View Full Version : EBAY PLUG: Starship Troopers Tunic and Pants

Got Maul
Sep 16th, 2001, 01:26:14 AM
For those who want to start their collection slowly (I understand..I was there too)

cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayI...1465857716 (http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1465857716)

Thanks for reading !


Got Maul
Sep 16th, 2001, 01:26:34 AM

Sep 16th, 2001, 01:28:58 AM
Damn that's a big description. How much for outright? You never did get back to me on the cost of a whole uniform. Was it that expensive? Just curious.

Got Maul
Sep 16th, 2001, 01:32:35 AM
I know, i know..I am very LOOOONG winded in my descriptions. I just thought it was funny to poke fun at the whole uniform auction going on next to mine who didn't even know how to put the freakin uniform and armor on correctly ! It would be as if someone who claimed to be a pro at Stormtrooper armor had his cylinder in the front !

Anyhow, I have been constantly sending prices lists out, I guess I missed you. Although, there has been one email that has constantly been rejecting my emails...perhaps, this one is your. Email me again and lemme try again. I guarantee you, these are the best prices you are EVER going to find :)

BTW- it is still not that cheap :(


The Propman
Sep 16th, 2001, 02:09:52 AM
Hi Jose,

Can you please e-mail me that list as well ??


The Propman


Sep 16th, 2001, 06:49:28 PM
Hey Got Maul...

I almost didn’t bother to respond, because I didn’t want to bump this thread back to
the top, but I just had to clarify a few things.

I checked all the ads on ebay..I think I found the one you were talking about... but
it looks to me like they wanted to orient the MI accessories in accordance with
Rico’s gear depicted in the picture on the upper right corner of the ad. There’s a
larger version of the picture on page 22/23 of your bible….err… "The Making of
Starship Troopers." Apparently there is NOT only one way to wear this stuff. You’d
think that a "real fan" would know that.
Speaking as ex-military, when we went out into the field, we did arrange our pieces
to work with our heavy hand....for the easy throw. It was done in the Rev. War,
Civil War, WWI, WWII. Nam, Korea, The Gulf, etc...even Law Enforcement today
does it.

Who cares if they put a piece where you didn't expect it to be? Anyone else got the
guts to offer a COMPLETE Uni on Ebay starting at less than ten bucks with NO

Seems like someone other than Zander had his brain extracted by arachnids.

Service may guarantee citizenship, but obviously citizenship does not guarantee

Sep 16th, 2001, 08:51:42 PM
Geez Squid way to move in on someone for the attack.... Sweet.... I love when a new person has one post and it is an utter attack..... When New Posters Attack....This week on fox. I am a Trooper fan and Maul wasn't off the mark. The pic on that auction is so off it isn't funny. I can undersand pouches being in different places or people haveing some different pouches but that set up is ALL WRONG. Relax pal.

Sep 16th, 2001, 09:14:48 PM
Exactly what point were you trying to make, Squid, about how he was willing to start the auction at 10 bucks with no reserve? You jealous that he's got more balls than you?

One attacking post, and with a private e-mail to boot. Impressive...

Sep 16th, 2001, 10:16:34 PM
(This message was left blank)

Sep 16th, 2001, 10:27:34 PM
Hey Squidilly Diddley some and or most of us have served in the military and I arranged some of my stuff how I wanted but I always put the zipper of my flight suit on the front and my helmet always worked better when I had the visor side forward. In this case we are dealing with a movie and basically the uniform was not worn that way in the film with drill instructors belt etc. but it's ok I think we'll live but remember what you post on this board echo's through out be mindful of what you say. By the way to quote a pin that was handed out on the set Starship Troopers "Relax it's only a movie" All true fans know why they handed these out do you?

Got Maul
Sep 17th, 2001, 01:31:45 AM
To all, thanks everyone for backing me up!

Dear Squiddy Titty,

First of all...who the hell are you ? Secondly...who the hell are you, newbie squid (yah, you got your name picked out perfectly).

As far as intelligence goes, I probably stood over your plant I.Q. about about in high school...better yet, probably middle school. Who the heck would come to this board to simply attack me ? Hmmm...maybe a troll !?!

Go away, your stupidity and inoccuous attacks are tickling me too much to even warrant a serious explanation.

Oh no, watch out everyone, the newbie troll is attacking intelligence...


BTW- I appreciate the bump, squid lover.