View Full Version : I Will Never Forget Where I Was
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:03:01 PM
At 9:01 when my wife told me about the WTC
I am in a state of shock I guess. This is the most coherent message I could put into words.
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:08:50 PM
I was assisting in teaching a class, had my laptop up browsing this very board. All the internet news places were down and I sat there reading off messages that people posted here about what was happening, outloud to a class of people stunned in disbelief.
And the thing I'll always remember is that I was shaking....
Yes, words are inadequate.
Lynn TXP 0369
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:10:53 PM
I was watching the Today show when it happened and Kattie Kurick {SP?} said something about "We just got a report that a plane hit the WTC." Then the second one came in and we saw it live and she goes something like "may be air traffic controll has gotten messed up." I still can't believe it....
Slick Tharen
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:15:28 PM
I walked into my second period English 11 CP class at 9:14 and my teacher was in tears.
It's weird...I always hear people talking about how they remember exactly where they were and what the were doing when JFK was shot....Now i know how that feels. :(
Spaced Monkey348
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:16:28 PM
US History class had just ended, and a guy in my grade told us...I thought he was kidding at first, but we all went to the library and watched...
paul n
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:17:04 PM
I was at my computer reading this board :(
Dean O
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:18:37 PM
I just can't think of any words to say how I feel.
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:22:19 PM
I was in my car on my way to work...the news was blaring from every radio station.
I'm surprised I didn't drive off the road.
I still remember where I was when the Challenger exploded. This will be much, much bigger.
Jedi Nights
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:22:25 PM
I woke up to the radio alarm that I have set to a music station, but there was news coverage of some big event. At first I thought it was just an ad for a new TV show or movie.
I'm still hoping to wake up and find this is "only" a nightmare I am having....
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:26:45 PM
believe it or not i first heard about it here on the board
we do not have a tv here nor anyone had a radio
spotted the first post this morning on it and looked online to cnn to see what was up.
i too am in utter shock.
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:29:15 PM
I was at the Armory talking to my training NCO about the WTC when the pentagon crash came in. My unit has now been put on alert. I hope a war will not be started from this, but if it does. God help the guilty.
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:31:20 PM
My wife was driving me to work because I took my car to get the brakes fixed. I was going in later than usual and wondering why traffic was so slow after rush hour. I had already heard about the WTC and then heard the news about the Pentagon. A couple of minutes later we saw the smoke in the skyline from the burning Pentagon. We were frightened because we were on a one-way highway going northbound toward the scene of the conflagration. Amazingly, however, people began doing U-turns in the middle of the highway and reversing direction...and it was working smoothly.
We got back to Virginia, checked in on our daughter at school, deciding that it was safer and better to leave her there, since it was way out in the burbs. We went home and turned on CNN. The video of the plane crashing into Tower 2 will forever remain burned in my brain, like the space shuttle explosion....
I feel as though I have a guardian angel. Had I followed my normal schedule, I might still be trapped in Georgetown (though probably free from any real danger).
What an incredible, tragic day. My heart breaks for those who suffered loss, especially those at the scenes of the explosions and the innocent passengers in those planes.
I swear, I'm ready to rejoin the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control and go after the assets of these cowardly monsters.
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:34:50 PM
I had just put my 8 month old son in his mothers car to go to the babysitters. One minute later she called me and told me to turn on the TV.
After I saw the first images, I sunk onto the couch in disbelief. :(
Boba Flint
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:37:04 PM
I was at work and watched everything unfold. I work for the local NBC station in Dallas/FT. Worth. The whole crew was watching the Today Show when one of our anchors runs into the studio yelling 'A plane just crashed into one of the WTC towers." I just go back from that controlled chaos and everything I saw is now starting to hit me.
Darth Detori
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:41:55 PM
Second period just got out and I was going to the infocenter (library) to do my period of community service for service learning class. I walked into the AV room to ask this kid Tom if he would be in this short video we're shooting; a swordfight. Before he could answer, the principal came on over the PA system and started talking about it. Simultaneously, I looked at the TV and there it was.
I later found myself alone in that room, listening to the guy in the pentigon, when all of a sudden he's saying the pentigon is hit.
I then went into another room to do something else, then I came out after a few minutes to find that the first building had collapsed.
After that we watched it all period in advisory.
Lunch was very grim. Usually we all sit around the bottom of the stairs eating and talking- not today. My friend Josh was crying because he thinks his dad was there, my friend Ashley was crying too, then I broke the news to my friend Tom. He has family there :( . He went home.
The rest of the day was all mainly talking about it and watching it
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:54:48 PM
My wife's niece spent the night and she was getting her ready to go to school when she came in the bedroom and told me that a plane had crashed into the WTC. I didn't believe her and got up to watch the news, then the 2nd plane hit Tower 2 and I knew then that it was a deliberate act.
The Pentagon, then the towers collapsed....
A quiet morning around the house. I guess I won't ever forget this morning either....
Sep 11th, 2001, 04:57:09 PM
I was driving to work, jaw dropped open in disbelief. It all still feels surreal.....
I am with John. All this has given me some pause, with many thoughts of going back to work for the CIA just to "do some good".
Man o man.
Jedi Infinit
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:12:07 PM
I had been up all night packing for my vacation trip to Japan. (That was supposed to leave this early afternoon).
My dad gave a call and told me to turn on the TV. He told me all airports are closed, a quick flash of disappointment hit me on a selfish note...a moment later it a flushed into sadness. Sadness for everyone who lost their lives in this ungodly act.
I was upset to be so selfish, but luckily it was just for a short time.
I turned on the TV just in time to watch the tower stand then fall. This day will forever live in all of us. It's too surreal to beleive right now.
I hope most of us at the board are ok. Hate to see those I've grown to know and care about lost.
Take this day to appriciate your life, your family, your friends more. Live a better life, knowing how fragile it is. And for god sakes, take care....
-Robert M Tunick
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:13:01 PM
i was sittin on my couch trying to get the weather on the news to plan my day. instead i tuned in right as the 2nd plane hit the wtc. i'll never forget it.
Sith Sheriff Brody
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:16:29 PM
I was trying to sleep when my RA banged on the door and said to turn on the news. That was at about 10:45.
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:30:46 PM
I was listening to Howard Stern when he said, "I'm being told that a plane hit the WTC." I thought it was a friggin' bit. After about a minute, I switched to a news station. I thought it was an accident until the plane hit the second tower. Then my heart really sank.
Thoughts and prayers.
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:35:54 PM
i woke up at 8 46, looked at the clock, grunted, and went back to sleep, and woke up at 1 30 thinking it was the same old same old. my answering machine had 2 messages on it. one from my mom angry that she got a letter about the house down here needing to be cleaned up <which it does> and then one from my aunt asking how i was holding up. strange but not unusual. i just strapped myself in, grabbed a dr pepper and called my mom <acting innocent> to see what was up. then i was standing by the back door when she told me what happened and my knees went out. i sank down to my chair and just had her recant the whole issue to me, then i came in here, and looked at and wondered why someone hates america so much.
its strange i woke up the first time, considering i went to be at 2 45 and had been up for a day and a half, i dunno what to make of that. but man, i think today will be a new memorial day.
im angry, sad, upset, and hopeful all at the same time.
angry for obvious reasons
sad for obvious reasons
upset for obvious reasons
and hopeful that not everyone in the buildings are dead. and that our friend is going to make it.
im never going to forget this day.
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:38:27 PM
Walking out of the house to go to work - I feel sick.
Borjis Fett
Sep 11th, 2001, 05:52:15 PM
Me too Viperpilot. I wake up to Stern every morning. Right when the radio turned on to wake me up I heard them as the 2nd plane hit. I thought it was a VERY sick joke then composed myself and turned the tv on.
I feel sick to my stomach today.
Sep 11th, 2001, 06:05:20 PM
I was coming out of the Port Authority Bus Terminal in NYC, When I oticed the smoke and fire coming from downtown. It wasn't until I walked into my office, and Heard the official reports that it all sunk in to me. I can look out my window, and still see Ash. And the smell of the burning building is in the air. This is one day I will never forget. No matter how much I will want to.
Sep 11th, 2001, 07:05:02 PM
I got up early,to go do some things before the day started. I got back and my mom was babysitting this kid, friend of my brothers. His mom had just brought him here and he kept saying something like. Yeah the plane crashed right into the tower, to my brother. I thought he was talking about a movie or some show or something. My mom asked me after a few minutes, what's he talkin' about. I said that he was probably making up some stupid kids stuff or something. The kids then left the living room and went downstairs to play nintendo. I started switching throught the channels and got to the price is right. I love the price is right.
What I saw after that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Those first images of that @#%$ plane crashing into the WTC, then seeing that building crumble.
My prayers go out to all the families for their losses, as well as all the US. You will prevail, the US is strong. I live in Canada, and I know we will do all we can to help you out.
Sep 11th, 2001, 07:16:20 PM
I saw a post called Wayyyyyyy OT..... and that was how I learned....
Now I am going to inventory my gear and go to my command.....
"There is a difference between pornography and art. Mostly it's in the price tag..." KerrAvon
Sep 11th, 2001, 07:26:16 PM
DrS, if you get called up, my prayers will be with you from the moment you know till the moment you get back. And that goes for anyone who will have to fight the front lines when action needs to be taken.
Sep 11th, 2001, 07:33:33 PM
I was underneith a pitchblack stage wireing up a switch and a GFI to a light fixture I was re-routing, as I held a little flashlight in my lap, then I heard the news, then I froze......
phobos 1
Sep 11th, 2001, 07:41:58 PM
I woke up early, about 7am to study for an exam I had at noon. Put on CNN to listen to sports highlights and listen to the morning news. Next thing I know the WTC is on fire. Then I watched live as the 2nd plane hit. I shouted holy sh*t! so loud it woke my room mates. From there we all kind of congregated in front of the TV and watched as everything unfolded. It is surreal. At noon I went to take my exam to find out that they closed the college for the day. This is only the 3rd time in history Kettering University has closed. The last time was when Kennedy was assasinated. I had to call my mother and girlfreind back in WV to see what was going on there and sure enough they were all sent home. Except for my girlfreind who was still at work. I was surprised to find that the people here in Flint, MI were closing much more businesses than in Martinsburg, WV which is so much closer to DC. My condolences go out to any and all families of the folks involved in such a meaningless disaster. Hopefully the law of three fold will find its way to the heinous perpitraitors of this act.
Sep 11th, 2001, 08:19:25 PM
I feel exactly the same way... this is a day that will remain burned into my mind for a long time. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone that was affected by this.
mr guy of sci fi
Sep 11th, 2001, 08:43:03 PM
I woke up just in time to catch the second jet hitting the WTC..
flag at half mast
Lan Jenn
Sep 11th, 2001, 08:48:14 PM
My brother called me and woke me up just before the first of the two towers collapsed. I thought he was kidding. I went downstairs and turned on the t.v. and I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't concentrate at work.
Ham Solo
Sep 11th, 2001, 08:49:18 PM
A fellow worker came into the Learning Center while I was training for TLLP this morning and told me. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!
Sep 11th, 2001, 08:54:59 PM
I was teaching a freshman U.S. History class. An adminstrator came to my door and asked me to step out. "Steve, something terrible has happened. A plane crashed into the World Trade Center. We don't know much right now, but there will be an announcement. If any student seems upset, please send them to the guidance counselor".
During lunch, I saw at least 15 parents come and pick up their kids. Many were extremely upset. I hope to heaven all is well with my kids. I was pretty scared. Still am. Still shocked.
Sep 11th, 2001, 08:57:42 PM
I just got done walking my Dog was gone for about 10 mins. and I get back to see a burning building on TV...moments later I saw the second plane hit...unbelievable.
Sep 11th, 2001, 10:22:20 PM
I only wish I could tell you guys where I was and what i was doing. I will never forget, but I'll never be able to share with my friends and family.
Sep 11th, 2001, 10:39:53 PM
I was just arriving at work and someone told me right when I walked in.
obiwan shinobi
Sep 11th, 2001, 10:47:10 PM
i had just woke up and checked my email - there were 15 messages from various friends talking about terrorism - went to CNN's site and couldn't believe my eyes
there's a lot of moments in history when people will ask where were you when something happened - the Challenger tragedy, Gulf War, etc. but nothing really compares to this right now because it hits so close to home, even for those of us here in Canada
my heart and prayers go out to all the victims and their families - the shock and disbelief that we feel must be so insignificant compared to their personal loss
Jedi Rory
Sep 11th, 2001, 10:53:09 PM
I was at school, walking to class. Someone mentioned a plane crash and I asked where. When they said the
WTC I asked them if they were kidding.
I then went downstairs to the cafe and saw half the school huddled around the tv.
I couldn't then, nor do I now, believe it.... *shakes head*
I hope we find the fucks that did this and make them pay.
Sep 11th, 2001, 11:19:47 PM
I walked up into the offices and was giving a Senior Designer a package I picked up and he had this weird look on his face. I asked him what was up and he told me that the WTC had been hit by 2 airplanes.
My response was "What the $#@! ever."
He said it was true and I immediately called my wife.
Sep 11th, 2001, 11:43:29 PM
I was born at the height of the Viet Nam war.
I was around when Nixon was nearly impeached (and later Clinton, too)
I watched and listened every day of the Hostage Crisis wondering if it would ever end...
I experienced the pinnacle of the Cold War, and the amassing of nuclear arms
And have since seen fall of the USSR and the Berlin Wall
I have seen a US president get shot on TV.
I've seen 747's explode on the tarmac of the Canarys, and fall out of the skys over Scotland,
In college I had front row seats as CNN showed our laser-guided bombs strike true, ringing in the Gulf War...
I've even seen some local idiot blow up a building in our own midwest
And most poignantly--until today--I witnessed the tragic, yet perversely beautiful, explosion of the shuttle Challenger framed against the crystal blue Florida sky...
NEVER have I seen something so shocking as what I saw today. Let us hope this is now over.
Sep 12th, 2001, 12:33:29 AM
One of my customers pulled his van up and said "I'm stuck in my lift won't work. A plane just crashed into the WTC." I go about getting him all fixed up and said, "I hadn't heard of a plane hitting any buildings in NYC since a B-17 bomber hit the Empire State Building back in 1945." I finished up fixing his lift and then he says,"They just announced on the radio that a second plane hit the WTC". I get a little concerned over this and decide to turn on the TV in the waiting area and see what's up...sure enough CBS has the footage. Then the Pentagon hit and the the WTC towers was totaly surreal...I'm still in shock.:(
The one thing that I said today that best sums up what happended today: "The U.S.'s Capitolist Tool has just been emasculated" and "They're gone...all gone":(
Sep 12th, 2001, 01:49:27 AM
I got up late. I'm used to working 2nd shift, and I sleep til 3pm if I don't have a reason to get up.
I woke up, took my shower, came out into the kitchen, and found a note my grandfather left- "Turn on CNN..We're at war...attacked". I was like, huh? So I turned it on, and heard "....there's no way a US pilot would intentionally do this....", and kept reading the scrolling announcements at the bottom: "South tower of WTC collapses"!!! I'm thinking: NO WAY. That's not possible. They must mean the antenna.
Then I saw it happen, and then read the scroll again: "Second tower collapses"!!
It's just unfathomable. That much "real estate".....GONE. That many people.....GONE. It's like a chunk of the Earth just FELL OFF.
My worst fears would be: either being one of the passengers on the plane who KNEW they were being flown to their deaths, or being on the floors ABOVE the impacts- with no hope. I can't even get my mind around it.
Sep 12th, 2001, 01:56:28 PM
When I was in college, my instructor told the class that there is an event that marks each generation. The Challenger Explosion was mine. This tragedy is the next .
Sep 12th, 2001, 02:21:02 PM
I woke up around 7:45am on the west coast. I turned to my computer, which had an IRC chat room in the background, as I wanted to double-check what time it was. I notice people freaking out online in the background.. asked what was going on.. someone tells me we've just had a terrorist attack. I quirked an eyebrow, then I decided to stumble downstairs and check out the TV.
Still rubbing sleep out of my eyes, I come downstairs and all my roommates are around the TV. The first thing I see is the image of the two towers. Suddenly, a plane turns around and plows into it with the biggest explosion I've ever seen.
Needless to say, I woke up right quick.
I am still stunned. At random moments, the impact of it just hits me and tears well up in my eyes. The waste... the families torn asunder. The body count. I wish I could do something... I plan to swing by the Puget Sound Blood Center after I get off work and give some plasma.
Even now, part of me is bracing for a west coast followup. Just that irrational thought in the back of my head.
LinSiTar Konnair
Sep 21st, 2001, 06:00:39 PM
I was actually MOVING in that day... so apart from the mess in the TV, that horror, I had to deal with the mess of moving an entire house´s worth of stuff in one day.....
Shocked doesn´t begin to cover how I was.....
I´m back, though:)
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