View Full Version : Glass/Plastic Spheres? Where?

Master Windu
Jul 14th, 2001, 09:31:59 PM
"Uh..glass or plastic?"
"Glass or plastic! GLASS OR PLASTIC!"
"Shut the ____ up!"
"Because if the winds change...we're all gonna die and you're gonna end up in either a..glass jar or a...plastic bag!"

And with that, I show my building intentions:


I know that the green shyte was some kind of shampoo, but since it's no longer manufactured, I'm just going with some green hairgel. The problem is finding a place that sells clear plastic (or glass) spheres that are hollow...anyone? PLEASE!

Darth Bill
Jul 14th, 2001, 09:40:06 PM
Just when did they stop manufacturing Prell shampoo..??


Master Windu
Jul 14th, 2001, 10:19:46 PM
Well, no mention at all on the net (ie, no website), yeah maybe I should go to the drugstore and look though :lol:

Jul 14th, 2001, 10:35:33 PM
Isn't that made by the Colgate-Palmolive company?

Darth Bill
Jul 14th, 2001, 10:40:27 PM
Proctor and Gamble.


Sluis Van Shipyards
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:01:57 PM

I'm not sure what the code is for the acrylic hemispheres are though. I can check and post it tomorrow though if you want.

The HeatMiser
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:30:25 PM
I just recently got a 2 piece plastic sphere from Michael's. It is destined to become a thermal detonator one of these days. They have a variety of sizes for around $1 each, but they have a tab on each half to hang a tag off of or to hang the ball from that you need to trim off.


Master Windu
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:43:32 PM
Unless I missed something at Plastruct, I don't think they have them :/

I'll try again though...

And were the hemi's you got @ Michael's clear, HM?

Darth Zaphod
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:50:59 PM
Try looking for clear spherical Christmas tree ornaments at any one of the bazillion Christmas stores around. I've seen them in bunches of sizes and colors. Lots of times, the ornaments are clear glass that is painted. The paint can be scraped or stripped off fairly easily.

If you do go that route, you'll have to treat the replica nerve-gas balls just like the real ones, as the glass is generally pretty thin.


The HeatMiser
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:59:48 PM
Clear they are.


Jul 15th, 2001, 12:09:36 AM
www.fxsupply.com/products/hemis.html (http://www.fxsupply.com/products/hemis.html)

dont know anyting about em, but they are clear, hemisphere, and can be filled with green shampoo goodness.


Jul 15th, 2001, 01:29:36 AM
Heatmiser - I used the very two-piece spheres you speak of for my detonator. It came out really nice. Will try to post a pic.

Master Windu
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:36:20 PM
Ok, I found a place the sells Prell. What size does this look like though? I'm thinking somewhere in the 2" diameter range or so...


Jul 15th, 2001, 10:53:32 PM

--Michael's plastic sphere (a bit too big though, tab to remove, and leaves a seam)
--Fruit Of The Earth brand aloe vera "after sun gel", bought from Target (gel makes it easier to get into the ball, and get the ball closed)

Just watched the film again from the Criterion Edition DVD, including the commentary. NO mention of the prop during the commentary--save yourself the time. I thought the green stuff in the film had bubbles, but now I'm not sure. What looks like bubbles is what I believe is water droplets on the outside. I used gel, but the film liquid looks--well--liquid.

An "original" version was at the PH in Indianapolis 2-3 years ago. Droidboy? Any other Hoosiers?

What's your plan? One ball, or the entire string plus caddy?

Keep us posted


The HeatMiser
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:14:17 PM
I had a thought, but came up empty on preliminary net searching. Maybe someone else can chip in.

Bath beads. Those oil filled, water soluble balls that you drop into warm bathwater to give your bath that extra aromatic zing. I searched for a bit, but couldn't find any that were the right size. Most of the one I found were around 1" in diameter. Plenty of other colors and shapes though, so it could be possible.

Maybe a local bath shop could get a few custom made if they can't track down appropriate ones? It may get pricy though. During my search tonight I discovered that Soft Capsule making is an expensive service unless you are mass producing pills or bath beads by the tens of thousands.

They appear to have had plenty of the little things for the movie, so they might be a found item after all, eh?


Master Windu
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:44:29 PM
Well we know for a fact that Prell shampoo WAS USED.

I'm going to start off with one at first. I may work it up to 4 strings over time.

Darth Bill
Jul 16th, 2001, 12:32:45 AM
" Just watched the film again from the Criterion Edition DVD, including the commentary. NO mention of the prop during the commentary--save yourself the time."

Then you missed it....

Chapter 29.
Time code: 1:59:40

Nicolas Cage: " ...I mean, all it is is a green ball of Prell."


Jul 16th, 2001, 01:45:22 AM
Russ, did you actually sit through the whole dvd with commentary just lookin for a mention of the prop?

that's dedication!

Mara Jades Father
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:52:15 AM
Seems like you would be better off having clear resin poured solid with some green tint then buffed or the best but expensive way is to have a glass blower custom make it for you. All other ways will have the seam running around it which I think ruins the effect. Of couse it won't be real liquid inside but I don't think you plan on busting it open.

Darth Bill
Jul 16th, 2001, 08:37:00 AM
" Russ, did you actually sit through the whole dvd with commentary just lookin for a mention of the prop?"

I'm a 'commentary-hound'. I sat through it initially when I got the DVD and took mental note of the 'Prell' comment...
Last night, I just popped the DVD to the scene where I remembered the comment was so I could get the chapter and time code....

Took less than a minute... :p

[BTW - Seb, gimme a call someday, willya?? We miss ya, man...!! :) ]


Master Windu
Jul 16th, 2001, 09:40:34 AM
I thought about clear resin too, but the problem is getting those bubbles in there :/

A seem doesn't really bother me at all. It just make it easier to drill that tiny hole for wire to connect more when the time comes.

Jul 16th, 2001, 09:50:18 AM
as long as it's not pressure or vacuum cast, the resin will have bubbles in it. heck, you can even rotocast clear resin to get your seamless ball and then drill that to put the liquid in. I don't know how consistant the wall thickness will be though

Master Windu
Jul 24th, 2001, 03:41:17 PM
PHArchivist found something. Stay tuned...

Jul 24th, 2001, 07:58:16 PM
I located some nearly perfect glass spheres at my local plastics supplier. The diameter is just about right (about that of a golf ball) and they are actual glass with no seams. Cheap too--$0.79 each. Only problem is they have a funnel blown/molded into them for filling, since there are intended to serve as a mold for a solid sphere. Imagine the shape like this: >O

I also picked up some clear casting resin and some green and yellow dye. A drop of each creates the perfect color. I will be trying the method MJF suggested (casting a solid sphere), and let you know how it turns out.

Questions, though, for anyone:

1. I know agitating the resin will add bubbles, but won't the bubbles all settle to the top of the casting?

2. If anyone is familiar with these glass sphere molds (or can accurately visualize what I've described), any ideas on how to cut the funnel off?

The standard intent is to break ALL the glass off leaving just the solid sphere. I'll try that, but I also want to try to knock off the funnel so the glass remains.

Windu, any progress on yours or any ideas on getting bubbles in the Prell? If you're not able to, then maybe try other products that have bubbles already, since there is a ton out there.... ?


Mara Jades Father
Jul 24th, 2001, 08:06:35 PM
How about mixing some of those plastic silica beads that you find in coats and other things that are in packets to prevent humitity damage.

If you opened the pack (please don't eat) and mixed them in the resin, would that look like bubbles?

Jul 24th, 2001, 11:24:01 PM
Not a bad idea MJF...

Since my last post I poured the resin. I mixed the resin in a plastic party cup, and some of the white paint on the inside disolved off and added "specks" to the resin, and it actually adds interest.

I'm a little concerned... By my estimates based on temperature and amount of catalyst, it should have gelled by now but hasn't. Oh well... We'll see tomorrow.

Looks good so far though. Colors a little off--too much yellow dye--but "plays the part" well. I haven't tried breaking off the glass mold or the glass funnel yet though.

Windu, I'll keep you posted so you may either try--or avoid--this method... :)

Master Windu
Jul 24th, 2001, 11:36:26 PM
I was under the impression it had the bubbles already in it (the prell that is) and how wide is the hole that the funnel leads to?

Jul 24th, 2001, 11:48:15 PM
Uncertain on the Prell...

The opening in the sphere-end of the funnel is only 1/4 inch in diameter.

So... If there is a way to cleanly cut off the funnel, you'd be in business. Particularly if the shere is completly filled--then you can run the string or connecting wire or whatever through this opening and straight into the resin...

Jul 26th, 2001, 11:46:15 PM
Well... Second round of casting...

Better color (just one drop of yellow) but still not right. The yellow is throwing it off. Catalyst seems right, though.

I'll try breaking off the funnel tomorrow. If I can't get the funnel off cleanly, then I break off the entire glass mold to see how that turns out...

Jul 27th, 2001, 01:05:04 AM
carbide blade on a hacksaw should do the trick, a little careful blocksanding of the remainder.
Probably best result you'll get, I don't think you'll get the glass off if you didn't coat the inside with some form of release, first (but best wishes, anyway).

Interested in the results, and the source for the glass spheres, too.


Jul 28th, 2001, 09:58:19 PM
OK, round three of casting... No yellow dye at all, more catalyst. Color's closer, but still not quite right. No luck with removing the glass.

Best news though is I drove by a business in my local industrial park--Scientific Glass Company! I'll check on Moday to see if they have spheres.

Jul 29th, 2001, 05:06:04 AM
I was thinking perhaps something similar to the gelatin capsules that Paintballs are made out of might work... get a syringe and some Prell, wham, prop. Just a thought, I don't even know if you can buy stock paintball capsules or not, as I've never played the sport (yet).

Jul 29th, 2001, 05:16:45 AM
they can be found, but those are only .68 " (caliber) in diameter. at least 1/2 the size they need to be.
(and paintball is fun, if you wear enough protective gear :) )


Jul 30th, 2001, 11:28:36 PM
Here's the latest...

Talked with a Bay Area scientific glass supplier/manufacturer, and the local one mentioned. They both (independently) advised it would be about $5 per sphere to have the items custom blown. Plus or minus $2 or so depending on quantity.

Blown into a mold would ensure uniform sizing, but would create latitudinal lines. Hand-blown and "eye-balled" for size sameness would eliminate the "lines", but no absolute guarnatee on exactly the same size spheres.

Took a closer look at the film. 50 spheres in the hero prop (actually no "B" props seen on screen). Five strands of ten sphers each. Each sphere is separated by what looks like a small keychain ring. There is clearly a wire running through the spheres. There are clearly bubbles WITHIN the spheres.

Windu... Not trying to hijack the thread... Just "keeping your seat warm", and hopefully helping you out...


Jul 30th, 2001, 11:58:14 PM
Sorry to chime in but I seem to recall a review of the film that said the hero prop, called "string of pearls" on the set, was a set of large glass marbles held together by fraiming wire. I also remember a pic of one of the cast, not Cage, wearing the string like a neckless. I think the article was in Vanity Fair.

Hope this helps.


Aug 1st, 2001, 09:19:03 PM
DrS, no apologies necessary--THANKS for chiming in! I see the writing on the wall, but I'll ask anyway--do you still have the article? What a fantacstic reference!

The solid marble/sphere theory makes perfect sense for a number of reasons:
--easier for the prop makers since it'd be a one-stage production process (cast the solid sphere), instead of two (cast a hollow sphere, THEN fill it with "stuff")
--may explain why droplets of water can be seen on the spheres (to perhaps mask the solid appearance
--Solid glass is very easily--and--often cast with bubbles in it forartistic/visual interest
--the scene with the rolling one would be much easier to execute with a solid sphere with no seams, nipples, or other "abnormalities" that would be present in a hollow sphere that needs to be filled.
--would account for Cage's comment on Prell, which (DarthBill?) if I recall is mentioned with reference to the one shoved in the bad guys mouth (the two that break were likely thin glass filled with shampoo)
--any type of liquid would present potential problems or added aggravation for the production crew (worried about unintended breakage/spillage, as well as for the PH in Indianapolis that had this entire prop on display).
--MJF was more right than he thought!

But how do you suppose they ran a wire through them all to connect them?

Aug 1st, 2001, 09:24:46 PM
Another update:

I tried the silica beads. Great idea in concept, but in execution, didn't work so hot. The beads all settled to the bottom. Any ideas on how to suspend them?

I have de-molded a couple where I'm left with the solid green sphere suggested by MJF. Looks promising. Only drawbacks are no bubbles, and de-molding is tough. 75% of the glass mold flakes right off. The remaining 25% is difficult to remove without damaging the sphere.

I dipped one in Future floor wax (liquid acrylic) and it looks good so far...

Aug 1st, 2001, 10:19:39 PM
Spheres in some kind of holder / cage, like the thing you barbeque fish in. Clear resin and silica beads.
Flip occasionally while curing.

does the resin nead exposure to air / oxygen to cure?
If not, should work (after you plug the pour holes).


Aug 2nd, 2001, 02:09:33 AM
where to get prell at is my next question. i bought the lil spheres from michaels. im just lost on how to fill em up with that mean evil green liquid death.

any ideas? wal mart didnt seem to have any.

Aug 2nd, 2001, 03:51:46 AM
The Article cam out just when the movie opened. Other than that, I have no idea when it was. I read it but trashed it later I am sure.




Aug 2nd, 2001, 07:27:01 PM
Try Thrifty, Rite-Aid, K-Mart - all the fine purveyors of 'discount goods'.
Rite-Aid stores have a massive beauty / hygiene section / selection


Aug 2nd, 2001, 07:48:30 PM
Chris, try a hair gel or some other similar gelled substance.

With a gel, you can load each hemisphere, plane off the excess of each, then snap your halves together without the stuff pouring out (since it's gel).

Also, it's easier to find products with bubbles or other similar interest with gel products. See the pic of mine earlier in the thread.

Remember those Michael's spheres are about 30%-40% too big...

Aug 4th, 2001, 10:57:54 AM
I'm going to try a mold release in the glass sphere mold today. I just hope it doesn't reduce the shine of the finished sphere.

Any ideas for other elements to "float" in the resin to simulate bubbles? Something very lightweight that won't sink to the bottom like the silica beads...?

Aug 6th, 2001, 09:15:59 PM
Well, the mold release did not help too much. So far conclusions are as such:

Best cheapest route to go is to get these glass sphere molds and cast the green-tinted clear resin. De-molding has left some minor nicks and scratches from prying off the glass, but once dipped in Future, they look fine unless you're tight up on them.

Still kicking around ideas for bubbles. But so far I have three de-molded green spheres. When stacked up on each other, they get the point across.

Aug 7th, 2001, 04:43:18 AM
check a sandblasting or plating business - some offer 'glass-beading' process as a non-damaging alternative to sandblasting.
I saw the glass beads once, and they are ~1mm diameter (? - it's been 20 years - shrug).
No idea where to buy them, but the blasting supplies have to come from somewhere...

Might be too small &/or heavy, but I cant think of anything clear / round (short of individually cutting out clear bubble-wrap bubbles, but a little too big, and not spherical :) )

Aug 8th, 2001, 12:05:11 AM
Next plan is to mix glitter, small sequins, or perhaps those tiny silver cake decoration beads--anything to simulate bubbles that won't sink to the bottom of the resin...

Master Windu
Aug 8th, 2001, 12:14:13 AM
there's no way to patch the glass or seal it once shampoo is inside?

and I have a link to buy some prell, i'll try and find it.

Korahn Simm
Aug 8th, 2001, 12:41:41 AM
If you know a diabetic, who is insulin dependent, you can inject the semi-cured resin with air bubbles. Dependent upon which part of the country you live in, you may be able to walk into the pharmacy and buy a tuberculin syringe complete with needle. Show and tell the pharmacist, he/she may be understanding and sell you what is needed.


Aug 9th, 2001, 10:30:35 PM
Windu (welcome back!) did I mention earlier I tried to break the funnel off the glass sphere, and failed miserably, so just de-molded the whole thing...?

I'm sure someone more experienced working with glass may be able to manage it, but the de-molded clear resin (green-tinted) spheres (MJF's idea) look great, especially after dipping in Future...

Aug 10th, 2001, 01:13:20 AM
no syringes needed - find a good craft store, and in the glues / resins area they will have small squeeze bottles which have a small thin needle-like attachment.
It's what I used to inject the 'blood' in the Blade Runner shot glass trials, last winter.
Should work fine for injecting air bubbles.
You could wait for resin to begin setting, then inject them. Tape up the funnel then shift the spheres around a bit while it finishes setting to keep the bubbles from all rising to just one side.

Another alternative is to use crappier polyurethane resin, and two sizes of vinyl paint-mixing cup to creat your own resin martini-mixer - you'll get all the natural bubbles you'd ever want, that way.
Messy, but I'm positive it will work. Plus to the vinyl mixing cups is that the clear resin will peel right off after it sets.

Aug 10th, 2001, 11:51:37 AM
Thanks for the tips Rich. Don't know if I should call you Ichabod, or Lon Chaney, Jr.! ;) Based on the current theme, I think I know whose pic will be next--and it's not Johnny Carson!

Ok, some conclusions thus far:

1. Prell, hair gel, tinted water, etc, will only be an option if the funnel portion can be removed and the hole plugged, or if spheres are custom blown.

2. Removing the funnel has thus far failed.

3. It will run about $5 per sphere to have them custom blown, and the original prop had 50 spheres (5 strands of 10 each)--$250.

4. Casting tinted clear resin into the funnel/sphere mold works pretty well, but...

5. The color is just a tad bit more yellow, but is still VERY close

6. Adding bubbles is the current challenge, but we have some good ideas to experiment with

7. De-molding the glass does leave some small blemishes in the surface of the sphere, but with a coat of Future, and three steps back, you cannot see them

Question for the "audience"...

What do you all think (considering point #7) about taking the de-molded sphere with nicks and all, and dipping it into the catalyzed, CLEAR resin? How thick do you suppose the resultant coat of resin will be...?

If it's not too thick, it may correct the nicks, and add to the illusion of a "glass" sphere/container.

Finally, did I mention I have a pretty clear schematic of the entire VX caddy (sketched from screen shots, not from the production)? I may save that for another thread though, unless anyone is interested.

Jedi Ed No
Aug 11th, 2001, 02:36:39 AM
hey hydin, have you ever thought of using aloe gel?

You know the stinky stuff that comes out of the plant for burns and whatnot?

I dont remember if its clear or green though, if its clear you may be able to add some dye to it to make it as close to the "real" color as possible.

Let me know what you think.


Aug 11th, 2001, 01:20:45 PM
Ed, check the pic of mine on page one of the thread. That's the Michael's snap-together plastic sphere with a derivative of aloe inside. As mentioned, gel is MUCH easier to deal with IF you're doign a snap-together item.

Aug 12th, 2001, 10:40:06 PM
Latest failure--silver plated plastic beads. Unlike the silica beads (which sunk to the bottom) these floated to the top! Damn it!

Rich, I'll be trying the syringe method next weekend!

Jedi Jimmy James
Aug 13th, 2001, 02:04:20 AM
can't you guys use those tiny hollow glass beads used as a filler in resin casting?

Aug 15th, 2001, 11:49:19 PM
Well... Glitter also settled to the bottom (havn't tried a rotisserie yet!).

So far the best result is just straight tinted resin (no bubbles), but as mentioned I'll try the air-injection method soon. I'll also have pics of progress so far coming soon.

I want to keep this thread alive until the best method for the spheres is locked down, then perhaps a thread (or active project?) on the entire prop...

Aug 18th, 2001, 10:06:48 AM

Aug 18th, 2001, 07:34:55 PM
I've seen full plastic spheres...marbles if you will, because they are harder plastic, and the do have the bubbles, but the only problem is that they're blue, not green. It's at a plastic store in New York City, but I'll head down this week and see if they have them in any other colors.

Master Windu
Aug 18th, 2001, 08:15:48 PM

Aug 18th, 2001, 08:25:58 PM
Actually, I think that clear cast polyester resin with enamel paints added would be just the right consistancy if you shook it up or somehow carbonated it...you'd just need the mold.

Aug 19th, 2001, 10:19:42 AM
TS, if they have those in green, let us know.

Had some success yesterday. As mentioned, the demolding of the glass leaves some nicks. I dipped a sphere in un-tinted catalyzed resin, and it came out beautifully. Cleared up all the nicks.

have not yet tried teh inject bubbles yet. Forgot to ask my EMT/firefighter neighbor for syringes.

Aug 22nd, 2001, 11:28:38 PM
Well... 72 hours after dipping a sphere into clear resin, it still leaves bad finger prints, almost like it's un-cured... I'll stick with Future as a final coating.

Aug 26th, 2001, 02:57:34 AM
GOOD NEWS: Found a "gel candle" product at Target today (special purchase, end cap display) with the perfect color, and correct bubbles. Good for filling a snap-together sphere.

BAD NEWS: Doesn't solidify.

Aug 26th, 2001, 03:00:32 AM
i learned its really pretty hard to snap together a sphere when you have prell coated hands.

im gonna buy some hair gel or maybe that candle goo later on tonight or tomorrow. probably the hair gel. id rather these not be tiny firebombs heh.

man, my hands are gonna reek of prell for many many moons.

Aug 26th, 2001, 03:04:06 AM
Since I look like Nicholas Cage, I'm offering photos of me with PHArchivist's sphere for $10.



Aug 27th, 2001, 02:38:30 AM
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/vx.jpg>
its a bit bigger than i intended, but i learned a valuable lesson.

when you put pressure on gel, that crap goes EVERYWHERE. jesus christ what a mess.

im gonna hit micheals again soon and snag the 40mm spheres. thats a 60mm one, and i had to put a small needle in it to let the pressure off so i could close it.

hahah the weird thing, the only thing i have to use as a display base is an old shot glass of the psychotic smiley from evil ernie, and it says "HAVE A PSYCHOTIC DAY!!!"

how true heh.

Aug 27th, 2001, 10:34:31 PM
Nice work Hydin! So, is it the hair gel? I hope so, because the bubbles in the "gel candle" dissipated, so it now looks just like my resin balls (Hmmm...?).

Does Michaels have 40mm spheres? I've only seen the bigger one's you have in the pic (thats the same size as mine on page 1).

Funny, I ran into the EXACT same thing squirting that candle gel into the glass molds!

Heres some (poor) pics below...

Bad pic, but note color and size are right on, and no seams. This is solid tinted resin.


Mad scientist's workshop... Shows the molds I strained to describe.


Aug 27th, 2001, 10:46:17 PM
one pic isnt working dude. but nah, its gel, but its aloe vera. its a lot cheaper, greener, and better smelling, plus it washes out pretty well heh.

im gonna hit michaels prolly tommorow, ill see if they still carry the 40 mm spheres, i wanna say they do, but im not 100% about it.


Aug 28th, 2001, 05:13:45 AM
Both of those look very good. You might want to take an injection needle to the resin while it's curing for the bubbles if you're not getting them in the castings. Still no luck at the plastic shop...there's only red, blue and yellow, but the guy there is gonna call up and see if they have them in green. They look kinda big anyway.

Aug 28th, 2001, 09:50:52 AM


actually i wouldnt mind a few of those, if you get a hankering to get rid of em. ive got a display idea that i can use em for.

lemme know dude

Docking Bay 93
Aug 28th, 2001, 01:51:41 PM
I'm curious as to why no ones' gone to a glass place (like a blower) and asked how much it would be to have SOLID balls custom made. I know you've all talked about hollow ones, but I have a feeling that you could get some sweet results if they were solid. It might be possible to get a student at a Vo-Tech somewhere to help you out.

It just seems like it's too big a pain in the tookas to get the gel or shampoo right, along with the sealing of the spheres and all that.

Maybe a thorough search on the web would yield a place that does big marbles. I have several big shooters that would do the trick, and they have lots of bubbles in them. Maybe, if enough of us were into it, they'd do a run of shooters according to our specs. It wouldn't be cheap, but it would look awesome, I guarantee it. Plus, you wouldn't have to deal with all the gel crap.

You could, if you wanted to, use a "glass bit" on your drill press and drill a tiny hole in them for stringing purposes. Go to a bead store and see what they might have. We do have a ton of glass places in Seattle here (otherwise known as Glass Town), so if I have time, I'll call around. Just some thoughts. Have fun!

Stay on Target...


Aug 28th, 2001, 09:32:38 PM
Hydin: Keep us posted on the 40mm. I'm pulling for your, but I've not seen them that small at my local Michaels. Do you still have my email addy? Drop me a line about the spheres I have as is. If you only talking a couple, I can probably set you up, no problem. They cost me about $2 in materials, so after about three or so, we may have to "negotiate". ;)

TServo4: My neighbor the EMT brought me some very small IV needles, and a syringe. It's "on the list" for this weekend!

DB93: I did some surfing after plugging "Marbles" into Yahoo's search engine. What I learned is that is a VERY expensive route. The guys who do these are private "artisans", and for a marble of this size, they range anywhere from $25 to $150. For the FULL prop, recall you need 50 spheres. Even if a marble artist did them for less than $25, you're talking a shot-load of money (unless you just want a single sphere).

On the other hand, you raise a good point regarding the frustrations of injecting "stuff" into a hollow sphere... Earlier in this thread some numbskull (I think it was me!) postulated that that is likely what they did for the film (solid resin or glass), except for the two hero spheres that broke open, (which were likely the Prell also mentioned earlier, and in Cage's commentary).

I'll post results of injecting air into curing resin once done!


Aug 28th, 2001, 10:23:25 PM
nah, i dont have the email addy anymore, my smoke-up account and all its mail are toast. if you wanna resend those t 800 pics to me, thats cool too. the new @home address is for me. how many of those lil green spheres do you have , and what condition are they in? im looking for a few good shaped ones <even solid green without air> for an idea, but 2 or 3 is fine, if you have more, i can probably scoot you a few bucks.

lemme know. im heading to michaels later this week and ill see if they still have the 40 mm.


Aug 29th, 2001, 10:41:03 PM
Got the email Hydin, I'll be in touch manana.

Grand Milk Carton0
Aug 29th, 2001, 10:49:01 PM
How big of a sphere does one need?

Aug 29th, 2001, 10:58:24 PM
Think golf ball

Aug 29th, 2001, 11:10:52 PM
Concerning the fellow with the balls and funnels attached, we have an idea where you can remove the glass funnel from the rest of the ball in a clean break. You could try a Dremel tool with a carbide disk in the chuck and cut it off. If that doesn't work, here is another suggestion. You will need a fine flame from a torch like Radio Shack sells or you might be able to find one at Wal-Mart. It uses butane fuel and puts out a pinpoint flame. Work the flame around the joint where the funnel meets the ball. When the glass is hot, wrap a piece of cotton string that has been soaked in water and squeezed out. When the wet string hits the hot joint, the glass will crack. You may have to score it with a file or glass cutter prior to this procedure. Keep the flame localized where the joint is where you want it to break and not the rest of the ball. Then seal the hole. That is a way chemists cut glass tubing to use in their experiments.

You can put the ball filled with Prell in warm water and the Prell will become more fluid. The bubbles might have an easier time rising to the top. If you want more bubbles, just shake the ball and the air should be trapped and whipped into smaller bubbles inside.

Hope this helps! Have a magical night!

www.high-techmagic.com/ (http://www.high-techmagic.com/)

Sep 1st, 2001, 12:02:17 PM
Thnaks for the tip HTM! Good detail--got to try your methods. Welcome to the Board (cool website)!

Later today I'll try injecting air via syringe into the curing resin. I'll post results!

Sep 3rd, 2001, 12:05:14 PM
Well... Injecting air "worked", but not real well.

The challenge is it seems you have about a five minute window as the stuff begins to gell. Wait too long (as I did) and you create a single large bubble. I injected at about 45 minutes into it.

I'm pretty confident that at about 35 to 40 minutes, the technique should work better.

Sep 3rd, 2001, 02:13:04 PM
well, i tried michaels, and they sold out of the 40 mm spheres. im probably gonna have to buy em offline or something.

im keeping an eye out though

Sep 6th, 2001, 07:28:43 PM
Hydin, any more luck with 40 mm's?

I'll be trying the "air injection" one more time this weekend. If that doesn't work, then I'm giving up and going forward with just plain clear green spheres--no bubbles.

Sep 8th, 2001, 08:32:16 AM

I tried injecting air again at an earlier stage in the curing process. Again, it created single, large bubbles instead of multiple small ones, but I found that by agitating the resin at this stage (just as it's beginning to gel) created small bubbles that remained suspended in the resin.

The only remaining question is: Was this attempt just luck, or is this a repeatable technique?

Pictures to come when I can... This is the closest to what I've been after so far.

Sep 8th, 2001, 08:52:52 AM
Test and retest. One of the many rules of the scientific method.

Did you do only one or what?

Sep 8th, 2001, 09:02:36 AM
One with this particular method... About fifteen overall though, with various methods (and failures)of adding bubbles! ;)

That's partly why I'm keeping this thread dragging on--as a test bed, so to speak. Once I've locked down a consistent and workable method for creating the correct shperes, I'm considering moving on to creating the entire prop (50 spheres!).

Sep 8th, 2001, 09:12:38 AM
So do you think that's the right method? Perhaps there's a compound that makes bubbles when the resin starts to catalize.

Sep 8th, 2001, 10:07:51 AM
So is someone going to make these silly balls available? Maybe we could do a group project or something for the rest of it.


Sep 8th, 2001, 02:59:16 PM
Gregg, I can make them available. I'd do them for about two bucks a pop--that's mainly for the materials, $0.79 for the glass mold, plus 1.5 oz of resin, colorant and catylyst.

Solid clear, green-tinted resin (no bubbles) would be a slam dunk, ready whenever (you) are. With bubbles... Well, I'm pretty sure the technique I just used will be repeatable, thus bubbles shouldn't be a problem either.

Keep in mind (for the record) that while the surface is mostly "smooth as glass", there is a small bit of scarring on about 10% of the surface due to the de-molding process. Most of the glass "peels" right off, but the last little bit sticks like a motherfockker. Luckily, like any good prop, you can't see the small bit of scarring from more that a couple feet away, and in most instances, the scarring ends up on the very bottom and may not be visible if many are strung together.

Final note: If Windu was considering making the spheres available, I would respect that. He began this thread which I sort of took over in his absence.

Sep 12th, 2001, 12:11:23 AM
Success number two! Did two more with effective bubbles by injecting air. Looks like it may be a consistent method.

Sep 12th, 2001, 11:46:15 AM
I don't know about the whole string configuration, but I'm certainly interested in maybe a half dozen of the spheres - either with or even without bubbles.


Sep 16th, 2001, 09:12:56 PM
DKWD, drop me an email at eatsprouts@aol.com (wife's old college address).

Sep 17th, 2001, 02:35:43 PM
Will do.
