View Full Version : Whats a good air brush kit to buy?? compressor and all??

Sep 21st, 2001, 10:08:09 PM
I was thinking about buying an air brush kit to paint some of my props with but i dont have a clue whats a good kit to invest in?? I know some of the members here have them and i thought id ask some of you whats hot and whats not. Please give me a general idea of whats a good name brand.

Thanks fellow members:)

Sep 21st, 2001, 10:20:25 PM
I like the Aztek 470, because it's very versatile - multiple tips and an unconditional money back guarantee if the body fails at any time.

Model Expo Inc., last I ckecked, had a combo with this airbrush and a mini-compressor for $199- - not a bad deal given that the airbrush is normally $90 at least. The compressor is really quiet, and goes to 30 PSI, which is more than enough for most hobby jobs. And, if the tips fail, they are replaceable at $10 or less per head - head cleaning is a must but if you fail, a replacement head is always there for purchase. Also, the airbursh is double action. And the whole set arrived in 3 days or less.

www.modelexpo-online.com/ (http://www.modelexpo-online.com/)


Luke Skyvader
Sep 21st, 2001, 11:08:47 PM
Hey Imprissoned,

The only drawback to the aztek is you can't break it down The changable tips are neat but mine got clogged some where in the gun and and I had to scrap it.
I use a badger 155 it's all metal so I can soak the thing in laquer thinner for a month,if need be, with no worries. I use a badger 180-11 compressoryou don't need alot of pressure to air brush 15-20 psi. Hell, years ago I used to use a five gallon air tank as my air source. I gotta say it worked pretty well but was a pain in the ass running to the gas station filling the thing up all the time.
If you have a Micheals craft store in your area keep an eye out for their coupons in the sunday paper. Every couple of weeks they have 50% off coupons on everything in the store. I saved $100 on the compressor & about $60 on the brush......hmmmm oh yeah get a water trap for the compressor.


Sep 21st, 2001, 11:17:04 PM
Luke - did you try returning the airbush body to Aztek? From friends, I understand that Aztek will replace the body, no questions asked, for *any* reason, including clogs in the body.

Also, the ModelExpo Inc. Minicompressor has a moisture trap - how effective it is, I can't say, as this is my first airbush compressor with such a trap.

paul n
Sep 22nd, 2001, 12:20:25 AM
This isn't knocking any one's airbrush choices, but I HATE Badger air brushes. I've had nothing but trouble from the ones I've owned. I lost all faith when I bought a "Top of the line" Badger over a Pache and the Damn thing never worked. In fact it sprayed purple paint for several minutes and then refused to ever spray paint again, worst thing was, I had NEVER put purple paint in it! I cleaned it and soaked it but could never get it to work.

Pache's are good brushes, inexpensive and reliable, and are an industry standard (used by Prop and mask guys and T-Shirt artist more than any other brand). I don't own one but I've seen more of them in use than any other brush. I my self have two Iwata Illustration brushes an Aztec (which I really like and used mostly for the spatter nozle) and two identical brushes I can't remeber the name of (but they're great! ;) they were the first brush to have a cutout in the handle to alow you to access the needle making uncloging easier).

I'm glad to hear some one has had a good experience with Badger brushes, but my personal advice is to avoid them.