View Full Version : Babylon 5 Vir Journal Active Project Update

darth genius
Sep 7th, 2001, 10:00:25 PM
Ok boys and girls. As many of you know, several months ago, I was high bidder on the original screen used Vir Journal prop from Babylon 5.

Upon arrival, I deduced that it was made almost entirely of found parts and committed myself to replicating it for your guys. To give something back to this community which has given me so much.

I am pleased to announce that I am now prepared to offer a very affordable active project.

First, the contents of the original journal itself:

1 custom-made crushed-velvet blank journal
9 assorted pressed-brass greeblies
Brass binding
Custom cut lower star-shaped chevron
2 decals

One point to consider here is that, as originally designed, the brass binding was simply bent using a sheet-metal-bender. As a result, the original book can’t be opened. I therefore resolved myself to improve on that design.

I drew up specs for the binding comprised of 3 separate parts held together by 2 brass piano hinges. I am awaiting the prototype…


I received my order of custom-made books. The original was spiral bound, but I wanted a stronger, more elegant square binding (especially since it will be covered with the brass binding anyway). I was able to have both produced! You get your choice, square or spiral binding.

I also have on-hand all of the brass greeblies, and am waiting to hear back from our own Matt Munson on the 2 decals.

I am offering all of these parts, plus detailed specs for the binding for $100. I am not even breaking even, but I enjoyed putting this project together. Now my wife insists that I recoup some of the $2000 I have already spent, hence the kit offerings.

I am working on producing the bindings and lower star shaped chevron. I will offer these at a later time seperately, or you can take the specs I provide with the kit and make them yourself. All you’ll need is some sheet brass and a dremmel.

Once I get satisfactory versions of the binding assembly and lower chevron produced, I will be offering completed versions of the Journal with hand written pages, inserts, …the works. Covering Vir’s entire stay aboard B5 during the show. When completed, a transcript of the contents will be e-mailed to anyone who buys a kit for them to write in their own journals if they wish. Or you can make up your own! E-mail me if you are interested in a journal kit or with any suggestions you have.




<img src=http://members.aol.com/chandlore/vir1.jpg>
<img src=http://members.aol.com/chandlore/vir2.jpg>

Sep 8th, 2001, 12:04:42 AM

man if i wasnt already commited to a few other props right now <getting paid once a month SUCKS> id so be on this.

those look awesome. very very good job. have you given thought to a lil lock on the brass part? seems kinda a centari thing to have heh.

great work man. they look perfect. once you get that lil star on the bottom itll be 100%


darth genius
Sep 8th, 2001, 08:27:53 AM
Thanks for the kind words Chris.

I should also mention that I am perfectly happy to work out payment plans for anyone who needs to spread payment out over a period of time...

Just make sure to let me know.



Sep 8th, 2001, 09:14:41 AM

As I offered before, If you have any specifics on the book ,He -SF- did tell me that "he does know very little about it as it was not a widely used prop" (That is why I think so many like it so much). Anyway any other specifics you can think, I can fly a message and get what I can answered for you.



darth genius
Sep 8th, 2001, 01:49:16 PM

I will ask you to do something for me later (involving SF) , but as for now, I have identified or replicated everything on the book.

In short, my replica kit is done. It was a LONG time coming, and took the efforts of several forum members to get it done, but it has definitely paid off. Just look at the pics.

For anyone who is interested, drop me an e-mail. I am open to the possibility of trades, and will gladly work out a payment plan for anyone who needs to spread payment out.



Kerr Avon
Sep 10th, 2001, 07:01:28 PM
Wow.. I'm impressed. I'd like to go ahead and jump in on this, but do you know when the shipping date will be for the completed kits? Also, the original chevron/star plate on the book has something like "Diary of Vir Koto" on it, will that be engraved on the replicas?

darth genius
Sep 10th, 2001, 11:20:26 PM

The kits should be ready to ship within 2 weeks or so. Very likely even sooner than that. I want to see if I can get some sheet brass and trace the lines needed for the star chevron and front binding prior to shipment so all you have to do is cut it to size, rather than take a template and supply your own brass. If I can get it cheap enough, I will include it with the kit at no extra charge.

You can get the brass on either chevron engraved, or use the decals provided in the kit. The top one (Vir Cotto) is being worked on by MMunson, and the other is printed on a transparency cut in the shape of the lower star Chevron and reads "In Memory Still Bright". It can be attached to the brass with a spray adhesive, as on the original.

If you want, you can send a deposit or pay in full either by paypal or e-mail me for my address.

Remember, I need to know whether you want a spiral or squarebound book. The squarebound look better, and will be *much* easier to complete, but I do have both available, depending on your preference.

Thanks for your interest,


Kerr Avon
Sep 14th, 2001, 08:28:10 PM
Well I don't have the tools to cut the brass plate, so is there a possibility that you can cut it to shape prior to sending them in the kit? What all will be required to be done during the assembly of the book? I'd prefer one of the square bound ones, BTW.

darth genius
Sep 17th, 2001, 07:03:20 PM

Actually, the brass will have the shape traced on it and all that is needed is a dremmel tool to whittle away the edges. I suppose I could do the dremmel work on yours for you if need be, but I'd have to charge a little more just to cover the extra time. I am not even breaking even at $100, but I have enjoyed doing the legwork to bring this project together so I don't see it as a loss, but rather a learning experiance.

I have got a kit here with your name on it, squarebound. Let me know if you want to take a stab at the dremmeling. If not, we'll work something out. The only thing I am still waiting on is the graphic from MMunson and the brass, which I will check into this week.



Kerr Avon
Sep 17th, 2001, 08:44:58 PM
Heh.. well, the thing is I don't have a dremmel tool! About the most advanced tools I have are bits of different grit sand paper and a exacto knife with a few blades. I don't think I'll be able to cut the brass plate with the exacto knife. ;)

How much extra do you think it'd cost to cut the shape then?

darth genius
Sep 17th, 2001, 08:52:52 PM
"How much extra do you think it'd cost to cut the shape then? "

Depends on how long it takes. Shouldn't be too much though. I'd guess somewhere between $25 and $50.

And then all you'd need to do is literally attach everything to the book with glue and double sided tape and you'd be done.

And remember, the $100 price for the basic kit includes priority shipping and insurance.

Let me know how you'd like to proceed.



Kerr Avon
Sep 17th, 2001, 09:06:14 PM
Well, how much does a dremel tool cost, and how difficult is it to use a dremel tool and roughly how long has it taken to cut something similar in the past?

darth genius
Sep 17th, 2001, 10:53:01 PM

I haven't priced a dremmel recently, but i imagine you could buy one for under $50.

I haven't shaped any of the brass parts yet (gonna get the brass this week) so I am not sure how long it will take. A couple of hours max, i would imagine.

A Dremel is a rotary tool that can be used to grind away excess metal. You will have a guide traced on the brass, so it is just a matter of keeping it between the lines. It's really no harder to use than an electric toothbrush or a drill, and will come in handy for a lot of other projects. Don't worry, if you mess it up, I can always either repair or replace the damaged parts...


darth genius
Sep 19th, 2001, 05:37:30 PM

Kerr Avon
Sep 20th, 2001, 06:30:32 PM
Sorry, had to go out of town the other night. I'm good with an additional $25 for the book if you cut the star pattern piece for me. I just don't see a whole lot of instances that I'd have reason to pick up a dremmel, and I don't want to 'cut my teeth' on something like where screwing up would ruin something.