View Full Version : need some costuming help

Sep 21st, 2001, 08:12:08 PM

im working on the infinity gauntlet prop that ive been shelving for a while, and now im actually in the "damn, i have to sell stuff, and i have nothing to do for a lil while" area of friday night.

my question, who here has a glove pattern they wouldnt mind sharing?

im trying to make this one as close to the comic as possible, which means using giant thanos's hand as the original gauntlet <anyone wanna post pics, please feel free> yeilding one, so its wrinkles and falls on the normal sized hands like it does in the comics.

also, any recommendations on what the best type of material to use? im thinking gold lame' <spelling is off> and maybe that plastic "heat up in water, pray to god, sculpt, and when it hardens youd better be finished" stuff they sell at micheals and wal mart <i think> for the armored areas.

any help is greatly appreciated. right now im trying to figure out big homeboys hand actually is. its up there with juggernaut and hulk, so its gotta be huge.
