View Full Version : O/T: Battlestar Galactica easter egg:

Sep 12th, 2001, 08:56:31 PM
"The words "F*ck Off" can be clearly seen spelled out in the lights of Caprica about thirty minutes into the [pilot] movie. Watch closely just after Serina's news broadcast is cut off by the sound of laser fire. The next scene shows four Cylon fighters swarming over the city and when the third fighter reaches the center of the TV screen, the offending words can be seen to its immediate right. They are even clearer in the Battlestar Galactica photonovel published by Berkley. "


www.kobol.com/gallery/caprica-inset.html (http://www.kobol.com/gallery/caprica-inset.html)

There are many from other movies here:
www.eeggs.com (http://www.eeggs.com)

It's a pretty cool site.

Sep 12th, 2001, 09:24:36 PM
Cool site! I added the easter egg in U2's video: "Stuck In A Moment You Cant Get Out Of ".

The football player wears a jersey with the name HEWSON on the back. U2 singer Bono's real name is Paul Hewson.

I hope they accept it :)


Sep 12th, 2001, 10:19:52 PM
You could spend hours on that site.

There's one that I never would have noticed on my own:

In Back to the Future, the part when Marty(Michael J. Fox) is on a skateboard and grabs on to the back of a Jeep and "hitches" a ride. They say that the driver of the Jeep is Harrison Ford.

I've also just noticed that Michael J. Fox has the same initials as Mara Jades Father.

Sep 12th, 2001, 10:26:24 PM
I've also just noticed that Michael J. Fox has the same initials as Mara Jades Father.

True, but MJF looks more like Skippy from Family Ties.:p

Sep 12th, 2001, 10:29:59 PM
If you ever see the original version of "Watchers4" retitled as "Watchers Reborn" with Mark Hamil, look for the "Han in Carbon" in the trash of the night club.
The creature is looking for food, digs in the trash, ooks at the Han in Carbon, then walks in through the back door of the club.
I was the art dept for the re-shoots and pick-ups for that film.
Such a winner of a film, a dog and creature created in a lab that could talk to each other telepathicly.
I tried to get the card board Han in carb in every film I workied on while I was at Cormans studio.
The director and I got along great, I helped him with a few locations for another film he wanted to make.
He saw what I wanted to do, he loved it because earlier in the film, a character calls the creature "Chewbacca".
All in all, I got the Han in, I think, 5 or so films.

Sep 12th, 2001, 10:36:32 PM

What other films did you get it in?


Sep 13th, 2001, 09:05:42 AM
I've heard the guy driving the jeep was Steven Spielberg.

Things that make you go hmmm... :p


Sep 13th, 2001, 02:48:37 PM
I know the Han in Carbon was in:
"Enemy Action" with C Thomas Howell
"Running Woman" with Theresa Russell
"the Wild Ride" with jack Nicholson
and an episope or two of the "Black Scorpion" tv series.
"the Wild Ride" was one of Jack Nicholsons first films!
It was lost in the Corman vaults and then found by one of the editors.
Nicholson was around 18 or younger or so.
A new begining middle and end was filmed in a couple weeks and the original BW film was used as a flashback.
The han is in the bar, light up on the wall and looks real.
Everyone loved it.
We got to do just about anything because Corman was selling the place.
I had a plan to build "Toche Station" as one of the villans locations in the Black Scorpion series.
Didnt happen though.