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Exar Krath
Sep 27th, 2001, 12:36:46 AM
Title: Now That You Woken Up The Demon
Part: 1
By Exar Krath

A beast of a man or once thought to be a man, stands his full height of 6'5, 250 pounds. His eyes seem to glaze over and glow a yellowish color. A young man around the age of 26 lie limp in his left arm with a pool of blood forming under him. The beast throws the corpse to the ground, the blood flows quickly from his caved in skull. The beast grins at his handy work, as he steps into the lights I could see his face clearly now, It was Exar Krath! As I watch him he lifts up his head and "Smells" the air, He slowly looks up and sees me, I gasp as I check sight of his eyes glowing - Dar'gal Odus

The young officer lies down the datapad he had just read the gruesome account from.

" I don't understand Sir."

The captain takes a deep breath and lets out a slight sigh

" I have been given orders to exterminate him. I looked up your file and know you have connections to the criminal underground, I want you to kill him. "

" Why Sir? Wouldn't it be better to have someone like that on our side? "

The Captain chuckles a bit

" The Empire killed his family, his soul is based on revenge, but over the years all that hate has made him something dark something sinister, He needs eliminated before he kills us all. "

" Sir one lone person could not kill all the empire..."

" You don't understand, His hate has made him something different, hes not a man, hes an animal "

" Is he a Sith? "

" Something such more Evil and powerful, Kill him, do what ever it takes "

" Aye Sir "

The young officer does an about face and leaves his superiors office and begins to pack.

" I will have my revenge "

* He thinks to himself, Exar begins to roam the streets of the capital planet, Thinking of the carnage to come *

Sep 29th, 2001, 06:19:11 AM
Five days later.

Click! Click! Click!

A long, sharp talon taps on the desktop three times. Something takes a deep breathe, it sounds like a hundred howlrunners sighing.

A barely intelligible deep growl inquires, "Your soldier disappeared three days ago?"

The captain tries unsuccessfully to keep his composure, "Y-y-yes... sir", he is unable to look his interrogator in the eyes. The captain's eyes settle on the mouth of the reptitoid. A pale and thick forked-tongue licks across a scaly upperlip. He steals a glance into the eyes of the terrifying presence. Orange bloodshot snake-eyes bore back into the captain's, filling his very soul with such a utter coldness that his heart feels like it is sinking down into his bowels. The captain flinches despite himself and his eyes quickly search for something less frightening to look upon.

Another growl demands, "You offer a substantial bounty... consider it accepted... this Exar Krath will be dealt with according to the terms"

The trandoshan hunter stands up from behind the captain's desk, walking around it, the hunter passes by the captain who stands hanging his head like a chastened child. The door opens and closes with a low hiss.

Tassk, standing well over two meters and weighing over 300 lbs, is a fearful sight to behold. Muscle and sinew is packed tight underneath the tough leathery hide of the trandoshan, striking his stomache with a fist would be like striking a solid duracrete wall bare-knuckled.

Hours later.

Tassk stands clad only in a loinclothe in the personal chambers of his modified YV-666, aptly named 'Hound's Tooth II', while tapping a few keys near a console. His private account states the partial payment has been received and processed. He will get the remaining balance when the acquisition of Exar Krath is complete.

He already had read the file sent him concerning Krath. It stated he was a highly trained sith and a loyal soldier up until the time he had a mental breakdown. The sith became increasingly unpredictable and aggressive. He was full of hyperactivity and violent anti-social behavior... signs of psychosis. Now he was loose and has been responsible for the deaths of eight people. The victims were mauled like animals but there was evidence of ritual. The hunter snorts and shuts off the console.

Tassk fits a piece of body armor over his torso with a ysalamir locked in a small tube frame on the backside. He redresses in a yellow New Republic flight suit modified to fit a trandoshan.

He picks up the BlasTech EE-3 blaster rifle, checks that the power pack is fully loaded, places the blaster in the custom holster strapped to his left thigh.

The next gun Tassk picks up is the Relby v-10 mini-mortar rifle, slams home anti-personel rounds. The bandoliers strapped around his calfs are loaded with anti-personel rounds, flash-stun rounds, and special glop rounds.

He exits the YV-666 and the hunt begins...