View Full Version : Snake Plisskin's watch EFLA/EFNY,Tron outfit,anyone london?

The Apt Pupil
Sep 12th, 2001, 06:21:36 PM
hi am 'but the learner...' from LONDON UK here,
1.does anyone know where to get a fully functionally countdown and normal digital clock wrist watch from the films escape from l.a. or new york.or do you know anyone/engineer/electrian/watchsmith who could make me one along those lines for a price?
as well as snake plisskin's outfits from those movies,offical or otherwise?

2.what can you tell me about kattara kreations,a good place to buy as in quality and service?

3.anyone from London England into sci fi +props + costumes and fancy talking exchanging ,ideas and tips on how to make and buy such things locally in london,or just fancy a chat ?

4.Tron outfit,high quality 100% reproduction offical or otherwise,where the circuity glows under fluoresont light

any help would be most appericated and so would a hearty hello :)

p.s.' in my experience there is no such thing as luck'....
guess what film i had been watching prior to me turning over to seeing the terrorist airplane bombing of amercia?-'escape from new york'
--strange but sadly true .
mere words are inadquate to express the burden we all now carry in our hearts for all those concerned which in essence are ourselves if we are human beings and not just those being....

The Apt Pupil
Sep 13th, 2001, 09:33:47 AM
not even a peep? so much for your friendly anglo american relations...come on people talk to me if anything just to say hi to a new guy
'didnt i just leave this party.....'

Sep 13th, 2001, 09:36:15 AM
Ok...I'll help...

I have no idea about questions 1 and 3 and as far as Kattera goes, they are good, if they still exsist, but they are slower than pond water in December in Minnesota.


The Apt Pupil
Sep 13th, 2001, 10:42:17 AM
thanks greg !,
for the advice,if anything just to prove there is intelligent lifeout there :)
'when i left you i was but the learner......'

Sep 13th, 2001, 12:35:55 PM
I don't believe the Tron outfits had any special qualitys to them - the glow was added by rotoscoping/digital effects.
Otherwise, just having them in white would cause them to glow in blacklight.


Docking Bay 93
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:45:00 PM
I'll comment on the Tron outfit...

For one, you might wanna wait until the next movie's released. It might have cooler outfits. Wait...MIGHT? I'm sure it will.

Second, I was thinking that it might be cool to use either Lightwire or Lightsheet for the costume, so if you're somewhere there's no blacklight, you'll always be glowing. You could easily hide the power pack somewhere. I'm no EL expert, but I'm sure that it could be done. Just search on Google.com under lightsheet or variations thereof, and I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

I used to know this guy who had a Tux he made, and it had lightsheet segmented down the tie, up the arms, and up the legs. When he'd take a step, the triggers in his shoes sent the light cascading up the legs, up the arms, then down the tie...and we all know where ties point, don't we? ;) Anyway, it was an awesome outfit, and that was at least 12 years ago, so I'm sure you could do it even better now.

Be patient, and these costumes will come together for you. You might also want to talk to shops that sell full body leotards in your area...they usually know where to get something if they don't carry it.

Good luck!

Stay on Target...


The Apt Pupil
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:49:14 PM
thanks david /docking bay 93 for that insight into the costume design techniques of the tron outifits.im sure though you could make the clothes so the circuity glowed neon and the outfit just glowed whitelight.light sheet?light wire? i havent heard of such material tell more.anyone else have any ideas into how this could be done,or if anyone has produced such a costume .im thinking of this being used when out clubbing..
......wouldnt that be cool going after that 'Master Control Program every ones been talking about' on the dance floor? :)

Sep 13th, 2001, 01:32:55 PM
Welcome to the board AP.:)

Sep 13th, 2001, 02:06:23 PM


The Apt Pupil
Sep 14th, 2001, 07:42:34 AM
hi Jbarela hi Estanza,
thanks for the response and hello ,although i expected alot more infomation for this being the premier site for film props 'but never tell me the odds'....
take care my and remember dont bend a wookie ...

Sep 14th, 2001, 07:57:23 AM
AP - You might want to look at the news or a newspaper & you might realize why your American friends are not up to speed right now. Thanks for the sensitivity.


The Apt Pupil
Sep 14th, 2001, 08:25:19 AM
'take it easy take it easy dont get excited'......
if that were the case,if my 'american friends' have the strength and energy to log on to the net and this site i guess they have the ability to answer questions on subjects they have the knowledge about.it has nothing to do with sensivity,if they are so in shock they shouldnt be on here they should be getting con-soul-ing.the american spirit is eternal and evermore strong in these trying times ,to let this effect your daily lives from a prolonged mental and pyschology prepective is exactly what the hijacker's intended.it gives them control it shuts you down in a world of fear ,doubt ,confusion and hate looking for anyone to blame... .act in haste repent at leisure
the truth is you just looking to take out your own pain on someone,who better than a faceless person in the form of a font .if you feeling adaquate becuae you dont know the answer to my questions dont draw attention to it it makes you look like a foolish child,grow up ---- SAPper36
my views are not meant to generalise the american public just one SAP,and my heartfelt love and pain goes out to you all

Sep 14th, 2001, 08:38:49 AM
Perhaps there was a lack of response because genuinely people didn't have the information you wanted....to say that you thought the lack of response was due to a 'lack of intelligence' out there...out there meaning the boards....is a bit of a slight. Don't you think? I find information is gathered here like it is everywhere---with a bit of patience and light handedness.

The Apt Pupil
Sep 14th, 2001, 08:54:22 AM
where did i say' lack of inteligence'?

Sep 14th, 2001, 11:35:12 AM
You edited your post...didn't it say, "just to hear a response that there is life out there....and it is intelligent..."?

The Apt Pupil
Sep 14th, 2001, 11:47:49 AM
i repeat where did i say 'lack of intelligence'?

Biker Scott
Sep 14th, 2001, 06:53:17 PM
Hey Limey,
As far as the Snake Plissken info goes, I have no knowledge of the watch, though some time ago there was an excellent repro of the wrist tracker made here in the U.S., though I don't want to name names due to copyright paranoia. As far as the rest of Snakes outfit, there is not much commercially available. Looks like you'll have to excercise some creativity. Good news though! You can probably readily get the eyepatch at any medical supply store.
As far as dealing with Katarra.......well, to put it nicely, THEY SUCK! I've dealt with them 3 times in the past, each time getting progressively worse. The "quality" was excellent, but the customer service was appalling. The wait was extensive, and I was constantly LIED to by whomever was doing thier customer service at the time.
I don't have any information for you on the TRON stuff, but I do have a little info on your "board ettiquette". You need some........."refining". People in general, and the members of this board in particular don't appreciate someone who's a "self-admitted" newcomer yet coming across a little........."abrasive". Compound the tone of your postings above with the social state of us Yanks, and we are liable to snap at you in an annoyed way. We MAY forgive you, but right now we want our pound of flesh first. EVERYONE here in the U.S. is PI$$ED, and I mean EVERYONE!!! Don't come onto the forum the way you did, and don't spout advice to us right now. We (the board members) don't want to get into it with you right now. We realize that terrorism is more of a reality in your part of the world, but right now WE are just waking up to the realization that it's BEEN here, and we don't wake up in a good mood. My advice to you is to re-post your inquiry in a few days sans the attitude.

Sep 14th, 2001, 08:42:37 PM
You like apples? How you like dem apples?

The Apt Pupil
Sep 15th, 2001, 08:10:34 AM
Tell me .....
TELL me...........
TELL ME about Jenny.......

'i looked under chairs,
i looked under tables,
i looked on the WWW,
i looked on Replica props forum,
i looked straight THROUGH and PAST the fading Shadowes....

i tried to find the key to 50 million people,
they call me the SEEKER!
i been searching lowwwwww and highhhhhhh......
the Seeker...
till the day i die..'

from the 'Self consious post modern 21 st century LIMEY ironic apple eating Snake-loving MCP 'Who everyones been talking about....

p.s NO OFFENSE was intended,it was just IN DEFENSE......:)

Sep 15th, 2001, 10:59:26 AM
Hi Apt,

First of all, thanks to Biker Scott for his candor, but I don't think I'm in any immediate danger with regard tothe Snake tracer bracelet.

I'm the one who made them (actually, a machinist friend and I). It was a couple years ago...we made close to 20 and they all sold immediately. It was made from solid brass, and a working button/spring mechanism, etc. You can se a picture that I posted on my old website under the Prop party pics at:



Biker Scott
Sep 15th, 2001, 09:41:57 PM
Hi Gary,
Thanks for posting, and let me add that if you "do" decide to do a second run of those trackers with the S.D. changes, I would love to be on the list!

Thanks for taking our responses to you in good stride, stick around, I think you'll like it here.


The Apt Pupil
Sep 15th, 2001, 09:54:11 PM
where does he get those wonderful toys?........

The Apt Pupil
Sep 15th, 2001, 09:56:28 PM
thanks too gary on the response -loved the pics,it looked better than the movie original! and 'ditto' on the snake tracker bracelet if you go into a second run/or know where to get any more :)

biker scott- thanks too - this LIMEY apperiates your direct open and honest nature i wouldnt want you to think i was having 'd-illusions of grandeur....'

be seeeing yah.....

Sep 16th, 2001, 10:31:59 PM
could I have the pics sent to me