View Full Version : Plano Update (oct 20th and 21st) - BATCON

Sep 18th, 2001, 09:03:42 AM
Well, I'm too damn lazy to look up the old Plano thread so heres an ypdate. I just got word from Ben on table and our lobby proposal.

The word on the lobby crash (as in setting up there with tables) is a no go due to new fire marshal restrictions.

In regards to tables on the floor heres what Ben had to say:

"Our table prices to you guys would be $150.00 each with 2
passes. Additional passes are extra. Regular tables prices are $195.00 at
this show."

I think Cliff and Roman mentioned going together on a table. If you guys want to do that let me know or contact Ben directly and tell him what your plans are. Also, if people want to get together on a table say the word. Not sure how it will be split up with the two passes and all...

UGH, I can't believe I'm organizing another one of these things again..... :)

Happy Propping,
Gary Weaver II

Sep 18th, 2001, 09:08:52 AM
Gary... I will be there and live in Plano (but y'all knew that). I'd be up for helping out on the cost of a table with you or anyone that wants to set up.



Sep 20th, 2001, 03:25:12 AM
Thanks Gary.

No use in getting a table if hardly anyone else is.

So, if you don't get any more responses, I say "fugetaboutit" this time :) .

We'll consider other options this time around....

Thanks for trying,

Sep 20th, 2001, 07:33:27 AM
Holy time warp Gary!
I thought the Bat-Con was the 20th-21st? LOL
I'll be there with my Batmobile but I won't need a table.


Sep 20th, 2001, 08:29:51 AM
Man, I can't wait to see that Batmobile!

Sep 20th, 2001, 08:57:25 AM
Ugh, I guess I haven't had enough sleep or something. It would suck to show up on the 24th and 25th :)

Dennis, can't wait to see the car. Too bad you won't be able to take it on the road Saturday Night ;(

-Gary Weaver II

Sep 20th, 2001, 09:16:23 AM
Who says I'm not?;)


Sep 20th, 2001, 09:56:03 AM
How in the world are you getting it out of the convention center? From the map on the site it looks like you'll be hemmed in by tables...

-Gary Weaver II