View Full Version : Obi Wan Emitter

Sep 14th, 2001, 03:35:48 PM
I was just at the urinal doing my business thinking about lightsabers (I hope that's not a phallic thing). As I was thinking about the granddaddy of all, Obi Wan, I looked at the valve unit on the urinal. I think ours is called "Valve Breaker". There is a piece on that thing that looks like it could easily be an emitter. It should be located right below the flush handle. The one in our restroom isn't exact but it is very similar. I wonder if the ones in Britain around that time are like that? They would only need to be a little shorter to almost be exact.

P.S. I also got my Star Wars Chronicle book today, it rules! Best $120 I ever spent.

"That's it! You guys have stood in my way long enough, I'm going to Clown College." Homer Simpson

Sep 14th, 2001, 05:17:05 PM
Gald you like that book so much! It defintiely has some of the best eye candy in there. I've owned mine for years and I still cannot get enough of it. Do not forget(unless you already have it) to pick up the visual dictionaries...great additions to your arsenal of references:)

P.S. you seem to be new, so from on newbie to the next...Welcome Aboard:)


Sep 14th, 2001, 06:30:38 PM
Yeah, I'm fairly new but I've been watching the board for about a year. I never really had anything to contribute becuase so many people have already done research on everything.

Just to let you guys know I just completed my Luke ANH & ESB. I am now currently working on my Vader ANH I have both the round and square hole version. The best part I got them from the same guy in the recycler for $80 for both. My Graflexs' were $280 and $200. I don't regret spending the money on either.

I had a rough childhood, my parent couldn't be near each other without an aurgument or fist fight, so I lived with my grandparents. They were the ones who took me to see Star Wars for the fist time, then the second, third and so on. Someone asked me this weekend in Havasue why I love Star Wars so much. My only reply was "It's the only childhood memory (besides my grandparents) I have that's happy".

Don't cry for me Argentina, my life is good and I have made amends with my parents but if it wasn't for Star Wars I don't what my life would be like.

So, How's everyone else doing???

P.S. I'm not a hot chick, so I'm for real.

Darth Hez
Sep 14th, 2001, 06:49:38 PM
Urinals have auto flushes here, so I doubt it. I'll check though...

Sep 14th, 2001, 07:18:54 PM
wakeboardjedi -- welcome :) !

Justin =)

Sep 14th, 2001, 08:27:29 PM
Hope your Vader saber project turns out well. Best of luck, Keep us updated on the progress:)


Sep 15th, 2001, 02:39:20 AM
Is it possible that the emitter (or part of it) could be a pulley of some kind?

The "cup" section looks shiny and smooth, yet there are lines around the circumference where it seems worn.

Maybe this wear was caused by the friction of a rubber belt in its former life?

Sep 15th, 2001, 02:42:35 AM
Welcome Newbies.:)
