View Full Version : Luke ANH Ceremony Costume

Jedi Infinit
Sep 14th, 2001, 04:16:39 AM
Well with my EL Gfx coming, I figure I'll go as ANH Ceremony Luke.

I have the jacket (similiar)

Any ideas on similiar pants...shirt...and belt/Holster?


Jedi Infinit

Sep 14th, 2001, 12:39:04 PM
Hey, could you post some pics of your jacket? I'd be interested in seeing what you used.

Avalon X
Sep 14th, 2001, 01:21:15 PM
Umm... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was wearing the Graflex in that scene.

Docking Bay 93
Sep 14th, 2001, 01:35:05 PM
Luke didn't have the Saber on him in that at all. I've been slowly building up that costume, too. I'm in communication with the guy that owns the original jacket, and if I ever get off my tookas, I'll actually get to see the thing and take lots of pics of it. I know that his pants were a fairly tight, brown material, so I went to Value Village and got some side-zipping women's pants. It's easier for me to fit into them, since I'm short. They look perfect, though. I also got a pair of East German mil boots from sportsmansguide.com that are perfect, and I just finished my holster/belt/gun. His shirt was a very simple, black, collared thing...someone recently posted pics of him without the jacket on. It's actually a lot like a "poet's shirt", but not so frilly.

Let's see pics of the jacket you have!!

Stay on Target...


Sep 14th, 2001, 02:58:00 PM
Aren't the pants similar (or exactly like) Solo's ESB/Jedi pants? Brown, tight, and with yellow bloodstripes.

Sep 14th, 2001, 03:23:32 PM
Hey Todd! Good to see you pal!

I believe Katarra sells the jacket but modified to the ESB X-W pilot's version (orange with collar).

Luke's ceremonial blaster is the same one used by Leia in the Tantive IV corvette.


Sep 14th, 2001, 03:44:32 PM
Correct, Todd.
The pants are the same style that Han wore in ESB and ROTJ.
My guess is that when it came time to dress Ford in a Han costume, the original blue pants from ANH were "lost" and so they used Luke's ceremonial pants to replace them.

Recently I discovered the Lando Calrisian is wearing what appears to be the Han Ceremonial outfit at the end of ESB!

Not sure what found items you could use for this outfit.
As for the holster, since it was so simple, a standard gun (for astaple gun or hand drill) holster can be found at any hardware store. Just attach it to a black belt! Those things typically run $10.

Jedi Infinit
Sep 14th, 2001, 04:13:39 PM
Id post a picture of the jacket, but i dont have any idea where to post pictures now a days...geocities wont let you...

where is a good place?

PS THe jacket is no where near DEAD accurate...but it 'reminds me' of the ceremony Jacket, and its cool enough to wear everday...I bought it from Structure.

Im not planning on going fully "accurate" on my costume as money is a big issue with me. I think imma just use my timberland boots...got to find the pants somewhere, and maybe purchase a belt from you guys...i think I remember someone selling a somewhat accurate belt with the correct chrome like oval center buckle.

Sep 14th, 2001, 05:23:52 PM
Hey, can someone post some pics of Luke's Ceremonial outfit? Particularly the holster?

stephen 210
Sep 14th, 2001, 05:50:15 PM
Is the jacket leather? The motorcycle jackets (cafe style) usually are?


Mara Jades Father
Sep 14th, 2001, 05:57:01 PM
POSW info: www.collectorsempire.com/...ukecer.htm (http://www.collectorsempire.com/parts/lukecer.htm)

Toys-R-Gus info www.toysrgus.com/images-p...onial.html (http://www.toysrgus.com/images-props/luke-ceremonial.html)


Jedi Infinit
Sep 15th, 2001, 02:54:22 AM
DAMN, i tried to post the pics of my jacket. Pics that are on Photopoint.

But it never lets me...says "illegal tags" or something. Anyone know how to post them so they appear on this page? I tried
the httppage they are located with full url name
and it never works...argh

Well anyway the pics show my Structure "ANH CEREMONY" Similiar jacket. With Mara Jade's Pops pics RIGHT above mine they show how different the two jackets really are...however...this jacket "reminds" me of the ANH jacket..I feel the coolness of the movie everytime i look at it or wear it.

Plus this jacket is wearable anywhere. I get compliments on it all the time. I wouldnt be caught wearing the real Jacket nearly anywhere (geeky).

I might put it to use in a costume...maybe

The location of the pics are

