You mean to tell me that you came all the way down to this stinking pit to 'rescue' me?"

He just kept walking. I followed, glaring at his black-clad back.

"So. You're just going to leave me here?" I stopped in the middle of the street, standing with my arms folded across my chest. "If you're still feeling in a generous mood, howsabout giving me a ride off this rock?"

He stopped walking away, turning his head slowly towards me, and I saw that twisted smirk creep up on his face.

"Follow" It was all he said, and I quickly obliged. There were people here besides that dim-witted barkeep who would be more than happy to 'talk' to me. ILet's face it, I thought to myself. Around here, when you're blue, everyone sees you...

Xanatos Etanial
Dec 3rd, 2001, 04:50:43 PM
He chuckled to himself, sometimes these Jedi were simply too predictable. Of course soon, that wouldn't be the case with this one...