View Full Version : Roman... What the heck

Sep 20th, 2001, 05:20:05 AM
What part of the country do you live in, man? Ain't is pretty late? :lol: j/k. Its like 4:30 here.

Romans Empire
Sep 20th, 2001, 05:35:46 AM
Two of my cats ran across my head!!! :lol: Now I can't sleep... those jerks!!!

It's only 3:30am here. :)

Sep 20th, 2001, 05:39:00 AM
Damn Cats! :lol:

Admiral Talus
Sep 20th, 2001, 08:48:14 AM
Indeed. Thats why you should get good, old trustee German Sherperds. Never let ya down and they don't run across your head.

Instead they lay beside your bed so you can trip over them when you get up in the middle of the night :lol:

Sep 20th, 2001, 08:52:19 AM
:lol: My cats do the same thing to me once in a while. ;)
