View Full Version : What Once Was (Open)

Teka Kenobi
Sep 25th, 2001, 01:38:52 AM
OOC: Really need people in this so please contact me on aim as Teka Kenobi. Thanx. Taking place about 10 years ago.

Trente, The Naboo
A large village, surrounded by trees and rivers sat quietly in a great valley. People came and left as they pleased and, men women and droids, worked hard to maintain their happy community. In the village there were shops, food stores (ranging from many different cultures), barbers (also ranging from many different cultures), and lots of leisure centres, including one which was based on a lake, to the border of the town. There was a small security station and about 5 guards altogether on the town. The townsfolk felt that in their community they would not need much policing, as everyone helped and co-operated with each other.

One house in the town belonged to a man called Jo-Sen Kenobi, a rich man, originally from Coruscant. A once Jedi Knight and presently a librarian, the man worked from 10 – 5 and owned several plots of land through out the outer rim. The almost bald man had been growing a beard as of late and was experimenting to see how many different styles and variations he could get, all in one morning. At least that was what his wife currently thought. Pushing back her brown hair she watched him in the bathroom, shaving styling, looking and deciding. She smiled and rolled over, shutting her ice blue eyes for another hour or so.

The door slammed shut as the smartly dressed man left the house, straightening his tie. The library was only a small walk away, and he left at 9:45. The sun shone down on the road as he walked and reflected off of it, the damp surface everywhere from the rainy night before. As he passed the corner ho noticed one of his neighbours crossing the street towards him. He nodded and greeted the man looking from him, the road he was crossing, then back to him again.

“Morning Tom” He flashed a smile and carried on walking, just about hearing the deep “Jo” vaguely catch up behind him, and missing the small nod and grin the man gave him. Jo carried on walking for another five minutes, greeting and being greeted by friends and several people he knew, yet wished he didn’t. Finally arriving at the Library he walked in and relieved the protocol droid from it’s counter work. He sat in his chair and accessed the computer database, to the beginning of his day.

The Kitchen was a pale blue, and all of the cookers and electronical kitchen ‘aids’ were a perfectly polished grey. In the summer they brought the light around the room and let it reflect off the panels, and in the winter didn’t really do much. So summer was the best season for them. The spacey room had a fridge, freezer, atomwave, stove, oven, grill, and many more all in the metallic, shiny grey.

The sink too was the metallic colour and by it stood a woman, washing her hands. The clear water ran down speedily as she turned her hands. The foam created from the soap was washed away before it had a chance to surface, and was eventually gone altogether. The water slowly stopped and she turned to dry her hand on a near by towel. She smiled brightly at the newcomer to the room.

“Ah. I was wondering when you were going to wake.”

“Mum – how many days now?” Questioned Eket. The small boy was Joe and Katherine’s son, and had a head full of thick black hair. He was nine years old and full of questions – most had already been answered but he asked again none the less.

“Eket, how many times now? Teka will be back at his Order in three days time. You should leave him be. It won’t do him any good you sending him messages all the time. He needs to focus on his training.” She gave him a stern look before turning around to face the cooker. “Besides, when you start your training you wont want anyone ruining it for you.”

Shesharile 6 - Minos Cluster – Four Days Later
A moon covered in deep white ice and snow, circled its planet at its same old trajectory. Small mountains covered this moon, and in its season were covered in lush grass. This time of its planet’s year however, snow covered them. It covered the whole of the planet, except a small circle of land near the southern pole, which stayed full of grass all year round. With the changing seasons, the snow melted and the mountains and hillside were covered in caves and tunnels, from the continuous, water flow, in and out of them. Active plant and animal life on this planet was rare at this time, but some creatures had managed to adapt to the frequently changing climate, and small holes appeared in the snow every now and then, from the burrows that were dug. They would soon be covered by falling snow and then again holes would be dug in the fresh snow.

In one of these caves sat a boy. He looked roughly ten, perhaps eleven. The boy had been trapped in here through the night. Looking for shelter from the heavy wind and snow he had entered the cave, when snow from the hillside fell down and trapped him in the cave. As it turned out, the cave was a good shelter and the snow blocking the entrance was protection against hunters, and it insulated the cave.

The boy stood up and left the fire, walking to the snowed in entrance he examined it closely before taking a step backwards and lifting his right hand forward. With his fingers out stretched and pointed at the entrance he closed his eyes tight, and concentrated on what he had been working on so hard at. In a bright flash, fire shot out of first his thumb, then a few seconds later his index finger and the same happened for the rest of his fingers on his right hand. Almost in no time at all, the ten-year-old boy had melted the wall of snow. He slowly opened his eyes to admire his work, and grinned, and almost chuckled before running out of the cave to view the morning suns. Skidding to a halt before the jagged ledge he breathed in deeply, taking in the fresh morning air. He glared down the sharp edge and watched as a stone hit several rocks, spinning it faster and faster, before it hit the long snow covered edge below.

“Now for Avolo.” He said to himself smiling.

Avolo was the boy’s X-Wing. It was relatively new and he had bought it, with a little help from the New Jedi Order shipyards. It was hidden under a thick layer of snow, but it wouldn’t be hard to find with the force. He shut his eyes and pinpointed the ship. Turning around he faced the hillside with the melted opening in it and made his way up it. It was only about five metres in height and he was at the top relatively quickly. He jogged a few metres forward before again closing his eyes tightly. Stretching out his hands, the fire flashed the surrounding area as it jolted out of his fingers. The fire only lasted for a few seconds as most of the snow had melted, and he pressed in a code, which released the top.

After climbing in he fired up the engines, which in turn melted the snow behind the ship. Moving the craft forward, the snow seemed to separate. He turned it 180 degrees before moving it forward for a while. Again he fully turned the ship around and sped up. The ship started slowly but did infact gain speed as more and more snow spread out and away from the X-Wing. Deciding he now had enough speed, to clear the ledge he knew was nearing, he pulled up and shot off the top of the cave hill and out into the open air. He kept his wings closed, as he darted through and between large pointed rocks that stuck high up into the air. Finally he pulled up again and shot into the atmosphere still increasing his speed. The young Kenobi left the moon.