View Full Version : Halloween (Costume) Cancellations????
Sep 16th, 2001, 10:41:29 PM
Ive been thinking about this since Tuesday as you can imagine.
In any other situation, I dont think clubs, et al would be so concerned about security. With costumes on, I should think club owners might think twice about letting guests in...especially those wearing sci-fi or large costumes for fear of concealment of "non-healthy" things.
Living in DC, as I do, I am particularly concerned about security. Its one of those nights where there are alot of folks out and about and yet security is generally nowhere near as tight as New Years or the Fourth/July.
Has anyone heard anything about cancellations?
I can only imagine the safest parties will be those held in your own house or, where the guest list is limited to trusted guests.
As much as I love this night each fall.....this time Im seriously giving it second thoughts.
Sep 16th, 2001, 10:46:00 PM
If we change our lives too much, the bad guys win. Plain and simple.
I'll still be out there. I may think twice before toting a real looking prop gun around, but I'll still be out there. I'll probably be going into Fells Point (Baltimore) with some friends. If DC is too freaky, maybe Baltimore would be less so... :) Com'on up!
Sep 17th, 2001, 12:25:35 AM
maybe...but if we blow up the bad guys win too
Grand Milk Carton0
Sep 17th, 2001, 12:39:23 AM
Helmschmied, just make a bomb shelter and hide yourself in it and never have human contact again. Are you going to stop going outside.. You're being overly paranoid, I don't think Joe's bar and grill is on the top of the list the bad guys want to hit... but if it makes you feel safer hiding away and giving up your freedom, then more power to you. Just don't expect the rest of us that aren't going to let these sick fucks run our lives to support you. I work at one place that is a Definite target, should I quit my job because what if,? I refuse to live that way.
Sep 17th, 2001, 12:50:08 AM
well, living near the real Ground Zero (DC) you might think differently. Its the hub of power and the place to strike
Im not hiding...I go about my life as usual whenever possible...but frankly Halloween is tantamount to Pagan debauchary in the Satin American to these freaks.
You can do what you wish. Trust me, Im all for unleashing Hell on these bastards... but UNTIL these dudes are rounded up...I for one and not going to push my luck...Ive already known 5 folks who were KILLED and it starts to make one think.
Grand Milk Carton0
Sep 17th, 2001, 01:22:04 AM
Whatever helm, good luck to ya. Remember keep fresh batteries for your radio so you don't lose track with the real world.
Sep 17th, 2001, 01:25:09 AM
uh oh--i sense a flame war--mods--attn!!!
Sep 17th, 2001, 01:41:04 AM
lol..."keeping in touch with the real world"...if you only knew what I did for a living..LOL...I couldnt be more public if you wanted me too.
No flame war here....biochemical attack.
Sep 17th, 2001, 09:31:39 AM
Trust me, I can understand your fear and yeah, living nearby I know how freaky things in DC are right now. Thats why I suggested comin up to Baltimore. You're more likely to be mugged than bombed by a terrorist up there, but then again thats life... :)
But I definately don't belittle your concerns. If I worked in the Pentagon, NSA, or any other big federal buildings around here, I'd likely be very nervous going to work. However hanging out at a bar or a party over Halloween? Nah. Those kind of targets aren't high profile enough for these nuts.
And you do have my sympathies for your loss. I really don't mean to downplay your fears or how this incident has affected your life. Anyone can tell you not to be afraid, but nobody can actually take that fear from you. In the end, its going to be you that will have to determine how you will live your life. Take care, dude.
Sep 17th, 2001, 11:36:58 AM
Thanks Docmani1,
I appreciate your concerns...this has really been a weird year for me. I went throuh a hell of a crisis with my girlfriend, at which point we broke up...then we got together and are getting engaged...and now the loss of friends at the Pent. and associates I knew of in the is one a rollercoaster ride.
I just want to avoid any more tradgedy. Hell, Im doing a good job keeping busy, but the thought of another attack...this time by another means is so disturbing.
For those who are so careless as to pound their chests in US defiance, when we have NOT yet caught ALL these guys...and now may very well be looking at another guerilla war from our good friends in the Taliban...I suggest being a bit more cautious. I am so moved by the outpouring of love in this country, but I also sense a heck of a lot of denial in people...which can have positive and negative consequences...the biggest problem is that when we ignore common sense and 'shout off the rooftops' that we arent beaten, we leave ourselves exposed. Being sensible about where we go and what we do until this is cleared up is not fear mind you, its proactivity. Im all for a great Halloween...but in an environment that is safe as possible...and as much as I hate to say this, big cities (particularly big crowds) are not safe environments. Sucks, but this is life at the moment.
Docking Bay 93
Sep 17th, 2001, 12:57:43 PM
Grand Milk...dude, are you okay? You sound pi$$ed off or something. Helm didn't say anything about hiding away, he was just contemplating whether or not clubs would be letting (fake) weapons in. He's not paranoid, but making a valid point. It's very very likely that clubs and public areas will be more catious about this kind of thing. Duh. It's common sense. They probably will. That's the way businesses run. You seem to have really gotten upset about it. Just my observation, not really meant as an attack. Peace.
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