View Full Version : What pattern do you like for Jedi tunic?

Sep 18th, 2001, 02:25:57 PM
I haven't found a kimono pattern I like enough yet to make Qui Gon's
tunic from. I'd like to know what brand and model patterns have been
used by board members that have made one or more and how happy
you are with it.

And a special thank you to Mauled, Tammy, and April for the help
they have provided me with this project. :)

Sep 18th, 2001, 02:28:35 PM

Try e-mailing LinSiTar Konnair.

He made mine and it turned out awesome.

He might share some of his patterns and pics with you.


Darth Zaphod
Sep 18th, 2001, 04:55:12 PM

I used Simplicity 8311 in the Jedi costume that I am in the process of making. I had to make a couple of modifications, but overall it it worked out pretty well.

I've been following the instructions on Amber Padawan Learner's website. She has lots of good reference materials and research from other costumers. members.nbci.com/_XMCM/jedigarb (http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/jedigarb)

Also, check the costuming section of the ASAP board. There are always a few threads about jedi costumes, patterns, cloth, etc.


Sep 18th, 2001, 05:42:52 PM
Thanks a lot guys!

Sep 18th, 2001, 05:45:00 PM
Zaphod, I'd seen that pattern before during some of my searches and liked it. What sort of modifications have you had to do to it? Was it fairly easy to modify it for the inner (tighter) tunic as well?

I'm not doing a jedi costume yet (still working on my Royal Guard) but it will be a future project I hope! I'm looking forward to working on it a lot :) Just kinda making mental notes here and there for it in preparation (but I have to keep my focus on my IRG so I don't get too distracted :lol: )

Good luck to both of you!

Sep 18th, 2001, 05:53:28 PM
DarthCynthia, can't wait to see your royal guard costume!

Sep 18th, 2001, 06:05:04 PM
Lucasberg :) I have already done the robe and a sash (not sure if it'll be the final sash or a temporary one).. I was going to try to make gloves but I have a few things going on right now that have made me decide to try to buy some for now :lol: Just trying to finalize how I want to do the cloak itself and find material that would suit my needs (I had my heart set on velvet but am not pleased with how they photograph). Cliff is going to help me with my forcepike since I know nothing about prop building and have no tools to my name (well.. none that would be of any use, that is!).

I was going to look for an "introduction" thread because I don't think I have ever replied to one, but I'll just say a quick "hello".. it's not the first time I've posted here but I read this board for research (lotta great info here!), and help keep an eye out for threads that Cliff or Nikki would find useful. I'm in Texas and am teaching myself to sew so I've been enjoying learning with costuming and a few other little projects :) I eventually want to get to the point where I can make other projects for costuming (like custom lightsabers or something), but I'll take it a step at a time and read about everyone elses' adventures :D

Anyway.. sorry for getting the thread off-topic for a moment.. thanks for asking Lucasberg! A pic will most likely be posted here on a Plano convention thread since I hang w/ the Star Garrison :) I *hope* to have most of the costume done by then, anyway..

take care!

Sep 18th, 2001, 08:24:26 PM
Yup, Simplicity 8311 is the one most people use, but you do have to modify it. I don't know what the mods made are, because I actually do my tunics entirely from scratch (the basic shape of body and sleeves is universal). However, I do have a friend locally who made her most recent and to date most beautiful set of Obi tunics using 8311. Perhaps she'll share her secret with me if I feed her enough s'mores when we go camping this weekend.

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:36:33 PM
Well welcome to the board DarthCynthia. You can make your own
introduction thread if you like. I am sure everyone here would appreciate it.
Always nice to see more women coming to the board to add a woman's
perspective on things. I have a feeling we may exchange a few emails as we
a lot of things in common. I am also just learning to sew on this project. We
also have some artistic hobbies in common just to name a few things.

Obiwannabe, I'll have to check into that one. I see McCalls has one, 2940,
that is actually a karate gi. I am considering that one as well. My material
is dying as I type this. Can't wait to get started.

Sep 18th, 2001, 11:19:26 PM
Lucasberg: thanks for the welcome! I am a little shy right now (I feel so out of place here because I'm such a newbie! LOL! - and no comments from you Cliff, yes I can post and email like crazy but not on every board :lol: ) and don't have much to add at the moment, but I will be around (been visiting for a while now but mainly as a lurker). I'm sure with the next introductions thread or so I'll probably post something (or maybe I'll make an actual thread once I have a costume)...

Looking forward to chatting more with you and others in the future - I can't really say I do much art right now, sadly.. I've been on "break" since February :D but I intend to try to dabble a bit more again in the future. I'm just having too much fun w/ the costume thing for the moment.

Take care and best wishes! Enjoy your project!

Darth Zaphod
Sep 19th, 2001, 12:53:00 AM

I didn't make the inner and outer tunics too different from each other. I made the neck band 1/2" thinner on the inner tunic, plus I made the sleeves so that they fit tight on the arm. The sleeves were pretty easy. I modified the sleeve pattern so that the last foot or so of the sleeve is a tube big enough for the hand to fit through. Then, it tapers up to the original size of the sleeve. The upper arm is never seen, so I left it as-is.

I made both tunics the same size. I figure I can tailor each one so they fit together better.

Welcome to the board.


Sep 19th, 2001, 01:03:48 AM
oh cool then.. so the actual pattern itself is pretty good to use... I had read some of the info about how to alter the inner tunic slightly from the outer on the pattern (had forgotten about the smaller neck band part, I'll admit.. it's been a while and I haven't printed out notes yet since I'm not working on it). Well, I think when it's time that I'll probably go looking for this pattern first.. thanks for the info! Always nice to know what patterns folks like to use.. I know there are a few but this is one I'd seen and thought looked like a nice pattern but hadn't really had much chance to see if there was a better one or not. Thanks! (and thanks for the welcome!)

Sep 19th, 2001, 09:43:57 PM
Yeah, not only adjust the neck and the sleeve diameter for the undertunic, but in order to get that bunching at the wrist called a "rucked sleeve," you should make the sleeve of the undertunic about five or so inches longer than the other sleeve. That way you push back the extra and since the sleeve is tight to your arm, it all bunches at the wrist just like the Jedi!

It's so simple I'm surprised us costumers didn't come up with it a lot sooner. I remember the days of talking about elastic, added arm-wraps, snaps, etc!

Sep 21st, 2001, 10:11:02 AM
Do the two tunics get hot to wear, especially with the cloak on as
well? I had kicked around the idea of just making a dicky type piece
to wear around the neck and make sleevlets for the bunched up cuffs.
HHmmm, guess I am not really that far from a whole tunic anyways.