View Full Version : opinion poll

Sep 21st, 2001, 12:37:42 AM
hey guys and gals.

well, poverty hit me like a ton of bricks , dont ask.

my question, i have an old active project ROTJ luke, custom weathered <read as former owner tried to clean paint off with oven cleaner, a day or so with a wire wheel and its cleaned up kinda nice> and custom painted. it has a kinda brushed steel/pewter look to it. i like it.

would it sell better here, or on ebay?

just curious. im giving thoughts to selling it. havent decided yet, but everytime i look at it, i think "damn i wonder what that would go for".

oh yea, what would be a good price to put on it?

should it go
Ebay with a reserve of over 100
Board for over 100

i dunno what the value of this thing is. but it has a custom case <thats kinda ugly, but hey, its a case. robe hooks and a model car case>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/rotj/case1.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/rotj/case.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/rotj/rotj.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/rotj/rotj2.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/rotj/rotj3.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/rotj/rotj4.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/rotj/rotj5.jpg>
<img src=http://members.home.net/hydin1/rotj/rotj6.jpg>

no, thats not your imagination, it is missing the d-ring. i didnt like it on there, so i left it off.

so, post up with what you think.

Sep 21st, 2001, 12:47:47 AM
Need pictures to tell. Otherwise, were running blind here. :)

Sep 21st, 2001, 01:16:41 AM
ask and yee shall recieve.


edit - bump for the day crew. and by board/ebay and board100/ebay100 i meant like, what price should i put on it, as opposed to a no reserve auction.

Sep 21st, 2001, 08:58:10 PM
I know people that some people are not going to like this here but I have to be honest.

My vote:
Ebay with a reserve of over 100

I think that you can get over a $100. Isn't somebody selling blank ones for a hundred. Well anyway, that's my vote.

Sep 21st, 2001, 09:08:16 PM

i know its kinda ugly, but it cleaned up pretty well from what it was heh.

i figure ebay with a reserve of around 100. i paid less, but i had to buy a few wire wheels also to clean it up. time and all that dropped in, its probably going to have a buy it now of around 150, but a reserve of around 80 or so.

any other votes?

and i like honesty. id rather get an honest answer than a generic "oh its great" answer when something is crap.