View Full Version : **RAFFLE** - Winner - #34 Obi_don!!! **RAFFLE**

Romans Empire
Sep 8th, 2001, 11:37:46 PM
Congrats to Obi Don!!! :)

Email on it's way!!! :)

www.romansempireproductio...affles.htm (http://www.romansempireproductions.com/Raffles.htm)


Romans Empire
Sep 8th, 2001, 11:39:28 PM
Additional $25 if you win




Sep 8th, 2001, 11:42:39 PM
I'm going to need the Paypal addy. Maybe I just missed it up there.

Sep 8th, 2001, 11:45:33 PM
cool. i now have something else to spend money on besides food :lol:

seriously though, awesome , but one request, can you at least tell us how many tickets are sold? i dont mind if its during or after the raffle, i just wanna see how much like a bandit you make out on this :)

who knows, maybe i can win with a ticket.

ps - roman i hate you and you are evil. just had to say it :lol:

Romans Empire
Sep 8th, 2001, 11:49:19 PM
Opps... I just figured everyone knew it!

<a href=https://www.paypal.com/>Paypal</a>

My email account is: gbkenobi@elp.rr.com

Sep 8th, 2001, 11:53:35 PM
I know your e-mail, but I didn't know if the Paypal one was different.
You want us to post my real name and e-mail right here on this thread? What about how many tickets we buy too? That way we can keep track of the odds.

Darth Bill
Sep 8th, 2001, 11:53:44 PM
Since I'm already getting *2* of these badasses, I won't try to screw anyone else's chances of getting one by disqualifying myself from this raffle (before Roman does... :p :lol: )

What would I do with a THIRD anyways...?? :lol:

Anyhoo, I've had faith that this project was going to be the "shiiiiz-nit" even before Roman officially announced it (as I'd been hounding him to "s**t or get off the pot with it already" for months...) :lol:

My faith has been justified. :)

Someone's going to get a MONSTER of a prize....

Jump on this quick, willya??? :)


Romans Empire
Sep 8th, 2001, 11:59:28 PM
Russ, your generous offer has instilled me with great hope for our future.

Because of your unselfish gesture I will un-disqualify you from the raffle!!! You may now send me money!!! :evil:

I don't know, Chris... What if I only sell one ticket??? I don't want to announce that the saber only sold for $10.50... ;)

I'm sure I can probably disclose the number after the raffle.

Sep 9th, 2001, 12:04:37 AM
2 please.
Roman if you need this info that I just deleted, shoot me an e-mail. I have been getting pretty weird e-mails today on my other e-mail addy asking very wierd questions.
Man if I win this, I'm going to be in deep sh*t at home. The sofa is comfortable though. And you can see my collection from there. The fear is over.
Pull my name! Pull my name! :)

Who's paying the shipping. If we are, then how much?

(Roman's reply) "You will. $325.00" :) :) :) jk

Darth Bill
Sep 9th, 2001, 12:09:30 AM
" Because of your unselfish gesture I will un-disqualify you from the raffle!!! You may now send me money!!!"

.....buddy..... :)

That put the BIGGEST grin on my face this week...!! :lol:

However, truth be told, I just went out and spent the 'expendable' money I had off this week's cheque this afternoon... :(
(Got some REALLY cool s**t, though... AND dropped some serious coin down on an Xbox reserve. Booyah, baby!! :) :) )

Gotta save the rest for the utilities...

Damn cable.
Still, if I let it slide, I'd no longer be 'connected' enough to see your awesome raffle... ;)

Can't afford to get myself a slot on the raffle, but I *WILL* be here to congratulate the winner... :)


Sep 9th, 2001, 12:39:32 AM
This is a chance I'm willing to take. put me down for a ticket

Sep 9th, 2001, 12:46:17 AM
Any other replies to this raffle besides mine are just your imagination. Paypal is also playing around with you. There all just messing with your head.

And if that didn't work...

Do those lightsaber cases come enclosed. I may need to buy one if I win this. (wink, wink) Good investment for you. Do you see what I'm saying?

Ham Solo
Sep 9th, 2001, 12:49:54 PM
"I'm your huckleberry." ;)

Count me in for a ticket. I just Paypaled you. :)

Sep 9th, 2001, 12:54:57 PM
I am in!! paypal sent.

thomas ;)

Romans Empire
Sep 9th, 2001, 03:41:23 PM
Thanks guys! :)

So far your odds are looking REALLY good. Not only have very few people signed up, but the majority have only bought ONE ticket. :)

Sep 9th, 2001, 03:46:19 PM
Oooh. Goody Goody for me. :lol:

Now if I can figure out a way for you to stop bumping this thread so it will get buried where nobody can find it. :evil:

Sep 9th, 2001, 09:29:17 PM
I know it's you bumping this by editing it Roman. :mad:

Can somebody please place this on the last page, or even somewhere in the middle and kinda just freeze it there. Oh, and lock the reply button real tight. ;)

JediMaster T
Sep 9th, 2001, 09:39:02 PM
This is the ticket I have??? I paid for this ticket all those months ago and this is the one, right here in front of me?? Is that the actual thingie?????

My God....I may swoon.................................I had no idea it would be so beautiful. Oh................................................ ......when the hell are these going to be in my fist???


Sep 9th, 2001, 10:41:11 PM
Alrighty Roman, you suckered me in! I just sent payment for my raffle. Tee hee!! It would be so sweet to get one of these suckers. I would treasure it more than my first born...well, I don't have any kids, so....more than my pristine new Dell 8100 computer...and I love this thing!

Sep 10th, 2001, 12:19:19 AM

im a sucker for a raffle. im in for 1 ticket.


Romans Empire
Sep 10th, 2001, 03:55:45 AM
JediMaster T - That's no ticket... It's a doghnut hole cutter... But yes, that's it. That's the actual thingie! :lol: We're just waiting on the clamps from Larry. I should be hearing from him this Monday.

Got you guys down for a ticket. Good luck! :)

Sep 10th, 2001, 05:03:05 AM
roman--ill tell ya--id love to enter this--but--i cant afford to take the loss if i dont win:(

Master Kenobi
Sep 10th, 2001, 08:08:59 AM
What a beautiful saber! I'm in. :)

Jades Dark Heart
Sep 10th, 2001, 01:45:22 PM
Paypal sent

Sean Galt
Sep 10th, 2001, 02:29:43 PM
This'll cost me. So much for going 30 days without spending any money here. ( I know it looks like I'm a one post wonder; Screwed up & used my global account instead of local. oops.)

Sluis Van Shipyards
Sep 10th, 2001, 03:04:41 PM
The continuous bumping of this thread needs to stop! :lol:

Sep 10th, 2001, 03:23:45 PM
Roman is doing it. I tried to stop him, but you know him. :lol:

IS IT TUESDAY NIGHT YET. YOUR KILLING ME HERE. Have to find something to keep my mind off of losing, I mean maybe winning this. :smokin:

Darth Bill
Sep 10th, 2001, 04:04:36 PM
WEDNESDAY night, buddy. :)

You'll have to agonize for an extra day now... :lol:


Sep 10th, 2001, 04:57:51 PM
Oh ya. that was the day for blaster raffle that got canceled. Now it's just that much worse. Waiting to lose. Oh, well.

Romans Empire
Sep 10th, 2001, 06:27:41 PM
The bumping needs to stop???

Okay... :evil:


Darth Bill
Sep 10th, 2001, 06:37:52 PM
Yeah, I guess that we should stop bumping this so there can be a low number of contestants....

Hey, waitaminnit... ...won't THIS message... ??

Aw, crap... http://www.data-techniques.net/cwm/contrib/scorchio/sgrin.gif


Sep 10th, 2001, 06:40:53 PM

if i dont win, do i get a 10.50 discount on the one ill buy from you eventually anyway? ;)


Sluis Van Shipyards
Sep 10th, 2001, 11:46:41 PM
No he'll charge you an extra $21 because you didn't order sooner, but instead squandered $10.50 on a raffle! :lol:

Romans Empire
Sep 11th, 2001, 01:20:10 AM
Yup, that's about right!!! :lol:

Sep 12th, 2001, 08:11:00 PM
I bought my ticket... fumble... juggle... BUMP! doh!

Sep 12th, 2001, 08:50:56 PM
Hey Roman, I'm on the list as P M Brauckmann, but it should really say Dann.



Sep 12th, 2001, 08:57:12 PM
Just sent my payment, Jon.

jd pilot
Sep 12th, 2001, 09:18:56 PM
Oh why the heck not....you've got...uh...paypal :p

Sep 12th, 2001, 09:27:44 PM
Ack! They keep bumping the thread!!! Must stop them! Quick! Somebody start a flame war!


I think SVS is a big stupid head... and uh... ShadowNight, uh, I mock your values and belief system!!!

Mods! Look at me! I'm outta control here! You gotta shut down this thread!!!!

Oh well, it was worth a shot... ;)

Sep 12th, 2001, 11:38:44 PM
so who won!

Sluis Van Shipyards
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:41:37 PM
Yeah, who won? I guess not me since I didn't get an email.

Obi Don
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:44:33 PM
The order of numbers drawn was 49 - 34 - 45 - 15 - 27 - 33

The page lists the hightest number as 36, so 34 looks like the winner?

I point this out because I am number 34.

Roman??? I want to go to bed. Update please!!!! :-)

Sep 12th, 2001, 11:45:43 PM
How do ya know what # you are??

Obi Don
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:46:38 PM
if you highlight the area under raffle #s you see numbers listed.

Sep 12th, 2001, 11:47:10 PM
I can hardly wait to lose

Sluis Van Shipyards
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:47:45 PM
You don't know what's going on or something. There weren't even 34 entries, so you can't be 34.

Obi Don
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:48:53 PM
some people bought more than 1 ticket. go to

www.romansempireproductio...Raffle.htm (http://www.romansempireproductions.com/MK1%20Raffle.htm)

and highlight all the text.

Romans Empire
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:53:24 PM
Hey Guys!!! Sorry, I had to leave and JUST got back right now...

I've got a few more tickets, but I don't think there are enough to hit #49... I'll be back in just a minute to post the OFFICIAL winner (which should be 34) :)

Sluis Van Shipyards
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:57:27 PM
And how come noone else knows what order the numbers drawn was?

Obi Don
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:59:53 PM
my guess is no one else watched the texas lotto drawing this evening (I live in Austin, TX) or the also did not go out to the texas lotto link on Roman's page that lists the numbers in order drawn.

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:01:47 AM
jesus christ

lucky number 13.

heh, oh well, congrats to the winner.

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:03:00 AM
As a few people have already pointed out... The numbers were ALWAYS there... You just had to highlight that area and you could have seen them.

I did it that way to keep the number of tickets bought unknown, but they were there from day 1. :)

And yes, the OFFICIAL winner is #34 - Obi_don!!!

Congrats!!! :)

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:04:14 AM
What was the highest # of tickets bought??

Obi Don
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:04:35 AM

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:05:16 AM
damn you made out like a bandit on that one.

its cool though. i always love a good raffle. now i get to plunk 45 down on that resin version thats on the net :lol:


Sep 13th, 2001, 12:15:10 AM
I'm not being a sore loser or anything but if I would have known that the numbers weren't going to be randomly picked, I would have waited a couple days to get my tickets. The chances of my numbers, 1 & 2, Hardly had a chance at being picked on a pick six lottery game. :(

Oh well, Congrats Obi_Don. :) And congrats to Roman for cleaning up big time on this raffle.

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:20:21 AM
That's not so, ShadowKnight626... I had a raffle for a Maul saber about 5 months back... and... NUMBER 1 was the winner.

And what do you mean the numbers WEREN'T randomly picked??? That's EXACTLY how they were picked.

If I draw the numbers myself... someone complains...

If the Texas Lottery draws the numbers... someone complains...

THAT'S IT... I give away too much stuff... I'm done with dealing with this kind of crap...!!!

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:26:35 AM
Dude, I think it was fair, you certainly shouldnt stop w/these raffles!
For cryin' out loud, somebody just won a Ben saber!

Congrats dude!

BTW - how many total tickets were bought?
I wanna know because I bought some at different times, and they arent all showin' up on the page.

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:27:51 AM
That's not how I meant it. Calm down.

When gambling, which is pretty much what a raffle is, one has to expect to lose. And if you read my past posts, I did. I've said it more than once.

I also congradulated both you and the winner. And not to make you mad, but, number given out in order of payment are not random, but assigned. The number picked was indeed random by the lottery.

Don't go crazy here Roman. You took that whole post the wrong way. Right at the start I said that I'm not going to be a sore loser. If you feel like arguing with me, then by all means go ahead. But make it over something that I actually said or did.

I hold no negative feelings here. If I did then I wouldn't have congradulated the winner. Your being way too touchy about this. And for the record, I don't think that you did anything wrong.

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:28:30 AM
Hey Dann,
I updated the page about 20 minutes ago. Try refreshing the screen and everything should show up. :)

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:32:17 AM
Aw, darn, I was close!
If I'd only bought 3 more tickets at the end!!

Hmm.....can we make the money we spent on tickets good towards a MK1??

That'd be pretty cool....

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:35:11 AM
Aw, darn, double post.

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:44:16 AM
:lol: What a wheeler & dealer!!! Dann, if you decide to actually buy one, I'm sure we can work something out! ;)

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:48:55 AM
Roman you have mail.

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:52:15 AM
for the record, i meant obi_don made out like a bandit, one ticket, one win heh.

roman, for the record im gonna go this weekend, and figure out my finances, and if i can swing it, im gonna go on that 6th month plan. would the downpayment in october be cool?

just curious, you probably have already answered the question but i lost all my old email.

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 01:04:55 AM
No problem, Chris. That's how I took it from the beginning. :) Sure, I'm bound to have extras, so a deposit in October should be no problem. :)

Got it, ShadowKnight626. My reply was basically that I did not appreciate being told the numbers were not picked randomly. Sounds like you don't think I ran a farin auction or something...

Personally, I don't know how it could have been more fair... Why does a larger number have better odds of being picked that your #1 & #2 slots?

All the numbers can only be picked once. Any number can fall first... Sorry you didn't win, but I think that was the best way to pick the winner.

That's it. I'm finished with the discussion. I'll read your reply, and we can leave eachother alone.

Sep 13th, 2001, 01:12:57 AM
honestly, i had the idea our names were gonna go in a hat or something and theyd get picked that way. for some reason the word raffle makes me think of that image.

but yea, giving everyone numbers is basically the same thing. totally random.

now im forever stigmatized <is that a word?> by the number 13. :(

heh j/k
its cool. i gambled and lost, no biggie. would have been cool to say "that cost me 10.50" but i guess ill have to say "that cost me 10.50, in a lot of installments" :lol:

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 01:21:35 AM
Much better than assigning the number, I think. What if someone didn't like the number I gave them??? Like 13??? ;) Then there is really something to complain about...

At least assigning the numbers in order of payment had some sort of reasoning behind it. Especially since the selection was going to be as random as the Texas Lottery.

In the end the winner was picked by a Ping-Pong ball falling out of a cylinder... Any number could have fallen. Just so happens to have been #34.

Anyhow, it's over... sorry there could only be one winner, guys.

obiwan shinobi
Sep 13th, 2001, 01:24:16 AM
congratulations Obi-Don! probably the best deal you're ever find :)

Sep 13th, 2001, 01:24:24 AM
I just want to say that if anybody took any of my remarks from my pasts posts to be any kind of shot at anybody, then I apologize to both the people on this board, and to Roman. I did not mean for my statements to be taken the way that they apparently have.

Just for the record, I do not have any problems regarding this raffle or the way it was conducted. If indeed I did, I sure would not have posted it here for everybody to read and get any ideas. I would have had the decency to go straight to Roman.

Again I apologize to everyone here. Making trouble for everybody is the last thing that I want to do.

Sep 13th, 2001, 01:43:42 AM
OK. I did not read Roman's post before I made mine so now I will explain one of the statement that he is having trouble understanding.

They were assigned in the numerical order payment was received even if more than one ticket was bought instead of "randomly" assigning numbers to names after all payments were in. In numerical "order" is not "random" Order and random are the opposite.-- just to defend my statement.

And I'm not angry in any way, shape or form, about losing.

But do not make false statements and try to defend them. The lottery number that was drawn, now that was random.

I am happy for the winner, do not think otherwise. And I do not have a problem with you either Roman. I'm just defending my statement.


Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 01:46:25 AM
This is going too far... but yet again... here you go:

"At least assigning the numbers in order of payment had some sort of reasoning behind it."

Sep 13th, 2001, 01:50:51 AM
I never said it didn't. I just said that it wasn't random. And yes the lottery number was. Why are we having this miscommunication. Difference of opinions? If that's what it is then let's just stop this or it will never end.

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 01:58:16 AM
I'm just trying to understand you and explain myself at the same time.

I typed the above quote because of what you typed here:

"In numerical "order" is not "random" Order and random are the opposite... But do not make false statements and try to defend them. "

Since I never said that assigning the numbers was random, I copy/pasted my statement from right above to show you that is not what I said:

"At least assigning the numbers in order of payment had some sort of reasoning behind it."

Then over email you say I'm taking shots at you??? Where???

Sep 13th, 2001, 02:13:17 AM
"Got it, ShadowKnight626. My reply was basically that I did not appreciate being told the numbers were not picked randomly. Sounds like you don't think I ran a farin auction or something"

Right there you did. You said "numbers." We were given "numbers"

As I said in the earlier post. I believe that the lottery "number" was picked at random.


If this is what this is all about. Then were both arguing two different arguments. The reason were not understanding each other is because were talking about two different things.

If you read my replies above, I was talking about the numbers that we were given right from the start, not the number chosen. Not one time did I say anything negative about that. In my first post I said numbers 1 & 2, my numbers. Nothing at all about the number 34, the Texas lottery winning number.

Is this really what were doing?

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 02:29:53 AM
We're talking about the same thing, but I believe you are misunderstanding me.

The numberS were picked randomly. All six numberS... The winner was the one whose NUMBER first matched.

If you read my replies above, I was talking about the numbers that we were given right from the start ,

Okay, what about the numbers given at the start?

not the number chosen. Not one time did I say anything negative about that. In my first post I said numbers 1 & 2, my numbers.

I know the winning number was never in debate. I don't understand why 1 & 2 have less of a chance of winning as you stated above...

Sep 13th, 2001, 02:45:31 AM
no one asked me--but thats why i dont like internet raffles--i believe roman--and i think he was fair--but the controversy about "you should have done it this way" "it wasnt done right" if you thought it wouldnt be fair--dont put your money in.(the only reason i didnt was cause i couldnt affod the $15 loss if i didnt win)

Sep 13th, 2001, 02:59:22 AM
Read all the posts if that's what you think. Where did I say that it wasn't even fair? Not once. This is about something completely different. Know what your commenting on before you do it.

Just ask Roman how that goes.

From Roman to me:
"However, let's not forget that it was only my understanding of your FIRST post that launched this."

Admitted guilt right from the start. Looks like I've found my sig.

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 02:59:23 AM
I initially took offense to ShadowKnights626 comments about his #1 & #2 slots having less of a chance to win.

Since it was my raffle, seems natural to be upset that someone thinks they had less of a chance to win because of how I assigned numbers. But I had this statement on the raffle page from day on:

Raffle numbers will be assigned Wednesday afternoon according to the order in which ticket was purchased

Again, I'm sorry there could only be one winner, but I believe everyone had the same chances for their assigned number to fall. :)

Sep 13th, 2001, 03:05:49 AM
You edited so many times. Who knows what was said where from day to day? Now that you've lost the first battle you have to make it into something else? Give me a break. You should go back and edit that thing so it actually reads that. Then maybe people will believe you.

From Roman to me:
"However, let's not forget that it was only my understanding of your FIRST post that launched this."

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 03:06:58 AM
Sure, I understood that you believe your numbers had less of a chance of winning.

I don't see any ddmitted guiltin that...

Okay, I thought that maybe I was trying to explain these things via posts & email to someone who would try and understand where I'm coming from, but I'm truly lost in you interpretations of these events.

Do you want your money back? Is that what this is really about?

You know what... it doesn't matter. You've got your money back, and you're off my MK1 list and any future lists.

Good day.

Sep 13th, 2001, 03:08:23 AM
I paid on day one. Before the web page was even up.

From Roman to me:
"However, let's not forget that it was only my understanding of your FIRST post that launched this."

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 03:11:55 AM
I've edit ONE post directed at you simply because the EZBoard Codes were incorret on the quotes...

Looks like you've edited EVERY single one of your posts.

And the page was up later in the day of day one.

You really enjoy this, don't you?

Sep 13th, 2001, 03:34:58 AM
Your words when I asked you to call a truce and edit.

"No thanks..."

I've edited to take the signature off of the bottom because it was only box with a red X and I was trying to make a picture work in there. That's why there's a cut and paste at the bottom of my replies, because the picture wouldn't work. And just so you know I'm replacing the sig.

But in the meantime.

I do not want the money back. You are just trying to make yourself look big because you think that you have this big image here because you because you can take somebody else's measurement’s on a prop and walk into a machine shop. Sorry Roman. Some of us have jobs and a family and don’t have the time. That’s why we buy. Do you think the Paypal fee for charge back will hurt me? I’m sorry to upset you but it won’t.

As for being taken off of your list. Thank you. Tonight you have proven to be two-faced by e-mailing me one thing only for me to check the board and see another. Below are some quotes from e-mails and the posts are still here to compare.

“This is a prime example of the misinterpretation of reading rather than talking.
However, let's not forget that it was only my understanding of your FIRST post that launched this.”

Ahh, I see.
“I can certainly understand your reasoning”

“Anyhow, like I said, it's not that I thought you were being intentional in your comments”

False truce.
“Let's just go ahead and drop this and move on... <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/embarassed.gif ALT=":o"> )”

Could have fooled me!
“I also don't see where I said or implied you were mad...”

Damn Right
“I already asked to drop this, but you said "no" because I had taken a shot at you on the board.”

Hmm. Again I could have been fooled.
“That is no where near a "shot" at you.
Take care,

This was never about money or goods. This was about the word “random.” being used in the terms of assigned numbers. Read the post for yourself. I have wasted enough time dealing with someone who has to look big in front of other people.

Did you re-edit the front page yet? Be careful when sealing with this one. I’m sure that he is a good business man, but he can’t stand to be wrong.

For those of you that had to witness this, I apologize.

Sep 13th, 2001, 03:35:53 AM
Let's just let this go. I'm sure anyone on this forum will tell you that Roman is always fair. I personally have dealt with him on several occassions and he's always been straight with me and I'm sure with many others.
Now, can we just drop this whole thing and move along?
(Roman, you may want to think twice next time you have a raffle. Sheesh! Who'd have thunk it would turn into such a mess???)

Funky...(as usual)

Sep 13th, 2001, 03:37:58 AM
I have said my peace. I will now walk away. Therefore anything that you post here I will not see or be able to reply to.

Therefore, you can still make them believe that you are "the big man on campus" that you think you are.

Good luck to you and please watch the words that you use. Somebody might again one day call you upon them.

And now that I see the new post here, I can say that just might think that you are.

Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 03:59:34 AM
Ah... fiddle-sticks!!!

Go ahead and have the last word... :p

Duke Chad
Sep 13th, 2001, 10:40:06 AM
Congrats to the winner! Nice saber!

But a question..

I had no idea the raffle was based on the Texas Lotto. Was this just added later? At first it seemed the raffle was viewed as the lower amount of entrants increased the odds of winning. It was stated that if only 2 people entered the lotto, one of the 2 would have won. But if it was based on the Texas lotto the whole time, the amount of entrants would not have mattered, correct? Say only 10 people contributed, that would be numbers 1-10. What if the Texas lotto did not pick 1-10? (which is what happened in last nights lotto) I am confused.

You entrant link is gone hence why I ask this.

Great idea, none the less. It was just not clear, for me anyway, that his was based on the Texas lotto.

Sep 13th, 2001, 11:05:16 AM
I'm also not involved in this but I had the same thought as Duke Chad. What if the lowest lotto # drawn was higher then all the entrys? In that case does the higest # entry get the saber? If so then the last entry has alot better odds on winning then the rest, especially 1 & 2.
Sorry just my .02


Sep 13th, 2001, 11:10:53 AM
Congratulations Obi Don. :)


Obi Don
Sep 13th, 2001, 11:17:57 AM
The first number drawn was higher than the total number of entries. The next number was lower than the total number of entries. Therefore the 2nd number drawn was the winning number.

The problem would have come up if there was a very low number of entries or if all numbers drawn in the Texas Lotto were extremely high, i.e. if there were only 25 entries and all numbers drawn were 26 and higher, then an alternative method would most likely have had to been come up with.

In Roman's earlier postings, he said if only two tickets were bought there would be only two entries. That might have posed a bit of a problem, that would have required a different method (first number chosed odd or even or something).


Sep 13th, 2001, 11:40:53 AM
Congrats Dude, I wanted in on this, but no funds in Paypal account.:(


Romans Empire
Sep 13th, 2001, 11:44:50 AM
Hey Guys,

My main concern was to use a method that held no interest in the Raffle... such as the Texas Lottery.

Actually, I had added the detail about the Lotto at the very beginning, but I took it out because I also thought about the possibility of 'low' ticket numbers.

So I removed that detail until I knew where we stood with the tickets sold. I always figured I would use either the "Pick 3" which has 9 numbers, the "Texas Million" which has 39 numbers, or the actual "Texas Lottery" which has 54 numbers.

Since we sold 46 tickets... I decided to go with the Lottery.

Here's the link to the page: www.romansempireproductio...affles.htm (http://www.romansempireproductions.com/Raffles.htm)

Obi Don
Sep 13th, 2001, 11:47:46 AM
Thanks aStanze, and thank you to all who have offered Congratulations and especially than you Roman. I could not have afforded one of the OB1 hole cutters (baby on the way) without this opportunity. I create custom sabers for me and friends, but from the pictures at least , this saber is a true work of craftsmenship, and other than my graflex sabers probably the only accurate replica I will be able to own for some time.

Once again THANKS A BUNCH!!


Sluis Van Shipyards
Sep 13th, 2001, 01:32:31 PM
Stupid lottery... :lol:

Darth Bill
Sep 13th, 2001, 03:50:06 PM
" This was never about money or goods. This was about the word “random.” being used in the terms of assigned numbers."

You're making an argument of semantics....

What difference does THAT make...?
When you're relying on a ping-pong ball to fly into a tube, #1 had AS MUCH chance as flying in as #34, #26, #7, etc...

The amount of entries received would determine the actual lottery to watch for.
However, Roman HAD to have a 'system' in place to assign numbers.

What would YOU have done...?
Give everybody an equal chance to get in on the raffle and cut it off two hours before draw time THEN try getting in touch with all the entrants to ask "What number do you want?"... and PRAY that they all get back to you before draw time?????

When only ONE number can win, the 'un-randomness' behind your assignment of numbers is irrelevant.
ANY number has an equal chance of getting picked.

Hell, if you were in on his DM3 raffle last year, you'd have won... :/
#1 took THAT saber....


Darth Hez
Sep 13th, 2001, 05:16:29 PM
Well, this has made a nice read. Pack it in. If you aren't happy with the way Roman conducted the raffle, don't take part in any of his raffles in future, should he even hold any more.

It was a perfectly fair and random way to pick a number, any griping is simply bad feelings. I think it was a particularly innovative way to make sure the whole thing was fair actually.

jd pilot
Sep 13th, 2001, 09:41:24 PM
So Paul, you going to be doing a raffle?? ;) :p

Congrats, obi don!! Hey Roman, anything for the runner up http://smiliesgalaxy.homestead.com/files/biggrin.gif :lol:

Darth Hez
Sep 13th, 2001, 09:46:10 PM
I could probably be persuaded...but you already paid for yours Jeff. Too late my friend...;) :lol:

jd pilot
Sep 13th, 2001, 10:11:55 PM
DOH!!! You've got a point :lol: Mine will be MUCH better anyway....I have a REAL graflex clamp :p (trying to make me feel better)

Romans Empire
Sep 14th, 2001, 03:19:59 PM
I'd be in for a raffle, Hez!!!

I could display the 2nd best OB1 saber next to THE best!!! :lol: ;)

I'll leave which is which open to opinion... :p So, hurry up an give up some pics!!!