View Full Version : oh man, this is beautiful

Sep 10th, 2001, 06:00:29 PM

now part 1 of my mysterious "very own superman death necklace" comes to play. the crystal section has been made. now, here are the fine points

- ive seen the ones up for sale on the board/etc/net and they are AWESOME work, but yet, they were somehow lacking in what they were looking like in the movie. not knocking the work, its top notch, but just... its hard to explain. maybe its cause they switch about 6 times in the movie, and its hard to get a good close peek. i dunno.

i go, do some searching, and ask a guy if he can custom make me a piece of glass, and he agrees. but this is special majical glass. its uranium glass. added benefit of glowing under a blacklight.

the man thinks he can do this, and he works diligently, all the while im thinking "man this will be so badass".

and badass it is indeed. here are some pics of it -
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/Mvc150f.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/Mvc151f.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/Mvc153f.jpg>

thos are top, blacklight top and sides.

this is all a guesstimate size, of 4-1/8" x 3-3/8" x2"

but god, aint it purty.

now, all i have to do is build the stone collar, and chain, and my "lead box" with the lil blacklight that turns on when its opened, and my prop is done. imeven thinking of seeing if he can make a "rougher cut" version to go along with the one i have.

man, i can honestly say i know how people feel when they get part of a dream in. this is like something that they just pulled out of my head and made reality. this guy is great. and the best part?

for that lovely piece of glass up there?

custom made??!?!

35 bones.

god i love the internet.

Jokar Lurden
Sep 10th, 2001, 06:04:43 PM
Woah.... that is beautiful!!!!! And for $35?! A steal! :) :)

Sep 10th, 2001, 06:11:25 PM
this is one of the few times in my life i feel bad getting a bargain.

i swear, i told the dude about it, described it, and he just makes this one up and its freaking perfect and beautiful. gave him rough guesstimates for measurements and said "make the top not really smooth".

he even did it in a day!!!! i emailed him early last week, and he worked on it this weekend.

ill ask him and see if its something he would consider doing more than once, and maybe those superfans of us can all get a pretty cool prop for kinda cheap.

Sep 10th, 2001, 09:22:56 PM
ok, im gonna make an official interest thread so i can ask this guy if theres anything that he can do to help out some fans for a kinda easy to make prop. itd probably help to give him an idea of how many would need to be made.

also, any ideas on good ways to wire up blacklights <small ones maybe> to come on when a box is open would be greatly appreciated also. :lol: a place to actually buy the lil blacklights would be good also.

thanks guys and gals

Sep 10th, 2001, 09:35:27 PM
Are those Kryptonian implants?

Sep 10th, 2001, 09:36:58 PM
bad bad shadowe! bad!

:lol: but yea, thats what i thought when i saw it too.

im hoping he can pull off a facet/rougher looking version that isnt so smooth with the next one.


Sep 10th, 2001, 09:38:05 PM
TheShadowe :lol:

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:11:34 PM
I want one!!!!


Sep 18th, 2001, 10:20:29 PM
im waiting to here back from him on another couple of things, i think he only checks his mail on the weekends or something.

if the second version he makes for me looks more like the rougher version i had in my head, ill sell you this one. ill know more later, but i will send him an email and tell him someone else is interested in one.

ill let you know what happens.

Sep 19th, 2001, 03:27:32 PM
lil' blacklites? The smallest ones I can think of are the 12 in car ones you can buy at car stereo places, they run off of 12 volts, and put off plenty of light.
Damn, that is pretty. Color me interested :)

MEI Jedi
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:44:32 PM
Are those the saline or silicone implants. :lol:

EDIT Damn, The Shadow beat me to the punchline

Sep 19th, 2001, 03:45:12 PM
ive got a lil pager looking one, its pretty small. i got it off ebay for i think 3 bucks last year. had a great tagline about "I KNOW I WOULDNT SLEEP IN A URINE CAKED MATTRESS" or something to that effect.

but, it is pretty cool. ill let the guy know theres a few people interested. so far the total is something like 41 and change, for shipping and insurance. i paid for it today, so hopefully ill get it in pretty soon.


Jades Dark Heart
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:50:03 PM
I want one bad, that kicks a$$, by the way Chris check your email about the silver Mauser, I sent you a link


Sep 19th, 2001, 03:56:06 PM
got the mail. man, 105 is a bit much to spend on a costume accessory <hides all the sabers he owns> but anyway...

where were you guys when i posted up an official interest thread? ill fire up another one, and hopefully get a few people, and give this guy some business. he does great work.
