View Full Version : How to tell if Vader helmet is CA or not??

Sep 17th, 2001, 11:14:07 AM
Ok, so I'm all too familiar with the differences between the standard DP Vader helmet and the Classic Action version. I mean anyone that knows anything about Vader's helmet can just LOOK at the two of them and see the obvious differences. But how can I get someone else to relate that difference to me over the phone?

I was talking to a retailer on the phone yesterday who says they have "Vader helmets" in stock for about $59.00. But the sales rep didn't know jack between the CA and the regular version. And since I've never actually seen the CA version in person myself...

Does the copyright info stamped into the CA helmet say "Classic Action" on it? Any other identifying marks that I could tell an uneducated retailer to look for? (And I'm not talking about "metal tusks" and stuff like that- that only confuses already cluesless salespeople. I'm talking about legal stuff, type, print, etc.) Cuz' I sure as hell don't want to pay $59 for a crappy ol' standard Vader helmet. But a CA...that's different. ;)


Sep 17th, 2001, 11:19:25 AM
Ask them if the faceplate has the big mounting block on the top and either straps or black stretchy fabric across the back. The crappy mask doesn't have tusks either, so you might ask them if those two spots are just flat or have little conical tusks.

== Sean

Sep 17th, 2001, 11:20:44 AM
BH...the CA helmet is HUGE...I would estimate that if you measured the overall width of the helmet it would be around 14"-16 inches...the smaller version is NO where near the wide.

Also, the CA helmet actually HAS the antennae like tusks...to my knowledge, the smaller versions does not have the antennae like tusks, only a piece of shiny tape in the tube.

Ah...generally speaking...if the salesperson says that the helmet is TOO big for their head, you can be pretty sure its the CA version..cuz its a huge helmet.

For the amont your speaking of, about 60bux...I kinda doubt it...then again, you might be lucky. Keep us posted.
