View Full Version : Scott Hawkins UPDATE!!!
Aug 23rd, 2001, 09:49:47 PM
Greetings to ALL
I am a newbie to this forum :) please be gentle...:) Yet I have watched for a long time. It is truly like being a kid in a candy store seeing all of the truly amazing things that have been shown by so many, and for that I must thank ALL members. I have only a humble contribution to make to the forum which is this tiny piece...
Yup, that is the Naboo Comlink used by Gaurds and Officers. This little bay was machined using schematics from the actual prop, and the actual prop itself! The man I got this from had the prop for a while to make these as accurate as possible. Unfortunately I have been out of touch with him for a while...too bad though because he ha some really nice eye candy from studios, and his own that he made himself.
Now...about the "update" on Scott Hawkins. I have been in dealings with him ever since January on one of the Indy dolls, but I acted after the auction was over. We have been in touch since then, with updates and such. Well, after a couple of weeks of nothing I happened to try to reach him again, and here is what I got back...Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:34:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Scott Hawkins <................................................> | Block Address | Add to Address Book
Reply-to: .....................................
Subject: Re: Checking up on status
To: Neal Tracey <>
After Dc2001, I have an update and a resolution plan I
am sending out
Thanks for your patience
so....what do you think this "resolution plan" is?
I only hope with another recent thread mentioning that the dogtags he is doing will be done soon and this that I have provide to you all will have a happy ending of some type.
"Be mindfull of the living force young Padawan..."
Aug 24th, 2001, 03:11:50 AM
hi, welcome to the board! your pic didnt show up--but anyway--glad to have you!
Aug 24th, 2001, 03:18:36 AM
Thanks United for the welcome :)
I will try on the pic again, and someone let me know what you see..
I am using tripod...good idea...or bad idea???
Aug 24th, 2001, 03:37:52 AM
still dont see it--you may wanna try (
they have free image hosting--thats what i use--or if you wanna send me the pic in an email--then ill post it for ya :)
Aug 24th, 2001, 04:00:57 AM
I see a white box with a red square.
Aug 24th, 2001, 04:39:37 AM
Lets try it again...
If this does not work... I'll take you up ont the offer
Thanks United for the the site!!
Krel Jedi
Aug 24th, 2001, 04:47:21 AM
I can see it, and it's very cool.
Aug 24th, 2001, 09:26:01 AM
Welcome to the board! Yepper, that is cool!
Ham Solo
Aug 24th, 2001, 09:38:32 AM
Howdy! :)
Aug 24th, 2001, 03:23:41 PM
Anyone know what the do-dad is sticking out of the end like a mikraphone? (Because I do!)
Aug 24th, 2001, 03:34:15 PM
Dr. Strangecandy, LOL.
Looks like a firing pin from an AR-15.
Johnny C
Aug 24th, 2001, 03:40:49 PM
Welcome aboard!
Aug 24th, 2001, 09:00:29 PM
Well Dr. S, am I correct? Do I win a cool prize or something?
Johnny C.
Aug 25th, 2001, 02:32:04 AM
Well, Johnny, you may be correct on that, and Dr S, I would love to hear what you know it is. See...I got to see before I bought this, the REAL screen used one, and it was quite interesting. The man responsible for my piece told me as I was holding the real one, that the base of it was none other than a gelcoat fiberglass sculpt with a silver aluminum(did I spell that right?) paint scheme on it I thought he said there was none other than a decorated NAIL pierced into the fiberglass!! BUT I could be wrong. The machined one looks ten times better, like a fresh version of the REAL one, because the actual prop that I held was worn from being used. I understand those who want an accurate representation of it, and I believe this is as close as I have seen it get to the original. I know of a picture in the Episode 1 Visual Dictionary. Sad part is I DON'T OWN IT!! I have the friggin' Chronicles book, yet I do not have a recently marked down to a $6 book. Pretty sad huh? If someone had a PIC that would be great!! I like your conclusion on the pin better Johnny :) Thanks to all the warm welcomes to the forum guys, it is well appreciated!!
Sep 3rd, 2001, 05:45:39 AM
Sorry it took so long to get back to this thread. I am quite sure it IS a firing pin from an M-16/AR-15/M-4. Once I get back home, I will pull one of mine out and mesure (sp?) it so we can compare and know for sure. That is, unless Alex beats me to it!!!
Sep 3rd, 2001, 06:03:18 AM
Awsome DrS!!
I look foward to your findings.
Sep 3rd, 2001, 06:43:50 AM
It looks dangerous... better be careful where you shove that thing... :)
Looks great!!
Sep 3rd, 2001, 11:17:00 PM
It looks like a double headed nail to me. I don't remember what they're used for, but there really is such a thing.
Sep 4th, 2001, 02:34:52 AM
You know what Jedifather, I think you are right!!!
No disrespect to DrS' theory of the firing pin, which is still is a strong possibility. I recall when the man who handed me the actual prop, he told me about the body being a gelcoat mold painted aluminum silver, and this, which I failed to mention before, only becuase I was not entirely sure, was that he said that there was a nail jammed into the top. I definitely remember him saying "nail." Thanks Jedifather for the spark to my memory :)
P.S. Again DrS, I am not diss'n your thoery, I really want to see the pin, so we can nail this one down pun intended, and also I still want one of those pristine BR Badges BADLY :) Again, my hat's off to such an eye catcher :eek:
Sep 9th, 2001, 11:14:14 PM
Well, has there been any contact from Scott? I am very interested with the outcome of this.
Sep 10th, 2001, 04:03:50 AM
Hi TK895!!
I have not atttempted contact with Scott anytime recently, especially with DragonCon happening recently. I may just email him once more to find out what his "resolution plan" is, though it will not be in effect until that time in December, which he indicated in the email to me. The copy of the email is in the first post above. I do not know if you have found your own alternative to this issue, but there is an INDY doll being offered through CKing. There is a recent thread showing off his he just recieved a couple days ago. It is truly a major improvement upon the actual doll. Defintiely more accurate, and VERY inexpensive:) I will be recieving mine in the next couple of weeks. I do not know if you care about having the actual product or not, but this IS the way to go if this issue becomes resolved minus an Indy:( Email me with your situation...I would love to hear your story, and I will definitely keep you posted when I get a response.
Sep 10th, 2001, 04:21:05 AM
Damn I for got about this thread!!!!
"There is a difference between pornography and art. Mostly it's in the price tag..." KerrAvon
Sep 10th, 2001, 06:33:39 AM
I've Emailed Scott about the dog tags he was producing. I had asked for an update, but no word back yet.
Sean Galt
Sep 15th, 2001, 01:52:11 PM
Dogtags? Anyone? Anyone else heard anything from him? I thought people he owed in the past from a dfifferent deal had a "post-DC Resolution" update coming. The last mail I got said the tags were going out BEFORE DC.
No more responses so far at ANY of the email addresses I have for him...
One more place to NOT spend $$ in the future.
Sep 15th, 2001, 02:06:18 PM
Supposedly, the dog tags were finished on the 27th of August and they were suppose to ship last weekend. I've sent a couple E-mails reguarding the shipment of them... no word yet.
Sean Galt
Sep 15th, 2001, 02:12:43 PM
Sep 15th, 2001, 04:28:42 PM
Hi all!!
I just wanted to let anyone who has read this thread or has responded to it that I have just emailed him regarding the Indy"resolution plan". I waited for DragonCon to blow over, and for a calmer moment of the recent tragedy...not that one may even exist. I hope to have a response very soon, like I did the last one, which was within MINUTES! I will keep you posted as things surface:)
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