View Full Version : METAL ARMOR <<Please Read>> Nearing SHIP.

Sep 15th, 2001, 06:24:52 PM

Was able to buy more attachment clips..enough to finish the last of the sets.

LFV, yes Ill send that 50 to you, no problem. To clarify, you want slots based on BBs numeric measurements right? Ill try to get it to you as close to Hallow.,

Everyone else...please remind others to read this post.


OK I need to know who wants thier sets for HALLOWEEN??
Because if you do, I will send the completed set, save the slot cut outs. WHY? Well because there is some ongoing debate as to which size slots are more accurate -and- I am simply afraid that if I cut the slots for you, and Glimadyne comes through with his digital read out display that there will no way to repair the cut outs as is. Cutting the slots is extremely easy and I will offer a simple tutorial. For Halloween you can simply take black tape and cut some strips out, stick them on. After Halloween my time is very tight, having two BIG projects and graduate thesis papers to work on.

If you still want your slots cut out, I can do it...but I cannot guarentee the majority of you will have your set for Halloween. I goofed and forgot about the slots because at Brak Buddy's mention, there is some notable differences between the 2 different tour suits, ESB and ROTJ versions..not to mention there is a difference between Glimes digital display and the one at Radio Shack. Please forgive my cowtowing, but ya gotta understand that if I cut out the slots, I simply wont be able to fix them if ultimately appears not to match your digital display. I wont have time to make another left hand Africa plate for quite a while. Please let me know guys...and pass this info on to folks who are IN on this project.

Otherwise...I only have 4 or 5 more sets to go!!!!! Work is looking really great thanks to Braks Buddy and a silent few others who were very instrumental in pointing out last minute details with FANTASTIC references.

Just finished another set. Hope to finish about 2-4 more this weekend. ..leaving about 7-9 left to go...I might get 2-4 done on Mon and Tue...leaving about 3-5 left to go.

With any luck...and "public safety" I should get them all done by the end of September. As always, please dont hold me exactly to these estimates as there are always little things that pop up.

Sep 18th, 2001, 10:29:12 PM
OK BBB & Jimmy..... Where are we on the slots so Helm can finish up??

M. :smokin:

Quinlon Vos
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:56:52 AM
Hi Helm,
I do not need my armor before halloween. Unfortunately it is somewhat of a non-event in the UK.
I would still like the slots cut if possible.
Thanks for the update.


Sep 19th, 2001, 04:45:41 AM
Hi Helm

Im in the UK as well. The same goes for me, id like the slots cut out if possible.


Braks Buddy
Sep 19th, 2001, 08:20:26 AM
OK guys, here is my best, most researched answer.

Height of top slot: 4mm.
Distance between slots: 8mm.
Height of bottom slot: 8mm.
Length of slots: 43mm.

The above measurements are a perfect RATIO to those seen on the MotM RotJ chest plate. However, there is NO WAY I can assure you that the actual measurements are exact. These measurements WILL accomodate the Radio Shack setup that I have posted on the Boba Fett Details #3 Thread. I do not know how they will match up to Shackman's display. This slot configuration will work for both .3" and .28" 7 segment displays. This is what I will have Helm cut for my suit. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.


Let me make sure this is clear for those who have not been following the Fett Details Thread. The above measurements WILL NOT work for the length of the Radio Shack bargraph. It will also cut off half of the last character on the bottom slot. As for the bargraph, I am planning to go to multiple rectangular LEDs and as for the 7 segment displays, I believe the last one IS cut off on the real suit. Every ref we have, even those that are straight shots do not show a complete charater in the last position...

Braks Buddy
Sep 19th, 2001, 10:08:59 AM
Just to give you an idea of what the displays will look like in the slots listed above. I think these pics make it obvious why I am moving away from the bargraph idea and more towards the cluster LED type display in the top slot. I have made the chest armor semi-transparent in the pics so you can see what the complete display looks like. These pics ARE to scale. Comments?

RS Display:

New Display using 2X5mm LEDs:

Sep 19th, 2001, 10:48:34 AM
Good morning everyone....Hey BB great work on the display pic..definitly I am with you on these slot sizes and definetly with you on the reqtangular leds...the bar graph is out!!

Helm I am cool with these measurements that BB has come up with for the chest slot sizes...I am not going to wear this for halloween but if you are going to be busy after halloween I will take my set before then..


Sep 19th, 2001, 12:50:07 PM
I'd like slots in mine as well. BB's above measurements are fine with me too.

Justin =)

Lord of all that is Fett
Sep 19th, 2001, 07:00:10 PM
BB's measurements are cool for me as well. Not in a Halloween rush but, would like the slots. -Mark

Sep 20th, 2001, 02:02:32 PM
Hey There
I am in for the bb slots as well please. As far as halloween goes I doubt the stuff would actually make it with both usps and the canadian post office handling it.

Sep 20th, 2001, 08:11:47 PM
I want the same thing that Braks Buddy gets. I would like it and my $50 before holloween.



Sep 21st, 2001, 09:31:11 AM
How soon would you be able to send out the armor if we decide not to have you cut the slots out?

Sep 21st, 2001, 10:06:41 AM
please read update above. :)

Sep 21st, 2001, 10:19:59 AM
I may be missing something, but I don't see an exact ship date on your above post. :/

Dean O
Sep 21st, 2001, 10:41:44 AM
Any updates on your ability to do the knees?

Sep 21st, 2001, 01:45:51 PM
hi D,

yeah some. I have prototype templates drawn out, but wont get to them until all sets are done. Not too long I dont think.

I had some success grinding down a piece of bar stock for the sides, but my fear -as its always been- is that this solid piece is gonna be so freakin heavy as to make them unwearable for all but mannequins. The grind down takes a long time to and I go through a couple of wheels. My best suggestion, and the one Im gonna press, is for me to make the knee wraps and add a block of wood on them for the rocket/dart housing. Its a comprimise, but it should look great if the block is carved out right and painted. For Shock Trooper styles I may just have to go ahead with solid metal versions. The only way I can concieve of making the housing lighter is through the use of continuing the drilled holes for the darts/rockets so that the hole goes ~nearly~ all the way through the housing. As you can imagine, this is gonna be a royal pain in the tuckuss.


Sep 21st, 2001, 02:15:01 PM
So, is there armor ready to mail right now with everything complete except the slots? I would really appreciate an answer. Thanks.

Braks Buddy
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:22:15 PM
Helm couldn't the solid block be milled out from the inside lowering the weight?

Sep 21st, 2001, 02:30:19 PM
mesa dont gotta milling machine. if anyone has one, and theyre up to it...

Sep 21st, 2001, 02:37:34 PM
Hello? Is this thing on????

Braks Buddy
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:55:21 PM
How about this? I would be quite satisfied if you would do the outside work and send the completed result. Then we can get them milled out by local machine shops on our own if they are too heavy! Either way we get our fully formed metal knee guards!

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:09:14 PM

sorry I missed your post....Ive only got five left. I dont know where you are on the list (at work now) but if you are up high, yes they are nearly ready. I want to put all of em through a wirebrushing process to help homogenize the finish. This wont take but a day or two. Ill hope to get at least 10 of them to the PO within the next two weeks.

I know some of you are getting itchy (believe me, I feel that same way about projects Ive invested in), but please keep in mind that when I got BBs pix a few weeks ago, I made some last minute detail upgrades as much as possible.

Please guys, Im not trying to be overly defensive. I just cant do everything at once. I get home from work and try to put in about 2-3 hours each night. If you have never ordered anything hand made (i.e. not mass produced) before, please be patient. I am not a robot. I have listened to you all and am trying to update you as frequently as possible. Im also not interested in sending you a bunch of junk! Trust me on this okay?!

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:10:01 PM
sounds like something viable BB...email me.

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:17:07 PM
BB et al,

Well, as far as the knees...you may recall that I didnt originally offer the attachment loops. Some of you preferred the knees but I realized that you were all going to run into SERIOUS disappointment at trying to get the loops attached or any other method of affixing the plates. The amount of time, materials on the attachment loops approximates the knees so I felt this was a fair exchange and one that would allow you TO WEAR the suit immediately.

I will very likely be making knees but want to make this a separate project.

Braks Buddy
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:20:08 PM
Hey guys, please DO be patient. If Helm was able to incorporate even half of the things I pointed out, I think you will ALL feel that it was worth the wait once you see your armor. I know some of you are in a hurry but I would much rather have my armor later and CORRECT than now with a few problems...

Sep 21st, 2001, 04:03:48 PM
I hate to sound upset about all of this, but I'm starting to feel like I'm being jerked around. You had originally gave the impression this project would be completed in a couple of months, now it is many months later and I don't have the armor and it seems like it is hard to get a straight answer from you most of the time.

Up until now, I have been very polite and patient. And it's not even so much that it has taken longer, but you keep changing the deal. First there were knee plates, now there aren't, then you don't really want to cut the slots, but if you do it will be another couple month delay. Then there was the time that you said you would make less than quality armor for the board members because someone here made you mad. I bit my tongue and believed that wasn't something you would do, because I really didn't think you were that kind of person. But then again, I don't really know you, so it made me a little nervous about who I sent my money to. But I was patient.

I understand that with these being hand made that it may take a little longer, and this is why I have been patient. But we also sent payment(plus shipping) for a morning star that you had on hand early in May that you said you would ship out in May, then again in June, then again in July when we inquired about it. You never sent it or the additional shoulder plates you offered. So I inquired about it just recently (for it was my boyfriend who sent you the money for these items, and was emailing you), and I guess we have agreed that you will send these items out with the armor. I guess with these kind of things happening around this deal it is hard to be completely trusting.

I would very much appreciate if you sent a completed set of armor (without the slots cut in, if that will take a couple months longer), to us, with a tracking number emailed to me, within the next couple of weeks along with the other items that we have paid for. I have emailed you my new home address a couple of different times so I am hoping you have saved it and will mail these items to my current address, insured. I apologize if I sound harsh. My patience is wearing thin. I am ready for this deal to be finished.

Stephanie Scott

Sep 21st, 2001, 05:08:06 PM
Hi Helm
Maybe if you posted or sent private emails of pics of the near finished armor people would have a little more faith. I know I have not been the least bit patient in the past. just throw out a little proof that, yes things are on the way. It will make everyone alot more relaxed. as well everyone is getting jumpy just because the stuff is close to being finished. You can't blame people for being anxious.

Sep 21st, 2001, 05:39:47 PM
Here we go again.......we live and we learn...sometimes!


Sep 21st, 2001, 07:49:24 PM
I feel the need to chime in here..
I heard of helms armor, contacted him, and found he lived quite near me, i personally have seen helms armor, many sets quite complete and almost ready for shipment. Helm is a really nice guy and i dont think there is any need for worry about him ripping anyone off or advertising something he doesnt have.

I totally agree with BB's point, it seems there have been alot of last minute requests for the LED slots and other small details brought up that helm has decided to get put into the armor before they are shipped, in the end i think we will be much happier.

Good things come to those who wait.


Sep 21st, 2001, 09:09:11 PM
Thanks Fen and BB for that back up.

I am NOT interested in jerking anyone around. Just trying to crank out the best possible product I can given all the circumstances.

Stephanie, I dont think you sound too harsh. :) I would be upset too I guess...but i have responded to your emails..one quite recently in fact I recall. I still have in my posession that check your boyfriend sent me for the morningstar and I HAVE NOT CASHED IT YET...why?, because I have not set it...its sitting on top of your bo's armor set....Fen may recall seeing it, I dunno.

I hope to get a few more sets done this weekend yall.

Lastly, as far as the changes go...when you stop and think about it, I have only made ONE 'exchange'...that of the loops for the knees because of problems aquring the same stock allow and unrealized problems in weight. Would you honestly want a pair of knees that you could NOT WEAR??? due to weight and the fact that they would keep falling down your leg?

Had I sent the sets without the attachment loops..I PROMISE, you would NOT be able to wear the set...Ive been working metal costumes and armor for over 12 years...
VELCRO, BOLTS et will NOT WORK. I think I did you all a favor frankly.

And as far as the slots go, until VERY RECENTLY there was just too much debate and confusion of the measurements and I KNEW FULL WELL, that if I cut them, and they turned out not to match your display, some would be shouting from the rooftops for me to replace the plate. It does appear that most of you are willing to go with BBs slots. I had forgotten to ask you all about this detail until just recently...I do apoligize for that. I skipped that detail but kept working on the overall sets.

Ok gang...Im sorry some of you are upset. I am doing everything I can to speed up work, <<very likely even forgoing my intended engagement date suprise to my girlfriend>> so I can live up to my end of the agreement. I am stressed like hell...please bear with me.
