View Full Version : My Fett costume, critiques welcome

Sep 19th, 2001, 12:29:32 PM
briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/fe...%26.view=t (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/fett62877/lst?&.dir=/Yahoo!+Photo+Album&.src=bc&.begin=9999&.view=t&.order=&.done=http%3a//briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/fett62877/lst%3f%26.dir=/Yahoo!%2bPhoto%2bAlbum%26.src=bc%26.view=t)

I went into detail about the construction in the boba details #3 thread, but ask or say whatever you like or think. I'll hopefully get some pics of my shoes soon, as I feel they're one of the best parts, and I didn't even get a shot of them.

Fire away please, thanks!

Sep 19th, 2001, 12:46:38 PM
It looks great, I wish I was done with mine...probably will never get the chance to finish it depending how things go for me here at work..

Great job!!


Sep 19th, 2001, 01:10:53 PM
Thank you Jimmy! I was actually very pleased with it. I owe a lot to the guys on here, particularly the Obi-Wan Academy and Richie's armor, and most of all Bradley.

Of course, mine's still not done. My girlfriend gives me a hard time that I've spent so long on my costume (almost 6 years now), and it's still going. Ah well.

Admiral Talus
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:13:30 PM
I think it looks pretty good. Better then mine :) 6 yrs huh? And they call me a perfectionist.

Sep 19th, 2001, 01:20:54 PM
Thank you Talus. It's very gratifying that people on here think well of it. I was actually REALLY nervous about showing you guys, but...your comments make me feel pretty damn good about it. =]

and yeah, 6 years...That's when I bought the helmet and built the original version, which was horrible. It was all foam core, and mostly the wrong colors. Even comparing it to the pre-pro version, it was wrong. I'll have to scan some pics of that sometime for you guys, so you can all moan with me. What took so long for this is that piece by piece I've been putting it together, waiting to get the vest until I found someone who offered one that looked just right, or waiting for the ammo belts until I found the ones that looked just right, and so on. Through patience comes virtue I guess. And I also tend to take my time with certain things. I spend a little time on it every night for a week, then not again for a couple months or so, not very reliable. A friend saw the suit and said "oh wow, so when are you gonna make copies and start selling them?" Which was funny considering how long it took me to get it all together.

Anyways, thanks again!

Sep 19th, 2001, 01:21:08 PM
It's AWESOME!:eek:

Sep 19th, 2001, 01:21:34 PM
whoops, double post

Dean O
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:50:44 PM
Your suit looks good. I really like your helmet. The paint job looks great. I'd like to see some close ups of that when you get the chance. Are your gauntlets Richie's or Mark's?

There's only a few things I would change. The collar armor looks a tad too bulky at the lower edge. It should have less space between the neck cutout and the lower edge. Also the side should be tapered in towards the front and the lower edge comes to a point in the middle. This allows the chest plates to be mounted up a bit higher on the vest. Here's a good pic of this. I might also move the shoulder bells up a bit. I noticed in some pic of my suit from DC '01 that my shoulder bells looked just bit too low and tended to make me look slumped a bit. Hope I don't sound too picky but these are the things that I noticed about my own suit when I first made it too.

Also you seem to have the poses down pretty good. Keep practicing those cause they'll come in handy at cons when you get your picture taken 1000 times.


Sep 19th, 2001, 02:06:36 PM
Dean-o, thanks a lot for being picky actually, that's the sort of thing I need. After dealing with the suit so much, it either starts looking perfect, or really bad, so I finally just needed a seperate pair of trained eyes to look for me. I was kinda thinking the same thing about the shoulder bells. They actually used to be lower, but I think they could stand to be even higher. All hard parts aside from the helmet (jetpack, chest, neck, back armor, gauntlets, shoulder bells, codpiece, and knee armor) are from mark.

And thanks for the comments about my poses, I was kinda proud of those myself. And the paint job too, thanks for the comments. I was mostly going for a Special edition look, the jedi costume with empire helmet. It's actually the easiest screen used version, I think, since all the recent publicity shots as well as the shots in the VD are of that. And the Jedi armor paint scheme, I think, is a lot easier to find references of than the empire one, and I think the empire helmet is a bit more interesting. Even aside from the ear parts, I even like the forehead dent a little better. but then, Empire has been my favorite since I was 3, so...what do you expect.

Again, thanks Dean-o for the praise and suggestions. Good point about the neck armor. Fortunately, that's held on with velcro, so I can easily adjust that. Working on the middle coming to a slight more of a point won't be too difficult either.

A sidenote on starting a thread like this, I find myself checking it compulsively now, very curious about what everyone thinks. Thanks everyone for not saying it looks completely horrible. =]

Lynn TXP 0369
Sep 19th, 2001, 06:48:27 PM
Looks good.

Sep 21st, 2001, 11:40:16 AM
Thanks Lynn. Some of you guys, I've seen pictures of your costumes a lot, and kinda see you as the big boys, so it's very cool that you all think well of mine.