View Full Version : Need Help With Recent Vader Cape Material Thread

Sep 19th, 2001, 10:49:40 AM
A couple of weeks ago, there was a thread on this topic. Before I could glean all of the information in the thread, I lost track of it. Someone, (I don't remember who), wrote tips on the amount of fabric needed for a 6'6"+ person. If anyone saved the thread or has the info that was in it, please post or email me.

I need to make both inner and outer capes for a display figure that I have been collecting parts for for the last couple of years. The capes are the last major pieces I need. Once they are done, I think the only other thing I will need to make are the cod piece and the belt boxes.

BTW - Yesterday, I finally got around to picking up a Ralph Lauren blanket for my someday Jawa figure. :)

Sep 20th, 2001, 04:28:39 PM

Sep 21st, 2001, 11:42:55 PM
Just emailed you the thread you were looking for! :)