View Full Version : Fett costume so far. PICS - PLEASE CRITIQUE.

Sep 18th, 2001, 08:15:04 PM
Well, here it is, getting closer to completion.

Here's the list of things I know I need to finish from top to bottom:

*Add the padding into my helmet so it's not a "lowrider".;)
*Sew my braids to my vest so they won't slip down.:lol:
*Jetpack, jetpack, jetpack!!!;)
*Finish my gauntlets.
*Weather my gloves.
*Add the scope to my blaster rifle.
*Add the "thong" to the cod piece.:)
*Add the belt pouches.
*Add thigh pouches and shin tool pockets.
*Add the little ankle covers.
*Add the spikes and strips to my boots.
*Weather the whole jumpsuit and the boots.

So, what else do you see that stands out? (Besides the older version of the back armor, which I really don't care that much about changing right now.)




Rebel Hunter
Sep 18th, 2001, 08:18:13 PM

For my Fett costume, I just saftey pinned the braids onto the vest. That way you can remove them easily later if you need to...looks good so far!!

Sep 18th, 2001, 08:20:19 PM
looks cool. you need the lil tubing thing on the one gauntlet though.

other than that, id beat up the armor a bit more. looks a lil too "new" for the good paintjob on the helmet. well, actually, the helmet looks awesome, but the green comes across as too dark :lol:

great jango too :)


Sep 18th, 2001, 08:41:38 PM
I think your wife thinks your nuts and that your corrupting your child. Wait... Thats MY wife... ;)

I think when it comes time to hand out the RPF Academy Awards, you will receive "Most Prolific/Fastest Turn-Around"!

I think that's a KILLER suit!

Braks Buddy
Sep 18th, 2001, 08:42:02 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It's Mini-Jango! Run, hide the women and sheep!

Looks good. I definitely want to see it again after the weathering. Those boot soles are blinding!

Oh yeah, add stock plate details to blaster.

Sep 18th, 2001, 08:42:20 PM
Looks keen so far.

The Jango needs some work though :)
Isn't it a little short for a Fett?

And shouldn't the older one be a Jango - with a mini-Boba?

Quite sharp.


Darth Bill
Sep 18th, 2001, 09:03:59 PM
Good work, Wayne.

But, from your helmet painting thread, we KNOW that you want to hear HONEST 'criticisms', so....

I've got TWO 'nitpicks':

1) Your shoulder bells are riding too low.
2) Your outer vest? The sleeves appear to come down to your elbows... TOO low.

Other than THAT, your progress is FANTASTIC. :)


Sep 18th, 2001, 09:08:38 PM
I actually have the tubing already for the gauntlet, as well as a few more greeblies that go on there. I just didn't put it on for the pics.:)

Yeah, the helmet came across as much darker in the pics than it is in real life. I wonder if the flash was aimed at my body and the helmet didn't get illuminated correctly or something.:/

Darth Bill: The shoulder bells are an easy fix. They're on with velcro.:) As for the sleeves of the vest, do you mean the "inner" vest? The outer vest is the one with the armor attatched to it.

Sep 18th, 2001, 09:21:20 PM
Is the belt too red?

Or is that one of those 'hot topics'?


Sep 18th, 2001, 09:23:54 PM
:lol: Yeah, it may be too red. But it isn't as red in "real life" as it is in the pics. It's more of a dark burgandy. I may try to add some brown to it sometime.

My wife took these pics with one hand while holding our son Alex, so that's part of the reason for the poor quality of the pics.:/

Darth Bill
Sep 18th, 2001, 09:35:39 PM
Y'know, Wayne, from the pictures, it's pretty difficult to tell which is the inner vest AND which is the outer vest.

It appears to me that the color of the material the armor's sitting on matches the rest of the costume...

...and THAT ain't right. ;)

Damn cataracts. :lol:

Anyhoo, OUTER vest only comes down to JUUUUST over the shoulder (and the bells hang OFF of it, meaning they point AWAY from your shoulders and don't follow down your arm.)


Admiral Talus
Sep 18th, 2001, 09:40:03 PM
I think the costume looks pretty good. It is hard to tell the difference between your outer vest and the jumpsuit. I think that the armour really doesn't need more weathering. I think it looks pretty beat up the way it is.

Just my two cents

Oh, and the mini Jango, nice touch.

Lynn TXP 0369
Sep 18th, 2001, 09:41:01 PM
Wayne... looks good... How's your pack coming along?

Dart Bill... I think your seeing the "short sleeve" of the flight suit. They arn't apart of the vest, the bells won't be attached to that.

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:33:36 PM

Nice job overall. You asked for a positive critique so Im offering one. I like the paint job..and neck/back plate connection.

As far as minor problems go, Id say that the belly plate is too high in proportion to the other plates...try trimming off a bit.

Not to hijack this thread (please excuse that term btw)
If you are interested in a set of THICK ALUMINUM armor plates w/blast dents already in them, I have a FEW left. Talk to Braks Buddy or ask me for references. My work was at DragonCon, if you went. You can email me at dominionwestreproductions@hotmail.com. I can also get some templates for helping map out the trip job on the belly plate.

Otherwise...bang up job man (I really liked your Jango helm too)

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:54:37 PM
Looks great!:eek: It'll be bang up good when done...:)

I like the Mini-Jango too...especialy those Nintendo Duck Hunt guns he's sportin':lol:

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:56:20 PM
Looks pretty good.

The only thing I'd change is that the helmet, when viewed front-on, appears to be a bit narrow. Could you possibly widen it a bit?

Darth Bill
Sep 18th, 2001, 11:18:55 PM
" Dart Bill... I think your seeing the "short sleeve" of the flight suit. They arn't apart of the vest, the bells won't be attached to that."

I'm talking about the outer vest that the armor attaches to.
You know, the tiiiiny quilted part that hangs out over the shoulder...?
You HAVE to know about that part....

THAT'S what I'm referring to when I say the bells are attached to that.

It's NOT part of the flight suit.
It's the vest.

BEST picture EVER of it was the 'pre-pro' pic of Fett with his arms at his sides....
...but it's a method that carried over to ALL the suits.

Or, MAYBE you were referring to my intial assessment of Wayne's costume....?
That's where my 'criticism' stems from.
The pics appear to have the bells attached to (and running down) the short sleeve of the flightsuit and, as stated earlier...

...THAT ain't right. :lol:


Sep 19th, 2001, 02:48:43 AM
Hi Wayne,

I agree with everyone's comments so far so I won't repeat them here. :)

Once thing that I must ask you about is the jumpsuit! That colour looks perfect for the ROTJ suit. What type of material is it and if it's a found item, where did you get it? It really looks very good.

Kind regards,


Lynn TXP 0369
Sep 19th, 2001, 07:27:12 AM
"The pics appear to have the bells attached to (and running down) the short sleeve of the flightsuit and, as stated earlier..."

Gottcha, I thought you were saying the bells were attatched to the short jumpsuit sleeves and that the short jumpsuit sleeves were attached to the vest.... I know about the quilted vest sleevelets(?) on the outer vest that the bells are attached to.

The pic is blurry and I can't tell the vest from the jumpsuit, how in the heck can you see the vest? you must have better eyes then me... :lol: I see what your talking about though.....

Sep 19th, 2001, 10:35:09 AM
THanks for all of the comments. YOu guys know I like you to be harsh and truthful.:) :)

Anyway to answer a few questions:

The outer vest (silvery grey) and flightsuit (sort of a light sage) are not the same color, even though it appears that they are in these pics.:/ The outer vest is one of Richie's, I think, and is the correct sleeve length, I just have the bells hanging too far down on them. Like I said, though, it's an easy fix.:)

The flight suit is a FOUND ITEM.:) I'll get back with more details later. THe only thing is it's mostly polyester, so any weathering will have to be done with paint and chalk. :/

Sep 19th, 2001, 10:36:22 AM
Oh, and I totally agree about the narrowness of the helmet.:( I tried fixing that once by heating it and bending it but it didn't take, but I'm going to keep trying.:)

Dean O
Sep 19th, 2001, 02:08:09 PM
Add a metal ring inside the helmet. That'll help to push and hold the shape were you want it. You can use a sewing ring for it.

Overall I think it looks good! I'd agree with what others are saying especially the shoulder bells. You might also want to trim the collar armor a bit too. The sides should be tapered in towards the front and the lower edge comes to a point in the middle. This allows the chest plates to be mounted up a bit higher on the vest. Here's a pic I posted in another thread that shows it better. In fact I'm still working on mine to try to get that part closer to the real thing. I may end up going with a metal piece there because my collar armor tends to flex there and look straight.

Sep 19th, 2001, 10:29:29 PM
Is it me or does the spacing among the pectoral plates and the center diamond seem a bit too large? It's the first thing that caught my eye.

Are you larger than a size 44 in the chest?

Sep 20th, 2001, 02:29:05 PM
I think I'm a 44. Been a while since I checked.

Dean, I'll see what I can do about the armor, and I'll bring my helmet into Hobby Lobby to find a metal ring that will work. Thanks.:)

Sep 20th, 2001, 02:34:52 PM
Looking great Wayne!!!!! But I gotta say that little Jango stole the show! :)


Sep 20th, 2001, 02:41:12 PM
Wait until you see "Baby Fett". :) :) :) :)