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View Full Version : In Search of Jedi costumes and accessories, (belts, etc.)

Jedi Lord Obi Wan
Sep 2nd, 2001, 12:19:20 AM
Hello again everyone, I posted on here a while ago...

Some might remember me I'm the one seeking Jedi Costume stuff from Virginia. I'm the one who is working with my sword instructor to put together a totally awesome saber fight, tripped out to the max with complete costumes, sabers, and music to perform at my local AMC megaplex in Hampton, VA during the opening weekend of Episode II.

When I first posted I was looking for the following:

a complete prequel Obi Wan Kenobi Jedi costume (with all the accessory trimmings: nice belt, quality fabric[robes], boots, utility pouches, a breather, food capsules, Jedi Communicator, etc.) *If anyone knows where to get a good real leather boots, belt and pouches, plus replica Jedi equipment (food capsules, breather, grappling hook, etc.) please post where.*


a complete Darth Maul costume (minus the face makup and horns: robes, boots, gauntlets, & belt)

my lightsaber needs are already being fulfilled so all I need now is the costumes.

If the people who make these still post on here, please contact me via Email at the following address:


also for those of you who have AOL Instant messanger you can find me on there at the same screen name:


I'm looking for quality costumes at reasonable prices. If the costume makers no longer post on here, then I am looking for references from the rest of you. Also reccomendations on who has the best costume for the best deal would be cool.

Right now I'm a bit swamped from the cost of the lightsaber replicas, but I am looking to accquire everything by no later than March 2002. Idealy I would like to have it all bought by January 2002. Which means I need to start talking to the people who make this stuff pronto.

Thank you all for your time and hopefully with your effort come may everything will unfold correctly to allow me and my sword teacher to perfrom our duel and make it the best live performance of a Jedi Duel ever! (I do hope to film it and have photos taken so if it happens, then I'll be able to post those for people who might not be able to come see us)

Look forward to your feedback soon!



Jedi Lord Obi Wan

Sep 8th, 2001, 01:25:47 AM
You have deadlines far enough in advance for me to make.

Check out the site first, though it's horribly out of date, and then drop me a note if you're interested.

Sep 14th, 2001, 02:41:08 AM
"a complete Darth Maul costume (minus the face makup and horns: robes, boots, gauntlets, & belt)"

...so....you...want a Naked Maul??? :rolleyes:

sorry...I'm assuming you just don't want the make-up :p


Jedi Lord Obi Wan
Sep 14th, 2001, 02:55:36 AM
yep basically no makeup or horns, just the clothing

Blind Jedi
Sep 14th, 2001, 03:47:03 AM
If you don't need the pouches right a way, I could probably whip some up. I am busy with a project until mid to late November. E-mail me if interested.

LinSiTar Konnair
Sep 14th, 2001, 12:05:37 PM
I can be on it as well, and I even HAVE a Maul suit ready I was thinking of selling - it has everything except the Covertec Clip on the belt, and I would need the wearer´s foot size so I can whip up a Joe Rockets´s replica for you.

As for boots, belts, for the other Jedi, I got it - Just ask Pettibone or Borjis Fett, or Kardon Mossk, or Darth Brass, they will vouch for me there, and I even got it for most of the rest of the things.... I won´t have the food capsules, though...

my e-mail is lin_si_tar@hotmail.com :)

Borjis Fett
Sep 14th, 2001, 12:54:24 PM
Linsitar does some great work. I just recieved a jedi robe and belt from him. Outstanding craftsmenship.

And a very honorable guy to boot, who i'm honored to have as a friend.

Sep 16th, 2001, 02:00:16 AM
ok...I am ordering the Han Solo Boots fropm this guy and service thus far has been top notch..next year I want to get the obi-wan boots...check it out

motorcowboy.zoovy.com/product/47 (http://motorcowboy.zoovy.com/product/47)