View Full Version : Lifesize Stormtrooper - Pics

Sep 19th, 2001, 09:33:41 PM
Just finished completing my lifesize Stormtrooper prop. Thanks to Cliff and Doug for helping me add the finishing touches. :)



Anybody else display their Stormtrooper armor? Post a pic if you do.....


Admiral Talus
Sep 19th, 2001, 09:37:35 PM
If I had some maniquins to display them on then I would. But I don't so I instead have a collection of helmets (Fett, Jodo, TIE pilot, Stormtrooper, Sand Trooper, Death Star Gunner and my air force helmet) on display on one of living room stands :)

Cool display you have going there though. Very cool

peace hunter
Sep 19th, 2001, 09:46:28 PM
Nice :)

I need to get myself some trooper armor.


Sep 19th, 2001, 11:57:28 PM

He looks like he's getting ready to walk or something.

Sep 20th, 2001, 12:35:07 AM
Great looking prop.

I need one of those in my room.


Sep 20th, 2001, 01:32:02 AM
Wow Neil! That turned out totally kick-butt! :eek:


Sep 20th, 2001, 02:38:45 AM
Looking good!!
I myself just put my armor on a mannequin too, so I know what it feels like!!!! Will post pics maybe this weekend. :)

Some comments:

(1) The mannequin could do very well with some bulking up. (actually, same as my mannequin, though yours seems even skinnier than mine! :D ) This is particularly so for the torso portion. Right now he looks a bit like an Ethiopian trooper... ;)

(2) The shoulder bells seem to be too close to the torso armor. This might be solved by bulking up the shoulders. Come to think of it, I had the same 'problem' too, and the biceps were also too thin, so I killed 2 birds with 1 stone by adding a piece of sponge into the bicep piece which pushed the bicep piece out, which in turn also pushed the shoulder bells out further too. If that doesn't work for you just pad up the shoulder bells. You should at least some some 'black' between the shoulder bells and torso.

(3) The trooper seems a bit like he's shrugging. A couple of possible causes:
- shoulder bells too high (as well as too close - see above)
- neck is not long enough or head is not high enough, causing the helmet to sit too low.

I also had the same problem as in (3), so I just put some sponge foam on the mannequin head to lift up the helmet a bit, so you can see a wee bit of neck.

Anyway, very well done!! Congrats!!
btw, did you cut out the holes in the frown? that took me forever! :)

viper at adnc com
Sep 20th, 2001, 02:59:26 AM
I'll get some up of mine, had a real hard time putting the armor on the mannequin seeing that the armor is a little uh.....little? but looks great.

Sep 20th, 2001, 08:23:57 AM
Thanks for the comments guys - I'm looking over a few minor details to make the trooper a bit better. I do need to raise the head just a bit to give him more of a neck. The shoulder bells could be adjusted a little more as well. Regarding the bulking up - it's not going to happen with this particular mannequin unfortunately. Both the legs and the arms are actually quite wide, and the armor would look like it would be "stretching" if I added foam (I think). My pictures make him look a little thin, but let me say when you stand in front of him, he looks quite big and intimidating. I don't dare turn my back on him else I get "whacked" over the head :)

I haven't cut out the vents in the mouth yet - Doug does some great work regarding that, so I may seek his expertise in that area after a while.

Thanks for the tips - I'll try to tweak him a bit more this weekend. I also need to paint his blaster and mount that also. ;)


Sep 21st, 2001, 12:54:33 PM
I'll play. Here's mine. Mannequins are finally get low enough in price, now they cost less than the armor. :D
