View Full Version : Neverending Story Auryn?

Sep 20th, 2001, 01:21:57 AM
Anyone ever do this or have pics or measurements of it so it could be done?


Sep 20th, 2001, 03:27:50 AM
I would like one too!!!!

"There is a difference between pornography and art. Mostly it's in the price tag..." KerrAvon

Rebel Hunter
Sep 20th, 2001, 04:05:32 AM
I have made two sizes...the larger one is around 4-5 inches across and the smaller version is about 2-3 inches across.

I can cast them in white metal or resin, and can paint them to your liking. I also have some small austrian crystals that can be used as "eyes".

Take a look at my photopoint album and let me know if you are interested in one! :)

albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1352687&a=12797785&f=0 (http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1352687&a=12797785&f=0)

To be honest, there haven't been too many fans around here for this piece. I made the smaller version with the intentions of creating a book cover down the road, similar to the book in the movie.

Thanks, Mark