View Full Version : ST:TNG 1st season DVD box set will likely be released soon

Sep 19th, 2001, 12:43:45 PM
Check out this survey linked from the StarTrek.com web site:


One of the questions asks:

"How interested would you be in purchasing a collector's set containing a full season of episodes of these TV shows on either VHS or DVD for $99.99 when they are available for yourself or someone else in your household?"

And another:

"Thinking about the special features which could be included on a STAR TREK: The Next Generation collector's set on DVD, please rate the importance of each of the following special features:

A Sneak Peek of the new STAR TREK Feature film, in theatres Fall 2002"

That sounds soon to me, maybe the next few months.


Mara Jades Father
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:55:48 PM
That would be great. I really enjoy SG-1 in htis type of set. It's easier and more cost effective than buying every episode.

Sep 19th, 2001, 04:12:07 PM
It would be great to be able to buy full season sets as opposed to two episodes per DVD like they did with the original series. I wish they had released Farscape as a full season boxed set instead of the two episodes per DVD. Fox has the right idea with the X-Files boxed sets.


Sep 19th, 2001, 04:31:11 PM
Simple fact is Paramount is too greedy to produce boxed sets.

They want every nickle out of you.

I am an avid Star Trek fan and I went for the Original show on DVD. But TNG is only moderately entertaining and I simply would not lay out that kind of money for that show.

Boxed sets by season is the only way I would consider buying TNG. As for DS9 or VOY. You can keep them.

I taped the first 3 season of DS9 then erased them and I didn't even watch Voyager except for maybe five episodes.

Maybe Enterprise will be better.

BTW, I have a full set of TOS on VHS for sale or trade if anyone is interested.

Mara Jades Father
Sep 19th, 2001, 05:09:52 PM
I think greed may be the reason for doing abox set. I think they will make more money in sales by doing a box set. There are very few people who wil go out and by around 150 episodes (75 seperate discs) but if you put them all together, more people will buy them.