View Full Version : Chronosage: ...and they all lived happily ever after
Darius Van-Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2001, 04:09:12 AM
“441! Sector 8!”
“Mine, my man!” shouted a voice from the back of huge mass of people. Pushing through past bulky non-solid life forms and other creatures, which he cared not to think about after his lunch, the Boy slide across the scuffed floor as if it were ice.
“Sure, sure. Just do it right.”
The man behind the ballot box tossed down a small package to the Boy, he offered him in return nothing but a smug grin. Smug, it fitted him well. In his smart, yet shabby, deep blue suit and polished black and white ‘gangster’ shoes – as he called them. White skin, black shades and black hair. The fangs didn’t really complement the combination, but they did wonders for his popularity.*
“Do----n’t give me that. You know I always do things with the utmost class and of course…”
Bringing one hand to raise his sunglasses, he grinned toothily. He hated having to put on such a front, but it was the only way to shut people up sometimes.
“… style.”
Swinging himself up onto the motorbike (, Darius revved the engine with his free hand - the other slipped the brown papered item into a holster on the side of the machine. Straightening himself out, he grinned as he lifted his feet, shooting off on "Cloud".
As he drove he hummed and nodded in time, looking from side to side at those who inhabited the streets of Coruscant so late at night. Many of them he recognized, but it was more likely that more recognized him.
"This is a special report live from the Sector 6 banks of Coruscant. It seems once again the one we have come to know as Diablo has struck! 23 People are injured, and 7 left dead lying in the streets amongst a cocktail of blood and sewage. So far no evidence as to who Diablo really is has been found, all except from this picture ( taken as the murderer escaped the scene of the crime!"
Sickening, he thought. That was all they cared about - life. Now away from the crowds and left with only his mind as his companion he could think and say what he wished. And what did someone like him think whilst he was alone?
"You're all in sin...everyone damned for living. For all these pleasures you indulge in, you shall eventually receive your pay back."
*Roaring off across the dusty back streets, he disappeared into the night, contemplating fates.
Galatea Van-Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2001, 08:19:11 AM
Lighting up a cigarette, Galatea let out a small sigh ... She's been hanging around all day with her younger brother, Thanatos, yet, he's always busy with his projects, down in his secret dark room.
"Thanatos !"
Galatea ran her hand through her purpled hair, taking another puff of her cigarette. Sitting down on his couch in the huge living room, she yelled out his name again, even though she was sure he didn't hear her ... all because of this big mansion he lives in.
"Thanatos, will you get your butt out here ?! Let's watch some TV !"
Ah damn ... Since when does anybody listen to anybody in this family anyways ? she thought. Galatea and Thanatos lost contact with Darius a long time ago ... He killed their parents when she was only 10 years old, along with her uncle Dalton ... Uncle Dalton ... Galatea always looked up to that man. He was important to her ... And aunt Eve, murdered by her clone. It wasn't a family anymore ... It was just her, Darius and Thanatos.
Yes, she despised Darius, but he was still her brother. Galatea pulled her gun out and twirled it around her finger. Guns ... She hated guns too. But ever since uncle Dalton died in front of her, she always carries a gun with her. She even nicknamed them. His death changed her. She went from "Little Sweet Silent girl" to "Wicked, don't-mess-with-me b****". Ugh ...
"Thanatos !!"
Thanatos Van Derveld
Sep 24th, 2001, 12:27:55 AM
"What, Galatea?!"
Thanatos growled at his sister, his hand smacking against the door frame. His eyes narrowed at her as he walked forward, lifting a rag from a table as he passed to wipe away the leftover specs of red from his hands.
Galatea, though his sister, and though he loved her, had the habit of becoming quite a pest at times.
He sighed and walked over to the couch, giving his sister a light whap upon the back of the head before tossing himself over back of it to flop down beside her. His eyes glanced to her for a moment before looking to the television with a frown. He bowed his head, his eyes locked on the news report flickering through static.
"We'll get him..."
Darius Van-Derveld
Sep 24th, 2001, 01:16:31 AM
Crashing down through a thin sheeting of cloth from a bridge jump, Darius skidded with an almighty screech into the Sector 8 plaza, welcomed by the screams of those who recognised him.
"Your retrobution is here!" he yelled out loudly, tossing his head back as he revved the engine of Cloud over and over. >D
The camera man for the Coruscant News Network filming the opening of the new Sector bank swung his apparatus around to lock his sight on the dark rider. The image of the former Sith Knight taring towards the bank was broadcast over 32 channels all around the city, in every sector, to all those who had a HoloNet news device.
Sending stalls flying through the air as he smashed through their weakly built structures, it was obvious where he was headed - to the bank.
"In your Deaths you will repent," he rasped as he sprung upwards into the air, sending Cloud skidding with a crunch of metal into the steps of the bank, "and your time of judgement is NOW!"
Yelling, he pulled out his Glock pistols and began firing rapidly, using the Force to manipulate any who dared attack him.
Galatea Van-Derveld
Sep 24th, 2001, 06:32:03 AM
"Ugh ..."
Galatea looked over at Thanatos and frowned slightly. She ran her hand through her little brother's hair and smirked.
"Don't worry."
Darius has always been the Rebel out of the three. He was ... uncontrolable, mean, dark, evil ... Everything bad. Especially arrogant. Well, what can you expect from a man who kills his own parents ? Galatea sighed.
"Don't worry ..."
Thanatos Van Derveld
Sep 25th, 2001, 03:40:16 AM
Thanatos grit his teeth for a moment as he started flipping through the channels, staring at the hologram. He paused at what seemed a history program before the image flashed brightly with the bold words "SPECIAL REPORT". A woman's voice droned on over the video of a distant figure speeding through a crowd and coming to a sharp hault.
At the first shot, he'd seen enough. Thanatos wrenched himself from the couch and sent the 'television' tumbling across the floor. He grabbed onto the handle of a bowcaster, as well as several other weapons before turning to Galatea.
"Grab you gun.. We're getting him. Now."
With that, he leapt over the couch and started for the door.
Galatea Van-Derveld
Sep 25th, 2001, 04:08:32 AM
"Hey .. Wait up !"
Galatea stood up immediately and ran to Thanatos. It was strange ... Galatea was sort of older than Thanatos, yet he always seemed more mature. She sighed and loaded her gun as they headed out the door. Standing besides him, she talked without turning to look at him.
"Where do you think he is ..?"
Darius Van-Derveld
Sep 25th, 2001, 02:42:06 PM
Walking slowly up the steps, allowing the cameras to take in full side on view of him as he did, Darius blazed slugs all across the area, carefully missing the camera man. Lowering down one pistol, he stopped firing with it as he fumbled the package he had just been given.
Tossing the wrapped item into the air towards the bank, he leapt backwards as he let off a round of ammunition into the item. With a whoosh of air displacement it exploded automatically, sending a roaring line of fire down the stair way.
Quickly mounting Cloud, he reved the engine and skidded away from the growing flames to take a view point some distance away.
Galatea Van-Derveld
Sep 25th, 2001, 03:20:21 PM
Screams broke the silence between Galatea and Thanatos. She knew right away where it came from. Starting the engine of her motorcycle "Rain", she pulled out her dark purple sunglasses and put them on, glancing at Thanatos, she began to dash away towards the screams.
"Thanatos, I'll see you there !"
Gripping on the motorcycle's handles, she pulled them back, rolling on the back wheel for a brief moment before acelerating towards the fiery flames. She finally stopped in front of the burned down bank and grabbed a crying man running out of the place by his shirt, anger growing in her eyes.
"Where is he ?! Where is the man who burned down this f****** bank ?!"
"He ... He went that way !"
Galatea let go of the man violently and watched him run away through the large crowd. She looked over her shoulder, hearing her little brother coming but her anger kept growing more and more. Sad flashbacks went through her head, the time Darius killed Oni, the time Darius killed their mother, the time Darius killed Uncle Dalton, the time Darius killed ... Kill, kill, kill. That's all he ever did. She let out a small growl ... Darius !
Thanatos Van Derveld
Sep 25th, 2001, 03:34:40 PM
Thanatos darted behind his sister's motorcycle on foot. He stared at the flames for a moment before growling with a low snarl of his lips.
Whichever of us gets to him first, allow the other to stay back. No use in getting us both killed at once.
His words kept in Galatea's mind as he spun on his heel, leaping upon buildings and rooftops, his eyes scanning over every bit he could see. He praised in his mind silently for the Force capabilities he had taken up; it allowed him the skill to run at least as fast as a motorcycle.
The familiar image of a manical man speeding through the alleyways caught his eye, making Thanatos pause for a moment. He grit his teeth in a rush of anger and dropped from the rooftop, into the alleyway. He could tell Galatea was near by, but he wanted first blood...
Darius Van-Derveld
Sep 30th, 2001, 04:27:10 AM
Foot still down on the accelorator, Darius jammed his sole against the breaks, skidding the bike around in a full 180 degree turn to look at the one who had shouted his name. One of the Van-Dervelds. One of the ones he hadn't got to yet.
"Why hello Brother!"
Revving Clouds engine loudly, the former Sith Knight looked at his sibling from behind darkly tinted glasses, a demonic smile covering his lips.
"How kind of you to come and repent your sins too!"
Galatea Van-Derveld
Oct 7th, 2001, 08:43:11 AM
Hearing Darius' voice, Galatea immediatly stepped on the acelerator of her motorcycle. Sure, Thanatos told her to butt out but there was no way she was going to lose another brother. Gaining on Darius quickly, she remained silent as she violently turned sideways, stopping the engine and ramming into Darius' bike, causing it and him to fall. She then stood up, a few scratches to her leg but it didn't hurt that much. She pulled out her gun and aimed it at Darius.
"Don't move."
Thanatos Van Derveld
Oct 8th, 2001, 11:18:24 AM
Thanatos moved forward, his hand becoming posed and ready to fire energy from the bowcaster in his hand. His other hand gripped a stolen gaderffii, willing to use it if nessecary. His voice was more growling than words as he spoke to his brother.
"You're wrong, Darius... Today is your day of repentance."
Darius Van-Derveld
Oct 14th, 2001, 03:01:08 AM
After rolling a few feet away from his bike which skidded with a gut churning emittion into the alleyway wall, Darius simply lay still.
"... If only..."
He whispered quietly, his shoulders shaking every so slightly.
" knew..."
Now more so of a convulsion than a shake, it looked as if he was being pummeled in the chest by some unseen force.
" wrong you are."
Spinning over onto his front, he looked up with his pale eyes and his pointed teeth bared, grinning toothily as he ignited the saber he palmed whilst in his lain position.
"You know you can never beat me... neither of you amount to my skills, even when I'm lying down. Father neglected you... but not me, because he knew it was my destiny to destroy ALL!"
Kicking his feet up into the air, he flipped backwards, sweeping his crimson saber downwards to guard his body as he landed on his feet.
Galatea Van-Derveld
Oct 18th, 2001, 05:04:13 PM
"I told you not to move, damn it !"
Always targeting Darius, Galatea remained still, her gun following his motion. She growled lightly as he mentioned how their father, Vega Van-Derveld, neglected her and Thanatos.
"Shut up ! You killed Father, Mother and even ..."
Uncle Dalton ... For a brief second, Galatea lost her anger but regained it back the next second, shaking her head slightly. Her glare still locked on Darius, baring her teeth also.
"Even Uncle Dalton ..."
Darius Van-Derveld
Oct 26th, 2001, 05:49:42 AM
"Ah! Your precious Dalton! Yes, I do remember slaying him quite clearly! Ha ha ha!"
Watching as Galatea gritted her teeth, Darius mimicked her, his inch long point tipped canines overlapping his lower set of teeth. He held his saber stiffly in his right hand, the deep hum of the blade the only sound in the alley for a small amount of time.
"Well then woman - what are you going to do with that gun, hmm? Going to fire it are you? I don't think you will."
His eyes darted from sibling to sibling, a dark grin still painted across his face.
"What about you Thanatos, hmm? I doubt you even know how to use those little toys of yours. Oh and let's not forget who is the Sith Knight here..."
He paused.
"Me, yes. Neither of you achieved it did you? And I think we all know why..."
Thanatos Van Derveld
Oct 26th, 2001, 06:03:16 AM
"Your only quality higher than us is your ego, Darius."
Thanatos growled lowly and let a charged bolt fly from the bowcaster, his other hand grasping tightly at the metal of the gaderfii, struggling to control his rage. To lose his temper would be letting Darius get the upper hand. Thanatos growled again and kept his hand poised to fire again.--
Galatea Van-Derveld
Oct 27th, 2001, 09:02:02 AM
Darius was right in some ways. Galatea would never dare shoot him down. But ... if she had to, she would. She kept her gun pointed at her brother, her dark eyes locked on him.
"Thanatos is right. You're nothing but a dirty bastard ... I'm glad Father can't see you today, he'd be so disappointed."
Father ... She knew their father always concentrated on Darius. Darius always got more attention, more care. But this was no time to be jealous or envious of the past. Thinking of their Father only made her anger grow ...
Darius Van-Derveld
Oct 27th, 2001, 09:16:49 AM
Firstly, he addressed Thanatos.
"Ah, and you believe that you have more power than I? You concentrated on nothing but sciences and yet still my mind is more attuned and educated than yours. I out rank you in everything but stupidity."
Then hearing his sister speak, he looked to her.
"Ha ha ha! He brought me up to be this way! He knew what he was creating! He knew it was my fate to destroy him, to destroy all of the family, to destroy everyone."
His dark eyes flaring with a mocking look, he simply stared at his siblings, knowing that they could never summon the courage to shoot him.
"You need not worry about that though, especially you Thanatos... you need not worry about anything at all soon," he said, grinning still.
Thanatos Van Derveld
Nov 3rd, 2001, 09:47:33 AM
An enraged snarl left Thanatos' throat as he again let a shot from the bowcastor fly at his brother. He ran forward, eyes blazing with raw emotions, and swung the staff at him, rasping.
"You may out power me, but I won't let you continue your slaughter. I swear, Darius.. I'll live to see your death."
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