View Full Version : Help with reference PICS of Batman's spear gun.

Sep 18th, 2001, 01:02:05 AM
I want to start a collection of bat-weapons and I want to start with the Spear gun. I want to build one and I will need reference pics. I tried the Brotherhood, but nothing yet. I think I can come-up with a "Hardware spear gun" using brass parts. You can e-mail me pics or point me to links on the web.
Thanks in advance.

Sep 18th, 2001, 06:38:40 AM
These were taken from Hobby Japan, I am not sure if they are the real movie prop or not, but it does look like it:

Sep 18th, 2001, 08:46:54 AM
WOW-WEE! Christmas in September! Thanks!
I doubt it is the actual thing, as the gun in the movie is slightly different were the screws lineup is. However, these PICS are gold, thanks!

Sep 18th, 2001, 09:06:47 AM
Why can't we have such cool toys down here? Think of that, Marmit, Larbel ;) , Mazinger (or great Mazinga)...


prop demigod
Sep 18th, 2001, 09:08:46 AM
GuntahKela wrote:

"These pics are GOLD!"

I write:

"These pics are WRONG!"

Everybody seems to get the speargun wrong for some reason. I have that issue of Hobby Japan. The one in this Japanese article is pretty close, but no cookie. The handle is totally off (he obviously didn't have any shots of that side and just guessed at it) The pic at the top is the only shot of a real one.

Don, don't you have one of my kits? (I have one left for sale, but it is pricey) That is as close as you can get, since I worked from detailed pics and measurements of a real speargun taken for me by one of my customers. You could give him pics of that to use for reference.

You get what you pay for...

Don't waste your time making something wrong. It is usually just as easy to make it right. And you will be happier with it in the long run...

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:47:44 AM
I highly reccomend Steve's kit, since he says he has one I'd grab it! I don't have any pics of it available right now....but its well worth it.


Sep 18th, 2001, 11:40:43 AM
Yup Steve I do, but it's unfinished as of yet. Guntah has the pic I have of the parts laying out. I had not heard one way or the other about the HJ speargun, until now. Thanks for pointing it out :)

Sep 18th, 2001, 12:56:07 PM
Ragacin showed me a nice shot of the left side of Demigod's gun, but I can't tell how wide key parts like the rope canister and handle are. I was looking at the Gun Batvaul has and it is slightly different. He claims his is casted of the original, but I also heard NOT the best about him by former costumers. I don't know if I should believe him.
I figured the gun on these PICS were not accurate due to the barrel is complete different. Looks more like a lawn sprinkler piece.

Demigod, I don't really want to copy your work, but the original. I'm sure your kits are worth the cash, but I'm a "do it yourself and save" kind of guy and I feel confident about this project. Originally, I wanted to buy one because I had no idea what this thing looked like and no idea were to find research since I had never seeing any at any PH. Plus, you can only see so much when freezingthe movie.
P.D. You can also contact me at <a href=mailto:guntahkela@aol.com>GuntahKela@aol.com</a>

Rebel Hunter
Sep 18th, 2001, 02:01:16 PM
I emailed several contacts in Japan regarding the one pictured above (Hobby Japan version). From what I was told, this was a totally custom "one of a kind" piece built by a Japanese hobbyist.

I've actually got one in the works as well, that I'm totally customizing (redesigned parts, added a couple of LEDs, laser site) from a crappy resin cast piece that you can get from England fro about $50.00.

I'll post pics as I get closer to finishing.