View Full Version : 12" Custom Indy arrives. You've GOT to see this! *PICS*

Sep 9th, 2001, 03:04:52 PM
Hi everyone,

I received my 12" Custom Indy yesterday. This figure is SUPERB! I can't describe how happy I am with this so check out the pics instead. If anyone was sitting on the fence about whether to get one of these, I think these photos will make your mind up for you! :)




If anyone would like more info about this, drop me an email:

Thanks for looking!


Sep 9th, 2001, 03:07:30 PM
:eek: Outstanding. :eek:

Mine should be arriving this week. :D

Thanks for providing the information Chris. :)


Paul B
Sep 9th, 2001, 04:14:49 PM

What makes this version different than the one I'll be getting (or different than what is normally sold to others who want one)? I remember you stated something about the jacket being different... would I have to request something in particular to get my Indy to look like yours?

That thing rocks!
Paul B

Sep 9th, 2001, 04:31:28 PM
Hi Paul B

This is EXACTLY what your figure will look like. All of the changes that I requested are now incorporated as standard so what you see here is what you'll get too.



Paul B
Sep 9th, 2001, 04:45:17 PM

Thanks for your reply Chris... and thanks for posting those pics!

I can hardly wait to get mine!
Paul B

Sep 9th, 2001, 05:03:42 PM
That looks great, Chris.

Another change you may want to bring to his attention is the length of the neck. The Toys McCoy neck needs to be taken down an 1/8th of an inch or so. The way it is now, the neck on the head combined with the "stump" on the body add up to a neck that is far too long.

This, along with giant zippers and out of scale clothes, has aways been a pet peeve of mine with 12" figures. It's all about proportions.

With the exception of the neck, it looks pretty damn good. The jacket looks great!

Sep 9th, 2001, 06:05:21 PM
WOW. wow. The clothes look even better than I thought they would. And those accessories! The attention to detail is amazing!

But you guys have already got yours? I havent even been asked for payment yet. :(

Sep 9th, 2001, 06:12:47 PM
Hi Jase,

Don't worry my friend. You will not be left out! As far as I am aware, I received the first of these updated figures and that's only because I spent a long time working with the custom guy until he'd made these about as good as they were going to get. I'm sure that the other will start showing up as soon as he has completed them. Drop him an email and just remind him that you haven't sent payment yet. He's been inundated with orders so a gentle reminder would not hurt. I'm sure he'll email you when he is about to start yours.

Glitch - I know what you mean about the neck. I did ask him about this but he wanted to keep it like it is. The heads can be removed, so a bit of sanding could be performed on the bottom then glued back on for those people that think the neck is too long. It looks great "in the flesh" but probably could be a bit shorter. It doesn't distract from the overall effect of this awesome figure though.

Kind regards,


Ham Solo
Sep 9th, 2001, 07:07:13 PM
It looks pretty good, Chris.

I agree that the neck looks a little too long though. It would be cool if they could blend the head and neck to the body a little better too. A little hair on the chest wouldn't hurt either.

My $.02 worth. :)

Sep 9th, 2001, 07:09:57 PM
That's so great it's downright scary!:eek:

Nice Dr. Jones figure,

Sep 9th, 2001, 09:33:24 PM
Looks great!!

Anyone else thinks the face looks like Russel Crowe?

btw, Chris, where can I get myself one of these and how much? (pls drop me an email if it's inadvisable to post here..)

Sep 9th, 2001, 09:43:22 PM
Hi oohyeah88

I'll drop you an email when I get home. It's 2:40am Monday morning here and I am at work trying to meet a deadline!!! Bring me more coffee!

My fiancee thinks that the face looks like Russell Crowe too. I think it's just the beard that makes him look a bit like Crowe. It's still the best mini Harrison Ford head sculpt in my opinion and the custom guy has painted it really well. It's better than the Toys McCoy paint job.

Speak to you later!


Carl Kolchak
Sep 9th, 2001, 11:35:08 PM
How much and where do I get one??

Sep 10th, 2001, 02:59:52 AM
Yes!!! Thanks Chris for the pics. Mine will be here in a couple of weeks, and I am so excited!!! This individual is got the skills to make such an awsome doll!!! This will satisfy those, such as myself, who have been waiting for their Toys McCoy from another individual. This is just the begining to some other incredible Indy Stuff that makes Toys McCoy pale in comparison ;)

Sep 10th, 2001, 03:01:36 PM
i got mine too... absolutely AMAZING.

really stunning work. I've only found two very minor things which could be improved... one, the brim of the hat could be a little bigger and two, the jacket could use a storm flap.

Seriously tho, this thing is an outstanding work of art for the price!!!

if you haven't gotten one, do so immediately!

Sep 10th, 2001, 05:45:18 PM
Got mine - Heres a few more pics-




My Review:

BLUF - (Bottom Line Up Front) This figure is well worth the $175 Shawn charges. The attention to detail & overall look of the figure is superior to the Toys McCoy in several areas. Get one now before the price goes up!

My only area for improvement would be airing the figure out before shipping (or cut down on the cigarettes dude!)

I may repaint the idol & touch up a few small things but overall a great experience & I got it in about a week (with Shawn having to repair his roof in that time)

Great job!


Sep 10th, 2001, 05:50:23 PM
My only area for improvement would be airing the figure out before shipping (or cut down on the cigarettes dude!)I hope you're joking about the figure smelling like cigarette smoke. :/

Did the figure come with that case? I wouldn't mind getting some of those for my other 12 inch figures.


Sep 10th, 2001, 05:53:39 PM
Can't wait to get mine from Shawn. Great review!

Paul B
Sep 10th, 2001, 07:52:36 PM
Wow, nice case... where did you get it?


Sep 10th, 2001, 08:13:06 PM
I think it's a Dragon display case. You can find these case wherever Dargon 12" figures are sold. Here's their direct sale URL

www.universal-models.com/ (http://www.universal-models.com/)

Sep 11th, 2001, 09:59:13 PM
I posted a new post on the figures, but maybe it should have been in this thread? Look for "Regarding storm flaps and such". Sorry for mislocating it.

Sep 12th, 2001, 05:46:13 AM
Hi VooDude,

I was also asked to post the message from the custom guy, so here it is:

I hope none of this sounds hostile in any way. I'm just wanting to explain a lot in a short space, in great detail.
The neck:
Yes, I've realized it's too tall. Someone mentioned that McCoy did this to rise above their bulky clothing. I think you're right. As for 'blending' the neck you really can't. The edges have to be rounded a bit for the paint to adhere. If the edge were sharp (the only way to blend it) the paint would chip very easy.
Regarding the storm flap:
There are two solutions to this. You extend the edge of the left lapel. The first one I ever made had this. You cannot round the corner. The amount of material needed to score and tuck to create a rounded corner also creates a lot of bulk at this scale. With a storm flap of this type it does not look like a storm flap. No, it just looks like I miscalculated the alignment of the lapel's edge and the collar and cut the pattern wrong. The second solution is to make the storm flap a separate piece. Yes, I know it is not, in fact, a separate piece. But at this scale it least implies that it's something other than an incorrect cutting of the pattern. However, you still have the pointy little corner on the top edge of the flap. OK, hang on, there are THREE solutions. The third is to make it a separate piece and leave the edges raw, as I do on the pockets. You can do this on the pockets because they're glued down and it doesn't show. For a storm flap it would just look incomplete and cheap. As for the hat brim this is the BEST width for this figure. I've made them at every conceivable crown height, slope and brim width. I've made gangster hats, Zorro, Hannibal, Crocodile Dundee, etc. Even the slightest difference, even as little as 1/8" makes the difference between Indy and a cowboy. Rest assured, everything that's been suggested is something that I've thought of, done or tried to do. At this scale you sometimes sacrifice tiny things for overall realism. I've been doing this work since I was eight years old, believe it or not. I can remember even then studying pictures of Ford. I would calculate the average facial proportions of a 6-foot tall man and measure from the tip of his chin to the end of his nose, from the outside corner of one eye to the next and trying to use this to calculate the crown height of his hat because I was just sure that my cheap Stetson Indy knock-off was not accurate. There is a method to my madness. I agonized over every minute inaccuracy of this figure (which I've been making for about two years now) thinking, "Damn, I wish there was a better way to do that", or "I wish I could include this without blowing the scale". I've always loved 1:6 scale resin and vinyl kits for their realism. But what can you do with them, really? I've always loved 1:6 scale figures but hated the odd scale of clothing and accessories. So, I try to combine the best of the two. I create a thing that people don't look at and say, "Hey, nice Indy toy", but rather, "Hey, nice Indy".
Thanks for your time,

So there you have it people! I asked Shawn to make a lot of changed to get the figure to the point where it is now. I trust his opinion - if he's tried the storm flap and thinks it doesn't look good, that's good enough for me. It's a small compromise to make on such a superb figure.

Kind regards,


Sep 12th, 2001, 08:55:20 AM
I've been searching for a place to get the cases from and this is the only
place I have found:

www.legendshobbies.com/drag-box.htm (http://www.legendshobbies.com/drag-box.htm)


Sep 12th, 2001, 02:26:12 PM
I got my Indy today! Thanks Shawn!

Sep 12th, 2001, 07:45:53 PM

You can't just post that you received it!!! :)

Tell us what you think of it?


Sep 12th, 2001, 08:09:05 PM
Ok. Here's my review. After seeing the 12" version of Shawn's Indy, I am now tempted to get a lifesize Indy costume base of this figure. Does that tell you I like it? :lol: :)

If you are thinking about getting one, don't! Just do it!

Sep 20th, 2001, 07:52:14 PM
I received my figure today. It is just as impressive in person as it is in the pics. :) I am very glad I ordered one.


Sep 21st, 2001, 04:00:56 AM
Hi Tom,

Glad to hear that you received your figure and are pleased with it! It is an excellent piece of custom work isn't it!

Kind regards,
