View Full Version : Grail Diary Zeplin Ticket...

Lukes Roommate
Sep 17th, 2001, 02:02:03 PM
Does anyone know if there is a definitive Zeplin ticket for the Grail Diary? I have the one that came with the Diary I got from one of our board members (Amazing piece, just outstanding) and I have noticed a few other tickets that were different. Is the ticket's design just up to the person making it? Or is there one that directly matches the one from the film? Just curious.


Jokar Lurden
Sep 17th, 2001, 02:52:34 PM
Unless they have a german zeppelin ticket from 1938, and have copied the style of it, then it's up to the person how it's designed :)

I certainly dont know of many german zeppelin tickets form 1938, but then I havent exactly been looking for them! ;)

Sith Sheriff Brody
Sep 17th, 2001, 02:54:58 PM
There's a transcription of a period ticket @ IndyGear, but there are a few typos.

I just used it as a base for mine — custmized it a bit...


Lukes Roommate
Sep 17th, 2001, 03:11:33 PM
Thanks guys! The one I have looks great, but I noticed the one at IndyGear.com and wondered if there was indeed an official version, or if they all depended on artistic license...


Sep 17th, 2001, 03:17:13 PM
I woudl ask Jeff, he makes the best tickets.


Sep 17th, 2001, 03:26:29 PM
Can someone mail me Jeff's email addy? I have one @aol, but IIRC he has a new provider. This thread reminded me that I need to get in touch with him.


Lukes Roommate
Sep 17th, 2001, 03:28:05 PM
Could you send me Jeff's email as well?