View Full Version : Why is it...?

Sep 15th, 2001, 05:49:11 PM
Why is it you ask for help on the board and evryone ignores your request..???...In the past I HAVE TRIED TO BE AS HELPFUL AS POSSIBLE......why is evryone ignoring me? because I have no flashy logos???.....jeez


Sep 15th, 2001, 05:51:43 PM
Um ... what do you need help with?

I probably won't be of much use, but will help if I can. :)


Sep 15th, 2001, 05:54:15 PM
thank you sooo much....I am just glad a human being responded to me......Shackman..I am looking for pics of Han Solo's ANH hair.....one I can take to a beautician and say cut it like this....

Sep 15th, 2001, 05:55:44 PM
I think he needed reference pics or screen caps of Han solo in ANH.

I do not have any or have a way to do it or I would have offered.


Darth Bill
Sep 15th, 2001, 06:01:41 PM
I wondered if this rant was about the screencaps... :rolleyes:

Like THIS one..?


Dude, I don't want to sound harsh, but your request PROBABLY went ignored because most people looked at the request and thought "It's the Internet. Do your own homework."
There's a WEALTH of information at the click of your mouse...



and browse through the 'Images' section.
I don't think you'll be needing any other sources after checking there.


Sep 15th, 2001, 06:02:25 PM
Well, one reason why I haven't responded you your request is because I never saw it to begin with.

The other reason I never responded is I have no pics of Han Solo's hair to help you with.

If I answered every thread that I *couldn't* contribute to or help with, I would get nothing else done with my life.

It's not a conspiracy we all joined in on to ignore you - maybe the people that read the thread couldn't help either??

Sep 15th, 2001, 06:03:58 PM
Why do you want an out-dated seventies hairdo?

Sep 15th, 2001, 06:20:03 PM
"Why is it...?"

...that people can't use a better / more descriptive thread title??
I missed your hair request, and I generally help anyone I can, but it also seems to me that half the time the folks squawking about not getting what they want use shitty generic thread titles.

Sep 15th, 2001, 06:21:03 PM
thank you everyone............I'm sorry I have a sinus headache and watching the news is making me insane....I lost someone i know in the pentagon and still no rocking of the casbah....I am just a bit cranky....riskbreaker reminded me I am just being pissy and taking it out on the board sorry......

Sep 15th, 2001, 06:21:59 PM
and DUDE! it's only been a little over 2 hrs since you posted the hair thread, anyway.

Sep 15th, 2001, 06:25:18 PM
see above..it's just me......I have checked on line and all the links are so outdated.....once again..I apologize and am sorry

Sep 15th, 2001, 06:52:23 PM
Actually, Kosmo has a point. When I asked the board about recommendation for a good respirator only two people answered and that was after bumping my thread for the whole past weekend. I figured people here would know better at recommending since There is a lot of proppers using resins and other toxic propping chemicals here. Also, my proton pack thread hardly had 11 to 15 responses and some of them were mine's answering a few questions and bumping the thread. I thought I did a good job with it, but apparently not good enough to be recognized in some way specially by people here who I thought would find it interesting and the pro's. I see people showing the same blasters and sabers ,which most of the times they didn't built, but bought and they get a "heroe's welcome"

I don't mean to be ungrateful to the few who took the time to post, but I was disappointed indeed. Makes me wanna keep my work to myself.

Sep 15th, 2001, 07:49:13 PM
I think that it all depends on who's logged in at the time that your thread is findable, It can easily get burried on the third or fourth page over night. You just have to give it a little bump now and then. It has been my experience that if somebody reads your thread and doesn't have the answer that they move on, which is how it should be. But when somebody does know the answer, they answer it.
I've never had a problem finding something out on this board.
Sometimes your going to have to wait for more than two hours. Also, vidcaps are a little harder to get ahold of than a straight out answer to a prop question. And I also didn't see the thread at first.

Just my $0.02.

Sep 16th, 2001, 01:05:14 AM

One reason why your proton pack thread didn't get a lot of responses is because not a lot of people are into Ghostbusters.

I know I'm not and for that reason I didn't look at the thread. If you want opinions on your stuff, it helps to ask for a critique in the thread. THen people will respond more often.

Even if I'm not into the particular prop, if a critique is asked, I'll give it. If it's something I'm not familiar with, I'll give a critique on the building of the item in question.

In regards to your repirator question, missed the thread.

If it hasn't been asnwered yet, get one that is used for painting. It helps keep fumes and particulates out. One with removable filters is a plus. Then you can use it as a dust mask with dust filters when sanding.

Best filters on the market are 3M filters.

Got Maul
Sep 16th, 2001, 01:23:50 AM

This is a SW forum. If you had brought it to ASAP or GBC, trust me, you would have gotten quite a response.

bTW- GREAT JOB on your pack. Seriously the best one I have ever seen.


Sep 16th, 2001, 02:01:57 AM
I didnt see the request either.
I have always tried to help the newbies and so does everyone else here. We all love this hobby, and we want to share it.
So many people visit this board specializes in different things, so it takes time for them to come to the rescue.
Also, be really descriptive in your title...that helps to get the right people to you.


Sep 16th, 2001, 02:15:49 AM
yes...be VERY descriptive unless youre inquiring about a dohickey or costume part that you think calling it by the exact name or term might raise the ire of the celluloid "establishments"

case in point...our favorite "thunder army" wears white ABS sunblock"...and they are led by the dark lord in a futuristic samurai helmet...get it??

otherwise be specific man...we arent genius's man, we're geeks.

Sep 16th, 2001, 02:17:27 AM
How more specific than need pictures of Han Solo's haircut in ANH can I get? (ha ha ha)