View Full Version : Real firing Star Wars blaster pistols

Sep 17th, 2001, 04:29:45 PM
I am thinking about taking orders for ESB and ANH replica blasters. These blasters will fire plastics BB's. Caution, if you shoot someone, it will sting. This is no where near as strong as a real BB gun, and it is safe to shoot at someone as long as you have their consent and they wear eye protection(legal stuff).

The gun will be powered by gas. The gas fill fill in the magazine, so no ugly CO2 tank will be hanging off these bad boys!

Why get the replicas for $300 if you can't play with them. This piece is perfect for display. Absolutly beautiful and authentic looking. But, this piece can impress ANY any star wars fan as you are able to propel plastic BB's.

Estimated cost $450 SHIPPED anywhere UPS 2-3day expess. Buy two, get FREE EXPRESS DELIVERY!
Each item will be your choice of gun (ANH or ESB), a small bottle of gas, and a small bag of BB's. Replacement BB's and gas will also be available.

These are not cheap, walmart brand toys. These are quality products!

The price will come down if I get enough orders. Trust me, I am making VERY little profit on this one.
Email me at cexshun@juno.com if you are interested.

Sep 17th, 2001, 04:37:14 PM
Please explain why you posted this exact topic at my board under a different screen name, thanks.

pub66.ezboard.com/ftalamascamusicfilmartbooksandpoetryloungefrm20.sh owMessage?topicID=22.topic (http://pub66.ezboard.com/ftalamascamusicfilmartbooksandpoetryloungefrm20.sh owMessage?topicID=22.topic)

Sep 17th, 2001, 04:38:55 PM
The different name is because it was a local account. I could only use it on that board. So I created this account as a global. Sorry guys. I'm new to the boards.

Sep 17th, 2001, 04:42:21 PM
Thanks that explains alot, how about introducing yourself to get us better aquainted with a possible business contact?


Sep 17th, 2001, 04:42:30 PM
How about some info about yourself? I don't think people here will just open their wallets without knowing some info about the seller, you know.

Welcome to the board.


Sep 17th, 2001, 04:43:37 PM
Well, that's just me, of course. ;)


Docking Bay 93
Sep 17th, 2001, 04:47:04 PM
Wow, they really shoot? Do they shoot laser beams? No? Then why would I want to spend $450 on something that shoots BBs? No offense, but you're trying to sell icecubes to eskimos...I seriously doubt that it would be exciting in the least to go around with my Han blaster, shooting Stormtroopers in the butt with a bb. Besides, that gun would SO get taken away by security. Wouldn't the cutting off of barrels also cause problems? We also have to do a lot of tapping and drilling into them, so we'd probably mess them up, anyway. But hey, it's just my opinion.

Stay on Target...


Sep 17th, 2001, 04:47:35 PM
Sorry about the reservations if you are a genuine seller, we are alway's on the look-out for potential scammers/trolls/sock-puppets. Just looking out for each other here.

Thanks again,

Sep 17th, 2001, 04:47:53 PM
Well, I've been a star wars fan my whole life. I don't have a lot of money to purchase cool items, so I found ways to build them. I've attempted lightsabers using plumbing pieces, and they turned out OK. I found that the blasters worked much better for me.

Uh... I have a computer programming degree from Purdue University and currently work for the county government.

I get bored a lot, so I build things. It began with modifying Nerf guns. It then went to making my own Nerf canons out of PVC. Then lightsabers. Now I make blasters, and due to the response from my friends, I decided to let other SW fans know that I can make these.

Hope you guys kinda know me now. I don't want to seem like some money grubbing guy who posted just to make cash.

Duke Chad
Sep 17th, 2001, 04:49:54 PM
Well let's see some pics of these blasters......

Sep 17th, 2001, 04:50:47 PM
Brother Stanze is right. Sorry if we sound a little rough, but we've been having too much troll activity lately.


Sep 17th, 2001, 04:52:13 PM
I'd suggest hanging out and getting to know the people here before trying to sell stuff. People can be pretty brutal to new members hawking merchandise on thier first post.

No offense, good luck, and welcome to the board! :)

BTW, let's see some pictures of your blasters!

Sep 17th, 2001, 04:52:26 PM
I can make the gun fire "lazer beams", but the flash hider would look more like a silencer then the Han Solo looking thing. Plus, the "lazer beam" attachment would add quite a bit more to the price. The lazers look awesome in the dark. In the day time, you can't really tell though. The same goes for the plasma blade sabers though.

Docking Bay 93
Sep 17th, 2001, 05:02:10 PM
It would be really interesting to see how well you could put a laser pointer inside one of these. Not to say you can't do it, I'm sure all of us could, but, again, why? You wanna know why I don't buy EL blades? They're not real. They're not even close to real, and I'll tell you why: they don't extend magically out of the handle. If they did that, even if the blade passed harmlessly through things, I'd have a ton of them. That'd be cool. As it stands, it's just a big, unweildy hunk of glowing plastic. But that's just me. Unless you wanna rig a blaster to shoot a high-density, super-bright pulse of light, then don't even bother. Again, that's just my opinion, and I'm being a little snit. It just seems like a lot of money for something like that. I can get a Denix from one of our Big Boys here on the board for $35, then buy a $10 laser pointer to pop into it. There's no way in hades I'm gonna pop no $450 out and tear up the gun. I'd think it'd be a tad silly to do that, don't you?

I know, I don't have to buy the thing, I just want you to use common sense, especially since you're just coming out of the gate.

Stay on target...


Sep 17th, 2001, 05:06:45 PM
FWIW, several years ago, a company managed to put out a Laser sight that also functions as a Recoil Spring Guide of a Glock Pistol....I thought that was pretty cool since the original part was pretty small.:)



Sep 17th, 2001, 05:14:52 PM
DB93- I don't mean this as a flame, but what's with the attitude? Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean no one else will. There are a ton of people who dig EL blades. Maybe these same folks want to shoot each other with BB's. Maybe not, but don't throw a blanket statement over the whole board.

Give the guy a chance (unless you KNOW he's a troll, puppet, of LFL rep, in which case out with it). It seems like we run new people off before giving them a chance.

J Scott D
Sep 17th, 2001, 05:32:21 PM
Since when did someone start offering gas-powered Mauser replicas?


Ah, nevermind...I'll stick with my all-metal non-functional blaster repicas.

Replicas that are worth a lot more than what you're "offering."

Scott D. :evil:

Sep 17th, 2001, 05:42:47 PM
I believe he is talking about the airsoft unit that makes the glow in the dark bb's glow, therefore looking like lasers, in which case that addition to a mauser would make it completely non accurate. I'm all for a firing replica, but, as stated, would quickly be taken at a convention or in public (Halloween, etc,)

Sep 17th, 2001, 05:55:31 PM
Steve at Richies armor has a pretty rad airsoft Luke ESB.
Maybe he'll chime in and put in his 2 cents worth.

It IS possible to do, and you dont have to cut the barrel, ESPECIALLY for an ESB version.

I was actually considering trying to do a run of these.

They ARE pretty cool, and I think they'd cost a lot less than $450 to do.

Anyway, sorry to barge in here like this, just my views.

Docking Bay 93
Sep 17th, 2001, 06:37:09 PM
Yeah, I'm sorry...I'm being a real prick. I've been a little on edge lately, and I shouldn't bring my crap here. I seriously apologize for it. It's 'funny", because I just got done telling someone else off about thier attitude here. What a hypocryte.

Cexshun, welcome to the board. I apologize for being rude to you. I'm generally a nice guy, just get a bit "riled up" sometimes. I hope you have a great time on the board, and good luck to ya!

Stay on Target...


J Scott D
Sep 17th, 2001, 06:55:45 PM
Yeah, Scott D. will cut you some slack for now...I'm a little biased because I consider what I have to be a "real" firing blaster once I find the right scope.


A 9mm Mauser. :)

Scott D.

Sep 17th, 2001, 07:28:14 PM
he's talking about the airsoft mauser. i do think it is a different version than our beloved broomhandle though. it is the full auto one from what i've seen.

the laser beam thing is used on normal airsoft guns. it looks like a silencer (rather large) and has a strobe that flashes and activates glow in the dark BBs. it does look cool at night, but wouldn't be accurate in terms of a silencer on a mauser.

Sep 17th, 2001, 07:40:18 PM
Check with Mr Alex Wakal, I think he has bought the airsoft Mauser and might have even done a conversion on it.

Hey Mr A, want to enlighten us? :)

Sep 17th, 2001, 08:01:13 PM
Thanks for the invite, Mr. C!

I already threw together an ESB Airsoft, barrel-through-nozzle trick and all. The parts were drilled and bolted through the body, of course. I'd make as many as folks wanted for around $250, but when I offered, the number of folks that wanted one was, well, "one".

The basic problem is that the Airsoft Broomhandle is the Model 712, which is an M1930's step barrel and wide-line grips with the 712's detachable magazine and a full/semi selector switch on the left side. While great fun (I am still picking airsoft bb's out of the corners, pesky Stormtroopers were everywhere), they went over like a lead balloon. Purists hated them because of the vast differences between a 712 and a 1896.

I've been thinking of setting up a few ROTJ and ESB blasters with my resin nozzles and scope assemblies, and then selling them down in the $150 range.

Here is a quick picture:

<img src=http://www.dreadnaught-industries.com/images/file/blasters/ESB_airsoft_1.JPG>

And if you are ever feeling really froggy and want to try a REAL firing blaster, here is a 1896 Mauser in 7.63 by 25mm. Granted, it is harder to catch the "bb's" on this one :)
<img src=http://www.dreadnaught-industries.com/images/file/blasters/rotj_mauser_brass_2.jpg>


Sep 18th, 2001, 01:13:49 AM
Damn Alex! :eek:

Those are beautiful!!!

Sep 18th, 2001, 12:01:49 PM
Hey Alex, how'd you make that ROTJ-style piston?

Sep 18th, 2001, 01:25:00 PM

On the pistons...they are not the exact ROTJ piston halves. They are the ones from everyone's favorite Visible V-8 engine (which are correct for the ESB). The ones on the Airsoft are my own resin cast pistons (I cast them individually instead of two connected like John). The ones on that Mauser are ThinkJedi's cast bronze piston halves (also cast from the V8 kit).

We were trying to talk someone (cough...Mauled...cough) into making some of the strange ROTJ piston halves, which would look more like the original prop (built on what looks like an MGC) shown here:

<img src=http://www.dreadnaught-industries.com/images/file/blasters/rotj_real_1.jpg>
